Bloons tower defense 5

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Burny stuff

A touch of monkey napalm pops additional bloons every 2 seconds after impact for 6 seconds.

Absolute zero

Absolute zero ability: freezes the entire screen of bloons for 4 seconds. Dose not affect MOAB-class bloons.

Cannon ship

Adds a powerful, independently firing cannon to the buccaneer.

Monkey town

All bloons popped by towers within the radius of the monkey town gat 50% more cash per pop.

High energy beacon

All nearby towers with 'abilities' have their cooldowns reduced by 20% and adds a powerful enegy beam attack.

Night vision goggles

Allows sniper monkey to detect and shoot camo bloons.

Faster firing

Allows sniper monkey to shoot faster.

Semi automatic rifle

Allows sniper to take multiple shots and attacks 3 times as fast.

Crow's nest

Allows the buccaneer to detect and target camo bloons. Does not grant detection to other towers.

Spy plane

Allows the monkey ace to hit camo bloons. Does not grant detection to other towers.

Monkey sense

Allows the monkey apprentice to target camo bloons. Does not grant detection to other towers.

Sniper monkey

Armed with a high-tech rifle, pops 2 layers off of bloons with unlimited range.


Attacks super duper fast.

Banana farm

Banana farms grow bananas that you collect to turn into cash. When your farm produces some bananas, collect them by moving your mouse over them. Don't leave them too long or they will spoil.

Long life bananas

Bananas last 20 seconds instead of the usual 10.

Blade maelstrom

Blade maelstrom ability: covers the whole area in an unstoppable storm of blades.

Technological terror

Bloon annihilation ability: Destroys all bloons within short range of the tower, completely, and utterly. Does 1,000 damage to MOAB-class bloons.

Bloon buster

Bloon buster mortars smash through 2 layers of bloons at a once.

Viral frost

Bloons are frozen so cold that they freeze other bloons that come in contact with them, spreading the freeze like a virus.


Boomerangs can now pop 7 bloons each.

Cripple MOAB

Bullets from this tower temporarily take out propulsion systems of MOAB class bloons, immobilizing them for a short time.

Even faster production

By adding sprockets, dongles and widgets, the rate of spike production increases even more.

M.I.B. call to arms

Call to arms ability: doubles the attack speed and popping power of all nearby towers for 10 seconds.

Signal flare

Camo bloons popped by this are permanently lose their camo status, and can be attacked by other towers without camo detection.

Sharp shots

Can pop 1 extra bloon per shot.

Razor sharp shots

Can pop 2 extra bloons per shot.

Spike-o-pult mo

Converts the dart monkey into a spike-o-pult, a powerful tower that hurls a large spiked ball instead of darts. Good attack range, but slower speed. Each ball can pop 18 bloons.

Laser cannon

Converts the gun into a super powerful laser cannon. Blasts from this cannon can pop 13 bloons each, can pop frozen bloons, and have increased attack rate.

Blade shooter

Converts the tower into a blade shooter that shoots razor sharp blades that are harder for bloons to avoid.

Missile launcher

Converts the tower into a missile launcher-the missiles have higher velocity, longer range, more popping power, and faster shooting.

Ice shards

Creates razer sharp pieces of ice on frozen bloons, that when popped, fly out and pop more nearby bloons.

Glaive lord

Creates two permanent glaives that orbit around the tower, shredding almost anything that touches them. Glaive lord can attack camo bloons.

White hot spikes

Cuts through lead like a hot spike through... lead.

Neva-miss targeting

Darts seek out and pop bloons intelligently.

The big one

Devastatingly large explosions, and each pops through 5 layers of bloon.

Ground zero

Drops a single devastating bomb that destroys all bloons on screen and heavily damages MOAB-class bloons.

Pineapple present

Drops an exploding pineapple every 3 seconds.

Valuable bananas

Each banana or box of bananas is worth 50% more cash.

Frag bombs

Each explosion throws out 8 sharp fragments that pop even more bloons.

Deadly precision

Extreme accuracy and muzzle velocity cause up to 18 layers of bloon to be poped per shot-enough to destroy an entire ceramic bloon.

Double shot

Extreme ninja skill enables him to throw 2 shurikens at once.


Flying fortress of bloon doom.

Deep freeze

Freezes 2 layers of bloon instead of 1.

Ice tower

Freezes bloons in its burst radius for a short time. Frozen bloons are immune to sharp objects.

Banana republic

Generates 25 bananas every round.

Monkey bank

Generates 450 cash each round which gets stored. Earns 10% interest each round and holds up to 5,000 cash. Withdraw the cash at any time.

Bigger stacks

Generates larger piles of spikes per shot.

Spike factory

Generates piles of road spikes on bits of nearby track. Each pile can pop 5 bloons, and unused spikes disappear at the end of each round.

Extra range

Gives tower longer attack range.

Bloon dissolver

Glue contains an extreme solvent that melts bloons. While glued, bloons will pop twice every second.

