Board Exam Questions

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What is the Modifed Aschworths Scale

0- no tone 1- slight increase of tone 1+ 2- marked increase in tone 3- passive ROM difficult 4- rigid

What are the rerecommended frequency for tissues deeper than 2 cm in an ultrasound?

1 mhz and 1.5 watts/cm2 would increase the rate heating

How often should someone in a w/c perform push ups to prevent pressure sores

15-20 minutes

A PT wishes to mobilize a patients hsoulder using an inferoir glide technique. It would be best to initally use this technique by prepositioning the patients arm in which position?

35 degress of abduction and neutral rotation

What is the ratio of quads/hamstrings


What are the hamstring/quadriceps torque generation at various speeds in 15-45 year old males:

65% at 60 degrees 69% at 180 degrees 71% at 300 degrees

To increase elbow range of motion, joint mobilization in the maximum loose-packed position should be performed at what position

70 degrees

What would lower motor neuron bladder control be?

A flaccid or lwoermotor neuron bladder does not have. Reflex action. It can be emptied by using the crede manuever- pressure to lower abdomen, or increaing the intra bdominal pressure using the calsalve maneuver or timing schedule

A sprinter starting in blocks would most likley get apophysisitis where?

ASIS-> sartouries does ER, abduction, and extension of hip + medial rotation of the knee

What is the capsular pattern for the Hip

Abduction, flexion, and internal rotation

What is the thomson test used for

Achileis tendon rupture

Mcburnerys poitn is associated with what?

Acute appendicitis

A physical therapist establishes the following short term goal for a patient rehabilitating from a TKA surgery. Pattient will ambulate with a walker 50% WB and moderate assist for 20 ft in one week. 3 days later the patietn successfully achieves the established goal. Which off the following would be the most appropriate revision. 1. Ambulate with Walker 50% for longer distance 2. Ambulate with Walker 75% shorter distance

Ambulate with Walker 50% shorter distance. Increasing WB without physical approval is inappropriate

What is a lisfran fracture?

An injury of the foot in which one or more of the metatarsal bones are displaced from the tarsus

What is Asbestosis?

An interstitial lung disease where there are fibrotic changes within the lung tissue

I Want to improve shoulder external rotation. What glide would I perform?

Anterior glide

Following a serious trauma a patient is casted as a result of multiple bilateral wrist and hand gracutres. When would it be best for PT intervnetion to begin

As early as possible to maintain or regain strength and range of motion in onimbboilized joints of the UE.

On the third day of ceasarean delivery what shoudl a pts interventions include

Breathing, couphing and pelvic floor exercises

What is the innervation of the phrenic nerve and what importance muscle does it innervate?

C345 and it innervates the diaphram

A tennis player rapidly changing direction would most likely have apophysisitis where?

Changing directions-> you are thinking hip abductions, tfl so the iliac crest

What is the most likley compensatory gait deviation when tibial advancement is limited


In order to reverse atelextasis what is the priamry goal of the patient in terms of PT

DEEP breathing: paind reduction, segemental breathing incentive spirometry

A Hard tackle, a football player exhibits signs of fractures ribs and penumothorax. When ausculating during hinalation over the injured area, what would the physical therapist expect to hear?

Deacreased or no breath sounds.

During cardain rehabilitation exercise session involving patients who experienced myocardial infarctions 6-8 weeks ago what is the MOST SIGNIFICANT abnormal response requring the immediate attention of the physical tehrapist?

Decrease in systolic blood pressure because it indicates inability to maintain cardiac output.

What is one of the mostt early signs of right ventricular failure?

Dependent edema

Dyspraxia means what?

Developmental coordination disorder so you would focus on task speicfic practice or familiar actiivties progressing from parts to whole

Patient had a history of jaw clicking upon opening and closing the mouth, but the noises are now gone. The current major complaint is inability to open the mouth wide and difficiulty performing funcitonal jaw movements such as chewing adn yawning. What is the most likey cause of this current impairment?

Disc Displacement without reduction

A patient has a body mass index of 32 with excessive tissue mass in the hip area. What accommodations are needed to the wheelchair prescription fo rthis patient?

Displace teh rear axle forward for more efficient arm push

A c6 tetraplegia does not have triceps how can they perform a lateral board transfer?

Elbows can be locked out by the strong contraction of anteroir deltoid, shoulder external rotators, and calivoricur portion of the pecotralis major flexes and adducts humerus. You then can supine the forarm extend the wrist (C6) and the fingers are flexed.

What would put a spinal cord patient at risk for a hetertropic ossification

Forceful PROM espeically if spasiticty is present!

What coefficients are considered good and what are considered poor

Good would be above 0.75 and poor would be considered below 0.50 and moder is inbetween these

A patient ambulates with increased knee flexion and has CP what should be lengthen?


What is the expected hemodynamic response for a aptient on a bete-adenergic blocking agent during exercise?

Heart raite to be low at rest and minimally with exercise

What are ealry signs of complex regional pain syndrome?

