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John owns a landlocked property. May he demand a right of way from the adjoining owner? A. No, he cannot encroach on someone else's property B. Yes, the adjoining owner must provide John a direct route to the public highway C. Yes, as long as it is least prejudicial to the adjoining property D. No, he needs to petition the government to provide road from his property to the public highway

Yes, as long as it is least prejudicial to the adjoining property

The process of evaluating and predicting the likely impacts of a project on the environment during construction up to completion and/or abandonment is environmental impact . A. review B. management C. assessment D. resistance


A delayed accession is A. formation of an island B. avulsion C. alluvium D. changeinthecourseofriverbed


True professionals are _________ and forthcoming in supplying relevant information and correcting misapprehensions of facts. A. candid B. partial C. secretive D. unreasonable


A complaint against a Geodetic Engineer can be dismissed for non-appearance of the during the conciliation proceedings for two (2) consecutive meetings, despite due notice. A. respondent B. complainant C. GE Board member D. GEP President


Despite the devolution of some of the land survey functions of the DENR to the LGUS for nearly ten years, not a single municipality was surveyed. A. Completely B. titled C. tenanted D. subdivided


Mang Pablo is an applicant of a piece of public land for free patent in CENRO "Z": Upon verification of his public land application, it was found out that he is not the original survey claimant. What proof of ownership Mang Pablo should submit in order that his public land application shall be given further due course? A. Letter from the PENRO. B. Sketch plan. C. Relocation plan. D. Deed of transfer. How can we verify from CENRO "z" if Mang Pablo was the original claimant or not? A. Refer to the records of DAR. B. Letter from the City Assessor. C. From the list of survey claimants. D. From available records of a friend. Who is authorized to verify whether or not the land application of Mang Pablo is already covered by a land patent/title or an existing public land application? A. Records officer B. CENRO C. PENRO D. Hearing officer

deed of transfer From the list of survey claimants. Records office

The agrarian reform program is founded on the right of farmers who are landless to own_________ the lands they till. A. directly B. indirectly C. thru tenancy D. thru leasehold


Foreign vessels have right of innocent passage through archipelagic waters, like waters. A. high B. external C. territorial D. mean sea level


Under the comprehensive agrarian reform program, idle, abandoned, foreclosed and sequestered lands shall be planned for distribution, as A. farm lots exclusively for rural women in the area B. home lots for disqualified tenants in adjacent towns C. residential lots for tenants in nearby barangays D. farm and home lots for occupants of the subject lots

farm and home lots for occupants of the subject lots

The agrarian reform program is founded on the right of farmers and regular _________ who are landless, to __________ directly or collectively the lands they till. A. landlords, cultivate B. landowners, till C. farmworkers, own D. tenants, farm

farmworkers, own

A ____________ deed is a nullity and therefore conveys no _____________. . A. registered; owner B. forged; title C. genuine; title D. compulsory; owner

forged; title

A permit issued by the DENR to an individual for his temporary occupation and use of a tract of land not covered by a regular public land application is called___________permit. A. revocable B. homestead C. provisional D. ordinary


A title refers to the_______to own a property. A. public land B. tax declaration C. legal right D. Free Patent application

legal right

The entry of a certificate of title is considered as an agreement and binding upon the applicant and all his successors that the land shall always remain a ____________________ land. A. registered B. part of A & D C. patrimonial D. public


Contracts that are binding only upon the parties and their successors, like in the inheritance of their properties are examples of ___________. A. stipulation in favor of a third party B. simple contracts and obligations C. stipulation pour autrui D. relativity of contracts

simple contracts and obligations

The ___________ of a thing owned or held in common maybe divided. A. co-heir B. value C. heir D. successor


Can affected land owners undertake the reversion of the river to its former course or direction? A. We cannot fight nature. B. The affected land-owners can change the new direction of a river. C. No, the new direction of the river was done through natural means. D. No, even the government cannot do it.

we cannot fight nature

Is NCIP authorized to hold any person in contempt, directly or indirectly while in the process of formal hearing of land cases? A. No, it cannot. B. Yes it can. C. Only Senate can do it. D. It's only RTC that is given such an authority.

