Business Communications Final Exam Review

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Illusion of invulnerability

when team members are overly optimistic in their ideas and don't consider the risks or drawbacks of their ideas

What are the 3 steps to respond to uncivil communications?

1.) reinterpret 2.) relax 3.) defuse

Business periodicals

(magazines, newspapers) provide stories, information, and advice about contemporary business issues

When to use a semicolon

- between 2 closely related independent clauses omitting "and", "but", "or", "nor" - between 2 independent clauses separated by traditional expressions - between items in a series that contains internal commas - in a series of long dependent clauses

Gen Z

- born after 2000


- born between 1925 and 1945


- born between 1946 and 1964

Gen X

- born between 1965 and 1981

Gen Y

- born between 1982 and 1999

Coordinating conjuctions

- connect words, phrases, or clauses - ex. and, but, or, nor

When to use a dash/hyphen

- dash (em dash): to take the place of commas, semicolons, colons, or parenthesis to add emphasis - en dash (figure dash): to separate a range of values, such as years or page numbers - hyphen: to combine words (compound modifiers, come compounds)

When to use a colon

- for further explanation or elaboration following an independent clause

Closed questions

- most survey questions are closed questions - restrict respondents to certain answers (rating scales, multiple choice, etc.)


- nouns that are the primary topics of a sentence - determines the verb form used in the sentence

Business casual dress

- one step down in formality along the continuum. - intended to project a more comfortable, relaxed feel while still maintaining a high standard of professionalism

Rules for numbers

- spell out numbers 1-10 - use numerals for numbers above 10 - spell out numbers when they begin a sentence - use a combination of numerals and words for larger numbers (over a million) - use numerals for dates - use numerals with currency symbols in text - spell out the word percent in text - use parenthesis to indicate precise figures in text - spell out fractions in text - clearly differentiate adjacent numbers

What happens in the forming stage of team development?

- team members focus on gaining acceptance and avoiding conflict. - this stage is seen as the honeymoon phase in which team members get to know one another

What happens in the storming stage of team development?

- team members open up with their competing ideas about how the team should approach work. - this stage is typically the least productive, since team members are attempting to make sense of uncertain roles

What happens at the performing stage of team development?

- teams operate efficiently toward accomplishing their goals - they have evolved to a level where they can transform disagreement and conflict into consensus for future action

What happens in the norming stage of team development?

- the team arrives at a work plane, including the roles, goals, and accountabilities

When to use italics

- to emphasize a word or phrase - for formal definition - for titles of books, newspapers, and magazines

When to use parethesis

- to enclose details and explanation - to enclose references and directions

When to use quotation marks

- to enclose direct quotations - to indicate the exact words of a source or speaker - to enclose titles of articles, presentations, and speeches

When to use commas (8)

- use commas to distinguish essential from nonessential (essential don't require commas; nonessential do require commas) - to set of interrupting expressions - following a transitional expression - between 2 independent clauses with "and", "but", "or", "nor" - in a list with 3 or more items - between 2 independent adjectives preceding a noun - after introductory expressions - in dates

Pie charts

- useful for illustrating the pieces within a whole - market share is best illustrated with a pie chart

Participles (present, past, and perfect)

- words that share characteristics of verbs and adjectives - present participles end in "-ing" - past participles end in "-ed" - perfect participles are a combination of a form of the verb "to have" and a past participle


- words that show the relationship between nouns - ex. at, in, by, from, with

Informational interview

- you speak with a successful and accomplished professional to seek out career advice - it is an excellent opportunity to learn about career choices and career paths

What are the 6 methods of persuasion?

1. Reciprocation 2. Consistency 3. Social proof 4. Liking 5. Authority 6. Scarcity

What are the 10 components of a business plan?

1. cover page 2. executive summary 3. business description 4. business objectives 5. market analysis 6. products and services 7. organization/management 8. marketing and sales strategy 9. financial management 10. appendixes

What are the 8 components of a business proposal?

1. cover page 2. executive summary 3. current situation 4. specific objectives 5. deliverables overview 6. timeline 7. results enhancers 8. pricing

What are the 9 principles of effective resumes?

1. emphasize accomplishments with action verbs 2. quantify accomplishments where possible 3. position your most important contributions first 4. remove irrelevant details 5. avoid buzzwords and jargon 6. be exact and avoid any errors 7. group and label information to improve ease of reading 8. format to distinguish pieces of information 9. select a simple yet visually appealing layout

What are the 5 components of crisis communications?