Glue soak

Glue soaks through all layers of bloons.

Glue striker

Glue striker ability: glues all bloons to the screen.

Focused firing

Greatly reduces the spread of the gun.

Banana plantation

Grows 13 bananas each round.

More bananas

Grows 6 bananas each round instead of 4.


Half super monkey, half killer robot of death. Super monkey's arms become pulse cannons of annihilation, able to aim and target independently from each other.

Bigger blast

Heavy ordinance delivers a bigger explosion radius.


Hurles a giant unstoppable killer spiked ball that can pop lead bloons and excels crushing ceramic bloons.

Bloon impact

Impacts from this tower become so violent, bloons become stunned for a short time when they are hit.

Ninja discipline

Increases attack range and attack speed.

Enhanced eyesight Dart monkey

Increases the attack range even further and allows dart monkey to shoot camo bloons.

Monkey beacon

Increases the attack range of all towers within monkey village radius by 15%.

Rapid reload

Increases the attack speed of the mortar.

Faster production

Increases the rate of spike production.

Seeking shuriken

Infuses bloon hatred into the weapons themselves-they will seek out and pop bloons automatically.

Glue splatter

Instead of gluing 1 bloon at a time, splatters 6 bloons at a time.

Sun god

It is said that bloons who doth touch the sun shall be cleansed, and then there shalt be peace.

Jungle drums

Jungle drums inspire nearby towers to attack faster, increasing their attack rate by 15%.

Spike storm

Lays a thick carpet of spikes over the whole track.

MOAB assassin

MOAB assassin ability: super deadly missile seeks the nearest MOAB-class bloon and destroys it instantly. Dose 1,000 damage to ZOMG bloons instead of destroying them.

MOAB mauler

MOAB maulers are special missiles that wreck havoc on MOAB-class bloons, inflicting times 10 damage.

Monkey pirates

MOAB takedown ability: takes hold of the nearest MOAB-class bloon with a grappling hook and brings it down. ZOMG bloons are immune to this.

Powerful darts

Makes darts shoot with greater velocity. Darts move faster and can pop 3 bloons each.

Corrosive glue

Makes glue become corrosive, popping bloons every few seconds while glued.

Stickier glue

Makes glue effect last much longer.

Faster barrel spin

Makes gun fire much faster.


Makes the bloons so cold that they move slowly even after thawing out.

Long range darts Dart monkey

Makes the dart monkey shoot further than normal.

Increased accuracy

Makes your mortar shots more accurate.

Spiked ball factory

Modified to produce heavy but viciously sharp spiked balls instead of regular spikes. Do extra damage to ceramic bloons.

Sharper darts

Monkey ace darts can pop 8 bloons each.

Monkey buccaneer

Monkey buccaneers can only be placed on water. Shoots a single, heavy dart that can pop up to 5 bloons each.

Monkey village

Monkey village does not attack bloons but instead lowers cost of all towers and upgrades in radius by 10%. Has many useful upgrades that help nearby towers.

Operation: dart storm

More darts=win.

Longer cannons

Much longer range.

Monkey ace

Patrols the skies above the action, regularly strafing the area with powerful darts in 8 directions.

Plasma blasts

Plasma vaporizes everything it touches.

Bloon liquefier

Pops bloons once before glueing. Contains a super strong dissolving glue that pops bloons 10 times every second.

Banana research facility

Produces 10 boxes of bananas every round. Each box is worth 200 cash.

Radar scanner

Radar scanner allows all towers within its radius to be able to detect and target camo bloons.

Aircraft carrier

Rapidly launches monkey ace pilots that strafe the area with darts.

Red hot 'rangs

Red hot boomerangs can melt through lead bloons.

Spiked mines

Rigged with heavy explosives, the spiked balls are set to go off when they lose all their spikes.

Sabotage supply lines

Sabotage supply lines ability: Sabotage the bloons supply lines for 15 seconds. During the sabotage, all recently created and new bloons are crippled to half speed.

Tack shooter

Shoots 8 tacks that spread in all directions, each tack can pop 1 bloon. Has short range and medium-slow fire rate.

Glue gunner

Shoots a glob of monkey glue at a single bloon. Glued bloons move more slowly than normal.

Bomb tower

Shoots a single bomb that explodes in a radius burst on impact. Good range, medium-slow fire rate. Can pop lead bloons but not black bloons.

Dart monkey

Shoots a single dart that pops a single bloon. A good cheap tower suitable for the early rounds.

Dartling gun

Shoots darts like a machine gun, super fast but not very accurate. The dartling gun will shoot towards wherever your mouse is, so you control how effective it is.

Rapid fire

Shoots darts more often.

Faster shooting

Shoots faster.

Glue hose

Shoots glue more than 3 times as fast.

Intense magic

Shoots larger and more powerful magic bolts.

