Business Exit Exam Review

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Which of the following would be classified under the broad heading of organization change by means of technology and operations?

A company that makes battery-powered flashlights decides to replace the metal cases with lighter-weight plastic ones; A manufacturer change replaces final inspections with periodic inspections. An insurance company alters the process of logging and verifying claims. [D] A company consolidates its offices to take advantage of PC networking.

Which of the following is true regarding the interaction of leadership and culture?

A successful leader achieves organizational efficiency and effectiveness by interpreting, translating, and modifying the culture's value system.

In trying to change organizational culture, leaders can expect to have much influence over the _____ and relatively little influence over the _______:

Artifacts and manifestations; underlying assumptions

What do the PM and NT theories of leadership have in common?

Both use two dimensions, as do many other leadership theories.

_____ leadership is a contemporary perspective that focuses on a leader's personality and ability to inspire loyalty and enthusiasm.


Dan lets his people know what he expects of them, schedules work for his section, and gives his people guidance and direction. Based on the path-goal theory, what kind of leader behavior is Dan exhibiting?


Which of the following statements is NOT a fundamental assumption of organization development?

Employees normally take an adversarial stance with respect to the organization

Which of the following is NOT a type of intervention or activity commonly used in organization development?

External recruitment

Which of the following actions exemplifies the first step in the comprehensive organization change model?

Gathering employee complaints and noticing a trend

Which of the following is a way that managers can use power?

Information distortion, legitimate response, and inspirational appeals

Which of the following statements BEST describes the path-goal theory of leadership?

It suggests that leaders can use any one of four styles of leadership as required.

In communication, understanding is best understood to rest with the:


An example of a normative theory of organizational behavior is that:

Satisfying the goals of an organizations owners should take priority over satisfying the needs of its other members

Which of the following is a key element of transformational leadership?

Stimulating learning experiences

The idea that organization change may have substantial effects extending far beyond the area in which the change actually takes place relates to one of the integrative management theories presented earlier in the text. What is that theory?

Systems theory

In which society is there a large number and variety of nuanced words for leadership roles and responsibilities, reflecting the importance placed on them?

The US

What is being optimized when a leader who uses the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model to select the appropriate degree of participation?

The quality of the decision; The acceptance of the decision; The demands on the manager's time, and The development of subordinate decision making

What approach to identifying a leader are you using if you vote for a politician based on his or her communication skills, intelligence, education, and assertiveness?


In the Marine Corps subordinates want tough effective training that they know will some day save their lives. If you apply the Michigan studies in this case, the subordinates want

a job-centered leader

The existence of a "glass ceiling" for women in the US and for non-Japanese employees of Japanese companies illustrates that _____.

actual organizational practices are not always consistent with ideals expressed in their own culture

Since 1998, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union has been trying to organize labor at 90 Wal-Mart stores. The union is an example of

an external force for organization change

Which of the following would not be considered an "emerging structure" in the global economy?

bureaucratic organizations

When there is a mismatch between leader style and the type of situation in which leaders find themselves, what does Fiedler suggest should be done?

change the situation

The two major dimensions of the managerial grid include:

concern for relationship and concern for task

What term was used by researchers at Ohio State to describe the leadership behavior that is most similar to employee-centered behavior?

consideration behavior

Growth as used in the ERG theory of motivation corresponds most closely to Maslow's


The purpose of the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model is to

determine the appropriate degree of employee participation in decision making

Lew Plant, CEO of Hewlett-Packard's microcomputer division, often sermonizes to his employees about the necessity of preserving a healthy balance between work life and personal life. He is the only CEO in Silicon Valley to be named a Champion of Working Parents by Working Mother magazine. According to the Michigan studies, Plant is using _____behavior.

emploee-centered leader

. _____ theories of motivation deal with how people are motivated.


The belief that one's own group is the center of everything, and that all others should be judged and evaluated by comparison to one's own group is known as __________:


Andrea, the deputy director of public relations, has been with the firm 27 years. Her primary power is


Subordinate characteristics that may neutralize leadership include all of the following EXCEPT

external locus of control

_____ is a path-goal situational factor that describes the personal belief that whatever happens to the individual is a matter of luck or fate.

external locus of control

The process by which the manager identifies and then tries to eliminate as many of the negatives—factors that will make the job of change more difficult—as possible is called

force-field analysis

Groups with high levels of cohesiveness are vulnerable to the

group think phenomenon

Giving prestigious job titles (if not carried to extremes) would be one way to satisfy people's need for

human resources

Studies of the organization change process found that participation

increases productivity and cooperation

Bell Atlantic has an internal program called Champion that provides seed money, guidance, and training to potential entrepreneurs from any level of the organization who propose a new product idea. The Champion program supports


The Managerial Grid

is a method of evaluating management skills; labels the best manager as high in both concern for planning and concern for organizing; uses the term impoverished manager to describe a manager who is low in concern for people and low in concern for production, and is a graphic representation of the trait approach to studying management.

