Busi 520 Final

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If A1=2, the resulting value of =3*A1^3 is 24 None of the answers listed. 9 12 18


The formula =ROUND(24.449,1) results in _____. 24.5 24.4 24 25 None of the answers listed.


The formula =ODD(3.23) results in the value _____. 5 4 3 1 None of the answers listed.


If the formula =$B$4-SUM(A1:A5) is copied from cell A9 to cell C10, what is the resulting formula? =$B$4-SUM(A2:A6) =$B$4-SUM(C2:C6) =$B$4-SUM(C2:C5) None of the answers listed. =$B$5-SUM(A2:A6)


_____ is the formula that returns the arithmetic mean for the range F4:F20. =MEDIAN(F4:F20) None of the answers listed. =MEAN(F4:F20) =STDEV(F4:F20) =AVERAGE(F4:F20)


To count how many "A" grades there in the range C3:C100, use the formula _____. =COUNT(C3:C100,"A") =COUNT(C3:C100,A) =COUNTIF(C3:C100,A) =COUNTIF(C3:C100,"A") None of the answers listed.


The correct formula for counting values in the range D5:D25 that are greater than 90 is _____. =COUNTIF(D5:D25,">90") =COUNTIF(D5:D25,">=90") =COUNTIF(D5:D25,>=90) None of the answers listed. =COUNTIF(D5:D25,"<90")


The correct formula to count all items in the range E4:E20 that end with a "d" in the third to last position in the text value is _____. =COUNTIF(E4:E20,"d??") =COUNTIF(E4:E20,"d") =COUNTIF(E4:E20,"*d") =COUNTIF(E4:E20,"*d??") None of the answers listed.


The formula _____ counts all product codes in the range H4:H25 with only a single character followed by 715. =COUNTIF(H4:H25,"#715") =COUNTIF(H4:H25,"*715") =COUNTIF(H4:H25,"?715") None of the answers listed. =COUNTIF(H4:H25,"*715?")


To find the 10th largest value from a list of values in cells A1:A100, use _____. =MAX(A1:A100) None of the answers listed. =MAX(A1:A100) =LARGEST(A1:A100,10) =LARGE(A1:A100,10)


The best way to center titles is to use the Merge & Center toolbar/ribbon button. True False


The formula =ROUNDDOWN(9.99,0) results in the value of 10. True False


The formula =TRUNC(4.6) results in the integer value of 5. True False


The mode of the numbers 2, 2, 6, 7, 8 is 5. True False


To display pairs of values with data points connected by lines, use a column chart. True False


Using legends to clarify a pie chart's data is preferable to using data labels. True False


When creating a stacked column chart, don't forget to select the totals associated with the data to be charted. True False


When using Excel to open a file that is in .csv format, formulas and formatting entered in the sheet can be safely saved in either .csv, .xls or .xlsx format. True False


You should always adjust column widths first, before attempting to Wrap Text for the column headings. True False


If you entered 5.09 into a cell with a custom number format of #.###, the number will be displayed in the cell as 5.090. True False

False A custom number format code of 0.000 would display the number as 5.090 . But the # will not show trailing zeros since they don't affect the value of the number.

The median is the arithmetic average of a set of numbers. True False

False The median is the middle of value of a data set in which there is an equal number of values both higher and lower than the median.

In the Pie of Pie sub type chart, the _____ option allows you to include exactly the segments you want in the main pie chart and second plot. None of the answers listed. Format Chart Area Format Data Labels Select Data Format Data Series

Format Data Series

_____ is the average of a set of numbers. None of the answers listed. Mode Mean Median Standard deviation


_____ is the arithmetic value that occurs in the middle of a data set when organized from lowest to highest. Mode Mean Median None of the answers listed. Standard deviation


In Excel, what keystroke combination toggles between displaying formulas and displaying values? 1. Ctrl+Shift+~ (Ctrl, Shift and tilde) 2. None of the answers listed. 3. Ctrl+1 (Ctrl and 1) 4. F4 5. Ctrl+Shift+! (Ctrl, Shift and exclamation mark)

None of the answers listed. The correct keystroke combination to toggle between displaying formulas and values is Ctrl + ' . (Ctrl and left quote.)

