Brand Management MKTG 405: Chapter 4

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proprietary eponym

A ______________ is a brand name that has fallen into general use.

Define the branding objectives generate brand names screen initial brand name candidates study candidate brand names research the final candidates select the final brand name

Put the six steps of the naming procedure in the right order: Screen Initial brand name candidates research the final candidates select the final brand name generate brand names define the branding objectives study candidate brand names


T/F Although packaging is subject to some legal requirements, there is sufficient scope with the package design to support improving brand awareness and forming brand associations. Packaging changes can be expensive, but they can be cost-effective compared with other marketing communication costs.


T/F Because the brand name is a compact form of communications, the explicit and implicit meanings customers extract from it are important.


T/F Brand characters can be so attention getting and well liked that they dominate other brand elements and actually dampen brand awareness. They must be updated over time so their their image and personality remain relevant to the target market. They may sometimes be so culturally specific that they do not transfer well to other countries.


T/F In the 6th and last step of the naming procedures, management should use all the information collected from the 5th step to choose the brand name that maximizes the companies branding and marketing objectives and then formally register it.


T/F It is important when creating the brand name to understand that brand names created to support the initial brand positioning may make it more difficult later, if the brand has to be repositioned, to link new brand associations.


T/F Jingles are perhaps the most valuable in enhancing brand awareness. They often repeat the brand name in clever and amusing ways that allow customers multiple encoding opportunities.

False. Marketers generally create made up brand names SYSTEMATICALLY

T/F Marketers generally create made up brand names unsystematically, basing words on combinations of morphemes. By combing carefully chosen morphemes, markets can create brand names that actually have some relatively easily inferred or implicit meaning.


T/F Marketers should address the extent to which the brand element is legally and competitively protectable. Marketers should choose brand elements based on international legal protection, ensuring proper registration and defense of them, and the competitive advantage and its long-term sustainability.

False.. The more adaptable and flexible the brand element, the EASIER it is to update it.

T/F Most brand elements must be adaptable over time in order to be updated, given changes in customer values and opinions, or the simple need for the brand elements to remain contemporary. The more adaptable and flexible the brand element, the harder it is to update it.


T/F One of the strongest brand associations customers have is often inspired by the look of the packaging. The package can become an important means of brand recognition and convey or imply information to build of reinforce valuable brand associations.

False IT IS preferable to have multiple brand associations.

T/F The brand name is a fundamentally important choice as a brand element because it often very compactly and economically captures the products central theme or key brand associations. This is one reason why it is not preferable to have multiple brand associations.

False Brand name is the hardest element to change.

T/F The brand name is the easiest brand element for marketers to change because it is so closely tied to the product in the customers minds.

False Changes should be gradual not fast.

T/F Unlike brand names, logos can be easily adapted over time to achieve a more contemporary look. However, in updating a logo, marketers should make fast changes and not lose sign of the inherent advantages of the logo. Regardless of the reason for doing it, changing a logo may be very costly.


T/F Achieving a high level or brand awareness is a necessary condition for building brand equity. Brand elements that promote that goal are inherently memorable and attention-getting and therefore facilitate recall or recognition in purchase or consumption settings.

False.. General information isn't important in determining brand image and brand positioning.

T/F Marketers must address how well the brand element conveys general information about the products function and specific information about particular brand attributes and benefits. General information about the products function provides descriptive meaning and is an important determinant of brand image and brand positioning.


T/F Marketers should choose brand elements to enhance brand awareness, form strong, positive, and unique brand associations, or elicit positive brand judgements and brand feelings.

A. Logos have a LONG history as a means to indicate origin, ownership, or association.

The following is false: a. Logos have a short history as a means to indicate origin, ownership, or association. b. Logos and symbols are often easily recognized and can be a valuable way to identify products. However, customers may recognize them but still be unable to link them to any specific product or brand. c. Logos are often non verbal and add to versatility because they may transfer well across cultures and over a range of product categories. d. abstract logos offer advantages when the full brand name is difficult to use for any reason.

b. brand name should NOT be complex

The following is false: a. Brand names that are simple and easy to pronounce can improve brand awareness. b. brand name should be complex c. brand name should be familiar and meaningful d. brand names should be different to improve recognition.

D. Slogans are perhaps the EASIEST brand element to change over time, which may allow marketers more flexibility in managing them.

The following is false: a. Slogans are short phrases that communicate descriptive or persuasive information about the brand. b. Slogans often appear in advertising, but can play an important role on packaging and in other aspects of the marketing program. c. Slogans are powerful branding devices because, like brand names, they are an extremely efficient, shorthand means to build brand equity. d. Slogans are perhaps the hardest brand element to change over time, which may allow marketers more flexibility in managing them.

d. all of the above.

The following is true: a. Because few product differences exist in some product categories, packaging innovations can provide at least a temporary edge in the competition. b. Package design is an integral part of product development and launch. Package design has become more sophisticated process compared to the past. c. Specialized package designers bring artistic techniques and scientific skills to package design in order to meet the marketing objectives for the brand. d. all of the above

A is true. jingles are not as transferable as other elements jingles can communicate brand benefits but they often convey product meaning in a NON direct and abstract manner.

The following is true: a. Jingles are extended musical slogans and thus are brand elements. b. The musical nature causes jingles to be more transferable than other brand elements. c. Jingles can communicate brand benefits, but they often convey product meaning in a direct and fairly abstract manner. Thus, the potential brand associates they might create are most likely to relate to feelings and personality and other intangibles. d. A and C

d. A&C Generally, the less specific the brand name, the more easily it can be transferred

The following is true: a. Transferability measures the extent to which the brand element adds to the brand equity for new products or in new markets for the brand. b. Generally, the less specific the brand name, the less easily it can be transferred. c. The extent of value added to brand equity across geographic boundaries and market segments largely depends on the cultural content and the linguistic qualities of the brand element. d. A & C

d, all of the above.

The following is true: a. A company wanting a website for its brand may have to use coined words for new brands because so many letter or word combinations have already been registered. b. Brand recall is critical for domain names because it increases the likelihood that customers easily remember the domain name to get to the web site. c. for an existing brand name, the main domain name is typically a straightforward and maybe even literal translation of the brand name. d. all of the above.

A is true. A memorable, meaningful, and likable set of brand elements offers many advantages because customers often do not examine much information in marking product decisions. Transferability, adaptability, and protect ability are the marketers DEFENSIVE strategy and maintain brand equity. It is difficult to chose a brand element that satisfies all six criteria. The test doesn't always reveal the full potential

The following is true: a. A memorable, meaningful, and likable set of brand elements offers many advantages because customers often do not examine much information in marking product decisions. b. Transferability, adaptability, and protect ability are the marketers offensive strategy and maintain brand equity. c. Fortunately, it is easy to choose a brand element that satisfies all six criteria. This is one reason why it is preferable to have multiple brand elements. d. Isolating a particular brand element to become the customers full product and brand knowledge is an effective way to test the brand building ability of that brand element. The test always reveals the full potential of a particular brand element that may otherwise be realized if the company uses multiple brand elements.

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