B.P. 3

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When administering a drug, for every barrier you eliminate on the way to the brain (e.g. stomach acids, liver enzymes), the potency of the drug increases by a factor of:


Which of the following is a frequency that falls in the range humans can hear?

10,000 Hz

A split brain patient that was briefly shown an APPLE in the LEFT VISUAL FIELD and a BANANA in the RIGHT VISUAL FIELD would say they had seen ____ and would reach into a bag with the LEFT HAND and grab _____.

A banana: an apple

A dermatome is:

An area of skin linked to a set of dorsal roots in the spine

Simple cells in the primary visual cortex have receptive fields that make them maximally excited by:

Bars of light in particular orientations

In comparison to cones, rods:

Both a) are found toward the periphery of the retina; and b) are more sensitive to dim light

A person with extensive damage to the primary auditory cortex:

Both a) cannot engage in auditory imagery; and b) would have trouble processing speech and music

Someone with damage to the dorsal visual stream, whose ventral stream is intact:

Both a) has great difficulty making accurate movements under visual control; and b) can recognize objects by sight

A split-brain patient sees the word "stand" in her RIGHT VISUAL FIELD. She could indicate the she received the information by:

Both a) reporting the word verbally; and b) pointing to the word with her right hand

Which of the following is true of split-brain surgery?

Both a) some patients experience alien hand syndrome right after surgery; and b) patients appear relatively normal in their everyday functioning

Exposure to warm environment will cause ____, whereas exposure to cold environment will cause ____.

Cold receptors to increase their sensitivity; warm receptors to become more sensitive

In essence, on-center and off-center cells of the visual system are maximally responsive to:

Contrasts in brightness

A split-brain patient is someone who has had the:

Corpus callosum and other cerebral commissures severed

Where do pain signals begin?

Free nerve endings

Within the primary auditory cortex, most cells respond selectively to a particular:


The optic nerve is composed of ____ axons?

Ganglion cell

A mild degree of pain releases the neurotransmitter ____. A more intense pain also releases ____.

Glutamate; substance P

How are sound waves transduced into action potentials?

Hair cells in the cochlea sway back and forth, causing ion channels to open in their membrane

The retinas of predatory birds such as hawks:

Have a greater density of receptors than humans on the top half of the retina

A split-brain patient who sees something in one visual field and later can point to it with the left hand must:

Have seen it in the left visual field

Patients like Miss C., diagnosed with congenital intensitivity to pain:

Have short life spans due to accidents and complications that result

Loudness is to ____ as a pitch is to ____.

Height of sound waves; number of waves per second

In order for a split brain patient to name something, s/he must see it:

In the right visual field

In split brain patients who have language localized to the left hemisphere, which of the following is true of the RIGHT HEMISPHERE?

It can understand single words and symbols but has more difficulty with complex grammar

If light shines in the receptive field of a ganglion cell of the visual system, what effect will it have on the activity of that cell?

It may excite or inhibit the cell, depending on where it falls

M and P cells are found in the ____. M cells receive information from the ____ and P cells receive information from the ____.

Lateral geniculate nucleus; rods; cones

If one small portion of the basilar membrane is damaged, which of the following is most likely to result:

Loss of the ability to hear certain frequencies of sound

Which of the following is a risk factor for addiction?

Low levels of dopamine activity

The changes in neurons that bring about cellular tolerance when an addictive drug is used frequently:

Make the cells much less responsive to dopamine

Which of the following properties would allow an addictive drug to cross the blood-brain barrier?

Molecules of the drug are fat soluble

Magnocellular cells are to ____ as parvocellular cells are to ____.

Movement; color and fine detail

Compared to hairy skin, glaborous skin is ____, due to ____:

Much more sensitive; a higher concentration of receptors

Location, movement, color, and shape, are all processed in sewerage areas within the visual cortex. However, you can perceive all of there features simultaneously as belonging to the same object in your visual field. Which of the following was offered as the brain's solution to this binding puzzle?

Neurons that represent there features synchronize their firing in gamma waves

Which of the following brain structures and neurotransmitters are most likely linked to the brain's reward pathway and addictive behavior?

Nucleus accumbens and dopamine

The receptive field of the neuron is the:

Part of the retina where stimulation will influence its firing rate

According to the trichromatic theory of color vision, the most important factor in determining the color we see is the:

Relative activity of short, medium, and long cone types

According to the opponent-process theory of color vision, ganglion cells in the visual system:

Respond to color pairs by increasing and decreasing their firing rates

People who cannot use fluctuations in the duration, emphasis, and pitch in a speaker's voice to understand its meaning usually have suffered damage to the:

Right hemisphere

After hurting your elbow in a biking accident, the gate-control theory of pain suggests that to reduce the pain, you could:

Rub it gently

The pathway responsible for your perception of pain intensity and location ends in the ____ cortex, whereas the emotional aspect of pain activates the ____ cortex.

Somatosensory, Cingulate

Endorphins, morphine, and other opiate drugs bind to receptor sites in the ____ and decrease pain by ____.

Spinal cord; blocking the release of substance P

If you were to lay the basilar membrane flat, the two ends would differ the most in which of the following:


Visual information eventually travels along the ventral stream and ends in the ____; it is known as the ____ pathway; the dorsal stream winds up in the _____, which is also known as the ____ pathway.

Temporal lobe; "what"; parietal lobe; "where/how"

If you want to see something in fine detail, you should focus the light on ____, which contains a high density of ____.

The fovea; cones

The somatosensory map is disoriented in which of the following ways:

The largest share of the cortex is dedicated to the most sensitive body parts

A split-brain patient sees something in her LEFT VISUAL FIELD, and must reach behind a screen and select the object from a group of objects. She will select the object correctly with:

The left hand

The basilar membrane allows for us to perceive differences in pitch/frequency according to:

The location where sound waves of a given frequency cause it to move the most

Walking down a dark street late at night, it is possible to notice an object moving if it is seen out of the "corner of the eye". However, you are not likely to see the object when you look directly at it because:

The rods are sensitive enough to register movement in dim conditions

Which of the following best characterizes the hammer, anvil, and stapes/stirrup:

These are bones of the middle ear that amplify sound waves

Which of the following f is true of infrasound waves:

They are associated with extreme weather and can produce nausea in humans

Simple images that are stabilized on the retina for prolonged periods of time ____ and are normally prevented from doing so by ____.

Will disappear; saccades

If the figure below was presented to the RIGHT HEMISPHERE, which of the following would be TRUE: A A A A A A A A A

You would be more likely to report an X

A patient with ventral stream damage, whose dorsal stream is intact:

a) can navigate easily through space without bumping into things; b) can make accurate movements under visual control; and c) cannot recognize objects by sight

Which of the following would be impaired by destruction of the somatosensory cortex?

a) perceiving differences in temperature; b) identifying objects by touch of you were blindfolded; and c) walking in the dark

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