1. express concern 2. explain corrective actions 3. provide instructions 4. give an excuse/justification (for certain types of crises) 5. provide compensation/apology (for certain types of crises)

What are the 6 components of PR messages (press-release style)?

1. headline 2. dateline 3. PR story 4. boilerplate 5. contact information 6. call to action

What are the 3 components of cover letters?

1. interest in position 2. match with position 3. call to action

What are the 7 components of letters?

1. letterhead 2. date 3. inside address 4. salutation 5. body 6. closing/signature 7. notations (optional)

What are 4 types of good questions?

1.) rapport-building 2.) funnel 3.) probing 4.) solution-oriented

What are the 5 components of chronological resumes?

1. name block 2. summary of qualifications or career objective (optional) 3. education 4. work experience 5. additional information

What are the 4 components of functional resumes?

1. name block 2. summary of qualifications or career summary 3. skills 4. additional information

What are the 6 components of memos?

1. to 2. from 3. date 4. subject 5. body 6. notations (optional)

What are the 4 components of PREP method?

1.) Prep 2.) Reasons 3.) Example 4.) Position

What are the 5 items in an agenda?

1.) agenda items 2.) time frames 3.) expected outcomes 4.) roles 5.) materials needed

What are the 9 etiquette and customs?

1.) appropriate topics of conversation 2.) private or taboo topics 3.) punctuality and meetings 4.) Dining 5.) touching and proximity 6.) conversation style 7.) business dress 8.) titles 9.) gift giving

What are the 7 speech patterns more common among women?

1.) asking questions 2.) apologizing 3.) sharing credit 4.) giving feedback 5.) avoiding verbal opposition 6.) being indirect or subordinates 7.) complimenting

What are the 7 principles of audience analysis that you must identify?

1.) audience benefits 2.) existing knowledge 3.) concerns 4.) decision makers 5.) appeals 6.) communicator style 7.) learning style

What are the 3 things that create a tone that shows concern for others?

1.) avoid relying too heavily on I-voice 2.) respect the time and autonomy of your readers 3.) give credit to others

What are the 8 principles for using slides?

1.) avoid turning out the lights in most cases 2.) don't start the slides right away 3.) speak to your audience, not the screen 4.) interpret, don't read your slides 5.) preview the slides before showing them 6.) use remotes to advance slides 7.) avoid standing in front of the slide projection 8.) use blank slides strategically

What are the 5 ways to prepare to present effectively in teams?

1.) be clear with one another about your objectives and key messages 2.) decide on your presentation roles 3.) stand together and present a united front 4.) refer to one another's points 5.) transition effectively

What are 4 strategies for developing abilities in sight-reading?

1.) consciously practice every day 2.) pay attention to congruence 3.) sight-read in clusters, not in isolation 4.) sight-read in context

What are the 5 parts of using conciseness to improve ease of reading with writing style?

1.) control paragraph length 2.) use short sentences 3.) avoid redundancy 4.) avoid empty phrases 5.) avoid wordy prepositional phrases

What are the 9 principles for developing slides?

1.) create a storyboard with your PowerPoint slide titles 2.) design your slides for ease of processing 3.) limit the amount of information on any given slide 4.) use font sizes that all audience members can read easily 5.) focus on and highlight key information 6.) use plenty of white space 7.) use high-contrast backgrounds and colors 8.) use compelling images, charts, and colors 9.) get professional design help when possible

What are the 7 items in the Minutes?

1.) date and time 2.) team members present 3.) meeting roles 4.) ket decisions 5.) key discussion points 6.) open issues 7.) action items and deadlines

What are 4 nonlistening behaviors?

1.) defending 2.) "me too" statements 3.) giving advice 4.) judging

What are 3 things that demonstrate a positive tone?

1.) display a can-do, confident attitude 2.) focus on positive rather than negative traits 3.) use diplomatic, constructive terms

What are the 6 components of direct bad-news messages?

1.) ease in with a buffer 2.) deliver the bad news 3.) provide a rationale 4.) explain impacts 5.) focus on the future (as appropriate) 6.) show goodwill

What are the 6 components of Indirect bad-news messages?

1.) ease in with a buffer 2.) provide a rationale 3.) deliver the bad news 4.) explain impacts 5.) focus on the future (as appropriate) 6.) show goodwill

What are the 3 parts of testing logic and the 3 things you avoid?

