bus 112 chapt 8

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The ways in which group members have an impact on the attitudes, opinions, and behaviors of others within the group is known as group _____. a.diffusion b.stratification c.stigmatization d.couponing e.influence


Which of the following individual difference variable assesses the individual's need to enhance his or her image in terms of others by acquiring and using products, conforming to the expectations of others, and learning about products by observing others? a.Need for cognition b.Typical intellecutal engagement c.Separateness-connectedness d.Openness to experience e.Susceptibility to interpersonal influence


Which of the following types of marketing techniques involve deceiving consumers about the involvement of marketers in a communication? a.Communal marketing b.Affinity marketing c.Cause marketing d.Ambush marketing e.Stealth marketing


Which of the following types of social power gives an individual authority to sanction members or revoke membership of those who do not conform to group rules? a. Referent power b. Expert power c. Value-expressive power d. Persuasive power e. Legitimate power


_____ word-of-mouth (WOM) occurs when marketers attempt to accelerate WOM in existing customer circles, or when they develop entirely new WOM forums. a. Primary b. Random c. Organic d. Scripted e. Amplified


Who controls information flow into the household in the household purchase process? a.Influencer b.Gatekeeper c.Purchaser d.User e.Decision maker


A(n) _____ group refers to a group that has no membership or application requirements, and codes of conduct may be nonexistent. a. informal b. professional c. legitimate d. structured e. dissociative


Barbara is an active member of her church. She is the choir director and the head of youth activities. Barbara can best be associated with the _____ self-schema. a. connected b. idealized c. dissociated d. actualized e. separated


Marketing efforts that focus on generating excitement that is spread among market segments is known as _____ marketing a.buzz b.affinity c.multi-level d.relationship e.ambush


Marketing of a product using unconventional means is called _____ marketing. a. guerrilla b. affinity c. ambush d. communal e. cloud


Stacy had signed up her daughters for Brownie Girl Scouts few months back. Since then, she had noticed a positive attitudinal change in them. They are now much more disciplined and responsible. According to Stacy, this change has been brought about by the Girl Scouts group. The change in Stacy's daughters can be attributed to _____. a.group influence b.social couponing c.group polarization d.social stratification e.social loafing


The Seminal Ballet Dancers is a group consisting of aspiring dancers. New members often mirror the attitudes and behavior of other members as doing so makes them fit in with the group. Which of the following types of social power is being illustrated in this scenario? a. Referent power b. Legitimate power c. Expert power d. Reward power e. Coercive power


The measure of the strength of connection between members in a group is known as social _____. a. tie b. flow c. graph d. exchange e. contract


The person in the household who recognizes a need and provides information about a potential purchase to others is known as a(n) _____. a.influencer b.gatekeeper c.purchaser d.user e.decision maker


The way in which new products are adopted and spread throughout a marketplace is known as the _____ process. a.diffusion b.differentiation c.activation d.innovation e.assimilation


Which of the following generation consists of consumers who must take care of both their own children and their aging parents? a.The sandwich generation b.The boomerang kids generation c.The Baby Boomers generation d.Generation Z e.Generation Jones


Which of the following occurs when an individual yields to the attitudes and behaviors of other consumers? a. Conformity b. Reliability c. Credibility d. Validity e.Accountability


Which of the following types of social power motivates consumers to imitate the behaviors and attitudes of the group as a means of identifying with the group? a.Referent power b.Legitimate power c.Coercive power d.Reward power e.Expert power


A brand community is an example of a(n) _____. a. primary group b. secondary group c. task group d. action group e. outgroup


A group that includes members who have frequent, direct contact with one another is known as a(n) _____. a.focus group b.primary group c.secondary group d.task group e.outgroup


Age Care, a non-profit organization that focuses on caring for the elderly, encourages its members to do as many good deeds as possible. At the end of each year, one individual will be voted as the "Age Care Member of the Year," and will win a free holiday for two. Which of the following types of group influence most likely motivates members of Age Care to do good deeds? a. Informational influence b. Utilitarian influence c. Value-expressive influence d. Coercive influence e. Affective influence


Members of The Harley Owners Group come together for members-only rides and other events. This is an example of a(n) _____ community. a.ethnic b.brand c.contractual d.geographic e. professional


