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margin (MAHR-jin) (1 - She was in the habit of making notes in the margins of her textbooks.) (2 - He was reelected by a wide margin.) (3 - There is no margin for error - it's got to work the first time.) (4 - The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 4%.)

...의 난외에 쓰다, ...에게 보증금을 지불하다, 가장자리, 책이나 인쇄물의 가장자리 (1. the border of empty space around the written or printed text on a page) (2. the amount or degree of difference between a higher amount and a lower amount) (3. A ______ for error is the amount by which you can make a mistake without risking complete failure) (4. A ______ of error is the degree to which a calculation can be wrong without changing how accurate the final result is)

powder (POU-der) (2 - talcum powder)

가루, 가루로 만들다, 분말로 만들다, 가루를 뿌리다 (1. a loose, dry substance of extremely small pieces, usually made by breaking up something into smaller parts and crushing them) (2. ______ is also any of various loose, dry, usually pleasant-smelling substances that people put on their skin as a help in healing or as makeup) (3. ______ is also gunpowder.)

assault (u̲h̲-SAWLT) (1 - University officials are concerned about a series of assaults on teachers and students near the campus.)

갑작스런 습격, 폭행, 급습하다, 폭행하다 (1. to make a sudden, violent attack on someone)

cheap (cheep) (1 - After World War II, the US had cheap labor, cheap energy, cheap raw materials, cheap housing, cheap food, and cheap transportation. Used computers are dirt cheap.) (2 - a cheap department store) (3 - The cheap rug did not come clean.) (4 - The boss is cheap - he'll never buy a new truck if he can squeeze a few more miles out of the old one.) (5 - She called him a cheap thug and a liar.)

값싼, 싸게, 값싸게 (1. costing little money or less than is usual or expected) (2. If a place that sells goods or services is cheap, it charges low prices) (3. Goods that are _____ are low in price but of poor quality) (4. disapproving Someone who is _____ is unwilling to spend money) (5. considered to have a low moral character or value)

peer (peer) (1 - The judge peered over his glasses at the jury.) (2 - Getting help from a peer is easier than asking a teacher.)

같은 패, 지위가 동등한 사람, 친구, 동료, 귀족, 쳐다보다, 응시하다 (1. to look carefully or with difficulty) (2. a person of the same age, the same social position, or having the same abilities as other people in a group)

upset (verb, adjective uhp-SET; noun UHP-set) (1 - The governor's veto upset a lot of people.) (2 - The airline strike could upset our vacation plans.) (3 - Too much fried food can upset your stomach.) (4 - Mom gets really upset if we don't call and tell her where we are. She was very upset about losing her wallet.) (5 - Ginger /= the spicy root of a tropical plant/ has been used to calm an upset stomach.)

걱정 시키다, 안절부절하게 하다, 뒤집어 엎다, 뒤집히다, 어지럽히다, 전복, 당황 (1. to make someone worried, unhappy, or angry) (2. to change the usual or expected state or order of something in a way that stops it from happening or working) (3. to make your stomach feel bad) (4. worried, unhappy, or angry) (5. /of the stomach/ feeling bad) (6. /in sports/ a surprising victory by a person or team that was expected to lose)

rage (reyj) (1 - I had never seen him in such a rage before.) (2 - He raged at me for sending the letter out before he had seen it.) (3 - The fire broke out and raged for four days, destroying most of the old city.)

격노, 분노, 포악한 날씨 (바람 또는 파도 등), 열정, 열광, 격노하다, 격분하다 (1. extreme or violent anger, or a period of feeling such anger) (2. to show extreme or violent anger) (3. If something destructive rages, it happens in a way that cannot be controlled)

modest (MOD-ist) (1 - a modest increase in salary a modest house) (2 - Although an outstanding scientist, he's a modest man.)

겸손한, 적당한, 수수한, 정숙한 (1. not large in size or amount, or not great in value) (2. tending not to talk about or make obvious your own abilities and achievements) (3. /of behavior and clothes/ correct or socially acceptable, representing traditional cultural values)

humble (HUHM-bu̲h̲ l, UHM-) (1 - He's a humble man and he's not comfortable talking about his own achievements.) (2 - She rose from humble origins to become one of the best-known political writers in the world.) (3 - Seeing the courage and skill of the disabled athletes was a humbling experience.)

경멸하다, 하찮은, 보잘 것 없는, 불쌍한, 비천한, 겸손한, 자만하지 않는 (1. tending to consider yourself as having no special importance that makes you better than others; not proud) (2. low in rank or position; poor) (3. to make someone understand that they are not as important or special as they thought they were)

alarm (u̲h̲-LAHRM) (1 - Nicholas detected a note of alarm in her voice.) (2 - Firefighters said the tragedy could have been avoided if the house had had smoke alarms.) (3 - Guests were sometimes alarmed to learn that we never locked the doors of the house.) (3 - Stock prices began to rise at an alarming rate.)

경보, 경보기, 경보장치, 놀람, 경악, 관심, 무섭게 하다, 두렵게 하다, 깜짝 놀라게 하다 (1. sudden anxiety and fear, esp. that something very bad or dangerous might happen) (2. a warning signal such as a loud noise or flashing light that gets your immediate attention, or a device that produces such a signal) (3. to feel or cause sudden anxiety and fear)

smart (smahrt) (1 - Jed's smart enough to get A's in this class. Her daughter is smarter than she is. Ginny is a very smart kid. Quitting that job was a smart move.) (2 - smart phones a smart card) (3 - She wore smart dresses and dashing hats.) (4 - Abby's eyes smarted from the smoke. fig. Sacramento is still smarting from the loss /= is upset by it/.)