Hyperalgesia, allodynia, and hyperpathia

What is a metabolic abnormality associated with adrenal insufficiency

Hypoatermia due to decreased cortisol results in an ability to regulate potassium and sodium.

What is the primary reson a patient with advanced Chronic obstructive pulnoary disease has improved/increased areobic capactity with bilateral upper extermity support during activity training?

IT faciltiates recers action lattissmus dorsi function to maximize ventilitation. THis is because stabilizing the UE allows the latissimus dorsi to function such that it lifts the rib cage, thereby increasing negative pressure within the thorax and improving ventirilation.

The therapist is planning a treatment program to address tightness of the lumbricals. What exercises would be THE BEST in order to rimpove ROM of the hand.

If we want to stretch them then we must do flexion of the IP joints and extension of the MCP joints.

What is strutter test for?

Implication of a plica patella condition

A patietn is immeresed up to the neck ina therapeutic pool. WHile exercising this patient, the therapist should take into consideration the physiological effects immersion. Which signficiant result might occur?

Increased work of breathing dur to increased hydrostatic pressure

What is the BEST intervention if the patient has a classic TMJ unilateral capsular restriction?

Inferior glide manipulation

I want to improve shoulder abduction. What glide would I perform?

Inferoir Glide

What is intrareliability and inter

Intra- is with ones self Inter- is with another

A patietn developed 4+ edema in the ipsilateral arm. A compression garment was ordered. What is the primary reason this garment decreases edema...

It exceeds the internal tissue hydostatic pressure

What is barognosis?

It is the ability to judge weight

Chronic Lyme disease: what joints are likley to demonstrate more arthritic changes and therefore should be the focus of physical therapy

LARGE joints of the body, especially the knee

A patient has adhesive capsulitis of the glenohumeral joint. What is the expeccted greatest limitation of motion when performing ROM?

Lateral Rotation

What muscles are involved in mouth opening:

Lateral pterygoid, anteroir head of the diagastic muscle, and suprahyoid muscles

What does a pericardial friction rub sound like?

Leahty sound during systole

What is common to see it uterine prolase

Low back pain and perineal disscomfort aggracated by prolonged standing

What is Stemmers sign used to determine?


What is the most effective form of diagnosistic imaging for patients with MS to help detremine level of disease activity?

MRI because it is highly sensitive for detecting MS plagues in the white matter of the brain an dspineal cord. lesions are seen as areas of increased signal intensity. COntract enhanced scans are used for more long term disease activity

What muscles are involved in mouth closing

Masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid

What is the Apgar score?

Measures how a baby is doing after birth: it measures activity, pulse, color grimace, apperance, and respiration. 7-10 baby in good shape if taken 1 minute after 4-6 help breathing Less than 3 not good

What is contractidicated for a an infection staphlyoccus aureus-> a necotric tissue that covers much of the wound

Moist Hot Packs

Is acetate positive or negative


C1-c2 is believed to best treated with what angle of the neck

Netural or zero degrees of flexion

Severe epiagstric and abdominal pain that radiates to the middle back and may worsen when lying supine is common with what?


Early intervention programs are usually requries to use a stanadarized and comprehensive developmental test. WHAT is the BEST?

Peabody developmental motor scales

A Chest tube gets dislodge durin physical thearpy treatment... What could the patient develop?


A person presents with tachy cardia, signs of lung infection, abnormal breath sounds in both lower lobes and dullness to percussion: diagnosis?

Penumonia-> airway clearance

A person has a chest tube and needs air way sections to be done. Where should this take place at?

Percussion and shaking can be done win the are surround the chest tube

When performing neural tension testing to the lower limb which ankle position when combined with straigh tleg raise will best bias the peroneal nerve?

Plantarflexion and inversion

What is a contraindication for a therapist planning to use percussion and shaking for assisting airway clearnace witha patient diagnosis with COPD

Platlet count lower than 30,000 due to increased risk of bleeding

During weight bearing a soft tissue contracture resulting in supination of the forefoot will be compensated by

Pronation of the rearfoot

What is an acceptiable modified position to drain teh posteroir basal segement of the left lwoer lobe in a patient with pulomnary congestion?

Prone-> with a pillow under the hips and the bed flat

Is hypothydroism associated with proximal or distal muscle weakness?


What is the most important factor the therapist should consider?

Residual limb healing

S3 heart beat stands for what? While s4 heart beat stands for what?

S3-> Poor ventricular compliance and trubulence. It is heard as low frequency during early diastole. S4-> is an abnorma fourth ehart sound due to exaggerated atrial contraction and subsequencet turbulence. It is heard as a low frequency sound in late diastole.

What is the BEST way to monitor teh intestity of exercise for a patient limited mostly bycaludication?

SUstaining pain levels of at least 2 out 4 on teh caludication scale during exercise

Explain the caropetacarpal joint of the thumb?

