Business communications (Mang 2790) Mid Term

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What is the difference between dents I've & connotative?


What benefit can you get from improving your international communication skills

90 percent of executives say their companies profits, revenues, and market share would all improve with better international communication skills.

How do you make a report more formal?

A more formal tone is usually appropriate for longer reports, especially those that deal with controversial or complex information. Adjust the level of familiarity to match the situation and your audiences expectations

Define buffer

A neutral statement that establishes common ground with the reader with that revealing the main idea

Why is it important to thoroughly complete an email

A simple mistake in your content or distribution can cause major headaches. The more important the message the more carefully you need to proofread

What is a good "rule of thumb" for the time it takes to develop a professional presentation?

A week or two weeks to put together one hour presentation

Define ethics

Accepted principles of conduct that govern behavior within a society

Explain at least three issues that help credibility

Accurate information president in a report is the most factual correct. Complete to help audiences make informed decisions. Balanced it's important to present all sides of the issue fairly

What is active voice and passive voice and which is more assertive?

Active voice, the subject performs the action in the object receives the action. In passive the subject receives the action. The active voice helps make your writing more direct, livelier and easier to read

How can type face affect the audience, and What is the minimum size you should use?

Affective text slides supplement your words and help the audience follow the flow of your ideas.

Define diversity

All characteristics and experiences that define each of us as individuals. Everything that goes into the prison to make them an individual.

When can nonverbal signals be sent and received?

All the time. It can be by clothes you wear. Nonverbal signals are powerful but are not infallible

What is the yardstick approach?

Also use for hostile skeptical audiences. Works well with indirect. When you have a list of criteria that must be considered an a decision, I'll turn into his are all measured against the same criteria

Define stereotyping

Assigning a wide range of generalized attitudes to an individual based on membership in a particular culture or social group.

Why do you want to avoid "visual razzle dazzle?"

Because you use a lot of fancy visuals doesn't mean your message is clear. Try not to for your audience

List for guidelines for adapting to business culture

Become aware of your own biases, be careful about applying the golden rule, exercise tolerance, flexibility and respect, practice patience and maintain a sense of humor

What are the three Bases of storytelling

Beginning, middle, and end

Transitions can be simple and subtle at their best. One transition I respect is builds

Bills are much more useful than transitions, at least use with care and thought. Introduce the concept you're trying to get your audience understand

What is bias free language? Who has bias?

Buys for your language avoids words and phrases that unfairly and even unethically categorize or stigma takes people in a way related to gender, race, ethical, age, disability. We all have biases.

How can visuals improve the quality of your presentation?

By creating interest, illustrating points that are difficult to explain with words. The purpose of visuals is to support your spoken message not replace it

What is the journalistic approach

Check to see whether your message answers Who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Liz two ways to reinforce your position in persuasive message

Choose your words carefully to trigger the desired responses. And listen to language you can consider using metaphor is another figures of speech

How is color a critical design element?

Color provides emphasis, isolation, and contrast. And since papa nonverbal's. It stimulates desired emotional responses.

How can I color impact your audience emotionally?

Colors choices can stimulate various emotions. Color could have a different meaning in different cultures

Why is it important to improve your communication skills?

Communication is an essential skill in business because you cannot conduct business without it.

"Audiences are likely to equate the quality of your writing with the quality of your thinking"

Completing is all about the quality of your writing

Define visual symbolism

Connotative meanings can evolve overtime and mean different things in different cultures

What is visual design and what are six basic principles of effective design?

Consistency, contrast, balance, emphasis, conventions, simplicity

What is the difference between constructive and destructive conflict

Constructive can force important issues into the open, it can increase the involvement of team members. Destructive destroys the morale of teams or individual team members.

Difference between constructive and destructive feedback?

Constructive feedback focuses on the processes and outcomes of communication not only people involved. Destructive delivers criticism with no directions to stimulate improvement

Define secondary research

Consulting research that was done previously for another purpose

List 8 cultural differences

Contacts, legal and ethical differences, social differences, nonverbal differences, age differences, gender differences, religious differences, and ability differences.

What are transitions?