yes it can

Juan and Mario are co-owners of a piece of land in Cagayan. They leased the property to Maria for three years to support their respective children in College. After a year, they hired the services of a Geodetic Engineer to subdivide the subject land after which, they were given separate land titles. Is the right of Maria prejudiced? A. No, she is only a lessee. B. Yes, she was not informed of the partition. C. No, her right was retained. D. Yes, the subdivision was done in bad faith

yes, the subdivision was done on bad faith

Under our 1987 Constitution, are associations allowed to lease alienable lands of the public domain? A. Yes, they are. B. Partnerships are also allowed but NOT associations. C. No, they are NOT. D. Only corporations are allowed.

yes, they are

Are lands owned by the government suitable for agriculture including lands foreclosed by the government covered by RA No. 6657 and RA No. 9700? A. The aforementioned lands are exempted from the coverage of CARP. B. No, they are not. C. Yes, they are covered D. Only lands owned by rich people titled or not are covered by CARP.

yes, they are covered

Which falls under immovable property? A. Fertilizers used on a piece of land B. Forces of nature C. Obligationswhichhavefortheirobjectdemandable sums D. Actions which have for their object movables

Fertilizers used on a piece of land

If you are a victim of forcible entry, what will you do to protect your interests? A. Use force and intimidation to recover your property. B. Call the attention of the concerned PARO. C. File a complaint for ejectment immediately. D. Refer the matter to the LRA administrator.

File a complaint for ejectment immediately.

The titled property of Mr. A adjoining the sea accumulated about three hectares of alluvial deposits or accretion after 38 years. Who owns the accretion? A. Mr. A is the automatic owner thereof. B. The property belongs to the state. C. He can apply for tilting in the CENRO. D. Nobody owns the accretion.

He can apply for tilting in the CENRO.

RA 7652 is also known as: A. PhilippineMiningActof1995 B. Investors' Lease Act C. Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 D. Small Scale Mining Program Act

Investors' Lease Act

What do you mean when you say "not all things or rights can be the object of possession"? A. Everything that exists in this world can be the object of possession. B. Anything that can be seen, can be the object of possession C. Anything that exists can be possessed D. Only existing things that can be controlled by man can be possessed

Only existing things that can be controlled by man can be possessed

The average annual income of a first class municipality, in order to qualify a public land applicant of a free patent under RA No. 10023. A. P45M B. P50M C. P55M D. P100M


Which is the correct title to description combination? A. RA 386 - Land Registration Act B. RA 7076 - Philippine Mining Act of 1995 C. PD 1152 - Environmental Code of the Philippines D. RA 1191 - Land Reform Act of 1955

PD 1152 - Environmental Code of the Philippines

Who appoints the members of the board of examiners for GE? A. The PRC B. Commission on Appointment C. President D. GEPI


who conducts administrative investigations filed by aggrieved parties against erring registered geodetic engineers? A. Professional Regulatory Board of Geodetic Engineering. B. GEP Regional Division where the geodetic engineer is a member. C. GEP National Board. D. GEP Provincial Chapter.

Professional Regulatory Board of Geodetic Engineering.

These are properties owned by the state in its public or sovereign capacity and intended for public use and not for the use of the state as juridical person. A. Communityproperty B. Property Dominion C. Patrimonialproperty D. Immovable property

Property Dominion

These are properties owned by the state in its public or sovereign capacity and intended for public use and not for the use of the state as juridical person. A. Community property B. Public dominion C. Patrimonial property D. Immovable property

Public dominion

What law prohibits registration of documents affecting real property which is delinquent in payment of real estate taxes? A. RA 456 B. RA 1227 C. RA 1700 D. RA 224

RA 456

Natural born citizens of the Philippines who is not an owner of more than 12 hectares of land who since June 12, 1945 or prior thereto continuously occupied and cultivated either by himself or through his predecessors in interest on public lands which is subject to disposition could perfect his title thru: A. RTC B. DENR C. Bureau of Lands D. Office of the President


With respect to registered lands what is the best evidence of ownership? A. Documents B. Torrens title C. Possession D. Actual occupation

Torrens title

Charliegavehisdiamond-encrustedwatchworthPhp 25,000.00 to his friend Danny as a birthday gift. Danny readily accepted the gift with profuse gratitude. One month later, they had a serious quarrel; hence, Charlie demanded the return of the watch from Danny. Danny refused to return the watch. What is the nature of this donation? A. Valid,becausetherewasintentiontodonateand delivery by the donor Charlie. B. Valid, because there was acceptance and receipt of the donated personal property by the donee Danny. C. Void, because the value of the thing donated exceeded Php 5,000.00 and the donation and acceptance were not in writing. D. Void,becausethevalueofthethingdonated exceeded Php 5,000.000 and the donation and acceptance were not in a public instrument.