1.) either/or logic 2.) slanting of facts 3.) exagegration AVOID: 1.) unsupported generalizations 2.) faulty cause/effect claims 3.) weak analogies

What are the 7 principles for difficult conversations?

1.) embrace difficult conversations 2.) assume the best in others 3.) adopt a learning stance 4.) stay calm/overcome noise 5.) find common ground 6.) disagree diplomatically 7.) avoid exaggeration and either/or approaches

What are the 9 principles for establishing presence?

1.) establish credibility 2.) maintain authenticity 3.) know your material 4.) speak with confidence 5.) focus on people 6.) stay flexible 7.) use the room to your advantage 8.) communicate nonverablly 9.) dress for success

What are the 6 principles for virtual team communication?

1.) focus on building trust at each stage of your virtual team 2.) meet in person if possible 3.) get to know one another 4.) use collaborative technologies 5.) choose an active team leader 6.) run effective virtual meetings

What are the 4 stages of team development?

1.) forming 2.) storming 3.) norming 4.) performing

What are the 2 parts of message development?

1.) frame the main point 2.) set up the structure/logic of the message

What are the 5 components of announcements?

1.) gain attention 2.) give announcement 3.) provide details 4.) call to action 5.) state goodwill

What are the 7 components of persuasive messages?

1.) gain attention 2.) raise a need 3.) deliver a solution 4.) provide a rationale 5.) validate the views, preferences, and concerns of others 6.) giver counterparts (optional) 7.) call to action

What are the 3 components of style for delivering negative performance reviews?

1.) give clear and targeted feedback 2.) focus on actions and results, not attitudes and intentions

What are 5 ways to improve ease of reading by using navigational designs?

1.) headings 2.) highlighting 3.) lists 4.) white space 5.) simplicity

What are the 5 parts of audience analysis?

1.) identify reader benefits and constraints 2.) consider reader values and priorities 3.) estimate your credibility 4.) anticipate reactions 5.) consider secondary audiences

What are the 3 parts of information gathering?

1.) identify the business problems 2.) analyze the business problems 3.) clarify objectives

What are cultural dimensions classified as? (8)

1.) individualism and collectivism 2.) egalitarianism and hierarchy 3.) performance orientation 4.) future orientation 5.) assertiveness 6.) humane orientation 7.) uncertainty avoidance 8.) gender egalitarianism

What are the 5 barriers to active listening?

1.) lack of time 2.) lack of patience and attention span 3.) image of leadership 4.) communication technology 5.) fear of bad news

What are 3 types of poor questions?

1.) leading questions 2.) disguised statements 3.) cross-examination questions

What are the 3 principles for focusing on people?

1.) make people the subject of your sentence 2.) introduce colleagues by name 3.) use names of audience members

What are the 4 characteristics of the social age?

1.) networked communication 2.) respect for expertise and contributions to the network 3.) knowledge sharing 4.) transparency, honesty, and camaraderie

What are the 3 components of presentations?

1.) preview (10-15 percent of time) - attention-getter - positioning statement (thesis) - overview: takeaway messages 2.) view (85-90 percent of time) - takeaway message #1 - takeaway message #2 - takeaway message #3 3.) review (5 percent of time) - recap - call to action

What are the 3 parts of using completeness to improve ease of reading with writing style?

1.) provide all relevant information 2.) be accurate 3.) be specific

What are the 10 reasons to create messages?

1.) requests 2.) expectations 3.) directions 4.) inquiry responses 5.) announcements 6.) claims 7.) appreciation messages 8.) congratulations and celebration 9.) apologies 10.) sympathy

What are the 9 principles of high cultural intelligence?

1.) respect, recognize, and appreciate cultural differences 2.) Possess curiosity about and interest in other cultures 3.) avoid inappropriate stereotypes 4.) adjust conceptions of time and show patience 5.) manage language differences to achieve shared meaning 6.) understand cultural dimensions 7.) establish trust and show empathy across cultures 8.) approach cross-cultural work relationships with a learned mind-set 9.) build a co-culture of cooperation and innovation

What are the 5 types of attention-getters?

1.) rhetorical question 2.) intriguing statistic 3.) compelling and unusual facts 4.) challenge 5.) testimonial

What are the 4 principles for survey questions?

1.) simple to answer 2.) non-leading 3.) exhaustive and unambiguous 4.) single idea

What are the 4 steps in difficult conversations?

1.) start well 2.) listen to their story 3.) tell your story 4.) create a shared story

What are the 4 components of routine messages?

