Brit Lit AB Review Test Questions

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Explains why the evidence is important and how it connects to thesis. Do not simply restate or summarize the evidence. Correct match:

Analysis Sentence

What character in the 19th century novel Pride and Prejudice does not agree with the norms for women set by Victorian society, and she openly rebels against the idea of sensibility and marrying for security?

Elizabeth Bennet

The conclusion paragraph in a persuasive essay is a summary of the points covered in the essay or a summary of the introduction paragraph.


The following sentence has correct proper pronoun usage: The dog played all afternoon with the boy, and he was absolutely exhausted that evening.


The following sentence is punctuated correctly: She walked on the cold wet ground without shoes.


The following sentence is written with correct parallel structure: Not only are we paying for our daughter's wedding but also for the honeymoon.


The following sentence is written with proper pronoun usage: If a customer wants fresh bread, they need to come early in the morning.


In T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land, what Postmodernist element does he use to mirror the confusion many people had about life during the time period?


In the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf, what does Beowulf bring back to the mead hall as proof of defeating Grendel?

Grendel's head

Choose the sentence(s) that is/are punctuated correctly.

I wanted to go the mall; however, my mom was late getting home. I wanted to go to the mall. However, my mom was late getting home.

How does an epic usually begin?

In medias res

Select the sentence that is punctuated correctly.

Juan wanted to play basketball; however, his mom wanted him to play baseball.

An appeal to logic, and is a way of persuading an audience by reason


What is the tone of the 20th century War Poem by Wilfred Owen "Anthem for a Doomed Youth"?


After the Norman Invasion, what was the language spoken in Great Britain called?

Middle English

What specific literary genre does The Rape of the Lock from the 18th century fall under?


What does Romantic poetry value?


What does Tennyson use to create the rhythm of men marching to war in the Victorian poem "Charge of the Light Brigade"?

Poetic structure

What does the 18th century writing "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift exploit?

The desperate conditions in Ireland

Where does the thesis statement appear in a persuasive essay?

The thesis statement appears as the final sentence in the introduction paragraph.

How does Victorian poetry differ from Romantic poetry?

Victorian poets incorporates mythological elements, chivalrous knights, and strict poetic form.

One theme of the 19th century Victorian poem "To an Athlete Dying Young" is about the importance of earning fame.


A theme of the 19th century Victorian poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade" reveals the horrors and glories of war.


Ann Radcliffe's style of explaining the supernatural became coined as "the supernatural explained" and was prominent in many Gothic novels after Radcliffe's success in gaining respect for the genre.


What lines from the 18th century poem "Of Walking the Streets by Day" clearly represents a theme of filth in 18th century London?

"On this methinks I see the walking Crew/At thy Request support the miry Shoe,/The Foot grows black that was with Dirt imbrown'd,/And in thy Pocket gingling Half-pence sound."

Select the correct format of an in-text citation below.

(Higgins 52).

What kinds of evidence are acceptable for expository essays?

-Facts or statistics from a reliable source -Quotes from a reliable source

Select all of the following elements that might appear in 18th century satire

-Irony -Underestimation -Antithesis -Hyperbole

Select all of the following elements that characterize a poem as a Petrarchan Sonnet:

-One eight-line stanza, called an octave and one six-line stanza called a sestet -A rhyme scheme of abbaabba cdecde or abbaabba cdcdcd -11 or 7 syllables per line

The Mock Epic became popular during the 18th century. Select all elements below that are characteristics of the Mock Epic:

-Places a fool in the role of the hero -Satirical -Mocks Classical heroes and heroines

Select all of the following that represent elements of Modernist Literature:

-Stream of Consciousness -Irony and Satire -Fragmentation

Select all of the following that are themes of Romanticism from the 19th century:

-The incorporation of the supernatural -The use of common language -The importance of emotion in creating poetry -The focus on common man and rural life

When did the Roman Empire fall?

410 AD

What is a comma splice?