___ is(are) first in the order of precedence rules. 1. Addition and subtraction from left to right 2. None of the answers listed. 3. Multiplication and division from left to right 4. Exponentiation 5. Operations in parentheses

Operations in parentheses

The option of _____ displays a dialog box that provides all the different paste options. Paste Special None of the answers listed. Paste Options Paste Paste Link

Paste Special

The _____ chart displays a main Pie chart with user-defined values extracted and combined into a second Pie plot. None of the answers listed. Pie of Pie Bar of Pie Doughnut Exploded Pie

Pie of Pie

To find the relative position of values within a data set, use the _____ function. ARRANGE ORDER ALPHABETIZE None of the answers listed. RANK.EQ (or RANK)


When numbers containing zeros are entered in a cell, if 0 is used as one of the digits in the cell's custom formatting code, that digit displays _____. 1. only a digit that affects the value of the number 2. None of the answers listed. 3. any digit, regardless of whether it affects the value of the number 4. only a digit that does not affect the value of the number 5. no digits

any digit, regardless of whether it affects the value of the number

When creating a stacked column chart, to swap the information in the legend with the info on the x-axis, ______ 1. select a different range of data before creating the chart. 2. None of the listed answers. 3. change the chart layout options. 4. specify a different chart type. 5. click the "Switch Row/Column" button.

click the "Switch Row/Column" button.

The first thing to do when creating an Excel chart is to _____. 1. None of the answers listed. 2. choose the Chart type 3. decide where within your spreadsheet the chart will be located 4. Insert the Chart 5. select the data to be used for the chart

select the data to be used for the chart

The wrong argument type or operand is shown by #VALUE! #NAME? #NUM! #REF! None of the answers listed.


The formula =ROUND(2.49,0) results in _____. 2.5 2.49 None of the answers listed. 2.490 2


The formula =ROUNDUP(2.003,2) results in _____. 2 2.01 2.00 None of the answers listed. 2.03


If A1=2, B2=3, and C3=10, the resulting value of =A1-B2+C3/10 is None of the answers listed. 0 0.9 1.5 1


If A1=2, then the resulting value of =3+5*A1 is 13 None of the answers listed. 10 30 16


The formula =ROUND(SUM(9.33,9.55),0) results in 18.99 None of the answers listed. 19 18 18.88


In the set of numbers 2, 2, 4, 5, 9, the mode is _____ None of the answers listed. 2 4 5 4.4


_____ is(are) last in the order of precedence rules. 1. Multiplication and division from left to right 2. Addition and subtraction from left to right 3. Operations in parentheses 4. None of the answers listed. 5. Exponentiation

Addition and subtraction from left to right

In Excel, what keystroke combination moves one screen to the right within the current worksheet? None of the answers listed. Shift+Pg dn Ctrl+Pg dn Alt+Pg dn Ctrl+tab

Alt+Pg dn

The ______ chart displays a main Pie chart with user-defined values in a second Stacked Bar chart. Pie of Pie Exploded Pie None of the answers listed. 3-D Pie Bar of Pie

Bar of Pie

The _____ chart type compares sets of three values indicated by filled circles. Area Bubble Doughnut None of the answers listed. XY (Scatter)


A professor is interested in making certain parts of his gradebook remain visible even if he has lots of students or lots of test, making it necessary to scroll. He wants to always be able to see the student names, student id's, and the column headings (containing the test #'s, etc.). What cell or cells should be selected prior to freezing panes? C4 None of the answers listed. B4 Column B AND Row 3 B3


In Excel, what keystroke combination shows the format cells dialog window? 1. Ctrl+Shift+! (Ctrl, Shift and exclamation mark) 2. Ctrl+Shift+~ (Ctrl, Shift and tilde) 3. Ctrl+1 (Ctrl and 1) 4. None of the answers listed. 5. Ctrl+` (Ctrl and left quote (grave accent))

Ctrl+1 (Ctrl and 1)

In Excel, what keystroke combination quickly inserts the current date? 1. Ctrl+Shift+# (Ctrl, Shift and number sign) 2. None of the answers listed. 3. Ctrl+Shift+@ (Ctrl, Shift and "at" symbol) 4. Ctrl+; (Ctrl and semi-colon) 5. Ctrl+Shift+: (Ctrl, Shift and colon)

Ctrl+; (Ctrl and semi-colon)

The quickest way to invoke the Paste Special dialog box is by pressing _______. Ctrl+Alt+v Alt+h, v, s Ctrl+v Ctrl+Shift+v None of the answers listed.


In Excel, after having copied something, what keystroke combination quickly performs a Paste Special operation? Ctrl+v Ctrl+Alt+v Ctrl+Shift+p Ctrl+Shift+v None of the answers listed.

Ctrl+Alt+v Ctrl+Alt+v only works in Excel 2007 and later versions. FYI, Menu key, s also works. (Some students' computers may not have the Menu key, therefore Shift+F10, s would also work. Shift+F10 pulls up the context-sensitive right-mouse-click menu.)

