Business Law ch.10

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Bruno is a businessperson with investments in legal and illegal operations. Bruno may be subject to penalties under RICO a. ​for the commission of any business fraud. b. ​only in a case involving organized crime. c. ​only in a case involving a "racket." d. ​for making an unprofitable, but legal, investment.


Chad signs Dolly's name, without her authorization, to the back of her paycheck, which was issued by Eastside Market. This is​ a. ​forgery. b. ​embezzlement. c. ​robbery. d. ​larceny.


Edie uses TV ads to defraud millions of people. She can most likely be charged with a. ​wire fraud. b. ​no crime. c. ​larceny. d. ​robbery.


Edith works for Fast Trades, Inc., a brokerage that facilitates frequent, quick securities transactions for investors. Edith steals her employer's computer program to start up her own competing business, Get Rich Quick, Inc. This is a. ​larceny. b. ​robbery. c. ​no crime. d. ​obtaining goods by false pretenses.


Elbert uses FedEx in a scheme to defraud Global Sales Company by obtaining merchandise to which he is not entitled. Found guilty of mail fraud, Elbert can be punished by a. ​imprisonment for up to fifty years. b. ​fines up to $5 million. c. ​none of the choices. d. ​imprisonment for up to five years and fines of up to $1,000.


Enrico accesses Finance Bank's computer system without authority to obtain protected financial and credit records. Under federal law, this is a. ​not a crime. b. ​a felony if the bank brings a civil suit against Enrico. c. ​a crime but not a felony. d. ​a felony if it was done for a commercial purpose.


Erica, a police officer, wants to search the offices of Debit & Credit, Accountants. She asks Judge Bernie to issue a warrant. Under the Fourth Amendment, no warrant for a search can be issued without a. ​probable cause. b. ​reasonable doubt. c. ​immunity. d. ​double jeopardy.


Gilda is accused of conspiracy to defraud. She is given an opportunity to object to the charge before a judge. She is also given the opportunity to confront and cross-examine witnesses and to present her own witnesses. These procedures represent a. ​due process of law. b. ​the prohibition against double jeopardy. c. ​a reasonable expectation of privacy. d. ​the privilege against self-incrimination.


Herb, a computer programmer for Inventory Control Ltd., is arrested in his employer's parking lot on suspicion of larceny. Herb must be informed of his right to a. ​a trial by jury. b. ​question witnesses. c. ​remain silent. d. ​punishment.


Jordan reaches into Ken's pocket and takes his wallet—without his consent and without his immediate awareness. Unlike robbery, picking pockets does not involve a. ​large amounts of cash. b. ​breaking and entering. c. ​force or fear. d. ​weapons.​


Kelly is accused of receiving stolen property. She can refuse to provide information about her allegedly criminal activities a. ​if the police do not promise to keep the information confidential. b. ​if she suspects the information will be used to prosecute her. c. ​if the information is "fruit of the poisonous tree." d. ​under no circumstances.


Laird is an employee of Motor Parts, an auto parts store. On the orders of his employer, he switches trademarks on parts that come into the store to be sold to consumers. This is most likely a. ​larceny. b. ​forgery. c. ​robbery. d. ​obtaining goods by false pretenses.


Luce receives from Mim a marimba stolen from Nell. To be criminally liable, Luce must know a. ​Mim. b. ​Nell. c. ​what a marimba is. d. ​that the marimba is stolen and Luce must intend to keep it.


Mae is granted immunity after she agrees to testify about a crime. Mae has an absolute privilege against self-incrimination and can a. ​refuse to testify. b. ​not refuse to testify. c. ​not be prosecuted for any crime. d. ​be prosecuted only for a crime about which she agreed to testify.


Mariah takes off her ring and places it on her desk while she works. Without her knowledge or consent, her coworker Nita picks up the ring, puts it on, and walks away. Nita has likely committed a. ​larceny. b. ​forgery. c. ​burglary. d. ​no crime.


Quiana, an employee of Reservations-for-Less, Inc., pays Sven, an employee of Reservations-for-Less' competitor Travel Cheap, Inc., for a secret company pricing schedule. This may be a. ​money laundering. b. ​creative legal bookkeeping. c. ​an effective marketing strategy. d. ​commercial bribery.​


Rhino causes a disturbance at Soufflé Café. He is arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is a crime punishable by a. ​imprisonment up to six months. b. ​a fine only. c. ​imprisonment up to one year. d. ​imprisonment up to ten days.


Ryan is accused of auto theft. Ryan refuses to give information related to his alleged criminal activities because he suspects it will be used to prosecute him. This is a. ​duress. b. ​the privilege against self-incrimination. c. ​entrapment. d. ​necessity.


Sandy, a businessperson, is convicted of RICO offenses. Sandy's penalties may include a. ​all of the choices. b. ​a fine of up to $25,000 per violation. c. ​imprisonment for up to twenty years. d. ​divestiture or dissolution of Sandy's business.


Suzu, an employee of Ridgeline Credit Union, deposits into her personal account checks entrusted to Ridgeline through its ATM system by customers to deposit into their accounts. This is a. ​embezzlement. b. ​larceny. c. ​burglary. d. ​mail and wire fraud.

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