brewton bio 102 final

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What was the unintended consequence for birds when trees infected with Dutch Elm disease were sprayed with DDT? Select all that apply.

-Birds died when they ate earthworms with accumulated levels of DDT. -Leaves coated in DDT fell to the ground and were eaten by earthworms.

How did Rachel Carson account for the public's blind acceptance of DDT without scientific evidence of its safety? Select all that apply.

-Carson said that people put unquestioned faith in the power of experts to bend nature to their will with technology. -Carson reasoned that individuals in positions of power made all the decisions without being informed of the associated risks.

How did DDT become accepted and popularized without knowing whether it was safe?

-DDT was first used in World War II to combat typhus fever, which is carried by insects, in U.S. soldiers. -DDT was successfully used by public health officials to combat illnesses such as malaria, which is carried by mosquitoes. -DDT was successfully used by farmers to protect their crops from insects. -DDT was advertised by chemical companies as "an aid to domestic comfort and tranquility," and neighborhoods were sprayed en masse as children played happily in the clouds of chemicals.

What is 'Sustainable Development?'

-Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What is LEED certification? Why is The Univ. of Tennessee building new buildings up to LEED standards?

-Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. It is a set of rating systems for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of green buildings, homes, and neighborhoods. Aims to help building owners and operators be environmentally responsible and use resources efficiently. LEED-certified buildings are resource efficient. They use less water and energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. -Tennessee is moving towards this because it is more efficient and healthier for the environment. -Example: The LED Light Bulbs are energy efficient.

How can water be a limited resource? The planet is covered with water! What the heck! Why should water be used conservatively?

-Most water on earth is salt water and is unable to drink -Fresh water is a renewable resource and we are polluting. EX: Flint water crisis.

Why is phosphorus important to the ecosystem?

-Phosphorus is critical for the structure of nucleic acids. -Phosphorus is a necessary component for the formation of bone. -Phosphorus is an important component of cell membranes. -Phosphorous is a component of teeth.

Why is the carbon footprint of Americans higher than that of most other inhabitants of the planet?

-We use too many fossil fuels -Too many people using too many cars and wasting fossil fuels. -Waste food. Americans serve too much food, and don't eat it all

How can artificial reefs (like reefballs) offer a natural strategy to improve water quality and stabilize shorelines?

-can help mediate algae blooms -boost habitat

What types of processes contribute to the addition and removal of greenhouse gases (especially carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere?

-cellular respiration (adds) -photosynthesis (removes) -burning fossil fuels (adds)

tropical forests

-cluster nesr equator -most diverse ecosystem (in terms of number of species) -very wet -very warm -humid -consistent climate all year round (no seasons)

Why does burning coal produce ash?

-coal is fossil fuel -the remains of organisms /the mineral matter forms the ash that is left

What was the result of formation of the Environmental Protection Agency, and passage of the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act?

-cuts down on pollution -regulations on harmful pesticides/herbicides

Are there strategies for protecting biodiversity other than by protecting biological hot spots? Can you discuss them? Advantages? Disadvantages?

-ecosystem services strategy -make people aware of their dependence on various ecosystems -establish conservation plans that protect the ecosystem as well as the people -people tend to support conservation efforts when they see their own health and economic security is being protected as well

coniferous forests

-evergreen trees that bear cones


-extremely cold -low biotic diversity -simple vegetation structure -limitation of drainage -short season of growth and reproduction -energy and nutrients in form of dead organic material -permafrost

Who was Rachel Carson? Why was the publication of her book 'Silent Spring' important?

-famous ecologist who was one of the first people to perceive global dangers of pesticide use -Silent Spring launched the modern global environmental movement


-grasslands with scattered trees -dry and warm -long leaf pine savanna = wetter than typical

What is a greenhouse gas, and how do greenhouse gases contribute to alterations in the climate? How is carbon cycled between the atmosphere and terrestrial and/or marine environments?

-greenhouse gases are any of the gases in Earth's atmosphere that absorb heat radiated from Earth's surface and contribute to the greenhouse effect -the greenhouse effect is a natural process by which heat from sunlight is radiated from Earth's surface and trapped by gases in atmosphere, helping to maintain Earth at a temp. that can support life -carbon is taken from the atmosphere by photosynthesis; carbon is then used to make organic molecules and is returned to the atmosphere by cellular respiration and burning fossil fuels

temperate forests

-high levels of rainfall -humid -variety of deciduous trees

temperate grasslands

-hot summers and cold winters -moderate rainfall -grass is abundant -little to no trees or shrubs

How does the rate of human population growth and our consumption patterns impact the environment?

-more people means more consumption -more consumption means more waste -more waste products means more pollution

If plants don't get nitrogen via the atmosphere (and they do not), then how do plants normally get the nitrogen they need for amino acid and nucleic acid synthesis? Why is it a bad idea to apply fertilizer to your yard immediately before a hard rain?

-nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert gaseous nitrogen to nitrogen plants can use (ammonium and nitrate) -nutrient runoff will go into the waterways and cause excessive algae growth, which reduces species diversity and harms water quality

How do most plant gain access to phosphates (naturally)? Can the application of extra phosphate to a farm or your yard create problems in other areas or ecosystems (perhaps near or far away)? How?

