c234 Workforce planning

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What are the benefits of using College Recruiting for recruiting

Educational institutions are excellent sources of job applicants, and such applicants often vary in their formal training and full-time work experience.

Describe the roles of HR in workplace conflict.

HR reps are responsible for formal complaints & often viewed as a more neutral party than an immediate supervisor.HR representatives should carefully review the claim. This will involve interviewing the accuser and anyone else named in the complaint. It is also good to interview any others who may have witnessed the incident or know about it in some other way & emphasize that the information shared during the interviews will remain confidential. HR should also speak with the immediate supervisors of everyone involved, if possible to get a broader view of those involved in the complaint and their relationships in the company. Once all the information has been gathered, investigators should decide how to handle the complaint. HR representatives should then communicate this decision in person to each party. Transparency is important here, and HR should discuss how they reached a decision and allow each party to give a response. HR's decision is usually final, but letting employees vent can defuse potentially hostile situations.

Negligent Hiring

Hiring of an employee who the employer knew or should have known, based on a reasonable pre-hire investigation of the employee's background, posed a risk to others in the workplace

Describe the importance of developing a communication plan to support a company's recruitment strategy.

A communication plan leaves little room to justify a discriminatory lawsuit. Giving them time to process their rejection. There may be negative reactions if those not selected for the job—especially internal candidates—do not hear about it from HR before the official announcement. Allowing employees to frame the decision as less of a rejection and more of a way to develop professionally; rejected applicants are more likely to respond favorably


Act of harming or ruining another's reputation slander or libel

What information can be tracked with an applicant tracking system?

Applicants upload items such as their personal and contact information, experience and educational background, and resume and cover letter into the database. online tests, interviews info, or acceptance, rejection info

What are the steps HR Manager should take when conducting a workplace investigation?

Create a Plan Create Interview Questions beforehand Interviews - takes notes and make recordings Making a Decision - after obtaining all the information Closure - notifying the accused and accuser the outcome- Firing or taking disciplinary actions Investigation Results - document every step of the investigation as if it were in a court of law

What is HR's role in managing diversity?

Define diversity : HR should define what diversity means to the organization and how the diversity management strategy will impact the business in terms of leadership, promotions, roles, and so on. Further, HR should include the definition and the importance of diversity in mission statements and letter to shareholders. Establish accountability: the top managers and HR should work together to develop goals for how to maximize the benefits of diversity. Decisions related to diversity councils or network groups, retention plans, and recruitment plans are all important considerations. HR can gather data from current employee about attitudes and values or about employees' views on how diversity should be managed and why it's important. Develop a diversity scorecard:: a diversity scorecard contains financial and non-financial information related to diversity initiatives. HR should keep data on how ROI has changed since the implementation of diversity initiatives. HR should also include employee and customer feedback related to how inclusive the organization's approach to diversity is.

Define the following metrics related to workplace disputes and complaints: Number of grievances filed in a period of time

Different time periods, such as months, quarters, or years, will work best for different companies. Suppose a company has chosen to track grievances on a month-to-month basis. If there were three grievances filed in one month's period, or 30 days, then this organization would have a 10% grievance-filing rate for that month (3/30 = 1/10, or 10%).

Describe the benefits of ethical behavior within an HR Department.

Elements of ethical HR practices include handling all issues in an ethical manner, such as policies, training, and communication. the company enjoys a more positive reputation from employees helps protect the organization. less likelihood for lawsuits higher retention rates. Employees remain with the company longer less questionable conduct. Members of an organization avoid compromising too much to accomplish organizational goals, gain a costumer, or avoid a conflict on certain issues.

Describe how work/life policies affect the organization.

Employees with balanced lives are less likely to neglect family for work. When individuals have satisfying home and family lives, they are less likely to bring problems from home into work. Organizations should be concerned about the work/family balance of employees, since it can affect employee productivity. some employees may want time off around the holidays, but their needs may conflict with the company's needs. Organizations should anticipate such conflicts and work to find solutions.

What are the benefits of using Social Media for recruiting

Employees with many social media contacts can advertise job openings and provide a valuable way to recruit new employees. Organizations can also use social media to target prospective applicants. They can search based on many characteristics, such as geographic region or education. An organization can then attempt to contact those they have found even when their targets may not have been looking for a job.

List the four (4) steps of the recruitment process.