고통, 쓰린 아픔, 고뇌, 멋쟁이, 똑똑한, 현명한, 무례한, 교활한 (1. intelligent, or able to think and understand quickly in difficult situations) (2. _____ devices are ones that operate using computers) (3. having a clean, neat, stylish appearance) (4. to feel a stinging pain)

elaborate (adjective ih-LAB-er-it; verb ih-LAB-u̲h̲-reyt) (1 - an elaborate ceremony an elaborate fireworks display They had created elaborate computer programs to run the system.) (1 - an elaborately decorated dining room) (2 - He refused to elaborate on why he had resigned.)

공들인, 섬세한, 정교한, 정교하게 하다, 정교하게 공들여 계획하다, 고심해서 만들다 (1. containing a lot of connected parts or many complicated details) (2. to add more information or explain something that you have said)

consist (verb ku̲h̲ n-SIST; noun KON-sist) (1 - The crowd consisted mostly of college kids and office workers. Her responsibilities consist of answering the phone and greeting visitors.)

구성되다, 이루어지다 (1. to be something that is made or formed of various specific things)

rid (rid) (1 - In the city, it is hard to rid a building permanently of pests.)

구하다, 해방하다, 없애다, 제거하다 (1. to free a person or place of something unwanted or harmful)

wash (wosh, wawsh) (1 - Alex washed his face and combed his hair. [ T ] I hate washing dishes.) (2 - Waves washed against the boat. [ T ] Heavy rains always wash the sand down the hill.) (3 - Even trees and cars were washed away in this flood.) (4 - That storm washed a lot of crabs up on the shore.) (5 - I sold my car for about what it cost me, so it was a wash.) (6 - I went days without a wash or a change of clothes. [ U ] She did a load of wash and hung it up to dry.)

깨끗이 씻다, 헹구다, 빨래 하다, 침식하다, 홍수나다, 헹궈지다, 물에 잠기다 (1. to make something or yourself clean, or to become clean, using water and usually soap) (2. /esp. of water/ to flow or to cause to flow, often carrying something along) (3. If something is washed away, it is carried off by heavy rain or a flood) (4. If something washes up or washes ashore, water has moved it there) (5. an event or situation in which positive and negative things balance each other) (6. an act of washing, or clothing, sheets, and other cloth items being cleaned together)

attract (u̲h̲-TRAKT) (1 - An open flame attracts moths. The tennis championship will attract a lot of tourists to the city. This movie is going to attract a lot of attention.)

끌다, 유치하다, 유혹하다, 유인하다 (1. to cause something to come toward something else, or to cause a person or animal to become interested in someone or something) (2. If someone is attracted to someone else, he or she likes the other person or is interested in that person.)

keen (keen) (1 - a keen interest in painting) (2 - a keen eye for detail a keen sense of smell) (3 - Theresa isn't too keen on pets.)

날카로운, 신랄한, 통렬한, 현명한, 인지력 있는, 강한, 열정적인 (1. /esp. of emotions and beliefs/ strongly felt) (2. /of an awareness or ability/ very developed, or /of the mind/ very quick to understand) (3. eager, interested, and enthusiastic)

tape (teyp) (1 - masking/duct tape packing/electrical tape trademark Scotch tape) (2 - Did you make a tape of Tyler's concert? [ U ] Is that movie available on tape yet?) (3 - a tape measure) (4 - I taped a note on her door. He taped the pages back together.) (5 - This song was taped live in concert.)

납작한 끈, 풀이 입혀진 종이나 플라스틱 끈, 묶으기 위한 끈, 속도 경주에서 마지막 골인 지점에 설치하는 끈 (1. a long, narrow strip of plastic, cloth, or paper that is sticky on one side and is used to attach things) (2. a long, narrow strip of plastic or thin metal used to record and play sound or sound and pictures; a cassette or videotape) (3. a long, narrow strip of cloth, paper, or thin metal) (4. to use a thin strip of material to attach or join things) (5. to record sound and pictures on a long, narrow strip of plastic or thin metal)

pot (pot) (1 - a clay/brass pot a flower pot We need space for our pots and pans.) (2 - The pot was simmering. He made a new pot of coffee.) (3 - There are pots of money involved in this deal.) (5 - We should be potting the roses.)

냄비, 주전자, 항아리, 포커게임에서 중앙에 쌓아둔 내기돈, 큰돈(속어), 대마초 (1. a round container used for cooking, serving, storing, and other purposes) (2. A ___ is also the substance contained in a pot) (3. a large amount, esp. of money) (4. A ___ is also all the money being risked at a single time in a card game.) (5. to put a plant into a pot)

controversy (KON-tru̲h̲-vur-see; British also ku̲h̲ n-TROV-er-see) (1 - Publication of the article unleashed a scientific controversy that raged for years. [ U ] The president's decisions stirred up a lot controversy.)

논란, 논쟁, 문제, 갈등, 의혹 (1. a disagreement, often a public one, that involves different ideas or opinions about something)

tobacco (tu̲h̲-BAK-oh) (1 - the smell of tobacco)

담배, 흡연 (1. a type of plant, or the dried leaves of this plant which are prepared and smoked in cigarettes, pipes, or cigars, or sometimes chewed)

dirty (DUR-tee) (1 - He left his dirty towels on the bathroom floor.) (2 - That was a dirty trick - telling me you were out of town when you were right here all the time!) (3 - That's a dirty lie!) (4 - Don't sit on the ground - you'll dirty your new suit.)