Void, because the value of the thing donated exceeded Php 5,000.00 and the donation and acceptance were not in writing.

A hidden treasure was found by Mr. A in the property of Mr. B without the permission of the latter. Is the former entitled to a share? A. Yes, but Mr. A is only entitled to one-third of the treasure. B. Yes, Mr. A is entitled to one-half share. C. No, Mr. A is not entitled to any share of the treasure. D. No, the treasure belongs to the government.

Yes, Mr. A is entitled to one-half share.

Maximum area of public agricultural land allowed for lease for corporations or associations of which 60% of the capital belongs to Filipinos. A. 500 hectares B. 1000 hectares C. 2000 hectares D. 48 hectares

1000 hectares

The maximum area obtainable under purchase (sale) of public lands under the 1987 constitution. A. 12 hectares B. 1000 hectarees C. 24 hectares D. 500 hectares

12 hectares

The azimuth checks for secondary transverse should not exceed ___________ . A. 20" B. 30" C. 15" D. 10"


In underground mining operations, no person shall be employed below years old. A. 21 B. 18 C. 25 D. 20


How to compute value of land under Tenant Emancipation Act? A. 1 1⁄2 times the average harvest of 3 normal crop years B. 2 1⁄2 times the average harvest of 2 normal crop years C. 3 1⁄2 times the average harvest of 3 normal crop years D. 2 1⁄2 times the average harvest of 3 normal crop years

2 1⁄2 times the average harvest of 3 normal crop years

Penalty for fraudulent acts in reconstitution of lost or destroyed certificate of titles. A. 1 year imprisonment, 10000 fine B. 2 years imprisonment, 20000 fine C. 12 years imprisonment, 2000000 fine D. Reclusion perpetua

2 years imprisonment, 20000 fine

Any person who gives information leading to the confiscation of unregistered chain saw/s and the conviction of the person/s charged thereof, shall be rewarded an amount equivalent to the ____________ percent of value of the chain saw unit/s. A. 20 B. 30 C. 5 D. 15


Which characteristic does NOT refer to an alluvion? A. Accretion is gradual B. There is only attachment C. Accretion can be identified D. Accretion belongs to the owner of the land to which attachment is made

Accretion can be identified

Under RA 6657, if the land owner rejects the offer of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), what step may DAR take? A. Find another land with the same characteristics B. Resend the notice containing DAR's offer with directive to accept said offer under pain of being sanctioned for non-compliance C. Conduct administrative proceedings to determine the just compensation for the land D. Consign the amount as stated in the offer in the landowner's account and indicate such amount to be just compensation for the land

Conduct administrative proceedings to determine the just compensation for the land

All Land Transfer Certificates issued pursuant to PD 27 shall be filed by ________ and recorded with the __________. A. DAR; Land Registration Commission B. DA; Registry of Deeds C. DENR;BureauofLands D. DAR; Registry of Deeds

DAR; Land Registration Commission

This happened when the creditor makes a demand and the obligor fails to deliver the thing. A. Moraaccipiendi B. Negligence C. Morasolvendi D. Compensatiomorae


Act No. 4054 provides that the duration of a tenancy contract depends on the stipulation of the parties. If there is no such stipulation, what is the duration? A. Court will fix the duration for the parties B. 1 agricultural year C. Continuous until one party notifies the other of its desireto terminatethecontract D. 3years

1 agricultural year

What is the order of accuracy for mineral surveys which are executed for mineral agreements as per mining act of 1995? A. 2nd order B. 4th order C. 5th order D. 3rd order

4th order

What is the order of accuracy for mineral surveys which are executed for mineral agreements as per mining act of 1995? A. 4th order B. 3rd order C. 2nd order D. 1st order