Establish Recruitment Objectives Develop a Recruitment Strategy Carry Out Recruitment Activities Evaluate Recruitment Results

Describe ethical standards and legal standards

Ethical standards are normative prescriptions or guides about what people in general think is right or wrong. Businesses are held to high ethical standards. Legal standards are written laws that organizations must uphold or they will face prosecution. These legal standards are developed by government agencies.

Know the formula for Yield Ratio to calculate the following recruitment metrics:

Identify the number of applicants from each source. Identify the number of applicants from each source that made it through the 2nd round of recruitment. Take the total number of applicants who made it to the 2nd round of recruitment and divide that number by the number of applicants from a particularly source.

What are the benefits of using Labor Unions for recruiting

In some industries, especially construction and maritime, the relationship between companies and unions is quite formal, and the union serves as an intermediary between the employer and the labor force through a union hiring hall.

What are the various workplace monitoring methods?

Monitoring E-mail and Text Communications Video Monitoring Credit Report Monitoring Social Media Software Monitoring Internet Use Telephone Calls and Voice Mail Location of Employees

Identify reasons for internal recruitment.

Provides greater motivation for good performance Provides greater promotion opportunities for present employees Provides better opportunity to assess abilities Enables employee to perform the new job with little lost time.

Identify reasons for external recruitment.

Provides new ideas and insights Allows employee to make changes without having to please constituent groups Does not change the present organizational hierarchy as much Provides greater diversity and helps achieve EEO goals

Describe the roles management plays in managing workplace conflict.

Supervisors play a larger role in informal conflict resolution. The supervisor should meet with the employees involved in the complaint and act as a mediator. This means that the supervisor listens to the concerns of both parties without taking a side. If the supervisor needs more information, she should speak with other people; however, she should keep the conflict and her mediation as private as possible. If she cannot find any long-term resolution for the situation, she ought to take some action at least. This could mean moving people to different desks or switching team members.

What are the benefits of using Temporary or contract employees for recruiting

Temporary staffing agencies provide a significant service to companies that need to fill positions on a part-time basis without having to make a permanent hiring decision they can screen employees and provide a work history for employers to help them place qualified workers on the job. Thr also handle many of the administrative functions associated with selection, training, compensation, benefits, performance evaluation, and termination. Temporary agencies also provide a valuable service to people who only want to work part-time for personal reasons.

What is the first step of the selection process?

The application

Define the following metrics related to workplace disputes and complaints: Cost per grievance filed

The cost per grievances should be evaluated based on total expenses for HR and managerial salaries for time spent on these complaints as well as legal fees, back-pay, etc. For example, if five grievances were filed in a year, and the company spent $4,000 on resolving them, then the cost per grievance filed would be $800 (4,000/5 = 800).

Know the formula for Cost Per Hire to calculate the following recruitment metrics:

The cost per hire ratio, or CPH, directly measures the financial effectiveness of recruitment efforts. Cost per hire is determined by combining all internal and external costs associated with hiring during a certain time period, and then dividing that number by the total number of hires during the same time.

Define the following metrics related to workplace disputes and complaints: Return on investment

The purpose of ROI, or return on investment, is to determine how much money a company's conflict resolution measures save. The ROI for a conflict resolution program can be difficult to compute because it requires a lot of data. For example, in order to figure out how much money it saved by hiring an employee relations specialist, a company would need to know how much money and resources it lost in the past by having managers and HR handle workplace conflicts. Unless a company has already been tracking many aspects of its conflict resolution processes, figuring out the ROI for its conflict resolution measures will be hard.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

The resolution of disputes in ways other than those involved in the traditional judicial process. Negotiation, mediation, and arbitration are forms of ADR.


The uniform procedures used in the administration and scoring of a test. taking the test in the same room, at the same time of the day, with the same administrator reading the same instructions

How do HR information systems or an applicant tracking system benefit organizations?

These integrated systems streamline the recruiting and application process for employers.

Describe the Structured or Patterned techniques and their benefits:

These interviews have a pre-determined list of questions for all candidates. This allows more standardization in the interview process, compared to other methods. It also help guarantee that all applicants are evaluated on the same criteria because questions are not omitted or added. They do not make room for follow-up questions, however; this can be a problem when interviewers to probe further into an unclear incomplete answer.

What are the three steps a manager needs to take to reduce team conflict?

Treat all groups fairly and equally Meet with the conflicting group together to allow them to express their issues and concerns Establish a goal that conflicting groups can work to reach together

Identify internal recruitment best practices.