더러운, 깨끗하지 않은, 비열한, 음란한, 불쾌한, 호전적인 (1. having esp. dirt on the surface of something) (2. unfair or dishonest) (3. _____ is also used to emphasize how strongly you feel that something is wrong or bad) (4. to allow something to get dirt on it)

import (verb im-PAWRT, -POHRT; noun IM-pawrt, -pohrt) (1 - We import a large number of cars from Japan.) (2 - He opposed efforts to allow the importation of prescription drugs from other countries.) (3 - It is still too early to judge the political import of his speech.) (4 - Imports of foreign cars are at an all-time high.)

들여오다, 다른 곳에서 가지고 오다, 수입하다, 외국에서 가져오다, 암시하다, 함축하다 (1. to bring in products, goods, etc. from another country for sale or use) (2. To ______ information into a program or computer is to copy it from another program or form of storage.) (3. the importance given to something) (4. something bought and taken into a country from another)

belt (belt) (1 - a black leather belt) (3 - the corn belt /= area known for growing corn/ earth science) (5 - He belted the ball out of the park for a home run.)

띠, 벨트, 줄, 줄무늬, 지대, 띠를 감다, 벨트를 두르다, 후려치다, 때리다 (1. a strip of leather or other material worn around the waist) (2. A ____ is also a continuous strip of material that moves as part of a machine.) (3. an area that is known for a particular characteristic) (4. A ____ is also a region that has a particular type of climate .) (5. to hit someone or something hard)

license (LAHY-su̲h̲ ns) (1 - a fishing/export/driver's license) (2 - poetic/artistic license) (3 - She's licensed to teach elementary school.)

면허, 허가, 권한, 면허증, 허가증, 지나친 자유, 방종, 면허하다, 인가하다 (1. an official document that gives you permission to own, do, or use something) (2. the freedom to break rules or principles, or to change facts, esp. when producing literature or works of art) (3. to have an official document that gives you permission to own, do, or use something)

manifest (MAN-u̲h̲-fest) (1 - Kipper manifested no joy or disappointment, but remained in his chair, calm and unconcerned.) (1 - Her attorneys claimed the ruling was manifestly unfair.) (2 - His manifest joy in music is evident as soon as he starts to speak.)

명백한, 명백하게 하다, 밝히다, 분명하게 하다, 적하목록, 비행기나 배의 승객명부 (1. to show something clearly, through signs or actions) (2. easily noticed or obvious)

fame (feym) (1 - She came to the city seeking fortune and fame.)

명성, 인기, 고명 (1. the state of being known for having or doing something important)

gesture (JES-cher) (1 - He made a rude gesture to the crowd after his tennis match.) (2 - Her warm thank-you note was a nice gesture.) (2 - When I asked where the children were, she gestured toward the beach.)

몸짓, 몸짓으로 생각이나 감정을 표현하는 것, 몸짓으로 생각이나 감정을 표현하다, 몸짓을 하다 (1. a movement of the body, hands, arms, or head to express an idea or feeling) (2. an action that expresses your feelings or intentions, although it might have little practical effect)

collapse (ku̲h̲-LAPS) (1 - A piece of the wall collapsed on top of him.) (2 - Talks between management and unions collapsed today.) (3 - the collapse of the Soviet empire) (4 - Toward the end of the race he was near collapse.)

무너지다, 갑자기 부서지다, 실패하다, 좌절하다, 갑자기 의식을 잃다, 무너지게 하다 (1. to fall down suddenly, or to cause to fall down) (2. to be unable to continue or to stay in operation; fail) (3. an inability to continue or to stay in operation) (4. ________ can also refer to an attack of extreme physical weakness or unconsciousness in a person)

ignore (ig-NAWR, -NOHR) (1 - They ignored our warnings. The mayor ignored the hecklers and went on with her speech.)

무시하다, 간과하다, 모르는 체하다, 묵살하다 (1. to give no attention to something or someone)

crazy (KREY-zee) (1 - She's the craziest person I've ever met. [ + to infinitive ] You're crazy to rent the place without seeing it first.) (3 - The constant whine of the machine nearly drove me crazy. I think she'll go /= become/ crazy if she doesn't take a vacation soon.) (4 - Are we talking about a bunch of crazies or about a legitimate military force?)

미친, 열중한 (1. very strange or foolish) (2. _____ can mean mentally ill.) (3. _____ can also mean behaving in a strange way esp. because of stress, as if you are mentally ill) (4. a person who acts in a strange or threatening way, esp. one who is mentally ill)

wheat (hweet, weet)

밀, 소맥 (1. a plant whose yellow-brown grain is used for making flour, or the grain itself)

alter (AWL-ter) (1 - The coat was too long, so I took it back to the store to have it altered. alterable adjective /ˈɔl·tər·ə·bəl/ Some things in life are not alterable.) (1 - I had to make some alterations in my research paper.)