Richard, a tennis player, has dreams of winning all four Grand Slam titles so that he can be a member of the exclusive club of players with a Career Grand Slam. This is an example of a(n) _____ group. a. primary b. aspirational c. associative d. dissociative e. informal


Sarah is a member of a book club. The members meet every Saturday for book reading sessions. All the members except Sarah, drink Coke as they read. During one such session, Sarah was offered a bottle of Coke by a member. Instead of refusing, she gladly accepted it and enjoyed the drink. Which type of reference group influence is most likely to account for Sarah's consumption of coke? a. Normative influence b. Informational influence c.Coercive influence d.Value-expressive influence e.Utilitarian influence


Stan is a member of the Association for Consumer Research, but when he attends the conferences, he doesn't identify with the group. Even though his research is received favorably, he often feels detached and perceives himself as different from the other members. Stan can best be described as having a(n) _____ self-schema with respect to this group. a. idealized b. separated c. actualized d. connected e. ambiguous


Which of the following types of reference group influence occurs when consumers conform to group expectations to receive a reward or avoid punishment? a. Hedonic influence b. Utilitarian influence c. Informational influence d. Value-expressive influence e. Affective influence


_____ is the marketing technique that involves using fake identities in online discussions to promote a product. a. Shilling b. Infiltrating c. Diffusing d. Activating e. Evading


_____ word-of-mouth occurs naturally when consumers truly enjoy a product or service and they want to share their experiences with others. a. Primary b. Organic c. Natural d. Amplified e. Secondary


A group in which a consumer desires to become a member is called a(n) _____ group. a. abstained b. tangential c. aspirational d. dissociative e. evading


A group to which a consumer does not want to belong is called a(n) _____ group. a. primary b. tangential c. dissociative d. aspirational e. reference


Andy has always wanted to be a part of the college football team for as long as he can remember. He attends all the trials and works hard to maintain his athletic fitness. Being a part of the team appeals to Andy's _____ self. a. actual b. extended c. ideal d. social e. real


Beth had been searching for the right foundation for her skin type. She had tried a few brands before, however, none of them suited her sensitive skin. When Beth finally found what she was looking for, she made it a point to tell all her close friends about how good the product was for her skin. This is an example of _____ word-of-mouth. a. primary b. natural c. organic d. unscripted e. amplified


Consumers who score high on the _____ variable are concerned about how other people react to their behavior. a. need for cognition b. typical intellectual engagement c.attention to social comparison information d.openness to experience e.separateness-connectedness


Consumers who spread information about all types of products and services that are available in the marketplace are called _____. a.surrogate consumers b.opinion leaders c.market mavens d.universal shoppers e.conspicuous consumers


Families consisting of previously married spouses and their children are known as _____ families. a.consanguineal b.generational c.blended d.extended e.kindred


Jane does not believe in spending on high-end brands. However, when she is out shopping with her colleagues who regularly splurge on luxury brands, she ends up buying expensive brands to impress them. Jane is most likely to score high on the _____ variable. a.need for cognition b.typical intellectual engagement c.attention to social comparison information d.openness to experience


Kelly goes for a walk every morning in the park near her apartment. She is acquainted with the other people who also walk in the park at the same time. She greets them whenever they meet and sometimes goes for an impromptu breakfast with them. This group is an example of a(n) _____ group. a.professional b. coercive c. informal d. utilitarian e. dissociative


Patrick graduated from college this year, however, he decided to stay with his parents in order to save money and pay off his college debts. Patrick is most likely to be described as being a part of _____. a.the sandwich generation b.Generation X c.the boomerang kids generation d.the baby boomers generation e.Generation Jones


The American Heart Association (AHA) is an organization that promotes cardiac care. It organizes various awareness programs for the public on ways to prevent cardiac ailments. Which of the following types of social power does AHA have in the domain of cardiac care? a. Referent power b. Legitimate power c. Expert power d. Reward power e. Coercive power


The ability of a group or individual to influence a consumer due to the group's or individual's knowledge of, or experience with, a specific subject matter is known as _____ power. a. referent b. legitimate c. expert d. reward e. coercive


Using online technologies to facilitate word-of-mouth by having consumers spread marketing messages through their online connections is known as _____ marketing. a. affinity b. stealth c. viral d. multi-level e. ambush