-plants absorb phosphates through the soil naturally -nutrient runoff will go into the waterways and cause excessive algae growth, which reduces species diversity and harms water quality


-process whereby chemicals are retained in bodies of organisms and then concentrated in bodies of predators -higher up the food chain, higher concentration of chemicals

Is it possible to design or re-engineer cities to make them more energy efficient? Can you discuss examples? Can you give examples that are being introduced to Knoxville and the UT campus?

-reflective film can be added to inside of windows to reduce solar heating -plant trees to increase shade; less AC -permeable paving systems -radiant barrier can reflect excess heat and reduce heat loss through the insulation


-type of woodland -dry soil -warm -short, hardy shrubs -unique to Pacific Northwest of America

Can you name several reasons why protecting the genetic diversity within populations has practical value?

-wider gene pool means organisms will be less likely to be affected by genetic diseases -allows more for mutations which may help the organisms evolve and become more diverse

What is your carbon footprint, and how can you alter your lifestyle to reduce your carbon footprint? How does your lifestyle contribute to your ecological footprint?

-your carbon footprint is the measure of the total greenhouse gases produced by your activities -you can reduce your carbon footprint by carpooling, walking, reduce size of your lawn, use LED/compact fluorescent lightbulbs

In aquatic environments, DDT is converted to DDE, a chemical that affects reproduction in predatory birds such as pelicans and bald eagles. In the 1950s, populations of these predatory birds plummeted. How did DDE from aquatic environments end up affecting eagles?

DDE is first absorbed from the water by zooplankton, and then moves up the food chain to higher trophic levels, eventually accumulating in predatory birds that feed on fish.

Which of the following statements about biomagnification is correct?

DDT is absorbed by small animals, such as zooplankton, and then moves up the food chain when a predator eats a prey animal.

Why doesn't China still take our plastic waste?

Manufacturers in China could only use a small percentage of the waste being shipped to them. They could no longer deal with the large percentage of the mixed plastics that were really just trash.

What type of biome has short evergreen trees and shrubs with leathery leaves and is characterized by long, hot, dry summers and cool, damp winters?


Why is it more energetically efficient to be a vegetarian than to eat meat?

No energy is lost to another animal's metabolism when a person eats plants.

If we are going to drill for oil in the northern Gulf of Mexico, why don't we drill off the coast of Florida, Virginia, or California?

Oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico have been shut down. We don't drill there anymore.

What should you do with containers that are contaminated with food residue (for instance, cardboard covered with pizza grease, plastic jars with peanut butter, take out food containers)?

Put it in the trash - the food waste makes the item un-recyclable.

What should you do with items made from multiple materials (different types of plastics, metal + plastic, or cardboard + metal + plastic)?

Put it in the trash can. Mixed materials can't be recycled.

What is a 'Biome?'

Refers to terrestrial areas with distinct plant communities.

Who was President when the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts were passed?

Richard Nixon

Why is the sun the ultimate source of energy for all carnivores?

Some of the energy produced during photosynthesis passes from one trophic level to the next as herbivores eat producers and are then eaten by carnivores.

Which statement is true about energy transfer?

Some of the molecules consumed by organisms are never incorporated into their tissues and is lost in feces.

Which of the following is the result of the one-way path of energy flow through the ecosystem?

Tertiary consumers are often rare in an ecosystem

How to resolve the issues in the recycling industry?

The consumer needs to reduce consumption of single-use, throw-away plastics.

After harvesting and selling a crop of corn, a farmer collects the corn stalks and feeds them to her cows. Why should the farmer add fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus to the field before growing another crop?

The nitrogen and phosphorus the plants tookfrom the soil will not return to the field through decomposition.

To ensure a constant supply of fresh water, which statement about the water cycle must be true?

The rate of water withdrawal from natural sources must be less than the rate of replacement.

Why is water considered a renewable resource?

Water resources are continually replenished by the water cycle.

Are wildfires 'natural?'

Wildfires are totally natural and should be allowed to burn, when possible.

Should coastal communities receive Federal support to rebuild in areas prone to storm surge?

Yes, but it should be a loan that must be paid.


a barren region with little or no rainfall, usually sandy and without trees..

An important role of nitrogen-fixing bacteria is to

convert gaseous nitrogen into ammonia.

Which of these must be converted from an atmospheric gas into a form that plants can take up from soil?


Which of the following biomes covers the greatest amount of Earth's surface?


What is the major feature that defines a biome?

plant life

What are some of the pros and cons of producing electricity via coal?

pros: -abundant supply -relatively cheap -continuous power -good utilization cons: -creates pollution -nonrenewable resource

What are some of the pros and cons of producing electricity via nuclear?

pros: -cheap cons: -emits radiation into environment

What are some of the pros and cons of producing electricity via natural gas?

pros: -cleanest of all fossil fuels -no waste cons: -non-renewable resource -emits carbon dioxide

What were some of the pros and cons for using DDT to control mosquitoes? Do these pro and cons potentially inform us in how to safely use other chemicals? How so?

pros: -effective in treating malaria cons: -overused -bad for the environment

What are some of the pros and cons of producing electricity via solar?

pros: -no pollution cons: -expensive to install -insufficient output on cloudy days

What are some of the pros and cons of producing electricity via wind?

pros: -no pollution -might be more useful for emergency situations cons: -lower output on non-windy days or non-windy locations

What type of biome is characterized by evergreen trees, with long and cold winters and only short summers?


Why did the replacement of UT's coal-fired boilers with natural gas boilers improve air quality in Knox County?

will decrease carbon dioxide emitted into atmosphere

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