바꾸다, 변경하다, 수정, 쇠약해지다 (1. to change a characteristic, often slightly, or to cause this to happen)

museum (myoo-ZEE-u̲h̲ m) (1 - an art/science/natural history museum)

박물관, 미술관, 기념관 (1. a building where people can go to view works of art or objects of interest to science or history)

bacteria (bak-TEER-ee-u̲h̲)

박테리아, 세균 (1. very small organisms that are found everywhere and are the cause of many diseases)

detect (dih-TEKT) (1 - Some sounds cannot be detected by the human ear. X-ray procedures can detect a tumor when it is still small.) (1 - There has been no detectable change in the patient's condition.) (1 - These tests can result in the early detection of disease.) (1 - Motion detectors help monitor elderly residents who live alone.)

발견하다, 탐지하다, 간파하다 (1. to notice something that is partly hidden or not clear or to discover something, esp. using a special method)

rope (rohp) (2 - We roped the box to the top of the car.) (3 - The site has been marked with "No Trespassing" signs and areas have been roped off.)

밧줄, 새끼로 묶다, 밧줄로 묶다, 올가미를 던져 붙잡다, 말 따위를 올가미를 던져 붙잡다 (1. a strong, thick cord made of twisted fibers) (2. to tie something with rope) (3. To ____ something off is to put ____ or cord around it to keep it separate)

butter (BUHT-er)

버터, 버터를 바르다 (1. a pale yellow, fatty solid made from cream that is spread on bread or used in cooking)

earn (urn) (1 - This month's raise means that I'll be earning $45,000 a year. [ T ] After all the work I've done, I've earned a vacation.)

벌다, 받을 만하다 (1. to receive money as payment for work that you do, or to get something that you deserve because of your abilities or actions)

flood (fluhd) (1 - A burst pipe flooded the bathroom. [ I ] The basements of many downtown buildings would flood whenever it rained.) (2 - Sunlight floods in through a skylight in the ceiling. [ I always + adv/prep ] In the 1960s, Cuban immigrants began to flood into Florida. [ T ] We don't want them to flood the market with cheap imports.) (4 - Kingston was heavily damaged by a flood.) (5 - Planners are hoping for a flood of visitors when the center opens. He was filled with a flood of new emotions.)

범람시키다, 홍수가 나다, 넘쳐 흐르다, 물에 잠기다, 밀려오다, 홍수로 전복하다 (1. to fill or become covered with water or to cause this to happen to something) (2. to fill or be filled with a large amount or too much of something) (3. If you _____ an engine, you fill it with so much fuel that it will not start.) (4. a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry) (5. a large amount or number of something)

adverse (ad-VURS, AD-vurs) (1 - Her policies may have adverse effects on the economy.)

부정적인, 반대의, 불리한 (1. going against something, or causing harm)

tribe (trahyb) (1 - She has studied Native American tribes from Mexico to Maine.)

부족, 집단 (1. a group of people, often of related families, who live in the same area and share the same language, culture, and history)

flame (fleym) (1 - The logs in the fireplace burst into flame. The house was in flames /= burning/.) (2 - The fire suddenly flamed /up/.) (3 - His face flamed and he started stammering.) (4 - He was flamed by several other people in the chat room.)

불꽃, 불꽃, 화염, 번쩍임, 정열, 애인(속어), 타오르다, 불꽃같이 빛나다 (1. the hot light of a fire) (2. to burn brightly or more brightly) (3. to show anger by turning red) (4. If you _____ someone you disagree with, you send insulting electronic messages about that person over the Internet)

critique (kri-TEEK) (1 - She produced a detailed, page-by-page critique of the book.)

비평, 비평법 (1. a report that discusses a situation or the writings or ideas of someone and offers a judgment about them)

void (void) (1 - Some parents use television to fill the void they have created by not spending enough time with their kids, he said.) (2 - The original version of her will was declared void.) (3 - I'll just void the check and pay you in cash.)

빈, 텅빈, 없는, 빈공간, 틈, 비우다, 무효화 시키다 (1. a space with nothing in it) (2. having no legal authority and therefore unacceptable) (3. to remove the legal force from an agreement or contract)

bowl (bohl) (1 - a salad/soup bowl She eats a bowl of cereal every morning.) (2 - a toilet bowl) (3 - the Rose Bowl) (4 - It's your turn to bowl. [ T ] She bowled a strike.)

사발, 대접, 주연, 연회, 원형경기장, 볼링 공, 볼링을 하다, 공을 구르다 (1. a round container that is open at the top and is used esp. to hold liquids or other food, or the food it contains) (2. A ____ is also the curved, inside part of something) (3. A ____ is also a large, circular building used esp. for sports, or a special football game played in it after the regular season has ended) (4. to roll a ball along a smooth surface during a game, especially in the game of bowling)

photograph (FOH-tu̲h̲-graf, -grahf) (1 - color/black-and-white photographs photograph verb [ T ] us ​) (1 - We photographed the house to document the damage done by the storm.) (1 - a fashion/newspaper photographer)

사진, 사진을 찍다 (1. an image of a person, object, or view that is produced by using a camera and film)

mouse (noun mous; verb mouz) (1 - a field mouse pet mice)

생쥐, 겁쟁이, 쥐를 잡다, 고양이가 쥐를 잡다, 찾아돌아다니다, 습격하다 (1. a type of small rodent /= small mammal with sharp teeth/ that has short, usually brown, gray, or white hair, a pointed face, and a long tail) (2. a small device with a ball inside that is moved by hand across a flat surface to control the movement of the cursor /= symbol that shows your position/ on a computer screen)

declare (dih-KLAIR) (1 - The courts declared the policy unconstitutional. A state of emergency has been declared because of severe flooding. People use their license plates to declare their team loyalty.)