A comma splice is the use of a comma, rather than a semicolon, colon, or period, to separate related main clauses in the absence of a coordinating conjunction.

Select the best example of a piece of expository writing below:

An instruction manual

Waiting for Godot, the Postmodern play by Samuel Beckett, begins with several of what type of allusions?


A list of sources that you have read (but not necessarily used in your paper) to find support for your paper 


What undertones of political concern does Blake reveal in his Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience written in the 18th century?

Blake highlights the difficulty of making a living in the city

What Anglo-Saxon literary theme does the Anglo-Saxon poem "Dream of the Rood" reveal?


During the Middle Ages, formal elements of what religion arrived in Britain?


Last sentence in the body paragraphs that carefully links the ideas that have been proven and provide the reader with some sort of critical evaluation of the overall importance of the argument

Conclusion Sentence

Occurs after the Topic Sentence and provides a perspective on the topic that will allow for an understanding of the importance of the evidence that will follow your opinion, thought, or idea regarding the topic

Development Sentence

What is the tone of the 20th century Modernist speech by Winston Churchill "We Shall Fight on the Beaches"?


In the 20th century Modernist time period, what was Mohondas Karamchand Gandhi arrested for?

Encouraging the resistance of imperialism

What can you interpret about Swift's view of England and France from the following quote in Gulliver's Travels: "Besides, our histories of six thousand moons make no mention of any other regions, than the two great empires of Lilliput and Blefescu"?

England and France think too highly of themselves and are too focused on each other that they miss out on other world issues

An appeal to ethics, and it is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuader


A thesis statement for a literary essay only needs the title of the text and the main idea of the essay.


A topic sentence is one sentence that reveals what the entire essay will be about.


During the Counterculture of the 1960's, more censorship occurred regarding all art forms.


From "Shooting an Elephant" by George Orwell, readers can interpret that as an officer in Burma during the 20th century, George Orwell supports British imperialism of Burma.


From the 20th century Modernist module, Reader Response Theory indicates that the reader must correctly interpret the ideas of the text based on the author's intended meaning.


Marxist Theory in regards to Literary Criticism focused on the psyche of the human condition: the id, ego, and superego.


Most people consider Dracula the "first" 18th century Gothic novel.


Persuasive essays can use first and second person personal pronouns.


Postmodernist music embraced social and political institutions.


Realism in literature reveals humans as a product of and controlled by their environments


Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen were two 20th century War Poets who glorified the experience and honor of war.


Stream of consciousness, an element of Modernist literature, is the fragmentation of a narrative plot.


T.S. Eliot title his poem The Waste Land because he writes about pollution.


The 19th century Romantic poem Don Juan by Byron does not include the element of satire.


The 20th century War Poem by Siegfried Sassoon titled "The Rear Guard" reveals the horrors of multiple bombings.


The Angry Young Men are a group of various British novelists and playwrights who emerged in the 1950s and expressed happiness and joy over the established sociopolitical order of their country.


The following statement demonstrates the rhetorical strategy of ethos: "Without your help, hundreds of animals will spend Christmas without a family to love."


The realization by Vladimir and Estragon that Godot is never coming at the end of the play represents the answers people sought in the Postmodernist period.


The themes of the poem Songs of Experience are joyful, light, and happy in nature. In the poem Songs of Innocence, the speaker has clearly experienced the cruelties of life that come from aging, so there are themes of anguish, confusion, blame, and despair.


The tree in Waiting for Godot symbolizes growth of the individual.


During the Middle Ages, in what economic tactic did the King exchange land for military service?


What language did the Normans introduce to the Anglo-Saxons when they entered the land?


In the Anglo-Saxon poem "The Wanderer", why is the narrator at sea?

He has been exiled

Sky-Candle is an example of what literary device found in Anglo-Saxon literature:


In Richard Lovelace's poem, "To Althea, from Prison", who do the following lines refer to as "Mercy" and "Majesty"? "When (like committed linnets) I With shriller throat shall sing The sweetness, Mercy, Majesty, And glories of my King; When I shall voice aloud how good He is, how Great should be, Enlargèd Winds, that curl the Flood, Know no such Liberty."