Correct ideas by helping Rita's move from one thought to the next

List at least two considerations for how you would distribute your message

Cost, convenience and time

Why simplicity a good guide?

Creating a simple material often takes less time. Simple visuals reduce the chance of distraction and misinterpretation. The more complex your presentation the more likely something might go wrong

Define visual literacy

Creating and interpreting, the ability to create effective images and correctly interpret them

What factors can influence how an audience decodes a message

Culture, individual experience, learning & thinking styles, hopes, fears, and temporary moods

What four Planning tricks can help you conduct meetings better

Define purpose, select participants for the meeting, choose the venue & time, set the agenda

What are design elements? Explain at least two other examples of consistency

Designs affect readability. How your writing is designed. Consistency needs to be seen throughout your entire paper. Some examples of consistency needed in your message are vertical lines, columns and borders.

What is the difference between a direct approach and indirect approach?

Did the wrecker approach starts with the main idea and follows that with supporting evidence. Indirect starts with evidence and builds up to the main idea it's best to use the direct approach because it's faster to understand the message

How Do you assess risk one preparing analytical reports?

Direct direct approach

What consideration do you have when deciding on the correct approach?

Do you need to get the readers attention immediately? Does the recipient require a direct style of communication? How important is this news to the reader?

List three directions that formal communication can go

Downward, upward and horizontal

List three Types of digital media and explain when you would use them

Email would be used for business communication. Podcast will be used to replace or supplement conference calls, newsletters and training courses. Online videos has become a main stream business medium

What are emotional and logical appeals?

Emotional appeals attempt to connect with the readers feelings or sympathy. Logical appeals are based on the readers notions of reason

What is a good way to get your audiences trust?

Establishing credibility is vital to successful communication

What is the important about etiquette in the work place?

Etiquette is an essential element of every aspect of business communications. Poor etiquette can drive away customers, investors, another other critical audiences, it can also limit a person to potential career

Will you be nervous when Conducting oral presentations? Why is that OK

Everyone is nervous when speaking in front of groups, me nervous is a good thing, you can convert nerves and two positive energy

What three basic categories do analytical reports fall into

Excess opportunities, so problems, and support decisions.

List six nonverbal categories

Facial expressions, gestures, posture, visual characteristics, personal appearance, touch, time and place.

What is a good way to start your research?

Familiar rise yourself with the material.

What makes a survey reliable

For a survey to produce vital results it must be based on a representative sample of the population of interest

What are the factors do you consider when choosing a medium

Formality, media and channel limitations, urgency, costs, audience preferences and security and privacy

What are the five main goals of delivering a negative news?

Give the bad news, ensure acceptance of bad news, maintain the readers Goodwill, maintain the organizations good image, and illuminate future correspondence on the matter as appropriate

How can technology help or hinder communication

Grammar has hindered, it has limited access and information has become overloaded. Technology helps people have better productivity.

List for this disadvantages of working in teams

Group thinking, hidden genders, costs, overload

Why is it important to consider using headings

Headings grab the readers attention and organize material into shorter sections

What do you think it means to review the context, organization, style and tone of your documents

I think it means to thoroughly go over your work and watch over your contacts, organization, and style and tones so that it will be received carefully to the intened audience

How can you anticipate objections?

If you can expect to encounter strong resilient present all sides of an issue actions of why wouldn't it work

What does it mean to edit your documents for clarity and conciseness

If your audience can read it, one time they should be able to understand it. Editing for consciousness is making your document tighter by removing unnecessary words, phrases and sentences

What is a conclusion?

Illogical interpretation of the fax and other information in a report

What are three key aspects of mobile devices as communication platforms?

Immediate access, constant connectivity

Define persuasion

In attempt to change audiences attitudes beliefs or actions. Persuasion must be in the interest of the audience

Define cultural competency

Includes an appreciation for cultural differences that affect communication and ability to adjust one's communication style to ensure that efforts to send and receive messages across cultural backgrounds are successful

List four advantages of working in terms

Increased information & knowledge, increased diversity of use, increase acceptance of a solution, high performance levels.

List at least three guidelines for adapting to business culture in the US

Individualism, practice and personal space, religion, and communication style

What are the three types of reports?