선언하다, 말하다, 선고하다 (1. to announce or express something clearly and publicly, esp. officially)

castle (KAS-u̲h̲ l, KAH-su̲h̲ l)

성, 대저택, 성채, 성을 쌓다, 성장말로 지키다, 왕을 지키다 (1. a large building with strong walls, built in the past by a king or other important person for protection against attack) (2. A ______ is also a rook.)

secular (SEK-yu̲h̲-ler) (1 - secular society/music/education)

속인의, 물질적인, 세속적인, 비종교적인, 종교적인 원리에 속하지 않는 (1. not having any connection with religion)

portfolio (pawrt-FOH-lee-oh, pohrt-) (3 - a stock portfolio)

손가방, 포트폴리오, 종이끼우개 (1. a large, flat container used for carrying large drawings, documents, or other papers) (2. A _________ is also a collection of drawings, designs, or other papers that represent a person's work.) (3. a collection of investments that are owned by a particular person or organization)

crystal (KRIS-tl)

수정, 투명한 광물 (특히 석영의 일종), 광석, 맑은 유리의 일종 (1. transparent rock that looks like ice, or a piece of it) (2. transparent glass of high quality, usually with its surface cut into patterns that reflect light) (3. A _______ is a transparent glass or plastic cover for a watch or clock.) (4. the solid state of many simple substances, which have a regular shape and surfaces arranged in similar patterns)

triumph (TRAHY-u̲h̲ mf, -uhmf) (1 - The elimination of smallpox was one of medicine's greatest triumphs.) (1 - We visited Yorktown Battlefield on the York River, where in 1781 George Washington's forces triumphed over the English army.) (1 - He made a triumphant return to the stage after several years working in television.)

승리, 개선, 성공, 성공하다, 이기다, 개선식을 올리다 (1. a complete victory or success achieved esp. after great difficulties, making the result particularly satisfying)

optical (OP-ti-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - an optical telescope)

시각의, 광학의, 눈의 (1. connected with the eyes or sight, or connected with or using light)

sentiment (SEN-tu̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Writers learn that sentiments and ideas must serve the story, and not the other way around. [ U ] Boyd tried to turn community sentiment against the program.) (2 - The film wallows in sentiment. There was little room for compassion or sentiment in his world.)

심리, 정서, 감정 (1. a general feeling, attitude, or opinion about something) (2. gentle emotions such as love, sympathy, or caring)

egg (eg) (3 - The recipe calls for four eggs and a pint of milk. I'd like two scrambled eggs with bacon, please.)

알, 달걀, 난자, 놈(속어), 선동하다, 부추기다, 격려하다 (1. an oval, rounded object with a hard shell produced by female birds and particular female reptiles, from which a baby animal is born when it is developed) (2. An ___ is also a cell produced by a woman or female animal from which a baby might develop if it combines with sperm from a male.) (3. the oval or rounded object with a hard shell that is produced by chickens, collected before a baby bird can develop within it, and used as food)

tremendous (trih-MEN-du̲h̲ s) (1 - She is under tremendous pressure at work.) (2 - a tremendous book/concert/athlete)

엄청난, 대단한, 거대한, 많은, 소름끼치는 (1. great in amount, size, or degree; extremely large) (2. /infml/ Someone or something that is __________ is extremely good)

spare (spair) (1 - By reducing workers' hours, the company spared some people's jobs.) (2 - A quiet chat about this would spare everyone embarrassment.) (3 - Can you spare a dollar? I'd love to come, but I'm afraid I can't spare the time.) (4 - I keep my spare change in a jar.) (5 - He had the spare build of a runner.) (6 - In case I lose my key, I keep a spare in the garage.)

예비의, 여분의, 초과의, 여윈, 마른, 결핍된, 자비를 베풀다 (1. to decide not to hurt or destroy something or someone) (2. to avoid something) (3. to give or use something because you have enough available) (4. not being used, or more than what is usually needed) (5. /of people/ thin with no extra fat on the body) (6. an extra thing that is not being used and can be used instead of a part that is broken, lost, etc.)

mild (mahyld) (1 - mild criticism a mild case of the flu She has a very mild temperament.)

온화한 성격의, 온건한, 포근한 (1. not violent, severe, or extreme; slight or gentle) (2. If the flavor of food or a smell is described as mild, it is not very strong.) (3. ____ weather is not very cold or not as cold as usual.)

temper (TEM-per) (1 - John has a bad temper.) (2 - a fit of temper [ C ] You need to learn to control your temper.) (4 - Perhaps you should temper your language.)

완화하다, 누그러지다, 부드럽게하다, 단련하다, 굳히다, 기질, 성질, 기분 (1. the state of your mind or feelings) (2. ______ is also strong emotion, esp. anger) (3. A ______ tantrum is a sudden show of great anger.) (4. to lessen the force or effect of something)

forgive (fer-GIV) (1 - She apologized and he forgave her. I can't forgive someone who has treated me so badly.) (1 - To my family and friends, I beg your forgiveness for the lies I've told.)

용서하다, 양해하다, 탕감하다, 실례지만 (1. to stop being angry with someone who has done something wrong)

regret (ri-GRET) (1 - He regretted his decision to leave school. [ + /that/ clause ] I regret /that/ I didn't buy more when they were on sale. [ T ] I'm going to regret eating all those nachos.) (2 - My husband regrets /that/ he couldn't be here tonight. [ + to infinitive ] The weather, I regret to say, is getting worse.)