King Charles ll

In Robert Herrick's poem, "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time", the speaker encourages youth to:

Marry Young

What does Orwell's experience in the 20th century Modernist piece "Shooting an Elephant" reveal to him about effects of participating in imperialism?

Orwell realizes that when man turns into a power-hungry tyrant, he loses himself and his own freedom to be human

The collection of short stories with a simple plot and a moral or religious message is categorized as:


The short version of the Source Citation (often the author's last name and page number) that appears in parenthesis at the end of the evidence and refers readers to the complete Source Citation in the Works Cited

Parenthetical Documentation

An appeal to emotion, and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response


What type of essay serves to convince readers of a certain opinion?


What of the following is a theme of "Easter 1916" by William Butler Yeats?


The materials used to support your claims about the primary source

Secondary Source

In the Wife of Bath's tale from The Canterbury Tales, the wife says she'll "welcome the sixth" because she can't "keep continent (having control of your bodily urges) for years and years." What does this mean?

She cannot control herself around men

The complete publication information for a source that a writer uses for evidence in an essay

Source Citation

Before monks began to write down stories and poems, how were stories and poems passed down in Anglo-Saxon society?

Stories were first passed down through scops, who told the stories orally.

In 19th century Romantic Poetry, the literature written was a response to:

The Industrial Revolution

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, who is really the Green Knight?

The Lord of the Castle

Select all of the following that could be considered an archetype:

The Villian The Mentor The Hero The Journey

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein from 19th century literature reveals what theme?

The effects of science and technology on the world

In "The Sermon on the Mount", what is the goal of the parable?

The main overall goal of "The Sermon on the Mount" is to instruct people on how to live, so they can enjoy life and treat others well.

What does the narrator command at the end of the Anglo-Saxon poem "Dream of the Rood"?

The narrator commands people to focus on seeking the Lord at the end of the Anglo-Saxon poem "Dream of the Rood".

How does the poem "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey" represent the period of Romanticism in the 19th century?

The poem reveals how nature creates tranquil experience

What is the purpose of evidence in an essay?

The purpose of evidence is to support, or prove, that a writer's claims have validity.

What of the following statements best describe the three visitors in the Middle Ages ballad "Get Up and Bar the Door"?

The three visitors in the Middle Ages ballad "Get Up and Bar the Door" are somewhat threatening to the couple.

A short statement, usually one sentence appearing at the end of the introduction, that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, etc., and is developed, supported, and explained in the text by means of examples and evidence.

Thesis Statement

What is Osborne's reason for writing his Postmodernist play Look Back in Anger?

To incite social change and shed light on the struggles of the lower class

Help the reader see the connection between the pieces of evidence included in the paragraph. This usually can be captured as a comparison or a contrast (similarly...on the other hand...this is further supported by

Transition Sentence

Determine the poetic meter of the following line of poetry: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary.

Trochaic Octameter

"The Second Coming" by William Butler Yeats alludes to the biblical reference of Christ's return.


A few lines from the 20th century war poem "Dulce et Decorum Est" read: "My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori." (Owen)


Alexander Pope is considered the most famous poet in the early 18th century.


Colonization is the process of acquiring colonies, or territories, and European powers took lands by force through imperialism, or implementing power with the use of military force.


During the 18th century, as reason became popular, people found various artistic mediums to voice concern over a corrupt society and government. Many writers used their wit in the form of satire to reach the masses and politic against corruption.


During the 18th century, most people started moving to urban areas due to increased trade in society.


From the 20th century Modernist module, literary theory is the way a reader can interpret a work of literature.


Many credit the 19th century novel Frankenstein as the basis for the modern horror story as well as the science fiction genre.


Narrative writing is an essay genre that tells a story; a narrative essay is often personal and might tell of a particular experience.