4th order

Any individual who obtains a reconstituted certificate of land title through deceit or other means of fraud shall be penalized by an imprisonment of not less than two years but not exceeding ___________ years. A. 6 B. 3 C. 5 D. 10


The maximum land area which an applicant may apply/hold under quarry permit hectares. A. 10 B. 5 C. 15 D. 25


Any Filipino citizen can acquire A&D lands of the public domain through lease, provided it is not more than ______ hectares. A. 1000 B. 500 C. 12 D. 24


For purpose of qualifying a public land applicant of a free patent under RA 10023, the average annual income of a 2nd class municipality where he is applying is equal to or more than 45 million but not exceeding _______. A. 65M B. 55M C. 45M D. 74M


For a regular lot single detached Economic Housing Project, the minimum lot frontage is meters. A. 8 B. 10 C. 3 D. 6


After the administrative case has been finally disposed of having attained its finality and after the execution of the decision, the records of the case shall be forwarded to the ____________for consignment to the archives. A. Bureau of Archives B. GEP National Board & PRBGE C. Legal and Investigation Division D. Board of Geodetic Engineering

Bureau of archives

Mang Isko plans to put up a hotel/resort in his five hectares lot. If his proposed project is within an environmentally critical area, what kind of clearance does he need? A. EIS B. PEP C. ECC D. EISS Who proclaims certain areas environmentally critical as per PD 1586? A. Senate President B. President of the Philippines C. DENR Secretary D. Speaker, House of Representatives Who issues Environmental Compliance Certificate based on DAO 2003-30? A. DENR-LMB Director B. Regional Executive Director C. DENR-EMB Director D. Asst. Secretary for Operations

ECC DENR Secretary DENR-EMB Director

Bogart contracted the services of Geodetic Engr. Jaime to conduct a relocation survey of his twenty-four hectares property for a professional fee of P180,000. Who is the passive subject? A. Engr. Jaime B. Bogart C. Surveyman of Engr. D. Creditor of Bogart Mang Dante promised to pay Engr. Bernardo 150,000 pesos if he can undertake a subdivision survey of his property, which is located in an MNLF infested area. This is an example of ______________. A. mixed obligation and contract B. pure obligation and contract C. casualobligation D. conditional obligation The following are elements of an obligation, except: A. Juridical/ legal tie B. Passive subject C. Active subject D. Consideration

Engr. Jaime mixed obligation and contract Consideration

What is RA 3844? A. Accessibility Law B. Environmental Code of the Philippines C. AgriculturalLandReformCodeof1963 D. Urban Land Reform of the Philippines

Environmental Code of the Philippines

Involuntary dealings over a private property include, but are NOT limited to the following: I. Condemnation! II. Expropriation III. Foreclosure IV. Lease A. II, III, IV B. I, III, IV C. I, II, III D. I, II, IV


Some agencies and instrumentalities of the government are authorized to reclaim lands based on their charters and laws, like the following: I. PPA II. DOT III. DPWH IV. DOJ A. I, III, IV B. II, III, IV C. I, II, IV D. I, II, III


Which government agencies are issuing certifications that the land applied for Foreshore Lease is NOT needed for public use? I. Philippine Ports Authority. II. Department of Public works and Highways. III. Provincial Tourism Office. IV. Department of Agrarian Reform. A. II, III, IV B. I, II, IV C. I, II, III D. I, III, IV


Voluntary dealings done by the owner over a titled property, include but are NOT limited to the following: I. Sale II. Mortgage III. Expropriation IV. Lease A. I, II, III B. I, II, IV C. II, III, IV D. I, III, IV


lThe following are some of the exclusive property of each spouse_________ . I. lands that are purchased with exclusive money of the wife or husband II. property which is brought to the marriage as his or her own III. anything that is bought jointly by the spouses during the marriage IV. property that which each acquires during the marriage by gratuitous title A. I, II, IV B. I, III, IV C. I, II, III D. II, III, IV


When is conjugal property or partnership terminated? I. If there is a quarrel between the husband and the wife. II. Upon the death of either spouse. III. When there is a decree of legal separation. IV. When the marriage is annulled. A. I, II, III B. I, III, IV C. I, II, IV D. II, III, IV