The form of power people have because of the position they occupy in an organization is known as _____ power


A supervisor's use of coercion also involves the

loss of leadership

All of the following are common characteristics of French Administrative Leadership, except _____.

low individualism

Ethics can be best described as

moral standards, not governed by law, that focus on the human consequences of action,

The presence of highly capable employees and an indifference toward rewards will

neutralize leader behavior

The _____ leadership theory found a preference for a distinctive type of paternalistic leadership, and this has been supported by some research in highly collectivist cultures.


What leadership style would a person with an external locus of control be most likely to DISLIKE?


hich of the following leadership theories is a direct extension of the expectancy theory of motivation?


In most police forces, promotion to a higher grade comes after the officer has passed an examination. If Micah were unable to pass this examination after four tries, it is reasonable that he would decide that his friendships with the people he currently works with are more important than his promotion. He would have replaced _____ needs with _____ needs.


The ______ theory says motivation is a function of how much we want something and how likely we think we are to get it

physiological and safety needs

McDonald's announced it would remove saturated fat from its french fries. This was in anticipation of changes in regulations and possible lawsuits. This is an example of a _____ change.


The view of change, similar to natural selection in biology, that the primary source of change is beyond the control of management, is called:

population ecology

Which of the following is NOT one of the situational factors thought to modify the relationship between leader behavior and subordinate motivation to perform in the path-goal theory?

preferences of the leader

The intervention technique called _____ has organization development consultants observe the communication patterns and methods of cooperation and conflict resolution in an organization.

process consultation

Weber identified _____ authority as that which rests on a belief in the legality of patterns of normative rules and the right of those elevated to authority under such rules to issue commands.


Which of the following is characteristic of the Abilene Paradox?

rational, traditional, charismatic

The initial response of business to the events of 9/11/01 is an example of a ____


Charismatic leadership is closely linked with

referent power

. What type of power do leaders have if they are able to offer or withhold inducements?


3. Generally speaking politicians have a desire to influence the world around them by writing laws and changing things. This shows a need for


According to Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation, which of the following is a motivator?


When a spouse is away for an extended period of time, the left behind spouse will often crave more adult conversation. This is a(n) _____ need.


Which of the following is NOT one of the basic assumptions of expectancy theory?

self-actualization and the need for self-esteem

When group members unveil more significant aspects of their personalities they are probably in what stage of development? a. formi


Creating _____ is an especially important element of charismatic and transformational leadership.

symbolic meaning

Daniel has been appointed leader of a project task force. His legitimate power in this position is minimal. The task is unstructured since no guidelines exist for the project. Also, Daniel has had some personality clashes with some of the task force members, so leadermember relations are poor. According to Fiedler's LPC theory, what type of leadershipstyle is appropriate in this situation?


All of the following are reasons to use coaching and counseling as an organization development intervention technique EXCEPT

to provide an evaluation of current performance

Unions nearly always bargain for retirement packages and good medical plans. Recently, they have begun negotiating for advanced notice of plant closings. What need level from Maslow's hierarchy do these demands represent?


Leadership theories developed in the US _____.

typically focus on the need to understand the level of participation required to motivate followers

Desiree is reluctant to take a promotion because it involves moving. She knows little about the area she would be living in. According to the text, the most likely reason for such employee resistance to change is


Strategic leaders

understand the organization; understand the organization's environment; recognize the organization's current alignment with the environment; work to improve the organization's current alignment with the environment.

When managers let people who will be affected by an impending change know the reasons for the change, the _____ stage of the Lewin model of organization change has been reached.


In an organizational culture that prefers autocratic, centralized decision-making, a leader with a participative style _____.

will have difficulty

On a business trip to a developing country, you see a nice leather briefcase (which you badly need) for a reasonable price in the local currency (the equivalent of $200 U.S. on the standard exchange rate). In this country, however, it is difficult for locals to get U.S. dollars or other hard currency. The shop clerk offers you the briefcase for $100 if you pay in U.S. dollars. You agree and turn over the money. Which of the following best describes your activity:

you are entering the alternative market

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