1.) state the primary mesage (10 words or fewer) 2.) provide details in paragraphs of 20 to 80 words 3.) restate the request or key message in more specific terms 4.) state goodwill

What are the 7 components of effective emails?

1.) subject line 2.) greeting 3.) message 4.) closing 5.) signature block 6.) attachments

What are the 6 parts of using natural style to improve ease of reading with writing style?

1.) use action verbs when possible 2.) use active voice 3.) use short and familiar words and phrases 4.) use parallel language 5.) avoid buzzwords and figures of speech 6.). avoid it is/there are

What are the 8 principles of effective emails?

1.) use for the right purposes 2.) ensure ease of reading 3.) show respect for time 4.) protect privacy information 5.) respond promptly 6.) maintain professionalism and appropriate formality 7.) manage emotion effectively 8.) avoid distractions

What are the 3 types of learners?

1.) visual 2.) auditory 3.) kinesthetic

Line charts

useful for depicting events and trends over time

Bar charts

useful to compare amounts or qualities

Mass sales messages

messages sent to a large group of consumers and intended to market a particular product or service


team members who purposely filter information so there is not dissent or threat to the team leader

Business messages are ___________ (direct/indirect) and ____________ (implicit/explicit)

Direct; explicit

What is the FAIR Test?

Facts: How factual is your communication? Access: How accessible or transparent are your motives, reasoning, and information? Impacts: How does your communication impact stakeholders? Respect: How respectful is your communication?

Persuasive messages are _________ (direct/indirect) and ___________ (implicit/explicit)

Indirect; implicit

STAR method for telling success stories

Situation Tasks Actions Results

Cultural intelligence (CQ)

a measure of your ability to work with and adapt to members of other cultures


a principle of influence based on returning favors


a principle of influence whereby people are more likely to be persuaded by people who they like

Social proof

a principle of influence whereby people determine what is right, correct, or desirable by seeing what others do


a principle of influence whereby people follow authority figures


a principle of influence whereby people think there is limited availability of something they want or need, so they must act quickly


a proactive approach to building professional relationships to achieve shared company, career, and professional development goals

Leading questions

a question on a survey that suggests an answer


a statement to establish common ground, show appreciation, state your sympathy, or otherwise express goodwill

Personal brand

a unique set of professional skills and attributes that others associate with you

When should meeting minutes be distributed? a.) as soon as possible after the meeting b.) one week after the meeting c.) immediately before the next meeting d.) at the close of the meeting

a.) as soon as possible after the meeting

In direct bad-news messages, when should you deliver the bad news? a.) before providing the rationale b.) after providing the rationale

a.) before providing the rationale

An audience members says to a presenter, "Your analysis looks flawed to me. Could you explain how you arrived at that number?" Which of the following is the best response? a.) "I'm glad you're working on the calculations. I have some more detailed figures in the handout. perhaps we could look at those figures together in a few minutes after I wrap up. would that work for you?" b.) "I can assure you the analysis is 100 percent accurate. if you take a bit more time reviewing the numbers, you'll see." c.) "You've actually made some incorrect calculations. please read the handout. If you have questions after you've done that, let's work through it together."

a.) "I'm glad you're working on the calculations. I have some more detailed figures in the handout. perhaps we could look at those figures together in a few minutes after I wrap up. would that work for you?"

What percentage of their high-performing teams' conversations are primarily social? a.) 10 to 15 percent b.) 20 to 25 percent c.) 40 to 45 percent d.) 0 to 5 percent

a.) 10 to 15 percent

You've decided you want to highlight your spreadsheet and database skills. Are these better categorized as abilities or attributes? a.) abilities b.) attributes

a.) abilities

Which of the following is considered the richest? a.) an online conference b.) an email c.) a phone call

a.) an online conference

Which of the following is the most tangible for employees? a.) employees each save an average of $375 per year on health insurance costs by taking a lipid panel and showing that their lipid levels are within the normal range. b.) the company gives all employees the opportunity to save money by taking a lipid panel and showing that their lipid levels are within the normal range. c.) The company saves employees at the company over half a million dollars annually by giving them the opportunity to take a lipid panel and show that their lipid levels are within the normal range.

a.) employees each save an average of $375 per year on health insurance costs by taking a lipid panel and showing that their lipid levels are within the normal range.

