BMGT Exam 3

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A person who is indifferent to and ignores another's influence attempt is exhibiting...

Men and women are equally assertive.

According to research, which of the following statements about men's and women's leadership traits is true?


True or FAlse: Strategic skills are the most important to managers at middle levels of the organization.


True or False: A key variable in Fiedler's model is situational control, which is composed of leader-member relations, task structure, and the leader's position power.


True or False: Consideration involves leader behavior associated with creating mutual respect or trust and focuses on a concern for group members' needs and desires.


True or False: Meetings should be held as scheduled, whether or not there is a goal for a meeting


True or False: One of the employee characteristics in House's path-goal model is need for achievement.


True or False: Position power is composed of sources of influence that you possess independent of your position or job.


True or False: Research has shown that generally expert and referent power have a positive effect on work outcomes, reward and legitimate power have a slightly negative effect, and coercive power has a strongly negative effect.


True or False: Transformaitonal leaders are more effective than transactional leaders.

Use expert and referent power as much as possible. Use coercive power as a last resort.

What are some business executive reocmmendations?

The leader's style and situation.

Effective leadership results from a good match in what two things?

meaningfulness, self-determination, competence, and progress.

Leaders increase psychological empowerment by engaging in behaviors that enhance perceptions of


One's reputation is an example of ________ power.

dont time the market, use dollar cost averaging instead. keep expenses low, get an index fund

Soap Box notes:


The primary purpose of _________ behaviors is to enhance employees' skills and to create positive work relationships among coworkers and between the leader and his or her employees.

resistance, compliance, or commitment.

The three primary reactions people have to attempts to manage or influence them are...


The use of expert power tends to result in...


Transformational leadershi[ starts with being a _______________ leader

Following authority and going above and beyond with every task.

Define Commitment

Doing what you're told, but only that bare minimum and nothing more.

Define Compliance

Efforts to advance employee well-being, attitude, and performance.

Define Empowerment.

Leadership is "a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal."

Define Leadership

Machiavellianism is the use of manipulation, a cynical view of human nature, and a moral code that puts results over principles. It's not surprising that individuals who believe everyone lies to get what they want and that it's necessary to cheat to get ahead are less likely to garner support from others.

Define Machiavellianism

Narcissism consists of "a self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory."

Define Narcissism

The discretion and means to enforce your will over others

Define Power

Psychopathy is characterized by a lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and a lack of remorse or guilt when your actions harm others. This type of person is toxic at work

Define Psychopathy

People can simply be indifferent, be passive-aggressive, or actively resist, to the extent of purposefully undermining or even sabotaging your efforts. The degree and form of resistance thus matter.

Define Resistance

The transferring of authority and responsibility from managers to employees.

Define Structural Empowerment.

Conscious efforts to change behavior in others.

Define influence tactics.

Ensures people and resources are used efficiently, also called "Initiating Structure Behaviors"

How do task oriented behaviors help people become better leaders?


True or False: Emotional intelligence has been shown by research to have a large, positive, and significant association with leadership effectiveness.


True or False: Managers, for instance, have personal power because they control your pay, your work assignments, your hiring and firing, and your evaluations. In contrast, expert and referent are forms of personal power, which you possess independent of your position or job.

rational persuasion, personal and inspirational appeals, consultation, ingratiation.

What are the five soft tactics to influence?

Exchange, coalition, pressure, and legitimating tactics.

What are the four hard tactics to influence?

Good leadership can't be learned, you must be a born leader.

What are the important take-aways from the trait approach?

Set a goal, identify the people who will help you achieve it, decide if you want compliance or commitment, decide which bases of power and tactics are most appropriate, explicitly describe how you will apply all of this.

What are the steps to creating an influence plan?

Effectiveness determined by a leader's behavior, not their traits. Unlike traits, a behavior can be learned.

What are the takeaways from behavioral theory?

Behavior is more important than traits when it comes to leaders' effectiveness, Leader behaviors can be systematically improved and developed, There is no one best style of leadership.

What are the three important thigns to take away from behavioral theory?

Resistance, Compliance, Commitment.

