Blood, Chapter 14

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150,000 - 450,000 / microliter

A normal platelet count is


Blood has fibers that only become visible during the process of___________.


Cancerous conditions involving white blood cells are referred to as


Largest blood cell that compose 3-9% of leukocytes, agranular


Leukocytes make up what percent of the total blood volume?


So thick with granules that nucleus can be obscured from view, function in releasing histamine and heparin

Platelets and white blood cells

The middle layer of blood that has been centrifuged is called the buffy coat and accounts for 1% of blood volume. This layer is made up of ____ and ____.


The passage of blood cells through the intact walls of the capillaries, typically accompanying inflammation.

Platelet Plug Formation

Triggered by exposure of platelets to collagen, the platelets adhere to collagen to form a plug and release chemicals to enhance vessel spasm and aggregation of platelets (step two in hemostasis)


hemoglobin bound to carbon dioxide


hemoglobin without oxygen is called______. The oxygen has already diffused into tissues.

10 days

platelet life span

4.2 - 6.2 million / microliter

A normal red blood cell count is

Type B and Type AB blood

A person with type B blood can donate to people with?


Abnormal clot that happens when you sit still for a long time


About the size of a red blood cell and has a large nucleus that takes up most of the cellular volume, might see a rim of cytoplasm around nucleus and these account for 25-33% of leukocytes, agranular


An abnormal clot that breaks loose and prevents blood flow through blood vessels and capillaries.

> 60 mg/100ml of blood

Appropriate level of HDL / ml of blood thought to protect against heart disease (in mg)

<100mg/100ml of blood

Appropriate level of LDL / ml of blood (in mg)

<200mg/100 ml of blood

Appropriate total cholesterol levels for adults


Blood is classified as a ______ tissue.

Formed Elements

Blood is classified as a connective tissue because it has many blood cell types, all together called______. These are the solid parts of blood cells.

Blood Coagulation

Blood is transformed from a liquid to a gel in a multi-step process in a positive feedback loop (step three of hemostasis)

A and B; none; A, B, AB, and O

Blood type AB has an antigen for _____ and _____, an antibody for ______, and can received blood from____, ____, ____, _____

B; B and O

Blood type B has an antigen for ______ and an antibody for A. Blood type B can receive blood types ____ and ____.

none; A and B

Blood type O has an antigen for ______ and an antibody for ____ and _____ and can receive blood type O.


Define the Latin meaning of erythr


Define the Latin meaning of hem


Define the Latin meaning of leuko

Make or produce

Define the Latin meaning of poie

white blood cells

Do white or red blood cells squeeze through capillary walls through diapedesis to enter tissue space outside the blood vessel and transport to wherever they are needed?


Erythrocyte disorder in which blood has abnormally low oxygen-carrying capacity, low number of red blood cells, low hemoglobin content- that can be caused by a nutrient deficiency (iron or b12) in which it is easy to solve or could be caused by a DNA disorder in which there is no solution

Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid

Erythropoiesis (red blood cell formation) requires what 6 things?


Excess of red blood cells being produced resulting in slower blood flow because of increased blood viscosity - causes could be cancer or blood doping.


Formation of blood cells


Granulocyte that is typical twice as large as a red blood cell and has a nucleus that can be C-shaped or in several segments


Granulocyte that moderates allergic reactions and has a bilobed nucleus


Hemoglobin bound to oxygen

55% plasma (yellow layer on top), 45% red cells (hematocrit) (red layer on bottom), <1% Buffy coat (white blood cells and platelets)

If you put blood in a centrifuge, define the composition of blood. Be able to list the percentages.

Blood Vessel Spasm

Immediate vasoconstriction in response to injury (first step in hemostasis)

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)

Indicate health of kidney

albumins, globulins, fibrinogen, and gamma globulins

List the 4 plasma proteins

150,000 - 400,000

List the count of platelets per cubic millimeter of blood ( between. Red blood cell and whit blood cell count )


List the count of white blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood. Much less than red blood cell count

Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Chloride

Name 4 plasma electrolytes

Blood Vessel Spasm, Platelet Plug Formation, Blood coagulation

Name the 3 processes involved in hemostasis (stoppage of bleeding)

(1) TRANSPORTS oxygen, nutrients, wastes and hormones around the body (2) PROTECTS against infection by moving white blood cells, antibodies, and proteins around the body (3) initiates CLOTTING to prevent blood loss (4) distributes HEAT

Name the 4 functions of blood

Chylomicrons, VLDLs (Very low density lipoproteins), LDLs (Low density lipoproteins), and HDLs (high density lipoproteins)

Name the four plasma lipoproteins

Nuclei and mitochondria

Name two cellular parts that red blood cells lack


Non-protein nitrogenous waste product in blood caused by the body working

neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils

Order the leukocytes form most abundant to least abundant

Neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, basophil

Order the white blood cells from greatest to least abundant: Basophil, Eosinophil, Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Neutrophil


Oxygen that diffuses into red blood cells attaches to _____ molecules inside to give a scarlet red coloration to the blood.


Platelets are also called


Red blood cells are also called


Red blood cells at the bottom of a tube for blood that has been centrifuged can also be called _____.


Red blood cells have a distinct biconcave shape that gives a lot of surface area for diffusion. _____ diffuses into the red blood cell.


Stoppage of blood flow

Red Blood Cells

The color of blood comes from _____ _____ _____.


The formed elements of blood are floating in a non-living fluid matrix called _______. This is the liquid and dissolved parts of blood including water, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, hormones, etc.


The yellow layer at the top of blood that has been centrifuged accounts for 55% of the blood volumes is the ______.


True or False: If you have an antibody for a blood type, that type of blood CANNOT be received.


True or False: blood is 8% of body weight


True or False: blood is a sticky, opaque fluid with a metallic taste


True or False: blood pH is 7.35-7.45


True or False: temperature of blood is 38 degrees Celsius


True or False: the average volume of blood is 4 L to 6 L


True or False: the color of blood varies from scarlet to dark red. Oxygen attached to hemoglobin darkens the blood


True or false: Leukocytes can leave blood vessels via diapedesis

Endothelial cells

Unnecessary clotting and platelet adhesion being prevented is caused by what types of cells lining the blood vessels?


What blood type can donate to any type blood?

4.3 - 5.8 MILLION

What is the count of red blood cells found in a cubic millimeter of blood?


What is the rarest blood type?


What makes up 36% of plasma proteins and includes alpha and beta type that orientate in the liver and transport lipids and fat soluble vitamins?


What makes up 4% of plasma proteins and plays an important role in blood coagulation (clotting)


What makes up 60% of plasma proteins, helps maintain osmotic pressure in blood by pulling water towards them, and is an important blood pH buffer?


What percentage of red blood cells are hemoglobin?

gamma globulins

What plasma protein originates in lymphatic tissues and helps allow immune functions to work

Red Blood Cells

When blood is centrifuged, it creates a layer of yellowish liquid at the top, a thin buffy/whitish layer in the middle and a layer of red at the bottom. The bottom layer is made up of_____ _____ ______.


White blood cells are also called

LDLs (Low Density Lipoproteins)

relatively high concentration of cholesterol, Ford from VLDLs, "bad" cholesterol that contributes to atherosclerosis

HDLs (High Density Lipoproteins)

relatively high concentration of proteins, lower concentration of HDL's, transport excess cholesterol from peripheral tissues to liver for excretion from the body in the form of bile. Hint: "Healthy"


stem cells that produce all blood cells. Formed mostly in red bone marrow

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