유감, 후회, 후회하다, 유감스럽게 느끼다 (1. to feel sorry or unhappy about something you did or were unable to do) (2. /fml/ ______ is also used to express in a polite way that you feel sorry about something)

aunt (ant, ahnt) (1 - We stopped off to visit my aunt and uncle in Boston.)

이모, 고모, 숙모, 아주머니 (1. the sister of someone's mother or father, or the wife of someone's uncle)

immigration (im-i-GREY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Immigration increased by 25% last year.)

이민, 출입국 관리, 이주 (1. the process by which people come in to a foreign country to live there, or the number of people coming in)

funny (FUHN-ee) (1 - Jerome is so funny. She told me the funniest joke.) (2 - The washing machine is making funny noises again. Something funny is going on next door. That's funny - I'm sure I left my keys here, but now I can't find them. [ + question word ] It's funny how Pat always disappears whenever there's work to be done.) (3 - He felt a little funny after taking a pill on an empty stomach.)

익살맞은, 이상한, 의구심이 가는, 어처구니 없는, 웃긴, 농담 (1. amusing; causing laughter) (2. strange or surprising, or difficult to explain or understand) (3. If you feel funny, you feel slightly ill)

pregnant (PREG-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - She's seven months pregnant.) (2 - There followed a pregnant pause in which each knew what the other was thinking but neither knew what to say.) (2 - She experienced morning sickness during her first months of pregnancy.)

임신한, 임산부 (1. /of female mammals/ having young developing in the uterus) (2. filled with meaning that has not been expressed)

charity (CHAR-i-tee) (1 - She does a lot of work for charity. [ C ] We donate to a number of charities.) (2 - He visits homeless shelters out of charity.)

자선, 자애, 구호, 적선 (1. the giving of money, food, or help to those who need it, or an organization that does this) (2. _______ is also the belief that you should help people)

stretch (strech) (1 - Rubber stretches when you pull it. [ T ] The banner was stretched across the street. [ M ] He removed his hat and stretched out his arms to embrace her.) (2 - "I'm so tired," she said, yawning and stretching her arms.) (3 - Buying a new dishwasher will really stretch our budget. We try to stretch ourselves in our reading group, picking books we wouldn't ordinarily read.) (4 - A huge cloud of dense smoke stretched across the sky.) (5 - The dispute stretches back over many years. [ M ] I'd like to stretch my mortgage payments out for 30 years.) (6 - Playing two games in two days is a bit of a stretch for us, but I think we'll make it.) (7 - Traffic is at a standstill along a five-mile stretch of Route 17 just south of Bridgeport.) (8 - Before jogging, you should always do some stretches.) (9 - We had a long stretch of days with sub-zero temperatures last month.)

잡아늘이다, 펴다, 뻗게 하다, 펴지다, 뻗치다, 잡아당겨지다, 늘이다, 드러눕다 (1. to reach across a distance or become longer or wider, or to cause something to do this) (2. If you _______ your body, your arms, or your legs, you straighten them so that they are as long as possible) (3. to go beyond, or almost beyond, the usual limit of something) (4. to spread over a large area or distance) (5. to spread over a long period of time) (6. an unusual and sometimes difficult situation) (7. an area of land or water) (8. the act of straightening your body, your arms, or your legs so that they are as long as possible) (9. a continuous period of time)

barrier (BAR-ee-er) (1 - The Secret Service erected concrete barriers around the White House. Jackie Robinson was the African-American who succeeded in breaking major league baseball's color barrier /= use of race to block something from happening/.)

장벽, 장애, 경계 (1. anything used or acting to block someone from going somewhere or from doing something, or to block something from happening)

funeral (FYOO-ner-u̲h̲ l)

장사, 장례, 문제, 싫은 일 (속어) (1. a ceremony honoring someone who has recently died, which happens before burying or burning the body)

merit (MER-it) (1 - Judged on artistic merit, it was a success. [ C ] Being able to work at home has its merits.) (2 - These recommendations merit careful attention.)

장점, 공적, 우수함, 칭찬할 만함, ...를 받을 만하다, 자격이 있다 (1. the quality of being good and deserving praise, or a good quality) (2. to deserve something)

commit (ku̲h̲-MIT) (1 - They wouldn't commit /to giving/ enough time or money to the project.) (2 - Neither candidate would commit himself on the issue of tax reform.) (3 - These rules must be committed to memory. I wouldn't want to commit these comments to paper.) (4 - He committed a crime in providing the information to a reporter.) (5 - He was once committed to a state mental hospital.)

저지르다, 약속하다, 전념하다, 범하다, 헌신하다 (1. to promise to give yourself, your money, your time, etc., to support something) (2. If you do not ______ yourself about something, you refuse to express an opinion about it) (3. to actively put information in your memory or write it down) (4. to do something illegal or considered wrong) (5. to cause someone to stay in a mental hospital or treatment center)

propose (pru̲h̲-POHZ) (1 - She proposed to keep the schools open all summer. [ + that clause ] It has often been proposed that the president be elected by direct popular vote.) (2 - She felt sure he was going to propose.) (3 - How do you propose to complete the project in such a short time?)

제안하다, 제의하다, 제시하다, 청혼하다, 신청하다 (1. to suggest or state /a possible plan or action/ for consideration) (2. If you _______ to someone, you ask that person to marry you) (3. to intend to do something)

tide (tahyd) (1 - high/low tide) (2 - The tide of public opinion is turning against the president.)