Which of the following is the best method for delivering bad news that is high in severity? a.) face-to-face meeting b.) text c.) email d.) phone call

a.) face-to-face meeting

Which of the following sentences best focuses on people? a.) grace and I surveyed employees in our Salt Lake city branch. over 73 percent ranked more vacation time as their first choice of desired benefits b.) in our survey, 73.19% of respondents ranked more vacation time as their first choice of desired benefits c.) our research shows that nearly three our of four workers consider vacation time to be more valuable than other types of benefits

a.) grace and I surveyed employees in our Salt Lake city branch. over 73 percent ranked more vacation time as their first choice of desired benefits

Jenna just finished a meeting with some potential customers. She doesn't have the deal yet, but she is cautiously optimistic. She writes an email to her boss, Helena, explaining the potential customers' many positive reactions, while also noting a few areas that require additional negotiation. After reading the email, Helena is frustrated that they have lost another potential deal. What does this example best illustrate? a.) negativity effect b.) neutrality effect

a.) negativity effect

Which of the following sentences is the most objective and positive? a.) our research involving 100 current users of VR technologies for tours shows these services will appeal to perhaps 20 to 30 percent of our customers, which is a significant portion of our market. b.) our research shows VR technologies for tours appeal to less than half of our customers; therefore, we should avoid any investments in them c.) our research shows that VR technologies clearly create exponential growth in the market

a.) our research involving 100 current users of VR technologies for tours shows these services will appeal to perhaps 20 to 30 percent of our customers, which is a significant portion of our market.

Which of the following has the most effective tone? a.) our return policy is the most generous in the industry, allowing free returns with no questions asked for up to 60 days after your purchase b.) our return policy is nothing like those of our competitors c.) our return policy is not like those of our competitors, which only allows free return for one week after your purchase

a.) our return policy is the most generous in the industry, allowing free returns with no questions asked for up to 60 days after your purchase

Which of the following sentences best demonstrates that it is based on facts? a.) over 95 percent of our clients are "satisfied" or "extremely satisfied", according to our most recent anonymous poll b.) we enjoy extremely high client satisfaction with our financial services c.) over 95 percent of our clients are "satisfied" or "extremely satisfied" according to our most recent anonymous poll; therefore, we know we won't lose many clients during the next three years

a.) over 95 percent of our clients are "satisfied" or "extremely satisfied", according to our most recent anonymous poll

Which of the following sentences is positive and effective? a.) this job gives you four weeks of paid vacation, two weeks more than all other major companies in our industry b.) we guarantee you will love this job more than any you've had before c.) this job is not like those at all other major companies in our industry, which only offer two weeks of paid vacation

a.) this job gives you four weeks of paid vacation, two weeks more than all other major companies in our industry

Which of the following sentences best emphasizes reader benefits? a.) you receive an experienced mentor after joining the program b.) we provide an experienced mentor after you join the program c.) I will make sure there's an experienced mentor for you after you join the program

a.) you receive an experienced mentor after joining the program


all possibilities are available

Open-ended questions

allow respondents to answer in any way they choose

Social age

an era in which people engage in networked communication, collaborate across boundaries, and solve problems communally

Token appreciation

an expression of thanks or gratitude for a request or idea while immediately dismissing the request or idea as implausible or even inappropriate

Precision-oriented style to reports

apply precision-oriented language and display excellence in thinking


are impressed by data-driven arguments


are suspicious of every data point, especially those that run counter to their own views

Using proofreading during the review stage

ask trusted colleagues to review your message for effectiveness and accuracy

Which of the following patterns is best for delivering negative performance feedback? a.) starting with good news, giving the negative feedback, and the concluding with good news b.) clearly stating the feedback upfront and then discussing how to make improvements

b.) clearly stating the feedback upfront and then discussing how to make improvements

Which of the following phrases is the weakest for a resume? a. greeted clients and scheduled appointments b. answered calls c. took inventory of all items sold in the store d. analyzed social media campaigns

b. answered calls

Which of the following types of attention-getters is not considered one of the most effective types of attention getters for a business presentation? a.) an intriguing statistic b.) a joke c.) a dramatic demonstration d.) a vivid example

b.) a joke

Which of the following best demonstrates writing concisely while avoiding redundancy? a.) each and every business executive should definitely understand how artificial intelligence and related technologies will impact their companies and industries in the next year as well as the in the five- and ten-year horizons b.) all business executives should understand how artificial intelligence will impact their companies and industries c.) all business executives should take the time to understand and thoroughly comprehend how artificial intelligence will impact their companies and industries in the future

b.) all business executives should understand how artificial intelligence will impact their companies and industries

