Botany Final

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How does breeding system vary in the flowering plants?

- Hermaphroditic: flowers have both male and female parts(perfect) - Monoecious:( Flowers have either male or female parts, but both male and female flowers appear on the same plant) - Dioecious: Male and female plants are separate.

Describe the evolution of leaves (microphylls and megaphylls).

- Megaphylls probably formed from flattened, dichotomous branches in which the spaces were gradually filled with photosynthetic tissue( web like appearance ). Megaphylls may form a leaf gap, or a small hole in the vascular cylinder. - Microphylls: true leaves with a single vascular strand. Arose convergently in phylum lycopodiophyta and in orders equisetopsida and psilotales

What synapomorphies characterize the embryophytes?

- Multicellular sporophyte protected within the gametophyte archegonium - cuticle

What is the difference between sporic and zygotic meiosis?

- Sporic meiosis is a derived trait from the ancestral trait zygotic meiosis *Zygotic Meiosis( Ancestral ) 1. Characterizes green algae, fungi 2. Haploid adult is multicellular and dominant 3. Unicellular zygote undergoes meiosis immediately after fertilization *Sporic meiosis( Derived ) 1. Alternations of generations life cycle 2. characterizes embryophytes 3. gametophyte and sporophyte are both multicellular

Why is carbon the main component of living matter?

-Carbon atoms can bind to other carbon atoms resulting in complex molecular structures -Carbon atoms bind readily with other elements.

Non-vascular plants

-Dominant gametophyte, dependent sporophyte -lack true roots stems and leaves-no organs -Rhizoids -requires water

What traits did embryophytes inherit from green algal ancestors?

-Multicellular -Autotrophy -Cellulosic cell wall -Alternation of generations

Seedless vascular plants

-Sporophyte is dominant -sporophyte and gametophyte are independent -requires water

What are the Linnaean Ranks in order?

1. Domain 2. Kingdom 3. Phylum 4. Class 5. Order 6. Family 7. Genus 8. Species

What reproductive advantages does the seed offer over seedless plants?

1. Dormancy: survival through harsh conditions 2. Seed coat(Integument) protects from bacterial and fungal infection 3. Dispersal mechanisms 4. Includes nutrients for growing embryo and germinating seedlings

What are the five synapomorphies of the phylum Anthophyta?

1. Double integument 2. double fertilization 3. flowers 4. fruits 5. vessel elements in the xylem

What are the Linnaean Rules of Nomenclature?

1. Genus name is a noun, Specific epithet is an adjective or possessive noun 2. All parts are latinized, The binomial is also the scientific name 3. Every plant must have one and only one name

What characteristics do the embryophytes have in common with the Charophyceans?

1. Multicellular 2. Cell walls are composed of cellulose, phragmoplast 3. Chloroplast contain both chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B 4. Persistent mitotic spindle 5. Apical meristematic cell 6. Plasmodesmata

In a double fertilization, one sperm unites with an egg producing____________, while another sperm unites with a pair of polar nuclei forming__________.

A diploid zygote, a tiploid to tissue called endosperm

The scientific name is a binomial consisting of

A generic name, which is a noun, and a specific epithet that modifies the generic name

What is monophyly?

A group that includes all the descendents of a common ancestor

Which of the following is the best definition of a scientific hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a statement that can be refuted or falsified by evidence.

What was Linnaeus role in shaping modern systematic thought and practice?

A set of rules that he devised for naming things. Every species name under this system consists of only two words; a genus name and a specific epithet.


A shared derived characteristic, or trait that defines a monophyletic group

Which of the following explains the relationship between hypothesis and theory?

A theory is a hypothesis that explains a general phenomenon, has been tested many times and never falsified, and in the process, all other competing hypotheses have been shown to be false.

Which of the following is not an element of Cell Theory?

All cells can be thought of as independent organisms.

What is a eukaryote?

An organism composed of complex cells that contain a nucleus surrounding DNA, the hereditary material.

Which of the following groups are monophyletic


Why don't non-vascular plants grow tall? Why do we say they lack true organs?

Because nonvascular plants contain no true vascular tisBecause nonvascular plants contain no true vascular tissue such as xylem or phloem. Nutrients are transferred cell to cell through plasmademata

Which of the following classes of phylum bryophyte represent the true mosses and the vast majority of extant species in the non vascular plants


The embryophyta and it's likely sister group share the following traits: multicellularity, cell walls composed of cellulose, and chloroplast containing chlorophyll A and chlorophyll b


What are the Charophyceans?

Charophyceae is a group of green algae similar to embryophytes

Tropical palm-like dioecious gymnosperm lineage with motile sperm describes which phyla?


