Byzantine empire

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centralized government

A government in which power is concentrated in a central authority to which local governments are subject

According to Benjamin of Tudela's account, why did "Great stir and bustle" prevail [dominate] in Constantinople?

According to Benjamin of Tudela's account, why did "Great stir and bustle" prevail [dominate] in Constantinople? All merchants trading in street, a lot of activities happening .Merchants from all over the world were coming in to trade causing Constantinople to be a very busy place.

Which trade networks connected to the Byzantine Empire?

Indian Ocean complex, Silk Roads,Mediterrean Sea complex, Trans-Saharan.

Eastern Orthodox Christianity

A branch of Christianity that developed in the Byzantine Empire and that did not recognize the Pope as its supreme leader

Based on Benjamin of Tudela's account, identify three locations merchants came to Constantinople from

Babylon, Mesopotamia, and Media merchants came to Constantinople from.

Identify and explain a cause and effect relationship between what is depicted in the map of Constantinople entitled "Trade about AD 1000" and Benjamin of Tudela's description of Constantinople.

Cause and effect of Constantinople is the cause is since Constantinople is located where half the city is bounded on land and other half bounded by the sea its easy for merchants/ traders to travel to Constantinople where its easy to travel to a place thats near water. The effect is in the description of Tudela's is that Constantinople is very busy, crowded, and where chaos is happening because different merchants from all over the world is coming to travel to Constantinople for trading. Contsianiple is the intersection of Indian Ocean complex, Silk Roads,Mediterrean Sea complex, Trans-Saharan many merchants can come to constantinople from different regions to trade. Location connectes all trade routes.

Describe the location of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, relative to two continents.

Constantinople is in Europe. Constantinople is on the SouthEast border of Europe and North of Africa. In Asia Minor

. How might living at the intersection of several trade networks have affected the lives of people in the Byzantine Empire during the post-classical era?

Different kinds of cultures around the world and ideas that help the spread of technology, knowledge. They have different varieties of goods and increased economy, where wealth increased.

How was Justinian and Theodora's Byzantine Empire different from Western Europe during the same time period

Eastern empire spoke greek and wealthier than Western Europe.

Describe the location of the Byzantine Empire relative to two regions.

Europe is south east of BE and BE is also in northernafrica

Identify three continents on which the Byzantine Empire controlled land.

Europe, Asia, Africa is where the Byzantine Empire controlled land.

religion order and persecution

He didn't want heretics. Was against other religions and did not accept other people's form of christianity who didn't follow who he thought wasn't the right form of christianity. He was Intolerance. Symbolism of coins is he was a representative of christianity. He was a antisemetic against jews.

What title did Justinian give Theodora when he became the ruler of the Byzantine Empire? Based on this, what can you infer about their relationship and her power?

He gave her the title as a co-ruler. Her power had a huge influence on his decision making.

Who was Benjamin of Tudela?

He is a Jewish traveler from the kingdom of Castiller where he wrote a book which provides historians descriptions in the post-classical era.

When did Benjamin of Tudela write his description of Constantinople?

He wrote his description in modern- day Spain in the 12th century.

describe how geography and its location affected the development of Constantinople.

It is in a very tight space but is easier to trade with Asia, a lot of trade coming in their way which leads to all sorts of ideas and goods from all over the world. Being surrounded by trade seas increased trade. They could eat fish from the sea. Gold, Silk, silver, they controlled all that. Controlled sea trade to one main body of water to another.

The power of parents

Marriage is binding, Romans have more control of the children. Laws reforming patriarchy and parents have the most control of their children and their is no divorce.


Prejudice against Jews

Justice and Law 3. The maxims of law are these: to live honestly, to hurt no one, to give everyone his due.The study of law is divided into two branches; that of public and that of private law. Public law regards the government of the Roman Empire [the Byzantines and most other groups of people at the time referred to themselves as "Romans." Historians started using the term Byzantines to separate this empire from the western Roman Empire]; private law, the interest of the individuals.

Purpose is to have peace and give justice to people who are deserving. Treat people well, all laws designed to treat people well All laws need to put into category. Public laws apply to government and private law apply to individuals, of what we can't do.

VIII. Slaves We now come to another division relative to the rights of persons; for some persons are independent, some are subject to the power of others. Of those, again, who are subject to others, some are in the power of parents, others in that of masters. Let us first treat those who are subject to others; for, when we have ascertained who these are, we shall at the same time discover who are independent. And first let us consider those who are in the power of masters.Slaves are in the power of masters, a power derived from the law of nations: for among all nations it may be remarked that masters have the power of life and death over their slaves, and that everything acquired by the slave is acquired for the master.

Slaves had no control over their own lives, and they are not individuals. Masters have control of slaves life or death. Slaves are property


Sole ruler with complete authority

Describe the location of the Byzantine Empire relative to two bodies of water.

The Black sea is south of the Byzantine Empire and surrounded by the mediterrean sea. .

Describe the location of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, relative to two bodies of water.

The location of Constantinople is North of the Black sea and the location of Constantinople is south of the Mediterranean sea.

describe the location of the Byzantine Empire relative to four different locations or geographic features.

The location of the Byzantine empire was surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. The MiddleEast is East of the Byzantine Empire. The Atlantic Ocean is NorthEast of the Byzantine Empire, and controlled the italian and greek peninsula

Explain the extent to which Benjamin of Tudela's account is a reliable source of evidence about Constantinople in the 1100s.

Yes, he is reliable.He tries his best to write what he sees. The evidence from source is the map from where he traveled. This source is primary. The author is biased. The limitations is he's writing off about what he is seeing/observing so we are only reading about his point of view and understands.

The Making of Wills

You have to follow the laws of the empire do leave a will with someone, who is eligible and not someone who is incompetent. Will being made had to have witness and verbal agreement. Designated a whole group of people as witness who can't be trusted.


a system of government by one person with absolute power.opposite of democracy


familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures


gave us stability and help unify the byzantine empire. Christianity is having a influence in laws.

justinine reconquered and expanded

he reconquered the old roman empire, got back the italian peninsula, got part of spain back Fight germanic in northeraftrican and italy. Successfully defeating groups in control of italy,part of spain, amnd northern africa.

justine started

massive building process . he spend money on public building example churches. they spend a lot of tax dollars on constructing building.

The justinian codes

organized Roman law into a set and assigned punishments for breaking those laws. Rome has been around for years, had them collect laws from Roman history and revise them to make them more modern and organize them and make one system for law for all empire.

Nika Riots

riots during Justinian's time where he lured them all to the Colosseum and killed them

Hagia Sophia

the Cathedral of Holy Wisdom in Constantinople, built by order of the Byzantine emperor Justinian

Identify four cities that the people living in Constantinople could have traded with.

Venice, Canada, Florence, Edirne. Calicut, Moscow, Kilwa, Mogadiscick.

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