One of the goals of the 18th Century Gothic novel was to create intense emotions or terror in the reader.


Realism is the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural elements


Rhetoric is the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.


T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland reveals Postmodernist elements in the following lines by talking lovingly about another:Your arms full, and your hair wet, I could not/Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither/Living nor dead, and I knew nothing,/Looking into the heart of light, the silence (37-40).


The 19th century novelist Jane Austen includes Gothic elements in her popular novel Northanger Abbey.


The Counterculture of the 1960's had their own ideas regarding morality and sexuality and praised alternative lifestyles such as Bohemianism and the hippie lifestyle.


The Gothic literary genre of the 18th century is a combination of the Medieval Romance and the realism of the modern novel.


The following quote from Osborne's Postmodernist play Look Back in Anger is representative of Postmodernist thought: "Nobody thinks, nobody cares. No beliefs, no convictions and no enthusiasms." He says that England has lost her soul, that it is dreary living in "the American Age.''


The purpose of the 20th century speech by Winston Churchill "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" was to boost societal morale and encourage the soldiers in war.


As an author, Chaucer, from the Middle Ages, has the ability to:

Use both humor and philosophical questions in his writings

A list of sources that you have incorporated within your paper by using the ideas, information, and quotes of others

Works Cited

What was the main catalyst for the change in literature during 20th century Modernism?

World War I

From the Middle Ages Unit, select all of the following that are characteristics of an allegory:

-Have a deeper meaning and represent an underlying message -Have characters with opposing viewpoints in order to reveal the underlying message -Often contain personification -Typically reveal the political or moral stance of the writer

During the Seventeenth Century, select all leading parties from the Interregnum period.

-Rump Parliament -Oliver Cromwell -Protectorate

Match the types of Shakespearean dramas to their corresponding descriptions.

-Shakespearean History: Plays that detailed the issues happening during the reign of certain rulers -Shakespearean Comedy: Plays that typically ended happily with a marriage -Shakespearean Tragedy: Plays that ended sadly with death and destruction

Select all of the following that are characteristics of a Medieval Romance:

-Supernatural elements -Assignment of a quest -Presence of knights with heroic qualities -Women held in high regard -Themes of chivalry and courtly love -An imaginative, fairytale setting

From the Renaissance, what of the following principles does a tragedy include? Check all that apply.

-The protagonist has a tragic flaw (hamartia), or a flaw that leaders to his or her downfall -The protagonist suffers a reversal of fortune or a fall from grace (peripetiea) -The protagonist, or tragic character, is of high ranking and/or socially important -The protagonist recognizes his or her flaw and the downfall (anagnorisis)

What type(s) of verb tense can be used in a narrative essay?

-past -present -future

From Renaissance literature, how many lines does a sonnet have?


Final paragraph in the essay. Do not summarize the ideas in the essay or the introduction. Provide a call to action. Give your readers something extra to think about discuss why your points are important or what else needs to be researched.

Conclusion Paragraph

Why were essays a popular genre during the Seventeenth Century?

During the Seventeenth Century, people desired knowledge, and essays served as a way to explain ideas.

Why type of English was spoken during the English Renaissance?

Early Modern English

All words, ideas, facts or data used from another source (other than the brain) that backs up or supports the statements and opinions stated by the writer—must be cited properly.


All sources have the same source citation for the Works Cited page.


An epic is a short, narrative poem that briefly tells the story of a hero.


Copying and pasting the link, or URL, to a website is the proper source citation to appear on a Works Cited for a website.


In Seventeenth Century England the Puritans wanted to purify the church from all Church of England elements.


In the 1500's, the term "Renaissance" was defined as "reignite" and referenced the various rulers acquiring the throne in England.


In the Anglo-Saxon poem "The Wanderer", the narrator claims that man can control fate.


In the Seventeenth Century poem, "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell, the poem is representative of Carpe Diem poetry because the speaker discusses taking their time and being careful about their relationship.