Mang Panyong would like to donate some of his properties to one of his children. What are the requirements before a donation is perfected? I. The donor must have the capacity to donate. II. The donor must declare his SALN yearly. III. He must have donative intent or animus donandi. IV. The donee must accept or consent to the donation. A. II, III, IV B. I, II, IV C. I, III, IV D. I, II, III Once the deed of donation is perfected, who has the sole authority to sell or transfer the said property? A. Donee. B. Donee with the approval of DENR. C. Donor. D. Donor with the consent of DENR. There are other future properties of Mang Panyong. Can these be subjected to donation as well? A. Yes, because it is a part and parcel of his properties. B. No, donations cannot encompass future properties. C. Yes, he can dispose his properties at his own will and volition. D. No, he needs the consent of the DOJ before he can dispose it.

I, III, IV Donee No, donations cannot encompass future properties.

What are the remedies of losing parties in a land registration case? I. Petition for review of the decree of registration. II. Appeal within 15-days from notice of judgement. III. File a motion for summary judgement. IV. Motion for reconsideration. A. I, II, III B. I, II, IV C. II, III, IV D. I, III, IV


Due to climate change, there are some scenarios that may happen, like ___________. I. sea surface temperature are likely to become warmer II. sea level are likely to rise due to the possibility of melting large land-based ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland III. tropical cyclone/storms are likely to become more intense A. II and I B. III, II and I C. III and II D. III and I

III, II and I

Mang Isko is a CARP beneficiary of a 3-hectare lot under RA No. 9700. If he fails to pay an aggregate of three (3) annual amortizations, the land awarded to him may be foreclosed by the A. LBP B. DENR C. PARC D. DAR After his land is forfeited, DAR shall subsequently award the foreclosed land to _________ A. the wife of Mang Isko B. other qualified beneficiaries C. any employee of DAR D. the nearest kin of Mang Isko In case the land awarded to Mang Isko was foreclosed, he shall thereafter be ___________ disqualified from becoming a beneficiary. A. transitorily B. temporarily C. permanently D. momentarily

LBP other qualified beneficiaries permanently

The ________ may review, revise, reverse, modify or affirm any decision of the reconstituting officer/Register of Deeds as per RA No. 6732. A. Solicitor General B. DENR Secretary C. LRA Administrator D. DOJ Secretary

LRA Administrator

A person, alone or with aid, undertakes to cultivate a piece of agricultural land belonging to or legally possessed by another; a price certain or ascertainable is to be paid by the person cultivating the land either in percentage of production or fixed amount in money or in both. This is referred to as: A. Share tenancy C. Final harrowing B. Leasehold tenancy D. Agrarian reform

Leasehold tenancy

Minerals processing permit is issued for a period of 5-years, renewable for another 5-years but not to exceed 25- years by the . A. MGB regional director B. MGB Director C. Provincial governor D. DENR Secretary

MGB regional director

Under RA 8371, who has the priority right to harvest or exploit any or all natural resources within ancestral domains/lands? A. Community leaders only. B. Philippine government. C. Members of ICCPS/IPS. D. Corporations duly registered with SEC.

Members of ICCPS/IPS.

For many years, the Nile river deposited soil along its bank, beside the titled land of Moses. In time, such deposit reached an area of 1000 square meters. With the permission of Moses, Ramses cultivated the said area. Ten years later, a big flood occurred in the river and transferred the 1000 square meters to the opposite bank, beside the land of Joshua. The land transferred is now contested by Moses and Joshua as riparian owners and by Ramses who claims ownership by prescription. Who should prevail? Why? A. Moses, by right of accretion B. Ramses, by prescription since 10 years had passed C. Joshua, by right of avulsion D. The state

Moses, by right of accretion

Mr. A sold a portion of the property of his cousin, Mr. B to Mr. C without a written authority. What is the most appropriate action of Mr. B in order to quite his title? A. Mr. B can immediately report the matter to DENR. B. Mr. B can file a suit against Mr. C to quite his title C. Mr. B can no longer seek relief to quite his title. D. Messrs. A and C are guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

Mr. B can file a suit against Mr. C to quite his title

Jun went to Australia for a year and left his fishpond in the Philippines. Seeing that the fish were ready for harvest, Julio harvested the fish and sold the harvest to a market vendor. What juridical relation does this contemplate between Jun and Julio? A. Negotiorum gestio B. Reciprocal obligation C. Quasi-delict D. Solutio indebiti

Negotiorum gestio

The voluntary management of the property or affairs of another without the knowledge or consent of the latter is called: A. Negotiorum gestio B. Quasi-contract C. Solutioindebiti D. Quasi-delict

Negotiorum gestio

are private Corporations authorized to purchase alienable lands of the public domain A. Only partnerships are allowed. B. Yes, they can but not associations. C. No, Corporations CANNOT. D. Corporations are allowed but NOT partnerships.

