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What are the facsimiles in the PoGP, and what can they represent?

-1 is deliverance scene -2 is a hypocephalus, representing the ey of the sun God portraying knowledge relating to resurrection and life after death -3 is a judgement scene, representing Abraham's exaltation -2 and 3 demonstrate being instructed in the Plan of Salvation and being given knowledge to pass into the presence of God and becoming exalted (temple endowment)

How many primary acounts of the First Vision did Joseph write, and when did he write them?

-1832 -1835 -1838 -1842

When was the Book of Abraham translated?

-1st and 2nd chapters in 1835 -the rest in 1842

1981 D&C edition

-2 new sections from the PoGP -Official Declaration 2 (Priesthood for everyone) -the quad

How many changes did Joseph Smith make to the Bible, and how many of those changes are included in the Latter-day Saint Bible today?

-3,410 verses were changed -about 1/3 are published today

What are some of the many definitions for Zion?

-A location for the holy city -Status of an individual's standing before God and others -The whole of America -People of one heart and one mind -Organized wards/stakes of the Church -Where the organized Church of Christ is

When and how did Joseph Smith obtain his brown seer stone, and what did he use it for?

-After the First Vision and before Moroni's first visit, he found it digging a well on the Chase farm -He used it for finding treasure and eventually for translating the Book of Mormon

What are the definitions of and differences between "all things common", the United Firm (Order), and the law of consecration?

-All things common: giving all properties over to the Church -United Order: consecration-based business organization where members unite family businesses -Law of consecration: we dedicate our time, talents, and means to building up God's kingdom

How, when, and where was the Church organized?

-April 6, 1830 in Peter Whitmer Senior's home in Fayette, New York -Joseph and Oliver ordained each other elders and administered the sacrament and baptized/confirmed members

What types of changes to the Bible did Joseph Smith make?

-Changed words to make more sense -Clarified discrepancies between apostle accounts -Added clarifying phrases

Which revelation was given as a "preface" for the D&C?

-D&C 1 -Joseph's revelation -Voice of warning and a testament of the truth of the Book of Mormon

What offices of the priesthood existed when the Church was organized, and which developed gradually over time?

-Existed: elder, priest, teacher -Over time: bishop, high priest, first presidency, high councils, patriarch, the twelve, the seventy

What are some of the academic challenges and responses to the Book of Abraham?

-Facsimile was taken out of the script, but that isn't uncommon for ancient Egyptian vignettes -LDS and non-LDS scholars don't know the meaning of the vignettes and haven't seen any resemblance to Abraham's history

What does it mean that Abraham desired the "blessings of the fathers"?

-Fathers are the ancient patriarchs -He was asking for their blessings to become a High Priest

How did we get the Pearl of Great Price, and when was it canonized?

-First edition was published for the British Saints in 1851 -Canonized October 10, 1880

What types of laws are included in the Law?

-Ten Commandments of Moses -Preach the Gospel -Remember the poor -Impart of your substance -Law of consecration

What are the basic Christian creeds?

-The Apostles' Creed -The Nicene Creed -The Athanasian Creed -The Chalcedonian Creed

What are two primary doctrinal messages from the First Vision?

-The Church needed to be restored -Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph

By what names have Joseph's Bible translation been known?

-The New Translation -The Work of Translation -The Translation of the Prophets -The Translation of My Scriptures -The Joseph Smith Translation -The Holy Scriptures Inspired Version (RLDS)

What is the scriptural definition of "the Gospel"?

-The truth about Jesus Christ and His Atonement -Faith in Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Holy Ghost, Enduring in the Faith

What does it mean that churches "deny God's power"?

-Their commandments don't come from God because they don't have the priesthood -Their teachings mimic teachings of Christ but lack the authority/power to teach the truth

Why was Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible considered to be open ended?

-We have added more verses -It was more interpretation than translation -Joseph may have made more changes if he lived longer

What are six foundational Church doctrines listed in Doctrine and Covenants 20?

-We have an eternal and unchanging Heavenly Father -He created man in His own image -He gave us commandments to love and serve Him and only Him -The fall of man -Jesus Christ atoned and died for us -Those who believe in Him and are baptized in His name will be saved

What are at least four unique yet foundational Latter-day Saint teachings found in the Book of Mormon?

-Worship of Christ directly through His gospel -The remnants of Israel -A great work will commence in the last day -Christ speaks to many nations

1921 D&C ediion

-directed by Elder Talmage -included Official Declaration 1 (ending plural marriage) -removal of Lectures on Faith -double columns -expanded footnotes -bound with BoM and PoGP

1876 D&C edition

-directed by Orson Pratt -26 new sections (Moroni's visit, words of John the Baptist, appearance of Christ in Kirtland temple, Brigham Young's revelation for the pioneers) -footnotes -removal of marriage section

What priesthood and keys did John the Baptist restore?

