braxial plexus
branch off of c5
dorsal scapular nerve
upper brachial plexus injury caused by head straining from the shoulder and characterized by waiter's tip position
erb-duchenne paralysis
branches off the posterior cord
upper and lower subscapular nerve and thoracodorsal nerve
two branches off the superior trunk
suprascapular nerve and subclavian nerve
The posterior cord gives rise to what terminal branches?
the axillary nerve and the radial nerve
The lateral cord gives rise to what terminal branches?
the musculocutaneous nerve and the lateral root of the median nerve
What roots compose the middle trunk of the brachial plexus?
What roots compose the inferior trunk of the brachial plexus?
c8 and t1
What divisions make up the medial cord of the brachial plexus?
The anterior division of the lower trunk
What divisions make up the posterior cord of the brachial plexus?
The posterior division of the upper trunk, the posterior division of the middle trunk, and the posterior division of the lower trunk
roots of ulnar nerve
c8 and t1
The medial cord gives rise to what terminal branches?
The ulnar nerve and the medial root of the median nerve
roots of median nerve
roots of dorsal scapular nerve
What roots compose the superior trunk of the brachial plexus?
c5 and c6
roots of axillary nerve
c5 and c6
roots of lower subscapular nerve
c5 and c6
roots of subclavian nerve
c5 and c6
lower brachial plexus injury caused by extreme abduction and characterized by claw hand
klumpke's paralysis
branch off the lateral cord
lateral pectoral nerve
branch off c5-c7
long thoracic nerve
branches off the medial cords
medial pectoral nerve, medial cutaneous nerve of arm, medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
What divisions make up the lateral cord of the brachial plexus?
The anterior division of the upper trunk and the anterior division of the middle trunk
roots of suprascapular nerve
c5 and c6
roots of upper subscapular nerve
c5 and c6
roots of lateral pectoral nerve
roots of long thoracic nerve
roots of musculocutaneous nerves
roots of radial nerve
roots of thoracodorsal nerve
c6, c7, c8
roots of branches off medial cord
c8 and t1