What are the three primary reactions people have to trying to assert authority over them?

Use more than one style of leadership, Help employees achieve their goals, and Modify your leadership style to fit various employee and environmental characteristics.

What are the three takeaways from House's revised path-goal theory?

Intelligence, Dominance, Self-confidence, Level of energy and activity, task-relevant knowledge.

What are the traits of leaders?

One person's win isn't another person's loss, and it's not an either-or proposition (meaning that it works in degrees, not absolutes.)

What are the two things to note about empowerment?

Meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact at work.

What four things can cause psychological empowerment?

Contingency theories propose that the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on the situation.

What is Contigency theory?

A leadership prototype is a mental representation of the traits and behaviors people believe leaders possess.

What is a leadership prototype?

The ability to make threats and deliver punishment.

What is coercive power?

Doing whatever it takes.

What is commitment?

Doing only what you're told.

What is compliance?

Consideration is leader behavior that creates mutual respect or trust and prioritizes group members' needs and desires.

What is consideration?

Emotional intelligence is an input to transformational leadership., it has a small, positive, and significant association with leadership effectiveness

What is emotional intelligence?

Empowering leadership represents the leader's ability to create perceptions of psychological empowerment in others.

What is empowering leadership?

Ethical leadership represents normatively appropriate behavior that focuses on being a moral role model.

What is ethical leadership?

Power that comes from an individual having valued knowledge in an area.

What is expert power?

Implicit leadership theory proposes Page 511that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they should do for their followers.

What is implicit leadership theory>

initiating structure is leader behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing to maximize output.

What is initiating structure?

Laissez-faire leadership is a general failure to take responsibility for leading.

What is laissez faire leadership?

Power that comes with the position a person holds.

What is legitimate power?

path-goal theory, which holds that leader behaviors are effective when employees view them as a source of satisfaction or as paving the way to future satisfaction

What is path goal theory?

Power you possess independent of your job position

What is personal power?

Power granted because the source of influence is associated with a particular job or position within an organization

What is position power?

Psychological empowerment, employees' belief that they have control over their work, is believed to drive intrinsic motivation.

What is psychological empowerment?

Power gained from social characteristics and relationships granting you compliance over others.

What is referent power?

Power gained by individuals or organizations by offering rewards to whom they want compliance from.

What is reward power?

Servant-leadership focuses on increased service to others rather than to oneself.55 Because the focus of servant-leadership is on serving others, servant-leaders are less likely to engage in self-serving behaviors that hurt others. Embedding servant-leadership into an organization's culture requires actions as well as words.

What is servant leadership?

behavioral styles approach attempts to identify the unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders

What is the behavioral style approach?

Soft tactics are not as coercive as hard tactics.

What is the difference between hard and soft tactics?

Enhances employee skills and create positive work relationships, also called "Consideration behaviors".`

What is the purpose of relationship oriented behaviors?

The trait approach attempts to identify personality characteristics or interpersonal attributes that differentiate leaders from followers.

What is the trait approach?

attempts to identify personality characteristics or interpersonal attributes that can be used to differentiate leaders from followers

What is the trait approach?

An economic relationship, a transaction between leaders and followers.

What is transactional leadership?

Transactional leadership focuses on clarifying employees' role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance.

What is transactional leadership?

Expert power, referent power, and positive legitimate power.

What types of power lead to commitment?

Reward, coercive, and negative legitimate.

What types of power lead to compliance?

They inspire followers to pursue greater goals beyond their own self-interest.

What's the benefit of transactional managers?


When a leader is resolving disputes, he or she is engaging in ________ behaviors.

The leader's traits and behaviors

Where does leadership style come from?

All of them.

Which managers are transactional leaders?


Which of the following interpersonal traits has research shown to have a negative relationship with leadership effectiveness?

legitimate, reward, and coercive.

Which three powers are defined as position power?

Commitment is driven by an internal motivation.

Why is commitment more valuable to compliance?

Leader-member relations, task structure, and position power

_________ are the dimensions of situational control in Fiedler's model.

Transactional leadership

___________ focuses on clarifying employees' role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance.

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