Burson Philosophy Final

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Socrates was famous for

- "The unexamined life is not worth living" - A method of teaching that relies heavily on asking questions

From a Christian perspective, what is wrong with the claim that there is ultimately no difference b/w good and evil?

All properly functioning human beings know that there is a difference b/w loving a baby and cruelly hurting a baby. Consequently, there is a real difference b/w goodness and evil.

Which Natural Philosopher believed that the basic substance of the world is air?


Not one of Kierkegaard's one of the "Three Stages of life"

Apologetic stage

Which fallacy is lurking in the following sentence? "I just know she's innocent. I can feel it"

Appeal to emotion

In the Argument from Personal Experience, William Lane Craig makes the claim that:

Belief in God is properly basic

A philosophical claim to knowledge includes the following:

Belief, truth, and proper justification

Negative theology...

Claims that the best way to learn that God is to discuss what God is not like Is also known as apophatic theology

The Hasty Generalization fallacy...

Draws an inference when there is not enough info to do so

Which fallacy uses the same word in 2 different ways in the same context without appropriate qualification?


Which of the following is NOT one of Aristotle's four basic causes?


Naturalism claims that

External reality is ultimately material

According to Peter Kreeft's reformulation of the Deity Trilemma, Jesus is properly situated alongside Buddha, Plato, and Muhammad since each of these men claimed to be God in a monotheistic sense and is universally considered to be sagacious.


As a Christian Theist, it is impossible to believe in evolution.


Bertrand Russell's five-minute hypothesis is easily refuted by appealing to evidence of age, such as photos, videos, and historical artifacts.


Christopher Hitchens claimed the argument for the resurrection of Jesus is the most difficult argument for contemporary atheists to refute.


Critical Realism claims the external world does not actually exist and we, as human beings, construct our own reality.


Deductive arguments can only deliver probably conclusions.


Deism claims that humans are fully personal because they are made in the image of a fully personal God who interacts with humanity on a daily basis.


Dualism is the belief that God creates the world but chooses to ignore it.


Dualists believe: no such thing as spiritual realm and everything is material.


Epistemology is the study of values.


George Berkeley is famous for doubting nearly everything in sight until he finally came to the conclusion that he could not doubt that he was doubting. This led to his famous dictum, "I think; therefore, I am".


Hermeneutics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the justification of truth claims.


In an inductive argument, the conclusion follows logically from valid premises.


In epistemology, a posteriori is the idea that certain knowledge or categories exist in our minds prior to experience.


In epistemology, a priori refers to the idea that knowledge comes only after experience rather than from innate knowledge or categories


In his lecture on Pascal, Thomas Morris argued that the Wager makes evidence irrelevant since reason and religion are diametrically opposed to each other.


Intelligent Design is another name for Theistic Evolution.


Intelligent Design proponents believe that advancements in nano technology prove that the cell is the result of unguided, naturalistic evolutionary processes.


Internal arguments focus on the universe and its form.


John Locke believed reason is the key to knowledge, Rene Descartes argued sense experience is correct path.


Philosopher David Hume believed in miracles because he thought the idea or a supernatural source best explained unusual phenomena that are not easily accounted for by natural laws, such as cause and effect.


Plato was an early empiricist, while Aristotle was one of the first rationalists.


Plato's Theory of Forms focused on the particulars of this world as ultimate reality.


Rene Descartes's dream hypothesis is an example of Source Skepticism.


Richard Dawkins believes that Science explains the visible world of facts, but Religion is needed to explain the invisible world of values.


Socrates, Plato, Xeno is the "trinity" of Greek philosophy.


TULIP is the acrostic used to summarize traditional Arminian doctrine.


The 5 Pillars of Islam are: 1) to recite the confession that there is no God but Allah, 2) to pray 5 times a day facing toward Jerusalem 3) to fast during the month of Ramadan, 4) to kill at least one infidel during one's lifetime, 5) to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem at least once in a lifetime.


The Deity Trilemma, made famous by C.S. Lewis, argues that there are only three logical answers to the question, "Who was Jesus?" He was Lord of the universe, a liar of epic proportions or a great human moral teacher, but not divine.


The argument for the resurrection of Jesus is an example of an external argument.


The correspondence theory of truth focuses on whether or not a theory works.



Friedrich Nietzsche

Which of the following does NOT accurately describe Thales?

He believed everything ultimately boils down to air

Which of the following best describes Thomas Kuhn's contribution to science?

He is largely responsible for explaining how science advances by shifting paradigms

Which is the best philosophical formulation of the Problem of Evil?

If God is all-powerful and perfectly good, then why does evil exist?

Which of the following is NOT part of the Scientific Method?

Invite the news media to investigate the new hypothesis and report their findings to the general public

Example of metaphysical question:

Is there a real external world outside of my own thoughts?

The Free Will Theodicy...

Is typically attributed to St. Augustine Says God is responsible for the fact of freedom, but humans are responsible for their acts of freedom

If humans and God don't possess a shared understanding of concepts such as love and goodness, then how can we say that God is a good communicator? Why do some people reject the statement that God is justified because there is more good than evil in the world?