-key of ministering of angels -key of mysteries of heaven -key of the gospel of repentance

2013 D&C edition

-revised section headings -revised chronological order of contents

Why and how is Jesus Christ considered the chief cornerstone of the Church?

-the cornerstone anchors and aligns the other stones -the cornerstone is the base of all the other stones

How are Latter-day Saints unique in their beliefs about Christ when compared with other Christians?

-we believe Christ's church was apostate until Joseph Smith restored it -we don't have a creed -we denounce the Trinity because we believe Christ and God have physical bodies

How did the organization of the Church develop over time?

As the church grew, the prophet received more revelations to continue to build on the Church

Priesthood Authority

Authority that God gives to man to act in all things necessary for the salvation of God's children

Priesthood Keys

Authority that God has given to priesthood leaders to direct, control and govern the use of His priesthood on earth

Priesthood Ordinances

Authorized rituals performed under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys

Priesthood Offices

Divisions of priesthood authority to perform authorized ordinances and administer the Church

What book of scripture is the "foundation" of the Church?

Doctrine and Covenants

1844 D&C edition

Eight new sections (the martyrdom and tithing)



1835 D&C edition

First edition

What is the City of Zion, or the New Jerusalem?

God's consecrated land for His righteous people

Priesthood Power

God's power attained through righteousness

What is American Religious Freedom?

Government doesn't control the church and the church doesn't control the government

What does it mean that Joseph Smith "translated" the Bible?

He restored lost doctrines and revised it to make concepts clear and correct

What is "Joseph's Promise" (regarding the D&C)?

If you study the revelations and ask Heavenly Father, the Spirit will manifest the truth unto you

Where will the latter-day city of Zion be built?

Independence, Missouri

What is the definition of "Urim and Thummim"?

Instruments God uses as tools to accomplish His divine purposes

Who is the chief cornerstone of the restored Church?

Jesus Christ

Who may the planet Kolob best symoblize?

Jesus Christ

How did Joseph Smith receive the priesthood?

John the Baptist conferred the Aaronic priesthood upon him

What type of documents are in the D&C?

Josephs dictated revelations, revelations from the Urim and Thummim, letters, journal entries

Church headquarters in Two Church Centers

Kirtland and Independence

What are the Manuscript Revelation Books?

Loose sheets of paper with revelations that eventually became sections in the D&C

What priesthood and keys did Peter, James, and John restore?

Melchizedek -key of apostleship -key of the kingdom -key of the gospel dispensation of the fullness of times

What is "doctrine"?

Teachings of the Church

What occurred at the June 1831 conference regarding "high priesthood" or "Melchizedek's priesthood"?

The office of the high priest was restored

What occurred in the "chamber of father Whitmer," and what is its relationship to the office of elder

The voice of the Lord authorized and instructed Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to ordain each other elders and confer the Holy Ghost


Two Church Centers

How is the Book of Mormon the "most correct" of any book on earth?

Unlike the Bible, it has not been corrupted because it came directly from God to a righteous servant

What is the Burned-over District?

Western New York where many religious preachers taught at camp meetings

What were the instruments used in the translation of the Book of Mormon?

the Urim and Thummim, including the seer stone Joseph found and spectacles that were with the plates

Audience/context for 1835 account

told to Robert Matthews in Kirtland, emphasizes his attempt to discover the true church and the opposition he felt

Audience/context for 1842 account

written to Chicago Democrat and printed in Times and Seasons (Wentworth letter), focus on two personages and confusion of which church

What were the original "doctrine" and "covenants" parts that created the book's title?

"Doctrine" is the seven lectures on faith "Covenants" is the revelations from Joseph

What did Joseph need to repent of before he could obtain the plates?

-He considered selling the plates for money for his family -He has been immature

How was Joseph's translation of the Bible accomplished?

-He didn't use seer stones -He didn't try to alter the Bible to reflect the BoM -Six different scribes, Sydney Rigdon did the most

How does the JST contribute to the restoration of the truth and the education of Joseph Smith?

-Helped Joseph better understand gospel doctrine -The work influenced D&C revelations

Where did the Book of Abraham come from?

-In 1835, Michale Chandler brought 4 mummies and papyri to Kirtland -One of the scrolls had the writing of Abraham

What are five factors for evaluating a historical source?

-Is it a primary source? -Is it a contemporary account? -Does it have an objective perspective? -What is its relationship to other sources? -Are its claims supported by evidence?

How was the Book of Mormon translated?

-Joseph Smith would look into a hat with the Urim and Thummim and read the words that appeared to his scribe -The plates sat covered in cloth nearby

Why are there different First Vision accounts?