조수처럼 밀어닥치다, 조수에 태워 나르다, 극복하다, 일어나다, 조류, 조수, 해류처럼 오르락 내리락 하는 모든 것 (1. the rise and fall of the sea that happens twice every day) (2. A ____ is also any large change in something, esp. an increase in the amount of something)

faint (feynt) (1 - I nearly fainted from the heat.) (2 - He walked along, guided only by the faint light of the moon.) (3 - He felt faint from hunger.)

졸도하다, 기절하다, 힘없는, 연약한, 가냘픈, 무기력한, 쇠약해진 (1. to become unconscious unexpectedly for a short time) (2. not strong or clear; slight) (3. very weak and nearly becoming unconscious)

sovereignty (SOV-rin-tee, SUHV-)

주권, 영유권, 통치권 (1. the power or authority to rule)

intermediate (in-ter-MEE-dee-it) (1 - a student of English at the intermediate level)

중간의, 중개의, 매개물의, 중간단계의, 중개자, 중간물, 사이에 끼다 (1. being or happening between two other related things, levels, or points)

medieval (mee-dee-EE-vu̲h̲ l, med-ee-, mid-ee-, mid-EE-vu̲h̲ l) (1 - The tunnels were dug in medieval times as an escape route.)

중세의 (1. of or from the Middle Ages /= the period in the past from about 500 to 1500/)

dull (duhl) (1 - Many of the courtroom events were dull and routine. The lecture was dry, dull, and full of statistics.) (2 - The day started off dull and overcast with a threat of showers.) (3 - a dull knife I heard a dull thud from the kitchen. She felt a dull ache at the back of her head.) (4 - Lack of sleep will dull your reflexes.)

지루한, 무딘, 날카롭지 않은, 둔한, 우울한, 기운없는, 어리석은 (1. not interesting or exciting; boring) (2. not clear, bright, or shiny) (3. /esp. of sound or pain/ not sharp or clear) (4. to make something less sharp or clear)

mud (muhd) (1 - The car got stuck in the mud.) (1 - a muddy road)

진흙, 진창 (1. wet, sticky earth)

penalty (PEN-l-tee) (1 - Repeat offenders should face stiff/tough penalties.) (2 - If you pay off the loan early, they'll charge an extra month's interest as a prepayment penalty. When a football team gives up 143 yards in penalties, they deserve to lose.)

처벌, 벌금, 페널티, 불이익 (1. a punishment, esp. the usual one, for breaking a law) (2. A _______ is also a type of punishment for breaking an agreement or not following rules)

angel (EYN-ju̲h̲ l) (2 - You're an angel to bring me this coffee.)

천사 (1. in some religious traditions, a being in heaven who serves God, often represented in art as a human with wings) (2. An _____ is also someone who is very good or kind)

portrait (PAWR-trit, -treyt, POHR-) (2 - The book paints a grim portrait of wartime suffering.)

초상화 (1. a painting, photograph, or drawing of a person) (2. A ________ is also a description or representation of something)

supreme (su̲h̲-PREEM, so̲o̲-) (1 - The dictionary was called the supreme authority on all matters relating to the language.) (1 - He was supremely self-confident.)

최고위의, 절대권위의, 가장 높은, 가장 중요한, 최종의 (1. at the highest level)

recommend (rek-u̲h̲-MEND) (1 - Can you recommend a hotel in San Francisco? [ + that clause ] I recommend that you go on a diet.)

추천하다, 권하다, 권고하다, 제시하다, 소개하다 (1. to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a particular job or purpose, or to suggest that a particular action should be done)

vulnerable (VUHL-ner-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Older people are especially vulnerable to cold temperatures even inside their homes. He casts himself as a naive, vulnerable young poet.) (1 - You want a doctor who understands the patient's vulnerability.)

취약한, 영향받기 쉬운, 노출되어 있는, 위기에 처한 (1. able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked)

cure (kyo̲o̲ r) (1 - She was cured of her migraine headaches when she changed her diet. fig. He worked to promote programs to cure America's social and economic ills.) (2 - Sodium nitrite is used to cure meat.) (3 - the effort to find a cure for cancer)

치료하다, 고치다, 나쁜버릇을 고치다, 음식을 보존 처리하다, 치유, 치료, 치료법 (1. to make someone healthy again, or to cause an illness to go away) (2. to treat plant or animal products by drying, smoking, salting, etc., to preserve it from decay) (3. the process of making a person healthy again, esp. by giving treatment, or a treatment that causes a disease to go away)

cable (KEY-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - They dug up the road in order to lay phone cables.)

케이블, 강한 선, 강철과 다른 금속으로 된 두꺼운 줄, 절연체로 된 여러가닥의 전선을 모아만든 케이블 (전기) (1. /a length of/ wire, esp. twisted into thick, strong rope or used to carry electricity) (2. /in the past/ a message sent by electric signal)

compromise (KOM-pru̲h̲-mahyz) (1 - Under the compromise, car manufacturers must use cleaner fuel but have more time to do it.) (2 - His opponents charged that the deal would compromise conservative principles.) (3 - Republicans were refusing to compromise on health-care legislation.)