It is impossible for humans to verify this claim Many people in this world, including starving children, would question the veracity of the claim that there is more good than evil in the world.

Main branches of philosophy

Metaphysics, epistemology, axiology

Plato's allegory of the cave focuses on

Our need to be extricate from bondage so we can perceive the real world and help others do the same

NOT major era of Western Philosophy

Pantheistic Era

William James is best associated with which of the following schools of thought?


Deism is the worldview that:

Proposed a God who set the world in motion, but does not interact with creation.

Scientific Revolution began in:

Renaissance Era

Which philosopher is associated w/ Enlightenment:

Rene Descartes

Name a problem with C.S. Lewis's claim that pain and suffering are "God's megaphone to rouse a deaf world"?

Sometimes suffering makes us bitter instead of better

"What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem, The Academy with the Church"


The view that considers "good to be anything that God says is good" is called

The Divine command theory

The Soul-making theodicy, originally proposed by Irenaeus, focuses on

The redemptive role that suffering and pain play in human character formation

A Reductio ad absurdum argument is:

The refutation of a proposition by demonstrating the inevitably absurd conclusion to which it would logically lead

Identify a problem with saying all evil can be attributed to God's punishment

There isn't always a correlation b/w sin and suffering Identify a problem with saying that God's ways are not only higher than but also contrary to our best and most certain moral intuitions.

Which of the following philosophers was a materialist?

Thomas Hobbes

Scottish Commonsense Realism is an approach:

To reality that avoids theoretical questions and takes a what-you-see-is-what-you-get attitude

A reader-response approach to the biblical text is a postmodern strategy that ignores the original meaning and replaces it with the way the words strike a particular contemporary group of readers.


According to Islam, for Allah to know a thing or an event means that Allah thoroughly controls that thing or event.


According to Ludwig Wittgenstein, the meaning of word is primarily a matter of how they are used rather than a fixed thing to which they point.


According to Scheck, any interpretation of the world involves that the world exists and a recognition that our interpretations of our world are exactly that - interpretations from a point of view.


An argument against the person is also known as an ad hominem argument.


As an empiricist, John Locke believed that humans begin with a tabula rosa or blank slate and sensations in the world create simple ideas in our minds.


Atheist Richard Dawkins is open to the idea of intelligent design as long as the designer is not God.


Brian McLaren believes Muslims should be either converted to Christianity, deported, or executed while Gary Cass believes Christians should reach out to Muslims in love, gentleness, and kindness.


C.S. Lewis argued that it is improper to discount the possibility of miracles on the basis of experience since we do not know if all miracle claims are false.


Charles Darwin argued that naturalistic evolution explains apparent design, therefore, a divine designer is unnecessary to make sense or order to complexity in the world.


Christian Theists believe that God is both transcendent and immanent, and this universe is an open system of uniform cause and effect.


Christian philosopher-theologian Thomas Aquinas relied upon Aristotle when he presented his five proofs for God's existence.


David Hume raised the fact-value problem, which says there is nothing in experience that can get us from a fact to a moral value,


External apologetic arguments include the cosmological and teleological arguments.


Fideism is another word for "blind faith"


George Berkeley believed matter doesn't really exist and we are thoughts in the mind of God.


Gnosticism claims that the material world is evil and the spiritual world is good.


Gottfried Leibniz though that this world is the best of all possible worlds and it may turn out that instances of evil are accompanied by a greater good.


Hans-Georg Gadamer suggested a hermeneutic that fuses the horizon and assumption of the reader with the horizon of the text.


Immanuel Kant argued that the content of human knowledge comes from sense experience, but the organization of that content comes from pre-existent cognitive categories.


Immanuel Kant was one of the first philosophers to advance the Moral Argument.


In a circular reasoning fallacy, the person is assuming what she is trying to prove.


In a straw man argument, the person constructing the argument misrepresents the other person's position in order to make his or her argument easier to dismantle.


Microevolution is the idea that variation does occur on a scale, while Macroevolution is the idea that, over millions of years, complex organisms like human beings have evolved from the smallest microorganisms.


Naturalism claims that the cosmos exists as a closed system of uniform cause and effect.


Naturalistic Evolution asserts that all life on earth can be traced to a common ancestor and developed through undirected material mechanisms.


One reason why William Lane Craig accepts the bodily resurrection of Jesus as a time-space historical fact is because most of the disciples were willing to die for their belief in the resurrected Christ.


Radical orthodoxy: assumes all essential elements of Christian faith rather than arguing for the truth of these teachings.


Reformed epistemology: belief in God is properly basic and doesn't need proof.


Soren Kierkegaard is the father of existentialism.


St. Augustine affirmed the picture theory of language.


The Cosmological Argument essentially argues that something cannot come from nothing.


The law of contradiction says that two contradictory claims cannot both be true.


NOT of one Sire's 8 worldview questions:

What happen to unbaptized children if they die before the age of accountability?

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