Informational no reports offers data, fax, feedback and other types of information without analysis. Analytical reports offer both information and analysis Proposals are special category of reports that combine information delivery and persuasive communication

What approach would you use for an excepting audience for an informational report? Violet analytical report? And what if the audience was hostile?

Informational would be best with direct approach. Analytical could use both approaches. If a hostile audience use the indirect approach, it all depends on what the audience needs.

What is the three parts of the text of a report

Introduction, body, close

Define an ethical dilemma and an ethical lapse

Involves choosing among alternatives that aren't clear cut. Ethical lapse is a clearly unethical choice.

Define a team

Is a unit of two or more people who share a mission and responsibility for working to achieve a common goal

Define active listening

Is making a conscious effort to turn off their own filters and biases to truly hear and understand what the other party is saying.

Define nonverbal communication

Is the interpersonal process of sending and receiving information, both intentionally and unintentionally, without using written or spoken language

List three ways to evaluate the quality of your searches

Is the source potentially biased? What is the purpose of the material? Is The author credible?

Explain the importance of the email subject line

It determines whether the message gets read. It's one of the most important parts of an email message because it helps recipients decide which messages to read and went to read them.

How does color play a role in the acceptance of your message?

It grabs the viewers attention, emphasizing important ideas, create a contrast and isolation slide elements. Color visuals can amount for 60% of audiences rejection of an idea

Why is emails such a business standard?

It has been around for several decades. Email is universal

What is a key aspect of the social communication model?

It is a two way conversation

What is a research summary?

It is an unbiased consideration of the information uncovered in your research

What functions does document in your sources serve?

It properly and ethically credit to the person who created the original material it shows your audience that you have sufficient support for your message, and it helps your readers to explore your topic in more detail if desired

How can studying other cultures and languages help your international communication skills

It will help you understand your audience better and get your point across to someone from another culture

List for Keith tips to understanding how to professionally approach social media

It's a conversation not a lecture or sales pitch. It is having a feeling of conversation. Right in formally but not carelessly. Do not write like a robot but also do not be sloppy and misspell words. Be transparent and honest. And think before you post.

Learning about culture is automatic, coherent and complete

It's automatic because as we grow up we are taught a certain culture, we learn by observing which values work best in a group. Coherent because culture seems to be logical and consistent. Complete because it provides members with most of life's big questions.

How can writing carefully help these skills

It's essential to write carefully because it will be easier for a person of a different culture to understand my native language

When using the direct approach for negative news what would you present first?

Just come right out and say it? Will maintain a calm and professional tone that keeps the focus on the news and not on the individuals failure or other personal factors

What is a good pre-planning idea to keep in mind about links, videos and other items you can include and slides?

Keep them simple and make sure they will work. You can increase the flexibility of your presentation slides with hyperlinks and let you jump to different slides websites or other screens

List three ways you can improve the readability of your work

Keeping your paragraph short, using list to clarify and emphasize and make the message easy to scam. Clearly

What are the four major components of planning and how much time do you spend on this step

Know your purpose, gather information, shoes medium, organize information.

How can you be more effective when speaking with someone from a different culture

Languages vary in the significance of tone, Pitch, speed, and volume. Slow down when speaking, using simple terms, feedback is always great

When slides are part of a presentation, how do you get the audience to listen, rather than Reed?

Let each slide to one thought concept or idea. Limit text Contest to four or five words per line

What is a key resource that libraries have?

Librarians! People, librarians can offer information and resources you cannot find on the Internet

What is the difference between linear and nonlinear presentations?

Linear presentations generally follow a fix plan from start to finish. Non-linear presentations can move back-and-forth between topics and up and down in level of details

What skills do 80% of top executives say is most important?

Listening is the most important skill needed to get things done in the workplace

List three ways to help your self proofread effectively

Make multiple passes, use practical tricks, look back at a future date, and be vigilant

What communication aspect of many employees frustrates employers

Many employers expressed frustration when their employees have poor communication skills. employers are not happy with college graduates communication skills

Bullet points at the end of chapter 12

Marketing and sales messages must be truthful and non-deceptive. You must back up your claims with evidence. Bait and switch advertising is illegal. Marketing messages and websites able to children are subject to special rules. Marketing and sales messages are considered binding contract in many states. In most cases you can't use a persons name, photograph or another identity without permission.