타협, 타협하다, 쌍방의 의견일치를 보다 (1. an agreement between two sides who have different opinions, in which each side gives up something it had wanted) (2. to lower or weaken standards) (3. to agree to give up something you want if the other side, which has different opinions from yours, gives up something it wants)

expedition (ek-spi-DISH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - a military expedition)

탐험, 원정, 여행 (1. a long, organized trip for a particular purpose, or the people, vehicles, or ships making such a trip)

solar (SOH-ler) (1 - solar energy solar power)

태양의, 태양에너지에 의한, 태양에 의해 결정되는 (1. of or from the sun, or using the energy from the sun to produce electric power)

tough (tuhf) (1 - These toys are made of tough plastic. You have to be tough to be successful in politics. The police are getting tougher on illegal parking.) (2 - Tough new safety standards for cars are being introduced this week.) (3 - They will be a tough team to beat. We've had to make some very tough decisions. It's going to be a tough winter.) (4 - a tough steak) (5 - a tough guy a tough neighborhood)

튼튼한, 강인한, 거친, 거친 (1. not easily broken, weakened, or defeated; strong) (2. Results or actions that are _____ are severe and determined) (3. difficult to do or deal with) (4. Food that is _____ is difficult to cut or eat) (5. likely to be violent or to contain violence)

edit (ED-it) (1 - He edits the local newspaper.) (2 - Some of the best jazz performances were recorded in the 1930s, before musicians had the luxury of editing out mistakes.)

편집하다, 수정하다, 고치다, 교정하다 (1. to prepare text or film for printing or viewing by correcting mistakes, deciding what will be removed, etc., or to be in charge of what is reported in a newspaper, magazine, etc.) (2. If you ____ something out, you remove it before it is broadcast or printed)

plasma (PLAZ-mu̲h̲)

플라스마, 혈장, 림프장 (1. the liquid part of blood that carries the blood cells)

interpret (in-TUR-prit) (1 - It's difficult to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.) (2 - I had to ask someone to interpret for me because I don't know any Italian.)

해석하다, 이해하다, 통역하다, 설명하다 (1. to describe the meaning of something; examine in order to explain) (2. to change what someone is saying into the words of another language; translate)

shed (shed) (1 - The lawn mower is kept in the shed.) (2 - As the day warmed up, she shed her sweater.) (3 - My cat shed all over the couch. [ T ] By November, the trees had shed their leaves.) (4 - He didn't shed one tear when his old car was stolen.) (5 - A single bulb shed a harsh light on the table.) (6 - She'd already left. I think she'd like to go to the dance with you.)

헛간, 물건을 보관하는 용으로 사용되는 작고 단순한 건물, 쏟다, 흘리다, 벗기다 (1. a small building usually used for storage or shelter) (2. to get rid of something) (3. to lose hair, leaves, or skin, or to cause hair, skin, or leaves to drop) (4. to make blood or tears flow) (5. to spread light) (6. contraction of she had or she would)

collaboration (ku̲h̲-lab-u̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The two playwrights worked in close collaboration /with each other/ on the script. The new airport is a collaboration between two of the best architects in the country.) (2 - She was accused of collaboration.)

협력, 합작, 협동 (1. the situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing) (2. the situation of people working with an enemy who has taken control of their country)

restore (ri-STAWR, -STOHR) (1 - Power company crews were working yesterday to restore electrical service to homes in the area. Surgeons restored the sight in her right eye.)

회복하다, 복원하다, 되찾다, 재건하다, 되돌리다 (1. to return something or someone to an earlier condition or position, or to bring something back into existence)

shake (sheyk) (1 - Shake the can. [ T ] She shook Dana gently. [ T ] Cory shook some powdered sugar on her French toast. [ I ] The explosion made the ground shake. [ M ] Lily shook her long hair out /= moved her hair to make it fall loosely around her shoulders/. [ M ] She shook out the tablecloth /= shook it so anything on it fell off/.) (2 - She was soaking wet and shaking when she when she finally got home. [ I ] Her hands shook as she opened the letter.) (4 - They stood at the gate, shaking their fists and shouting.) (5 - We shook hands and left.) (6 - Frank shook his head in disbelief. My dad shook his head, "No, you can't go.) (7 - Juanita was shaken and tried not to cry. The instructor was shaken by the angry e-mails she received.) (8 - Nothing shook her conviction that there was no substitute for hard work. The defense failed to shake Powell's testimony.) (9 - He couldn't shake the feeling that Tony had another motive. I've had this cold all week and just can't seem to shake it.) (10 - Give the bottle a shake. Maria answered no with a shake of her head.) (12 - Just thinking about the upcoming interview gave him the shakes.)

흔들어 섞다, 떨다, 동요하다, 흔들리다, 악수 하다, 흔들림, 떨림, 동요 (1. to move something backward and forward or up and down in quick, short movements) (2. If you or part of your body shakes, you make quick, short movements, or you feel as if you are doing this, because you are cold, frightened, or upset) (3. If someone's voice shakes, its sound frequently changes because of fear or other emotions.) (4. If you _____ your fist, you hold your hand up with your fingers and thumb closed and move it backward and forward to show you are angry) (5. If two people _____ hands, they greet or say goodbye by briefly joining hands and moving them slightly up and down) (6. If you _____ your head, you move it from side to side to say "no" or show disagreement, sympathy, sadness, or that you do not believe something) (7. to cause someone to feel upset and troubled) (8. to make someone's beliefs less certain or strong; to weaken) (9. to get rid of something, or escape from something) (10. the act of moving something backward and forward or up and down in quick, short movements) (11. /infml/ A _____ is a milkshake.) (12. The shakes is a condition in which most or all of your body moves slightly from cold, fear, or illness)

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