When the ancestor of the plants first became established on land, what was the most important environmental pressure driving evolution

Danger of drying out in the new terrestrial habitat

What is the role of phylogeny in modern systematics?

Development and relationships among groups of organisms. (evolutionary tree)


Dividing organisms into groups(taxa)

In seed plants, the female gametophyte is the?

Embryo sac

How do eusporangia and leptosporangia differ?

Eusporangia: Sporangia are large with many spores and multilayered wall. Ancestral for seedless, vascular plants. - Leptosporangia: Many ferns bear small sporangia in clusters called sori on the backs of fronds or megaphylls. Walls consisting of a single layer of cells. Spores are released explosively by the action of the annulus. Indusia are umbrella shaped protuberances of the frond that over and protect sori. These are useful in identifying species of ferns


Flowering plants, fruit.

A__________ is a mature and expanded_________.

Fruit, ovary

Why is alteration of generations difficult to see among the angiosperms and gymnosperms?

Gametophytes are very small and live inside the reproductive structures of the sporophyte

Archegonia are structures produced in________ that gives rise to_______

Gametophytes, eggs

A phylum that includes only a single species of seed plants, characterized by butanoic acid in the fleshy arils of the seeds describes which of the following phyla?


A lineage of gymnosperm that shares traits in common with flowering plants including vessel elements and double fertilization. Phylogenetic Studies have demonstrated that the similarities are due to convergence rather than synapomorphy. Describes which of the following phyla?


Spermatophyta (seed plants)

Gymnosperms Phylum Cycadophyta (Cycads) Phylum Ginkgophyta (Ginkgo) Species Ginkgo biloba Phylum Gnetophyta Genus Gnetum Genus Welwitschia Species Welwitschia mirabilis Genus Ephedra Phylum Coniferophyta

Which type of thinking best describes the following statement? "If we want to know if all swans are white, all we need to do is look at them all. See? Simple."

Inductive reasoning

The nucleus of the cell

Is surrounded by a membrane called a nuclear envelope - Is the site of ribosome manufacture within structures called nucleoli. - Contains the genetic information of a cell in the form of chromosomes.

Which of the following stated that science should seek to eliminate false hypotheses rather than verify true ones?

Karl Popper


Leaves bearing sporangia in strobili or cones micro/megasporangia embryo, pollen, seed

Why are extinct seedless vascular plants economically important today?

Lycopodium spores are highly flammable, high fat and phosphorus content, large surface area. Used for early flash photography, magic and special effects, vitamin and pill coating, and lubrication on latex gloves.

How has the arrangement of vascular tissue evolved in the vascular plants?

Microphylls: True leaves with single vascular strand

What phylum describes seedless vascular plants that have a siphonostele, and included leafless members as well as those with microphylls and megaphylls?


Which phylum? seedless vascular plants that have a siphonostele and include leafleass members as well as those with microphylls and megaphylls



Non vascular plant spores undergo mitosis to produce​ce threadlike networks of cells from which gametophores may arise.

How does the morphology of flowers vary?

Number of parts often correlated among whorls. -Actinomorphic - more than one line of symmetry - Zygomorphic: one line of symmetry - Flowers can vary in the position of their ovaries. - Superior ovary- is at the very top of the receptacle - Semi inferior ovary - is midway in the receptacle - Inferior ovary- completely submerged in the receptacle

Which of the following presents the steps of the scientific method in the correct order?

Observation and data gathering , Critical Question, Formulating Hypotheses, Critical experiment, Evaluation of experimental results


Phylum Anthophyta Basal Angiosperms (Amborella, Nymphaeales, Austrobaileyales) Magnoliids Monocots Eudicots

Kingdom Plantae (Embyrophyta; land plants, the plant kingdom)

Phylum Marchantiophyta (liverworts) "Leafy" liverworts Thalloid liverworts Phylum Anthocerophyta (hornworts) Phylum Bryophyta (true mosses) Class Sphagnidae (peat moss) Class Andreaeidae (granite moss) Class Bryidae (true mosses)

Tracheophyta (vascular plants)

Phylum Rhyniophyta† Phylum Zosterophyllophyta† Phylum Trimerophytophyta† Phylum Lycopodiophyta Class Lycopodiopsida‡ Order Lycopodiales (club moss) Class Isoetopsida‡ Order Isoetales (quillwort) Order Selaginalles (spike moss) Phylum Monilophyta Class Psilotopsida‡ Order Psilotales (whisk ferns) Order Ophioglossales (adder's tongue ferns) Class Equisetopsida‡ Order Equisetales (horse tails) Class Marattiopsida (tree ferns) Class Polypodiopsida (leptosporangiate ferns)

The earliest lineage of vascular plants known from the fossil records has xylem and phloem that are intermediate in the form between the conductive tissues of the mosses and true xylem and phloem without secondary wall thickening describes which of the following



Rules for naming taxa

Advantage gained by the evolution of the seed include

Seeds allow embryo survival through harsh conditions

What were the first plants like?

