BUS 360 Ch 12 quiz

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rely on traditional products until they are no longer available, and then they may reluctantly adopt the product.

a. Laggards

describes how easily consumers can test and use the product.

a. Trialability

Disney recently released new versions of its classic movies Aladdin and The Lion King. This is an example of new product innovation based on

a. a fashion cycle.

A product perceived to be better than most substitutes is said to have which should speed up the diffusion process.

a. a relative advantage

When Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream tests all its proposed new flavors on its own employees at its corporate headquarters in Vermont, it is using

a. alpha testing.

When you recommend collaborating with other firms, brainstorming, licensing, and conducting customer research to your marketing team, you are suggesting ways to boost

a. idea generation.

To evaluate the market potential of its nacho fries, a fast-food company started offering and promoting the product in select cities in Florida and Ohio. This move is an example of

a. test marketing.

When Amazon created the Echo, smart speakers that respond to voice commands and connect via Bluetooth, the most likely reason was

a. to adapt to changing customer needs.

will be crucial to the success of Ben's new online greeting card delivery service because they will help the service gain market acceptance by spreading positive word of mouth about it.

b. Innovators

Kyle is highly knowledgeable about new developments in computer technology, since he reads everything he can find about the subject. Typically, being the first to try out new computer parts and models, he would be classified in terms of the diffusion of innovation curve.

b. as an innovator

Big Island Sporting Goods has invited some potential consumers to test a prototype of its new tennis racket in a real-use setting. These consumers will assess the racket for functionality, performance, and potential problems. Big Island is conducting

b. beta testing.

Eat Well's canned foods are now being marketed in Australia and New Zealand, but cultural differences are slowing down the diffusion process. As marketing manager for the brand, you believe the reason is most likely low levels of

b. compatibility.

Janelle's product-development team has provided brief written descriptions of the new toy robot they're developing and the customer needs it would satisfy, including visual images of what the product would look like. The team is engaging in

b. concept testing.

If the buying group is relatively small, the number of people who ultimately adopt the innovation likely will also be small.

b. early adopter

Which term refers to the process by which ideas get transformed into new offerings, including products, services, processes, and branding concepts that will help firms grow?

b. innovation

Tide Pods® are an example of a product because their introduction to the market radically changed consumer behavior and preferences and the entire competitive landscape.

b. pioneer

Carissa enjoys novelty and her friends consider her an opinion leader. But as a(n) she is not the first to purchase new product innovations.

c. early adopter

As, pioneers have the advantage of creating a new market or product category, establishing a commanding initial market share lead.

c. first movers

Apex Sleep Products has developed a new adjustable mattress. At which stage in its product life cycle will sales of the new mattress increase most rapidly?

c. growth

During the stage, firms face intense competition for market share, causing them to market their product aggressively.

c. maturity

People who get Botox treatments consider it to be a private matter; therefore, they do not discuss it with others. This lowers the level of slowing down the diffusion process.

c. observability

As head of new-product development, Janelle has purchased a competitor's new toy robot. She asks her team to analyze it and create an improved product that does not infringe on the competitor's patents, if any exist. Janelle's team will be conducting

c. reverse engineering.

When enter a new product market, the product has achieved its full market potential and sales tend to level off, or they may be in decline.

d. late majority adopters

Wonder Play's new board game is still in rough form, but it has the same game pieces, board, and properties the finished game will have, even though it was produced through different manufacturing processes. This rough version of the game is called a(n)

d. prototype.

is a process of balancing various engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and economic considerations to develop a product's form and features or a service's features.

e. Product design

Although sales of long-playing vinyl records (LPs) recently surged after slowing for years, they usually pale in comparison with the number of digital downloads. LPs are likely in the stage of their life cycle.

e. decline

Taxes were historically prepared on paper by consumers or professionals. Now, tax-preparation software programs are in wide use by taxpaying consumers and small businesses. This shows the process of

e. diffusion of innovation.

Felix has made it a company-wide goal that a specific percentage of yearly sales must come from new products. Felix is attempting to

e. manage risk through diversification.

During what stage of the new-product development process does a marketer develop a prototype for alpha or beta testing?

e. product development

Which large group of consumers, representing a substantial portion of the population, will be critical to the success of We Luv Pets' new line of dog chews?

e. the early majority

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