-Joseph didn't record the account when it happened -There are secondary accounts from when Joseph told others about his experience -Joseph dictated several and only wrote one

What is the 1833 Book of Commandments?

-Manuscript Revelation Book 1 -Printed by WW Phelps, most copies destroyed by mobs

Who were the Three Witnesses of the witnesses of the book of Mormon plates?

-Oliver Cowdery -Martin Harris -David Whitmer

Who wrote the secondary accounts of the First Vision, and what unique information does each of those accounts give us?

-Orson Pratt: first written account, a lot of detail -Orson Hyde: first translated to German -Levi Richards -David Nye White -Alexander Neibaur

What is the Lamanite Misison and its major effect on the Church?

-Peter Whitmer Jr, Parley Pratt, and Ziba Peterson set out to preach to the American Indians and place a pillar for the temple of Zion -127 people baptized in 3 weeks

What is the Great Apostasy?

-Priesthood was taken from the Earth when the wicked killed the apostles -Without the apostles and revelation, teachings were corrupted and unauthorized changes made

What was the process of acquiring and printing the JST?

-RLDS church published in 1867 -Dr. Robert J Matthews studied them in the 1960's -RLDS gave rights to publish

What databases and online resources are available to aid in your search for learning about Church doctrine and history?

-Religious Studies Center -BYU Studies -Joseph Smith Papers HBLL Collections

What foundational Church practices are listed in Doctrine and Covenants 20?

-Responsibility of priesthood offices -Sacrament -Baptism and confirmation -Keeping record of the members

What are several key principles to remember when considering D&C revelations-- including why written revelations have sometimes been altered?

-Revelations are written in a prophet's language -Prophets can refine revelation text -Not all prophetic revelations are canonized -The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve canonize scripture

Where is the Church's "Articles and Covenants" found in the Doctrine and Covenants, and how were those articles created?

-Section 20 -A constitution for the modern Church giving a brief history, foundational doctrines, and descriptions of offices -Presented at the June 1830 Church conference for a sustaining vote

How do creeds define a modern "Christian?"

-Show doctrinal changes made during the apostasy -What you believe about Christ determines the type of Christian you are

What are the Stewardship Principle, Brethren Principle, and the Front Door Principle pertaining to personal revelation?

-Stewardship: no one can receive revelation outside of their stewardship -Brethren: you will never receive a revelation from the Spirit to act in opposition or rebellion against the current First Presidency and Twelve -Front Door: all those that run the Church are ordained of God and direction for the Church will not be made in secret

What is Protestant Reformation?

16th century attempt to reform the practices of the Catholic Church

What year did Joseph Smith obtain the gold plates?


What main gospel themes are present in the Book of Abraham?

3 moments of divine intervention: Abraham was a seeker of righteousness, Abraham was blessed with 3 P's, the book concludes with instruction that gives purpose to the other events

How many years passed from Moroni's first visit to Joseph Smith until Joseph could obtain the gold plates?

4 years

What is a creed?

A formal statement of faith and doctrine

What is the Second Great Awakening?

A period of religious revival beginning in 1799

What was Joseph Smith's vision for Zion

A place so holy even horse bells have "Holiness to the Lord" written on them

Where was the Church first commanded to gather in this dispensation?

An area just outside of Kirtland, Ohio



What are the four levels of evaluating an official Latter-day Saint teaching?

Church Publications < Repeated Teachings of GA's < United Voice of First Presidency and Twelve < Harmonized Scriptures


Church in the West

Church headquarters in Nauvoo


What are the four types of doctrine?

Core, supportive, policy, esoteric

What other angels are part of the Melchizedek Priesthood restoration?

Moses, Elias, Elijah, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael



Church headquarters in Church in the West

Nauvoo to Iowa to Winter Quarters to Utah

What are the celestial principles of consecration?

Ownership, Stewardship, Agency, Accountability

Church headquarters in Beginnings

Palmyra, Manchester, Mendon, Fayette, Colesville, Harmony

What is the Abrahamic covenant?

Promised land Priesthood Posterity

Why was a second Church center established in Independence, Missouri?

Revelation o Joseph (now D&C 57) that Independence is to be the city of Zion

Church headquarters in Expansion & Worldwide

Salt Lake City

What is "canon"?

Scriptures established as truth

What D&C section is known as "the Law" of the Church?

Section 42

What were five titles Joseph Smith was sustained as at the Church's organization?

Seer, Translator, Prophet, Apostle, Elder


Worldwide Church

Audience/context for 1832 account

Written by Joseph himself, focus was on being forgiven of his sins

Audience/context for 1838 account

best known today, pubslished in the Times and Seasons, focus was on beginning the true church

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