In the Seventeenth Century, Cavalier poets supported the return of King James to the throne.


Shakespeare consulted Venerable Bede as inspiration for Macbeth.


The list of all source citations at the end of an essay revealing the sources that a writer used for evidence is called the Annotated Bibliography.


The first paragraph in an essay that grabs the reader that should connect the writers topic and ideas to a historical or current to provide general perspective and context.

Introduction Paragraph

In the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf, why does Beowulf request to fight Grendel?

King Hrothgar assisted Beowulf's father in battle, so Beowulf has to now return the favor for the Geats.

Who says the following quote in Shakespeare's Macbeth: "Out, damned spot! Out, I say!—One, two. Why, then, 'tis time to do 't. Hell is murky!—Fie, my lord, fie! A soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?—Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him."

Lady Macbeth

Select the following correct characteristics of the Works Cited:

MLA Format Alphabetical order by the first word in the source citation Hanging indent should be used after the first line of each source citation

In Shakespeare's famous tragedy, Macbeth proclaims that "I am in blood/ Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more,/ Returning were as tedious as go o'er./ Strange things I have in head that will to hand,/ Which must acted ere they may be scanned." What is he thinking about doing?

Macbeth has no choice but to continue with his plans

What is the irony of Duncan admiring the castle in Act I of Shakespeare's Macbeth?

Macbeth is planning Duncan's death

What is the main theme of The Nun's Priest's Tale from The Canterbury Tales?

Pride comes before the fall

The original material that is the focus of the essay (mainly found in literary essays)

Primary Source

One sentence revealing the specific topic of your paragraph this is a broad sentence that allows for entry into subdivision of argument

Topic Sentence

An organized essay includes an introduction paragraph, a clear thesis, clear topic sentences, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.


Folk Ballads are short, repetitive songs with no known authors.


In Beowulf, Wiglaf shows comitatus.


In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the Green Knight sends the Lady to test Sir Gawain.


In a ballad from the Middle Ages, dialogue reveals the action of the tale.


In the Seventeenth Century essay, "Of Parents and Children", the paradox of children is that they make life more enjoyable, but they also create a lot of pain for parents.


In the Seventeenth Century poem "The Ecstasy" by John Donne, the poem uses various conceits to detail the depth of love between two individuals.


King Arthur was a well-known figure from several past and present works of literature and was the leader of the legendary and mythical Camelot; he was also the head of the Knights of the Round Table.


Scansion is the process of analyzing a poem's meter.


Shakespeare addresses his sonnets to two people: a young man and a "dark" lady.


Sir Thomas Wyatt was the first major English poet to translate Petrarch's sonnets.


The Petrarchan sonnet is also called the Italian sonnet.


The Rough Draft reveals if your ideas are cohesive and organized.


The deeper meaning of Paradise Lost in order to show an analysis of the allegorical connection reveals the Fall of Man or original sin.


The following is a correct example for an in-text citation with no author: ("Flying Drones" 921).


The following sentence is punctuated correctly: The apples were rotten; she did not want to eat them.


The following sentence is written with correct parallel structure: Rewrite the following sentence in parallel structure: Reading trashy novels, watching the soaps, and eating junk food are Karen's only vices.


The main theme of the parable "The Good Samaritan" is to show compassion and love to everyone you encounter.


The paradox in "Wife's Lament", an Anglo-Saxon poem, appears when the wife expresses her sadness and anger towards her husband, yet she indicates she still loves him and wants him to think of the good memories they had.


Two of the most popular prose pieces from the time period are the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle by King Alfred the Great and the Ecclesiastical History of England by the Venerable Bede.


Choose the correct form of "keep" that completes the sentence with correct subject/verb agreement: My co-workers, along with my Dad, __________ trying to convince me to get a new job. Correct answer:


Choose the correct form of "keep" that completes the sentence with correct subject/verb agreement: The cat and the dogs ___________ running around the yard like hooligans.


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