Short and small and close to water.

Which of these life cycles characterizes the embryophytes? (sporic or zygotic )


What is an ovule? How did it evolve?

Sporophyte structure enclosing female gametophyte and the egg cell. -1. Retention of megaspores within megasporangium. in seed plants, megasporangium is a nucellus 2. Reduction of megaspore mother cells to one 3. Reduction of spores to one: only one of four spores produced in meiosis survives 4. Development of megagametophyte(embryo sac) within megasporangium( nucellus) 5. Fertilization and embryo development therefore take place inside archegonium of megagametophyte 6. Development of an integument from sporophyte bracts 7. fusion of integument into enclosing structure, and development of the micropyle

The evolution of the angiosperms

The angiosperms originated 145 million years ago and a diverse of five very rapidly so that by 65 million years ago all of the extant lineages were in existence

Which of the following is necessary when conducting an experiment?

The experiment should be repeatable.

What is does the endosymbiotic theory attempt to explain?

The origin of the complex cell of eukaryotes from simple-celled prokaryotes

Peer review is

The process by which anonymous colleagues review and criticize articles submitted for publication.

What is the difference between the zygotic meiosis life cycle and sporic meiosis life cylce

The sporic meiosis lifecycle includes a multicellular sporophyte

What is systematics?

The study and classification of biological diversity

Leptosporangiate ferns

They bear small sporangia in clusters called sori on the backs of fronds or megaphylls

Why did physicians throughout history often know a lot about botany?

To deter predators, plants produce substances that are toxic to animals. These substances can be These substances can be used at proper doses to alter human cellular functions and are therefore useful as medicine.

Synapomorphy of embryophytes

Waxy cuticle

Flowers that can be divided along a single line of symmetry are


What is an inflorescence?

a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches/ sunflower

Flowers that can be divided along more than one line of symmetry are


The first lineage to branch off from all other flowering plants


An organism that is capable of making its own food through photosynthesis is


A plant is said to be monoesious is it

bears both male and female flowers in an individual

A plant is said to be dioesious if it

bears only male or female flowers but not both

The whorls of modified leaves that comprise a flower are the

calyx, corolla, androecium, and gynoecium

What phylla has motile sperm


When simple molecules are assembled into complex structures like cells, tissues and organs, often the properties of the higher-level structures are impossible to predict from simple knowledge of their molecular make-up. This is an example of

emergent properties

A class of proteins that regulate chemical reactions is


The plant cell wall is

is rigid - comprises two layers -made of cellulose


make protein and can be found on the rough ER

The first lineage to branch from the phylogeny of the land plant of the land plants occurs in both thalloid and leafy forms, does not have genes that are foundin the hornwarts, true mosses and vascular plants or stomates. This phylum is


Why are charophyceans important?

most closely related to land plants

Sporic meiosis (alteration of generations

multicellular sporophyte


perform photosynthesis

Cytoplasmic connections between cells are called


Eudicots are characterized by the following synapomorphic

pollen with three openings

Which of the following is not a characteristic shared by all plants?

produces a flower


produces spores thru meiosis-diploid

A membrane extending from the nuclear envelope that is studded with ribosomes is called

rough endoplasmic reticulum

Which two structures of the flower do not bear sporangia

sepals and petals

Which of the following are functions of carbohydrates?

storage of energy

What is the function of nucleic acids?

store genetic information

An organism that has two distinct adult forms with different numbers of chromosomes exhibits

the alternation of generations life-cycle.

Evidence supporting the endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria includes

the presence of a prokaryote-like circular genome in these organelles

What is the principle of parsimony and how is it applied to phylogenetic inference?

the scientific principle that things are usually connected or behave in the simplest or most economical way, especially with reference to alternative evolutionary pathways. - make a lot of characters. all kinds of data can be used:Morphological, anatomical, behavior, DNA sequences, etc.. The phylogeny requiring the fewest character transformations for all characters combined is to be preferred.

Turgor pressure, the ability to stand up straight despite a lack of woody tissue in a plant, relies on which of the following organelles?

the vacuole

All seed plants are?


Which of the following are functions of lipids?

waterproofing for plants

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