Which of the following channels has the most constraints? a.) an email conversation between a manager and one of her employees b.) an online conference involving a senior executive team c.) a phone call between two colleagues in the same office

b.) an online conference involving a senior executive team

Your company is considering adoption of a paid parental leave policy (PPL). You've concluded the following based on your research : (1) a generous PPL policy will increase engagement and satisfaction; (2) a generous PPL policy will reduce employee turnover; (4) a generous PPL policy will attract top talent; and (5) the company would see a return on investment with a PPL policy that provides full paid leave for between six and ten weeks for new parents. Which of the following recommendations emerges best from these conclusions? a.) develop a PPL policy that will take effect for all employees hired after the start of the year b.) develop a PPL policy that gives new parents paid time off for eight weeks c.) develop a PPL policy that includes grandparents and other non-parent caretakers

b.) develop a PPL policy that gives new parents paid time off for eight weeks

Which of the following are applications of the AIM planning process in presentations and speeches? a.) understanding the interests and needs of others b.) having a track record of success c.) demonstrating high moral principles d.) showing you always try hard

b.) having a track record of success

Which of the following sentences does not contain any passive verbs? a.) you will be informed of our decision after your application is carefully reviewed b.) we will inform you of our decision after we carefully review your application c.) we will inform you of our decision after your application is carefully reviewed

b.) we will inform you of our decision after we carefully review your application

Which of the following is least likely to be considered a leading post in an online discussion forum? a.) why don't we be more honest about our refund policy? b.) what do you think should be the key criteria for a refund policy? c.) shouldn't we focus more on customer service instead of shortchanging customers? d.) don't you think we should refund our loyal customers?

b.) what do you think should be the key criteria for a refund policy?


based on the idea that once people make an explicit commitment, they tend to follow through or honor that commitment

Teaser message

messages, often written, signal to recipients that an upcoming conversation or other communication may involve unpleasant news

Which of following has the most control? a.) an online conference b.) a phone call c.) an email

c.) an email

Which type of buffer is the statement "Thank you for stopping by on such short notice"? a.) compliment b.) neutral statement c.) appreciation d.) sympathy

c.) appreciation

The PREP approach to example is based on starting and ending with your position. Which of the following statements is best characterized as a position? a.) roughly 57 percent of producers say they have already used artificial intelligence to learn about audience reactions b.) ever since our studio started using an AI tool to help interpret audience sentiment, our films have been successful with new audience types c.) artificial intelligence helps entertainment companies better understand their audiences and produce better films

c.) artificial intelligence helps entertainment companies better understand their audiences and produce better films

You're doing research about AI use in retail. You find an excellent report from Microsoft about use cases of AI in the retail industry. It was written in the past month by a team of Microsoft engineers. What is the most likely concern about data quality for this report? a.) relevance b.) expertise c.) bias

c.) bias

A manager wants her employees to attend voluntary training about a new software tool. She creates a Google form as a sign-up sheet so everyone can see who has signed up. Which of these principles of persuasion is most at play? a.) reciprocation b.) liking c.) consistency d.) authority

c.) consistency

Which of the following best demonstrates accuracy and specificity? a.) you will make nearly $13,000 more per year by getting a business degree b.) you will see a dramatic return on investment by getting a business degree c.) five years after graduation, the average student with a business degree earns $77,000 per year, compared to $64,000 for all other non-engineering 4-year college degrees and $48,000 for professionals without 4-year college degrees

c.) five years after graduation, the average student with a business degree earns $77,000 per year, compared to $64,000 for all other non-engineering 4-year college degrees and $48,000 for professionals without 4-year college degrees

Which of the following stages of team development comes immediately after forming? a.) norming b.) performing c.) storming

c.) storming

Which of the following recommendations is specific and actionable? a.) we should invest heavily in AI b.) we should give our marketing director full authority to invest heavily in AI c.) we should give our marketing director up to $200,000 in the upcoming year to invest in AI tools that help identify key trends among our customers

c.) we should give our marketing director up to $200,000 in the upcoming year to invest in AI tools that help identify key trends among our customers

Dependent clauses

cannot stand alone


contain a subject and a predicate

Scholarly journals

contain business research that is extremely reliable


deals with the effort and timing needed to allow all relevant people to participate in a communication


deals with the level of confrontation and directness that is considered appropriate and productive