What is the difference between marketing and sales messages

Marketing messages usher potential buyers through the purchasing process without asking them to make an immediate decision. Sales messages take over at the point, encouraging potential buyers to make a purchase.

Define a medium and a channel

Medium is the form that something takes. The channel is the system that transmits it

compare how fast a person can speak to how fast they can think

Most people speak 120 to 150 words a minute. However we think at 500 words a minute. Our brains have a lot of free time whenever we're listening to find other things to think about

Why is it important to determine if the audience is comfortable listening to the language you speak?

Need to determine whether your audience is comfortable listening to the language you speak. They are using so I just sent a presentation covering the same material

List example example of a time when you would use the direct approach Or negative news in an example of a time when you use the indirect approach

Negative announcements or routine business matters usually should be handled with the direct approach because the news than expected. The direct approach works best for most routine negative responses

What is the ethical issue regarding the timing and delivery of negative news

Negative messages need to be sad when necessary and doing so in a timely fashion if when unpleasant or difficult

Define primary research

New research was done specifically for the current project

List three barriers to communication

Noise & distractions, competing messages, filters.

How kid nonverbal's help your delivery? How can silence help you and your audience?

Nonverbal signals Tell the audience how you're feeling, so pay attention to the signals you present

Why is clipart a troublemaker?

Not one of them was made for your presentation so it's not great to use

When you inevitably make a presentation, you may be asked a question or what you don't know the answer. What should you do

Offered to provide it after the presentation.

What to changes are affecting the way you communicate?

Only half of the adults in the US population can read and write to function in an office setting. Audiences are likely to expect messages to be more visual

How much of a 10-minute conversation Will people typically forget within a day?

Only half of what was said

Were using the indirect approach with negative news how my you open up the message?

Opening with a buffer establishes common ground with the audience

What are the four basic media types

Oral, written, visual and electric

How do you perceive formality regarding a small audience? How about a large audience?

Organize a short presentation the same way you were a brief written message or organize a large presentation as you would a report

Five skills employers expect from their employees

Organize ideas, Express yourself the correct way, actively listening, communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds, manage your time wisely, communicate ethically

How does clarity figure into persuasion

Persuasion is not about trickery and getting people to act against their own best interest, it's about letting audiences know they have choices and presenting your offerings in the best possible life.

What would be the three-step writing process for email

Plan right complete

What are the three steps in the writing process

Plan, write, complete

What kind of Items appear in each review table 15.2

Pre-factory elements have cover, title fly, title page, letter authorization, letter of transmittal

How can you tell a major difference between Prezi and PowerPoint slide?

Prezi are the dominant example of nonlinear presentations. The biggest disarranged to slides is the linear nature of the presentation

When would a printed message be affective

Printed is the most formal communication medium. Print it is awesome affective when you want to stand out from the flood of digital messages.

List at least two ways to facilitate communication with the audience is using a mobile device

Prioritize information and you short paragraphs

Of the seven measures that can help you overcome conflict, what is first?

Proactive behavior. Deal with minor conflict before it becomes major

Why is proofreading important?

Proofreading is important because your accountability is affected by your attention to the details of mechanics and form

Liz six guidelines for presenting visuals ethically

Provide context, don't hide or minimize negative information that runs counter to your argument, don't over simplify, complex situations, avoid emotional manipulation or the other forms of coercion and be careful with the way you aggregate data

List five characteristics of effective messages

Provide practical information, get facts, present information in a concise manner, clarify expectations and responsibilities, persuasive

List at least six ways to help overcome anxiety

Put yourself into a positive frame of mind before you start. Stop worrying about being perfect. Know your subject. Remember to breathe. Be ready with your opening line. Be comfortable

Define "quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing

Quoting a source means you produce the material exactly as you find it. Paraphrasing re-stated in your own words with your own sentence structure. Summarizing is like paraphrasing the pro that's the just of the material and fewer words than the original

List six specific things you would check on your slide

Readability, consistency, simplicity, audience center, clear, focus, and fully operational

List three ways to keep your slide simple

Reduce details, simplify, Short in numbers, list amount of data shown and highlight key points

What is in REP

Request for proposals

What is an REP?