In Excel, what keystroke combination switches (the active worksheet) to the next worksheet (to the right)? 1. Ctrl+Pg dn 2. None of the answers listed. 3. Shift+tab 4. Ctrl+tab 5. Alt+Pg dn

Ctrl+Pg dn

In Excel, what keystroke combination quickly applies the number format to two decimal places? 1. Ctrl+Shift+! (Ctrl, Shift and exclamation mark) 2. None of the answers listed. 3. Ctrl+Shift+# (Ctrl, Shift and number sign) 4. Ctrl+Shift+~ (Ctrl, Shift and tilde) 5. Ctrl+Shift+@ (Ctrl, Shift and "at" symbol)

Ctrl+Shift+! (Ctrl, Shift and exclamation mark)

In Excel, what keystroke combination quickly applies a border around the selected cell or range? 1. Ctrl+- (Ctrl and minus) 2. Ctrl+Shift+_ (Ctrl, Shift and underscore) 3. Ctrl+Shift+& (Ctrl, Shift and ampersand) 4. None of the answers listed. 5. Ctrl+Shift+= (Ctrl, Shift and equal sign)

Ctrl+Shift+& (Ctrl, Shift and ampersand)

In Excel, what keystroke combination quickly inserts the current time? Ctrl+Shift+@ (Ctrl, Shift and "at" symbol) None of the answers listed. Ctrl+Shift+: (Ctrl, Shift and colon) Ctrl+; (Ctrl and semi-colon) Ctrl+Shift+# (Ctrl, Shift and number sign)

Ctrl+Shift+: (Ctrl, Shift and colon)

In Excel, what keystroke combination quickly removes a border from the selected cell or range? 1. None of the answers listed. 2. Ctrl+Shift+& (Ctrl, Shift and ampersand) 3. Ctrl+- (Ctrl and minus) 4. Ctrl+= (Ctrl and equal sign) 5. Ctrl+Shift+_ (Ctrl, Shift and underscore)

Ctrl+Shift+_ (Ctrl, Shift and underscore)

In Excel, what keystroke combination inserts cells? Ctrl+insert Ctrl+Shift+plus Ctrl+i None of the answers listed. Ctrl+Shift+insert


In Excel, what keystroke combination selects right, to the end of the current row of contiguous (adjacent) cells? Shift+End Ctrl+Shift+end None of the answers listed. Shift+right arrow Ctrl+Shift+right arrow

Ctrl+Shift+right arrow

In Excel, what keystroke combination quickly applies the General format? 1. Ctrl+Shift+~ (Ctrl, Shift and tilde) 2. Ctrl+Shift+# (Ctrl, Shift and number sign) 3. Ctrl+Shift+! (Ctrl, Shift and exclamation mark) 4. None of the answers listed. 5. Ctrl+Shift+@ (Ctrl, Shift and "at" symbol)

Ctrl+Shift+~ (Ctrl, Shift and tilde)

If multiple cells are selected/highlighted, what keystroke combination copies the formula(s)/value(s) in the topmost cell(s) of the selected range down to the other cell(s) in the range of selected cells? Ctrl+d None of the answers listed. Ctrl+down arrow Ctrl+Shift+d Ctrl+Shift+down arrow


In Excel, after selecting a range of cells, what keystroke combination deletes those cells? (not just deletes the contents of cells, but deletes the actual cells, so that other cells adjust to replace the deleted cells) Ctrl+backspace Ctrl+del None of the answers listed. Ctrl+d Ctrl+minus


If multiple horizontal cells are selected/highlighted, what keystroke combination copies the formula(s)/value(s) in the leftmost cell(s) of the selected range to the right, to the other cells in the range of selected cells? None of the answers listed. Ctrl+Shift+End Ctrl+Shift+right arrow Ctrl+r Ctrl+Shift+C


In Excel, what keystroke combination moves (the active cell) right, to the end of the current row of contiguous (adjacent) cells with values? Ctrl+end Ctrl+right arrow None of the answers listed. Alt+end Alt+right arrow

Ctrl+right arrow

In Excel, what keystroke combination selects the current column? Shift+space Ctrl+space Alt+space Alt+enter None of the answers listed.


What keystroke combination switches between currently open workbooks? Ctrl+F4 None of the answers listed. Ctrl+tab Alt+Pg dn Ctrl+Pg dn


In Excel, after having copied something, what keystroke combination performs a Paste operation? Ctrl+p Ctrl+v Ctrl+x None of the answers listed. Ctrl+z


In Excel, what keystroke combination performs an "undo" of the last action? Ctrl+v Ctrl+x None of the answers listed. Ctrl+u Ctrl+z


The Chart Option of _____ displays a grid of all the actual numeric values for each data series. Data Labels Legend None of the answers listed. Data Table Gridlines

Data Table

In Excel, what keystroke combination changes the cell reference type (to absolute, mixed, mixed, relative) while entering/editing a formula? Ctrl+F4 F4 Ctrl+` (Ctrl + left quote/grave accent)) None of the answers listed. Ctrl+Shift+F4