Which of the following countries is best described as high in individualism, high in future orientation, low in humane orientation, and high in uncertainty avoidance? a.) Japan b.) The United States c.) China d.) Germany

d.) Germany

What's the main problem with the following survey item? What is your income annual income? A. $30,000 to $50,000 B. $50,000 to $75,000 C. $75,000 to $100,000 D. $100,000 to $125,000 E. Over $150,000 a.) it contains more than one idea b.) it is not simple to answer c.) it is a leading question d.) it is not exhaustive and unambiguous

d.) it is not exhaustive and unambiguous

A manager wants her employees to attend voluntary training about a new software tool. She offers a free lunch for all who attend. What principle of persuasion is most at play? a.) liking b.) authority c.) consistency d.) reciprocation

d.) reciprocation

Gender egalitarianism

deals with the division of roles between men and women in society

Psychological safety

defined as "team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of one another"

Asynchronous communication

does not occur in real time


dread uncertainty

Tone in reports

emphasize objectivity and project a tempered can-do attitude

Using the FAIR test during the review stage

evaluate your message in terms of facts, access, impacts, and respect

Independent clauses

express a complete thought and can stand alone

Cultural dimensions

fairly permanent and enduring sets of related norms and values

Using feedback during the review stage

for important messages, ask trusted colleagues to give input about effectiveness and fairness

Positioning statement

frames your message in appealing terms to your audience members and demonstrates clear and valuable benefits to them

2-D diversity

having both inherent and acquired diversity


how quickly someone is able to respond and give feedback


how serious or detrimental the bad news is

Tangible statement

implies that the readers can discern something in terms that are meaningful to them


includes the shared values, norms, rules, and behaviors of an identifiable group of people who share a common history and communication system

Formal business dress

intended to project executive presence and seriousness


involve ranking or assigning importance to things, such as projects, goals, and tasks


involves adjusting your initial perceptions by making more objective, more fact-based, and less personal judgments and evaluations


involves attempting to influence others by some level of deception so you can achieve your own interests


involves avoiding escalation and removing tension to focus on work objectives


involves considering as many solutions as possible

Active incivility

involves direct forms of disrespect (i.e., being condescending, demeaning, saying something hurtful).


involves evaluating the proposed ideas and solutions and narrowing them to a small set of feasible solutions to address the problem

Passive incivility

involves indirect forms of disrespect (i.e., using emails for time-sensitive messages, not acknowledging receipt of emails, not replying to emails).

PREP method

involves stating your position, providing the reasons, giving an example or providing evidence, and then restating your position

Future orientation (FO)

involves the degree to which cultures are willing to sacrifice current wants to achieve future needs

Inherent diversity

involves traits such as age, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation

Acquired diversity

involves traits you acquire through experience, such as customer service experience, retail experience, or engineering experience


involves using your own words to express the meaning of the original speaker or writer

Humane orientation (HO)

is "the degree to which an organization or society encourages and rewards individuals for being fair, altruistic, friendly, generous, caring, and kind."

Performance orientation (PO)

is "the extent to which a community encourages and rewards innovation, high standards, and performance improvement."

Casual dress

it is the least formal option and is rare in a business-related setting

What is emotional hijacking?

it occurs when emotions control our behavior, causing us to react without thinking


make decisions based on what has worked in the past

Economic responsibility

means producing products and services that meet the needs of customers and clients

Social responsibility

means that companies give back, serve, and meet the social interests of their communities

Ethical responsibility

means that corporate activities comply with high ethical and legal standards

Setting for business stories

most stories for business involves a setting, which is the time, place, characters, and context of the business situation

Plot for business stories

most stories for business should include a plot, which is a business situation that involves challenges or tensions to overcome and a clear beginning and end

Resolution for business stories

most stories include a clear resolution, a solution to the challenges or tensions

Moral for business stories

most stories should contain a compelling moral or lesson

Cyber silence

nonresponse to emails and other communications

Synchronous communication

occurs in real time

Mum effect

occurs when the chain of messages within an organization is filtered at each level to leave out or inaccurately state the bad news


only one choice is appropriate

Project blogs

organized around particular projects that generally involve temporary teams

External blogs

other online resources provide a plethora of information

Hierarchical cultures

people expect power differences, follow leaders without questioning them, and feel comfortable with leaders receiving special privileges and opportunities