No, Corporations CANNOT.

An individual who occupied a salvage zone is required to pay rentals. Is this in order? A. Yes, but he should first apply for a survey authority. B. No, he should immediately be evicted in the area. C. Yes, he should be required to pay rentals. D. No, he should first file his free patent application.

No, he should immediately be evicted in the area.

Can we acquire public dominion through prescription? A. Yes, if we are in actual occupation and cultivation B. No, because there is no public land application filed C. Yes, if we are in open and continuous possession D. No, it cannot be acquired through prescription

No, it cannot be acquired through prescription

Which are examples of personal properties? A. Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry or works which may be carried on in a building or on a piece of land, and which tend directly to meet the needs of the said industry or works B. Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the matter thereof forms part of the bed, and waters either running or stagnant C. Animal houses, pigeon-houses, beehives, fishponds or breeding places of similar nature, in case their owner has placed them or preserves them with the intention to have them permanently attached to the land, and forming a permanent part of it; the animals in these places are included D. Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial, and industrial entities with real estate

Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial, and industrial entities with real estate

Paulo buys a dozen apples worth Php107. He pays a Php500- bill and the seller gave him change amounting to Php453. Paulo has a duty to refund the over change because of: A. Negotiorum gestio B. Solutio indebiti C. Reciprocal obligation D. Quasi-delict

Solutio indebiti

The juridical relation which is created when something is received when there is no right to demand it and it was unduly delivered through mistake. A. Negotiorumgestio B. Quasi-contract C. Solutioindebiti D. Quasi-delict


What is the basic qualification of a beneficiary under CARP? A. That he does not own any piece of land, although he has been found guilty of violating CARP law. B. That the lot given him under PD 27 is not yet registered in his name. C. That he is willing and have the ability to make the land productive. D. That he is a tenant as a manifestation of his being a former recipient of the program.

That he is willing and have the ability to make the land productive.

A person who lost a movable property or has been unlawfully deprived thereof, may ______________ it from the person in possession of the same. A. loss B. recover C. not recover D. never prejudice


Messrs. A & B are co-owners of a piece of unregistered land. The western portion is cultivated by Mr. A and on the east by Mr. B. Every year, they divide equally their produced. After 25 years, they decided to acquire a separate title. Mr. B demanded that he should be given a bigger share because the area cultivated by Mr. A was tremendously reduced as a result of the strong current of the river and he failed to protect it. Is the demand of Mr. B in conformity with the law on property? A. Yes, because Mr. A will also be benefitted in the future when his property will increase because of accretion. B. Yes, because Mr. A is the riparian owner and should suffer the consequences of being such. C. No, because Mr. B failed to pay taxes for two years. D. No, it should be divided equally because co-ownership still exists.

Yes, because Mr. A will also be benefitted in the future when his property will increase because of accretion.

Tenant X was CARP beneficiary of a 2-hectare lot under RA No. 9700. Is he still qualified to be awarded additional area? A. Yes, but NOT more than one hectare. B. He is NO longer qualified. C. He can still avail additional 3-hectares. D. No, he is only entitled to be awarded once. In case he is NO longer able to cultivate the awarded land due to old age after eleven years, can he transfer or convey the said land? A. Yes, he can transfer to the LBP. B. No, it is against the law. C. He can transfer but wait for a year before he can apply again. D. He can sell and apply again after 3-years. The children or spouse of a transferor of a land subject of agrarian reform as per RA 9700 can repurchase the subject land from the government within a period of years. A. 5 B. 1 C. 7 D. 2

Yes, but NOT more than one hectare. Yes, he can transfer to the LBP. 2

Are agrarian reform beneficiaries represented in the Presidential Agrarian Reform Council (PARC)? A. Yes, but they are not allowed to talk and vote. B. No, they are not represented in the PARC. C. Yes, but limited to only six representatives throughout the country. D. No, but they are permitted to established temporary camps at DAR central office.