Request for proposals. A formal invitation to bid on a contract

List three things you can do one preparing to speak?

Scout the location for your presentation in advance. Check the seating arrangement to confirm it's appropriate for the needs of your audience. Verify the availability and operation of all equipment and supplies.

What are the selling points and benefits, where is the focus for each

Selling points are the most attractive features of a product. Benefits are the advantages purchasers can realize from the feature. Selling points focus on product benefits focus on user

Why do you try to avoid producing "slideuments"? , Slide shows that try to contain all the information?

Slideuments are hybrids that tried to function as both presentation slides and printed documents and often fail at both task.

What is the difference between a solicited Proposal and an unsolicited proposal?

Soliciting proposals are generally prepared at the request of external parties that require a product or service, but they may also be requested by such internal sources as management or the Board of Directors. Unsolicited proposals are created by organizations attempting to obtain business or funding without a specific invitation from a potential client.

Difference between need to know and nice to know

Some details are needed in your paper in others aren't as important as needed information

How can emotion be involved in communicating Negative news?

Some request can be outrageous, insulting and even dishonest. In these cases is important to control our emotions to avoid saying anything that the receiver my interpreted as defamation

Explain the AIDA model. Is it a one-way formal communicating

Stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. This model is ideal for the indirect approach

What is the difference between structured and freeform slides?

Structured slides are likely based on templates that give all slides and the presentation the same general look. They have the ability to be easy to create, they are the best choice for updates. However they can be boring and overwhelming. Freeform slides typically don't follow any set design plan but are unified by color and other elements. The designs are the time and effort that can be required to create them

What are style & tond

Style and rolls of choices you make to express yourself, the words you select, the way you use those words in the sentence. Your style creates a certain tone or overall impression and your message

What is a recommendation?

Suggest what you do about the information

List five different types of visuals and why you would need each

Tables are used to present large numbers of specific data points or pieces of information. Line charts illustrate trains and amounts. Bar charts poetry numbers by the Heights or Lance making a series of numbers easy to read or understand. Scatter grass are used to compare several entries. Pie charts are the best to use Dwayne looking at percentages and smaller numbers

List two considerations when creating materials for mobile devices

Thank in small chunks in format simple

audience-centered approach: when are the reports and proposals most effective?

The "you" attitude is especially important with long or complex reports because they demand a lot from readers

What is media richness?

The ability to convey a message through more than one informational Q, facilitate feedback, and establish personal purpose. The ability to use more than one way of communication

What are the three assumptions you have about your audience when delivering negative news

The audience doesn't want to hear what you have to say,

What events need to occur for an audience to respond appropriately

The audience must remember the message long enough to respond. The audience must be able to respond. The audience has to be motivated.

What is the audience centered approach, or the "you" attitude

The creator of the message understanding and respecting their audience and making a message meaningful to them. " what's in it for me"

What is the difference between a formal communication network and informal one?

The difference is the truth. A formal network is the one companies can count on to be true.

Define etiquette

The expected norms of behavior in any particular situation

What approach my hope the audience except high impact negative news?

The indirect approach is the best use for high impact negative news

Briefly describe what goes into each of part review table 15.1

The introduction includes all the rosacea, problem, skull, background, definitions, solution, report organization. The body includes fax, explanations, work plans, statements of qualification, pros and cons, producers, cost. The conclusion has the direct approach, review of argument, review of readers benefits and request.

Why is practice important?

The more you practice the more confident you'll be in the material.

Define cultural pluralism

The practice of accepting multiple cultures on their own terms

What are the basics to include in the introduction, body and close of the presentation?