Egalitarian cultures

people tend to distribute and share power evenly, minimize status differences, and minimize special privileges and opportunities for people just because they have higher authority


personal traits or characteristics

Chronological resumes

present the information grouped by work and education over time

Functional resumes

present the information in terms of key skills

Coordination meetings

primarily focus on discussing roles, goals, and accountabilities

Design your reports to aid in decision making

provide easy navigation so that decision makers can quickly identify key points and themes

Business and management books

range greatly in terms of their overall usefulness


refer to enduring beliefs and ideals that individuals hold


refer to the practical limitations of coordination and resources


refers to a mind-set that prioritizes independence more highly than interdependence, emphasizing individual goals over group goals, and valuing choice more than obligation


refers to a mind-set that prioritizes interdependence more highly than independence, emphasizing group goals over individual goals, and valuing obligation more than choice

Team culture

refers to a set of shared perceptions and commitment to collective values, norms, roles, responsibilities, and goals

Uncertainty avoidance (UA)

refers to how cultures socialize members to feel in uncertain, novel, surprising, or extraordinary situations


refers to people with conditions such as being on the autism spectrum or having deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Secondary research

refers to the analysis of data collected by others with no direction from you or members of your organization

Primary research

refers to the analysis of data that you, people from your organization, or others under your direction have collected


refers to the extent to which the message can be stored, retrieved, and distributed to others


related to your proven set of skills and knowledge to accomplish business tasks


relates to how dependable the data is--how current and representative


relates to how well it applies to your specific business problem


relates to how well the research can be altered or revised to meet your specific business problem


relates to the probability of the bad event occurring


relates to the skill and background of the researchers to address your business problem

White papers

reports or guides that generally describe research about solving a particular issue


shows that you will act in the interests of others, cultivate a sense of community, and demonstrate accountability to others


shows that you will adhere to high personal, corporate, and business values


skills and knowledge that can be applied to accomplishing work tasks

SOFTEN model of nonverbal communication

smile, open stance, forward lean, tone, eye contact, and nod


stances that you take based on a set of conclusions


statements that are reasoned or deduced based on facts


statements that can be relied on with a fair amount of certainty and can be observed objectively


tend to get excited when they hear new ideas


tendencies to see issues from particular perspectives


the belief that your own culture is superior--that it provides better approaches for solving work problems or dealing with work relationships and contains a better knowledge base to conceptualize work

What are business ethics?

the commonly accepted beliefs and principles in the business community for acceptable behavior.


the degree to which the bad news message receiver can alter the outcome

Communication channel

the medium through which a message is transmitted

Meta messages

the overall but often underlying messages people take away from a communication or group of communications


the sharing of information about oneself

Projected cognitive similarity

the tendency to assume others have the same norms and values as your own cultural group

Outgroup homogeneity effect

the tendency to think members of other groups are all the same

Cyber incivility

the violation fo respect and consideration in an online environment based on workplace norms

What is the facilitator

they act from a neutral position to get each person to participate in the conversation and ensure that each agenda item is properly discussed

What are I-statements?

they begin with phrases such as I think, I feel, or I believe

What are personal values?

those values prioritized and adhered to by individuals

What are corporate values?

those values that are the stated and lived values of a company

Priming statements

trigger a mind-set that affects subsequent behavior

Problem-solving meetings

typically involve brainstorming about how to address and solve a particular work problem

Team blogs

typically organized around formal work teams

Solicited cover letter

used for an open position that a company advertises

Unsolicited cover letter

used when the company has not requested job applications


verb phrases that in combination with a subject make a complete sentence

Direct quotations

verbatim restatements from another source


when a group has experienced quite a few successes and begins to assume it will automatically make good decisions

Moral high ground

when group members assume they're morally correct and as a result dismiss competing ideas or alternate solutions

Collective rationalization

when group members convince themselves a solution is the best one even when faces with conflicting information


when group members don't voice their opinions for the sake of harmony


when group members see outsiders as morally inferior or less competent


when groups verbally or nonverbally agree to ideas without gathering enough information and exhaustively evaluating their options

Illusion of unanimity

when no one speaks out against the majority view and, as a result, everyone assumes there is agreement


when the initial ideas in a discussion excessively influence the ultimate decisions

Peer pressure

when the majority of group members pressure or even penalize a member with dissenting views


words or phrases that express action or existence


words or phrases that modify adjectives, verbs, or adverbs


words or phrases that modify nouns


words or phrases that refer to persons, objects, qualities, or activities

Industry publications

written to cater to the specific interests of members in particular industries

What does it mean to validate others?

you recognize their perspectives and feelings as credible or legitimate

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