Which of the following types of social power is based on a group's power to sanction group members for breaking rules or failing to follow expectations? a. Reward power b. Expert power c. Coercive power d. Referent power e. Associative power


A consumer who is hired by another to provide input into a purchase decision is known as a(n) _____. a.conspicuous consumer b.laggard consumer c.early majority purchaser d.surrogate consumer e.universal purchaser


Abigail joined PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) as she strongly believes in the group's cause of helping animals. She even chose to become a vegetarian because of her belief in the group's vision for animal welfare. Which of the following types of group influence does PETA exert on Abigail? a. Hedonic influence b. Utilitarian influence c.Informational influence d.Value-expressive influence e.Ego-defensive influence


Derrick has always been an animal lover. He neither wants to be part of any meat-lovers club nor wants any form of association with groups that have a history of cruelty toward animals. In this scenario, Derrick associates such clubs as _____ groups. a. tangential b. aspirational c. primary d. dissociative e. reference


Every year The Sprinters' Club, a group for athletes, declares one of its members as the "most outstanding athlete of the year." The title is based solely on performance, and all members vie for it. The power of the club to bestow this title to one of its members is an example of _____ power. a. referent b. legitimate c. expert d. reward e. coercive


Harriet just moved into a new neighborhood. She buys a new car and adopts a sense of fashion that will make her "fit in" with the rest in the neighborhood. The individual difference variable that Harriet is most likely to score high is _____. a. need for cognition b. typical intellectual engagement c.openness to experience d.susceptibility to interpersonal influence e.need for self-actualization


Mom & Baby Inc., a firm specializing in mother and child care products, gives away free samples of their latest products to new mothers. They also encourage mothers to provide feedback on their product samples in a blog for new mothers. The company's goal is to stimulate positive word-of-mouth communications about their products. This is an example of _____ word-of-mouth. a. primary b. natural c. organic d. amplified e. scripted


The marketing technique that involves compensating consumers to talk about, or promote, products without disclosing that they are working for the company is called _____. a. infiltrating b. activating c. invading d. shilling e. diffusing


Traffic Followers, a group promoting road safety, has a strict code of sanctioning members found flouting traffic rules. In some cases, nonconformity can result in expulsion from the group. This is an example of a group exercising _____ power over its members. a. referent b. expert c. reward d. coercive e. abusive


When Sylvia completed high school and started applying to various colleges, she kept Michigan State University at the top of her priority list as her parents wanted her to attend college there. This scenario illustrates the influence of a(n) _____ on Sylvia's choice. a.focus group b.tertiary group c.outgroup d.primary group e.secondary group


Which of the following families consists of three or more generations of family members? a.A polygamous family b.A conjugal family c.A nuclear family d.An extended family e.A blended family


Young adults, aged 18-34, who graduate from college and move back home with their parents are referred to as the _____. a.Baby Boomers b.generation Jones c.sandwich generation d.boomerang kids e.Generation X


Aspirational group membership often appeals to the consumer's _____ self. a. actual b. social c. extended d. real e. ideal


Consumers who have great influence on other consumers' behaviors relating to product adoption and purchase are known as _____. a.conspicuous consumers b.surrogate consumers c.product innovators d.market leaders e.opinion leaders


Fred has an analog television without cable or satellite. He will not switch to a digital TV until the old one breaks down. Which of the following adopter categories best describes Fred? a.Innovator b.Early adopter c.Early majority d.Impulse purchaser e.Laggard


Pi Sigma Epsilon (PSE) is a professional marketing fraternity that has an official initiation ceremony for all its new members. The national association has a Chapter Efficiency Index outlining the activities the chapter members are expected to do. PSE is an example of a(n) _____ group. a. primary b. task c. transitory d. focus e. formal


Ruth has taken up the responsibility of maintaining her joint family's expenses. She keeps track of the entire family's needs and discusses with the other family members about the purchases to be made. Ruth plays the role of a(n) _____ in her household purchase process. a.decision maker b.user c.gatekeeper d.purchaser e.influencer


The extent to which consumers join groups to express their own closely held beliefs is called _____ influence of groups. a. utilitarian b. normative social c. hedonic d. informational e.value-expressive


The pressure an individual feels to behave in accordance with group expectations is known as _____ pressure. a. intrinsic b. persuasive c. consensual d. nominal e. peer


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