Artillery battery

Shoots mortar shells 3 times as fast. Pop awe ability: bombards the screen for 5 seconds, popping every bloon 1 time per second, and immobilizes all bloons during that time. Does not effect MOAB-class bloons.

Bigger bombs

Shoots much larger bombs than normal, they have a larger blast area and more popping power.

Depleted bloontonium darts

Shoots specialy modified darts that can hurt any bloon type.

Laser blasts

Shoots super powerful lasers instead of throwing darts. Lasers can pop frozen bloons.

Even faster shooting

Shoots tacks even faster.

Faster shooting

Shoots tacks faster.

Hydra rocket pods

Shoots vicious little missiles instead of darts. Hydra rockets have sharp tips that can pop black bloons.

Full metal jacket

Shots can pop through 4 layers of bloon-and can pop lead and frozen bloons.

Point five oh

Shots can pop through 7 layers of bloon.

Sharp Shurikens

Shurikens can pop 4 bloons each.


Some bloons struck by the ninja's weapons will become distracted and move in the wrong way

Flash bomb

Sometimes throws a flash bomb that stuns bloons in a radius.

Sonic boom

Sonic boomerangs can smash through frozen bloons.

Dragon's breath

Spews endless flames at nearby bloons, roasting and popping them with ease.

Tack sprayer

Sprays out 16 tacks per volley instead of the usual 8.

Grape shot

Sprays out a blast of 4 sharp grapes for additional poppage.

Ninja monkey

Stealthy tower that can see camo bloons and throws sharp shurikens rapidly.

Summon phoenix

Summon phoenix ability: creates a super powerful flying phoenix that flies around wreaking havoc for 20 seconds.

Arctic wind

Super cold aura that slows all bloons that come near the tower. In addition the regular freeze effect of this tower has much larger area.

Super monkey fan club

Super monkey fan club ability: Converts up to 10 nearby dart monkeys into super monkeys for 15 seconds.

Super range

Super monkey with super range=good.


Super-hard-rending-engine-driven-razors are specially engineered to really hurt MOAB-class bloons.

Supply drop

Supply drop ability: drops a crate full of cash.

Extra range tacks

Tacks fly out further than normal.

Super range tacks

Tacks go out much further than normal.

Mortar tower

Targets a specific bit of ground anywhere on the screen. Launches explosive mortar shells to that spot. Useful for placing far away from the track to make room for other towers.

Bloon area denial system

The BADS covers a wide area with each shot. Enables the rocket storm ability: Rocket storm shoots out a missile towards the nearest 100 bloons on the screen. Ouch.


The apprentice adds a powerful fireball attack to its arsenal.


The art of bloonjitsu allows ninjas to throw 5 shurikens at once.

Monkey intelligence bureau

The bureau grants special bloon popping knowledge to all nearby towers, allowing them to pop all bloon types.

Monkey fort

The fort increases the popping power of all nearby towers by 1.

Glaive riccochet

The glaives from this tower will automatically bounce from bloon to bloon as long as there is one close by.

Banana investments advisory

The investments advisory generates 1,000 cash each round and earns 20% interest on uncollected funds. Withdraw the cash at any time, can hold up to 20,000 cash.

Ray of doom

The ray of doom is a persistent solid beam of bloon destruction.

Tempest tornado

The tempest blows more bloons, faster, further and more often. Also pops bloons once before blowing. Removes ice and glue from bloons however.

Temple of the monkey god

The temple demands sacrifice. Its arsenal of unstoppable bloon destruction is enhanced and modified by the types of tower sacrificed. Use at your own peril. (This is the most powerful tower in the game.)

Snap freeze

The tower freezes so fast the bloons pop once before freezing.

Enhanced freeze

This enhanced ice tower has a larger freeze area and freezes bloons for longer.

Bionic boomer

This tower replaces it's arm with a super strong bionic arm. The bionic boomer throws boomerangs twice as fast.

Triple darts

Throws 3 darts at a time instead of 1.

Boomerang thrower

Throws a single boomerang in the arc back round to the monkey. Each boomerang can pop 3 bloons.

Super monkey

Throws darts incredibly fast. Has long range and has lots insanely powerful of upgrades.

Glaive thrower

Throws glaives instead of boomerangs-they're sharper, faster, and more poptastic.

Cluster bombs

Throws out secondary bombs instead of frags-causing widespread explosive poppage.

Monkey apprentice

Trained in the arts of monkey magic, the monkey apprentice weaves magical bolts of power that pop bloons. Each shot can pop 2 bloons. Can upgrade to cast additional spells.

Turbo charge

Turbo charge ability: increase attack speed to hypersonic for 10 seconds.

Lightning bolt

Unleash the power of lightning to zap many bloons at once.

Ring of fireE

Upgrade to a fast firing burst tower that shoos a deadly ring of flame instead of tacks.

Summon whirlwind

Whirlwind blows bloons off the path away from the exit. Removes ice and glue from bloons however.

Epic range

Why settle for super when you can have epic?

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