#REF! means invalid numerical values in a formula or function. True False


3D column charts are typically much easier to interpret than plain-jane 2D column charts. True False


Adding a lot of illustration and decoration to a chart usually enhances the view of the data. True False


COUNT(number1, number 2, ...) determines the sum of a list of values. True False


In order to maintain consistency within your workbooks, it is important to format cells with formulas (outputs) using the same colors as cells containing assumptions and/or values (inputs). True False


It is okay to send your homework file to someone else in order to help the person understand a particular topic. True False


Pressing Ctrl+Shift+# applies the number format. True False


The Accounting Format inserts a dollar sign directly in front of (and flush against) the leftmost number in the cell, like this: $1.00 True False


The COUNTA function ignores cells with text True False


In Excel, what keystroke combination selects the current row? Ctrl+space Shift+space Alt+space Alt+enter None of the answers listed.


In a professor's "grades" worksheet, he is interested in comparing the grades for several pairs of students...so he wants to view their grades directly next to each other to see if the grades are similar. What Excel feature is best to use? (You should be able to scroll in both the top window and the bottom window, in order to easily view different pairs of students.) View side by side None of the answers listed. New Window Freeze panes Split window

Split window

_____ is a measure of how widely the data values are dispersed from the arithmetic mean. None of the answers listed. Standard deviation Mean Median Mode

Standard deviation

To change the rows of the original cell range to become the columns in the pasted cell range, use the Paste (or Paste Special) Option of _____. None of the answers listed. Formulas Transpose No Borders Paste Link


A Line chart displays a trend over time or categories. True False


A quick way to apply the currency format is to press Ctrl+Shift+$. True False


A quick way to apply the percent format is to press Ctrl+Shift+%. True False


A workbook's documentation sheet should always be showing when saving the file a final time (right before submitting the file), so that when someone opens your file, the documentation sheet will be the first sheet seen True False


It is possible to use a SUM function to SUM values across individual worksheets. True False


Showing too many Chart Options can cause problems with generating excessive "ink" that obscures the information in the chart. True False


The equation (New_Value - Old_Value)/Old_Value can be used to calculate the percent difference. True False


The formula =ROUND(10.59%,2) results in the value 0.11 (or 11%, if formatted as a %). True False


To round the number 4.43 to next highest even integer, use the formula =EVEN(4.43). True False


Using cell references is preferable to directly inputting values into a formula. True False


In Excel, what keystroke combination closes the current workbook? F4 Ctrl+w Two of the answers listed. Ctrl+F4 None of the answers listed.

Two of the answers listed. Ctrl+F4 and Ctrl+w both close the current window (workbook), but they do not close Excel. These keystroke shortcuts also work in other Office applications to close the current windows (file), but leave the application (Word, PowerPoint) open.

The Radar chart _____. 1. compares sets of three values 2. None of the answers listed. 3. displays the trend of values over time or categories relative to a center point 4. displays the contribution of each value to a total with a 3-D visual effect 5. displays a main pie chart with user-defined values as a stacked bar chart

displays the trend of values over time or categories relative to a center point

The error message ###### means that there is(are) 1. invalid numeric values in a formula or function. 2. an invalid cell reference. 3. insufficient width in cell to display data, or negative date/time. 4. no valid answer. 5. None of the answers listed.

insufficient width in cell to display data, or negative date/time.

$B1 is an example of a(n) _____ reference. mixed relative noncontiguous absolute None of the answers listed.


The arithmetic value that occurs most frequently in the set is the _____. None of the answers listed. mode mean median standard deviation


A _____ exhibits an equal number of occurrences of data values both above and below the arithmetic mean. non-normal distribution standard deviation normal distribution None of the answers listed. median

normal distribution

The 100% Stack Area chart displays the trend of the _____. 1. contribution of each value over time or categories 2. values over time or categories 3. percentage each value contributes over time or categories 4. main pie chart with user-defined values combined into a stacked bar chart 5. None of the answers listed.

percentage each value contributes over time or categories

B1 is an example of a(n) _____ cell reference. mixed noncontiguous relative None of the answers listed. absolute


The error message #NAME? means that there is(are) 1. an invalid cell reference. 2. invalid numerical values in a formula or function. 3. unrecognized text in a formula. 4. a wrong argument type or operand. 5. None of the answers listed

unrecognized text in a formula.

To fix the rows so that a number of rows are displayed in the top pane (and cannot be scrolled) while the bottom pane can be scrolled, _____. lock the windows None of the answers listed. use split panes use freeze panes use new window

use freeze panes

The Radar chart type compares _____. 1. trends over time by category 2. sets of three values shown as filled circles 3. the contribution each value makes to the whole 4. None of the answers listed. 5. values across categories in a circular orientation

values across categories in a circular orientation

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