Yes, but limited to only six representatives throughout the country.

Mr. A leased the agricultural land of Mr. B for five years. After five years, Mr. A continued to cultivate and gather all fruits found thereon despite notices for him to vacate the property. Can Mr. B require Mr. A to return the value of the fruits he gathered? A. Yes, with the help of DA. B. Yes, but only after five years. C. No, he refused to receive all notices. D. No, he is only entitled to one half.

Yes, but only after five years.

X owns a property situated at a lower elevation than Y. Water flows naturally and without intervention from Y's property towards that of X. May X block the flow of water? A. Yes, provided X can provide an alternative method of drainage. B. No, X is obliged to receive the water absolutely. C. Yes, because he has the right to protect his property D. No, X cannot prevent the free and natural flow of water If the flow of water descends downwards because of manmade structures in Y's property, is Y liable for damages to X? A. No, Y has no liability because the flow of water downwards is caused by gravity B. Yes, Y is prohibited from building structures that will increase the natural flow of water C. Yes, there is a legal presumption that Y intends to cause damage to X's property D. No, Y did not intend for the water to flow to X's propertyWhich characteristic does NOT refer to an alluvion?

Yes, provided X can provide an alternative method of drainage. Yes, Y is prohibited from building structures that will increase the natural flow of water

Prior to the expiration of his lease contract, can an individual in alienable public agricultural land allowed by law to purchase the lease area A. Yes, to ensure that every square inch of the land become productive. B. No, the leased area cannot be purchased. It can only be leased. C. No, the leased area cannot be the subject of sales patent application. D. Yes, subject to restrictions of existing laws, rules and regulations.

Yes, subject to restrictions of existing laws, rules and regulations.

To maintain the integrity of land registration, possessor of ___________entitled to receive the fullest protection of the law. A. a Torrens title B. an A & D land C. an agricultural land D. a tax declaration

a Torrens title

Engr. Y donated his three (3) hectares property in favor of Mr. What is the main consideration in this transaction? A. P50,000 & a second hand car. B. Love & affection. C. Care & enmity D. P20,000 plus an old house. Who is the recipient in a deed of donation? A. Donor B. Children C. Benefactor D. Donee The donation was made verbally because Engr. Y was in America to claim his $5- Million prize in a lottery. Is the transaction valid? A. No, it must be done in a public document. B. No problem because $5M is more or less P260,000,000.00 C. Yes, Engr. Y was already a millionaire when he donated land. D. Yes, because Mr. Z is his brother- in law.

love & affection donee No, it must be done in a public document.

Andres is a riparian owner of a parcel of registered land. His land has gradually diminished in area due to the current of the river while the registered land of Mario on the opposite bank has increased by 200-square meters. Who has a better right over the 200-square meter area that has been added? A. Andres B. Mario C. the State D. No one In the preceding situation, may a third party acquire the 200-square meter land by prescription? A. Yes B. No C. DependsonAndres D. Depends on Mario In this kind of contractual obligation where demandability or extinguishment is subject to the expiration of a term. A. Pure B. Indivisible C. One with a period D. Reciprocale

mario yes One with a period

is an action to quiet title prescriptible, if the plaintiff is in possession? A. It is the duty of the court to determine B. Yes, because he abandoned his rights C. No, because he is possession D. He can refer the matter to DAR

no, because he is possession

Can a property within the city devoted to public use be converted to another public use? A. No, it needs an authority from congress. B. Yes, the city government through an ordinance can convert it. C. Yes, but with the approval of HLURB. D. No, it must pass through the DENR.

no, it must pass through the denr

Can guardians and trustees donate the properties entrusted to them? A. As trustees, they can donate but cannot sell. B. Yes, they can. C. They cannot donate but they can sell. D. No, they cannot.

no, they cannot

A complaint against erring Geodetic Engineers shall be verified, and embodied in an affidavit and accompanied by a certification of non- forum . A. simple; shopping B. subscribed; protest C. notarized; shopping D. written; protest

notarized; shopping

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