The presentation introduction arises the audiences interest in the topic and establish his credibility. In the body the main supporting details. The clothes and make sure listener leaves with the key points. You want the audience leaving with the message ringing in their ears

Define communication

The process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers

Define Professionalism

The quality of performing at a high level and conducting oneself with purpose and pride

List the 8 steps in the communication process

The sender has an idea, encodes the idea into a message, produces the message in a transmittable medium, transmit the message through a channel, the audience receives the message, the audience decode the message, the audience response to the message.

In what keyway to analytical reports differ from informational reports?

The statement of purpose for an analytical report offer needs to be more comprehensive than a statement for an informational report

Define ethnocentrism

The tendency to judge other groups according to the standards of one's own group

How can transitions help your audience?

They can help alert the reader to what lies ahead so that shifts and changes do not cause confusion

How much can visuals improve learning and why?

They can improve learning by 400%. Visuals are There to help support and clarify what you have to say

List for aspects of audience sensitivity

They can visually indicate shifts from one idea to the next when used in contribution of levels, help readers see the relationship between subordinate in main ideas. Busy readers can quickly understand the gist of the document

How does previews and reviews help the audience?

They help the reader prepare for upcoming information, where as reviews help them verify and clarify would have just read

Explain through reason individuals can be effective

They say more and less space, they attract and hold attention, they can cross cultural barriers.

List three assumptions you can typically make about your audience regarding positive news messages

They will be willing to except it, he will likely respond, they will likely comply

What are information gaps?

Things you don't know

What are some items to include if you decide to provide handouts?

Title slides, agenda and programs, navigation slides

How does WIIFM figure into persuasion

To change someone's attitudes, beliefs, or actions it is vital to understand their motivation. This is a combination of courses that drive people to satisfy their needs

What are the most common general topics for presentations?

To inform, persuade or collaborate

What is the 2+2 = 4 approach

Use for hostile or skeptical readers. Works well we need to show readers how to build towards an answer by following clear, logical steps. He commits his readers of your point of you by determining that everything adds up

When might you use the direct approach in a presentation?

Use the direct approach if the subject involves routine information on the news. use the indirect approach if the subject involves negative news or persuasion

What is the best indicator of how to balance emotional and logical appeals?

Using like to go up hills carries with it the ethical responsibility to avoid faulty logic. Logical works with evidence avoid hasty generalization's

Visuals can be easy to make and easy to make poorly how would you integrate A visual with a text?

Visual elements need to be carefully integrated with the text of your message

What are the big three considerations for using visuals

Visuals can say more than text, they hold peoples attention, and their cock cross cultural boundaries

How do you decide which points to illustrate in a message?

We can determine this by stepping back and considering the flow of our message from the audience his point of you

What for things you must use correct documentation for?

Web content, movies, musical composition, lectures

What is WIFM? Why is it important

What's in it for me? If the reader doesn't think it's about them they will not pay attention. We must show them there is a reason for a message.

What is the difference between a synopsis and an effective summary

What's up nuts this is a brief overview of the report smells important points. Ineffective summary a fully developed mini version of the report for readers who like the time or motivation to read that entire document

List three issues you should avoid about every visual you use

While using visuals ask yourself is the visual accurate? Is the visual properly documented? Is the visual honest?

Define collaboration

Working together to meet complex challenges

Can you include positive news in a negative message? If so when?

You can in some cases depending on how it is handled when the opportunity is presented

What is the fair use doctrine

You can use other peoples work as long as you don't unfairly prevent them from benefiting

"It's best to focus on the fundamentals of planning, writing and completing messages, rather than on the specific details of any one medium"

You must have a good message and focus on your plan right complete steps.

On what fax do you bass a conclusion or recommendation?

You must pool and organize the facts presented to make the correction...

List for techniques that can help you emphasize your credibility

You simple language, identify your information sources, establish common ground, and be objective and present bear a logical arguments.

What are your typical instincts regarding decoding these messages in a cultural sense?

Your message is encoded using assumptions of their culture

Why is it important to thoroughly complete a text or instant message?

Your reputation to get messed up when you do not proofread your messages.

Define intercultural communication

refers to communication that occurs in interactions between people who are culturally different

Why is it important to let me scope?

to ensure that your presentation fits the lot of time and to make sure that you respect your audience members time and attention

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