Saddle join in which the flexsion/extension is a ulnar roll/medial glide and extension is radial/lateral glide....... Abduction/adduction is palmar roll/dorsal glide and palmar roll/dorsal glide

What is emphysema

Shortness of breath caused by overinflated aviola. Considered to be apart of the Obstructive pulmonary disease because airflow on exhalation is slowed or stopped because over infalted alveoli do not exchange gases when a person breaths due to little or no movement of fases out of the alveoli

A patietn with cysistic fibrosis has been admitted to the hospital in acute respiratory failure as a result of an infecion. How often should the patient do airway clearnace?

Should be administed vigorously once every 2 hours.

A person has a CVA and you need to create a positioning schedule... What should be suipine position of the affected way?

Shoulder is retracted abducted external rotation elbow extension, wrist neural and fingers are flexed

An athlete is refereed to PT after being diagnosis with apophysisitis of the Anteroir inferior iliac spine-> what muscle injury do you think is going on?

Soccer player kicking a soccer ball! Rectus for us has a forceful contraction->hip flexion KneeEextension

A therapist is monitoring the blood presure of a healthy athlete exercising on a treadmill. The speed and cnline steadily increase during the exercise period. The therapist would expect the blood pressure response to demonstarte which of the following?

Steady increase in systolic pressure and either a slight increase or decrease in diastolic pressure

Using electrical stimulation as orthotic substitution where would it be best to place the electrodes?


What is the common presentation of juvinlla RA

Swollen, stiff, painful joints usually worse in the morning, fatgue, fever, swollen luph nodes, and poor weigth gait and slow frowth. In addition PT cannnot identify specific impairments.

Muscles that assist in protrusion are the

Temporalis, medial pterygoid, and lateral pterygoid

A Patient with a post-traumatic brain injury with a Rancho 3 has evidence of retained secretions on auscultation and chest films. What is the BEST mode of airway clearance for this patient?

The Vest airway Clearance System provides a high frequency ches wall compression. It allows for control of inspiratory and expiratory flow rates. The decise can be used in any position regardless of congition state.

For a transtibial amputation wrapping the pressure should be distrubted as such?

The greatest pressure should be provided distally

A patient ambulates with excessive foot pronation. What will the therapist examiniation likley reveal

The hell to be in a valgus formation

A kid with CP walks with excessive Lordosis what should be lengthen?

The illiosoas should be lengthen because that causes an Anteroir pelvic tilt inwhich results in increased lumbar lordosis

What is a typical location for a arterial ucler

The lateral malleolus, distal toes and foot and the anteroir tibial area

What is a typical location of a venous ucler

The medial malleolus

A patient with chronic asthma has beenadmitted to the hospital for an acute exacerbation. What is the MOST important information the therapist needs inorder to determine the aptients prognosis with physical therapy?

The most recent pulmonary function test results. This will give the therapist an idea on the severity of the lung disease

Which muscle would be associated with excessive lengthening during the movements of shoulder flexion and abduction?

The primary scapular adductors are the rhomboids and the trapezius.

What muscles are needed for crutches?

Think about the action you need shoulder depression and abduction.... As a result it would lower trapezius, pectoaris major and the lattimus dorsi!

What neural tension test will bias the tibial nerve and the sural nerve?

Tibial would be dorsiflexion and eversion, while the sural nerve would be plantarflexion and inversion

The physical therapist monitors healing of an incision in attempt to allievate any area of adherence surround the scar why?

To avoid minimize shear forces during prosthetic use

What is the purpose of the ely test

To examine the length of the rectus femoris the examiner places patient in prone and passivley flexes the patients knee.

Why would someone who has dibettes need carbs after working out

To prevent delayed onset of hypoglycemia

Wat are 3 main tests used to examine discriminative sensations?

Two-point discrimintation, sterognosis, barognosis and light sensation

What is the purpose of noble compression test?

Used if the therapist susepects iliotibial band friction syndrom

A Patient with agina pectoris has been isntructed use sublingual nitrogycerin in case of an acute aginal attack. What are the primary effects of this medication?

Vasodilation of the coronary vessels

Following an exercise session for patients with heart failur in Phase 3 cardiac rehabilitation program, what is prevented is the therapist employs a gradual adn prolonged cool-down peroid

Venous pooling-> This is because during exercise vasodilation occurs to increase blood flow, however these patients may have delayed in patients with heart fialure and a prolonged gardual cool down is recommended.

What are the risk factors for getting metabolix disease for men

Waist size bigger than 40 inches, tri greater than 150, HDL level lower than 40, and fasting glucose above 110!

What is lhermittes sign

When a patient with MS experiences sudden electric like shock sspreading down the body elicited by the navurote of long sitting with head flexed.

Purlent means

Yellow and green discharge

If a person has a t5 complete asia a spinal cord deficit what bladder training program could u impliment?

You would impliment an upper motor neuron bladder control- tapping or stroking to enphasis the reflecively emplties in response to a certain level of filling pressure.

Muscles that assist in retrusion are

the temporalis and suprahyoid muscles

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