Use Metrics TO Measure performance helps an organization understand which recruitment model is best and how to identify the highest-quality candidates. shape and influence the culture of the organization. By recruiting and promoting those who already exemplify the organization's values, management reinforces those values and the culture within the firm. Provide Feedback to Unsuccessful Candidates Because the morale of unsuccessful candidates may suffer if they are not promoted, management should provide them with timely and positive feedback.

Describe techniques for recruiting a diverse workforce.

Use referrals to try to reach a particular group. For instance, if an organization wants to increase the number of female employees, it may choose to advertise in magazines or on websites that cater to women. If a company wishes to diversify the workforce in accordance with a particular customer base—for example, it may have many Asian customers, but fewer Asian employees—it may try to recruit customers when interacting with them. Develop external partnerships with other companies or new customer bases that fall outside of where a company normally does business. Design a diversity initiative in order to set goals for a diverse workforce. Engage the senior leadership and other key stakeholders in diversity initiatives—these people often have the most power at a company and can influence the direction that a company takes.


Volleyers switch from integrating the work and non-work aspects of their lives at times and separainge them at other times, depending on their priorities and the circumstances of their professional and home or personal life.

What are HR's and Managers' roles in taking stock of employees' interest?

When speaking to employees about their futures, it may be useful to have a broader discussion about their career. For instance, a manager may ask the employee something like, "Where do you see yourself going in this company?" or "Are there any goals you are hoping to achieve in this company?" These questions can allow a manager to test the idea of an employee pursuing a promotion. No specific roles need to be mentioned. However, managers and HR should get a sense of whether the employee's goals align with the open position.

Describe techniques for recruiting a diverse workforce.

Working with senior groups or community centers, as well as offering temporary or part-time work, may be an effective way to recruit seniors. compare the external labor market demographics with its own. For example, if African-Americans make up 70% of the labor market but only 5% of a company's workforce, the HR department would need to find out why and what can be done to fix the problem.

What is the framework for minimizing conflict

Written Rules, Policies, and Contracts Strong Management Careful Hiring A Fair Grievance Process (Organizations should make sure that employees understand how to handle grievances, including how to file a formal complaint, who to speak to about appeal decisions, how the timeline of their complaints will proceed, and so on) Making Peer Review Work Preventive Training for Managers Performance Management and Feedback Regular Audits Designated Employee Relations Positions A Fair Termination Process Systematic Follow-up (Organizations should also track the outcomes of their conflict resolution procedures.) Empathy Conflict Resolution Process Communications


a measure of whether a test actually tests what it is supposed to. A valid test should be a good predictor of how someone will perform on the job.

What are the benefits of using Former Employees (quit, laid-off) for recruiting

former employees are already trained and familiar with company policies, rehiring them is usually in a company's best interest.

Describe the Non-directive techniques and their benefits:

begins with a small number of pre-determined questions and then allows the interview to develop naturally. This approach gives interviews many options for questions, including follow-ups, hypothetical situations, and others. An interviewer may start by asking, "Why do you want to work here?" The interviewer then guides the conversation based on an applicant's response. This technique can yield new information, unnoticed in other parts of the hiring process. However, an unstructured conversation may also allow an interviewer to ask something inappropriate or illegal. Since interview discussions can sometimes begin to feel informal, interviewers may develop a rapport with an applicant and be less wary of questions to avoid.

Identify the importance of communicating an organization's employment brand.

can lead to a greater number of qualified candidates and a reputation as an employer of choice.

Describe strategic recruitment decisions.

conduct an analysis of the labor force. This includes forecasting the supply and demand of labor. Organizations should first count their employees. From there they can use previous trends to estimate future employment needs. The organization must also examine trends in the external labor force. How many applications does the company typically receive in a given year? Will the local or national unemployment rate affect the number of applications received? Organizations must also look to existing employees when recruiting. While many new hires come from outside, promotions or lateral moves are fill positions too. When recruiting, HR should look for employees who possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the job tasks. To reach the right people, an organization should look to previous recruitment methods. Organizations should attempt to see which recruitment sources have worked best in the past. They should keep track of how employees from different recruitment sources perform

What is the board of directors' role in managing diversity?

creating a top management team that actually represents the surrounding community. Further, the broad range of skills, creativity, and experiences of a diverse board of directors is likely to lead to future organizational success

Define the following metrics related to workplace disputes and complaints: Causes of grievances

divide the causes of grievances into different categories. Categories such as "pay and wages," "unclear hiring policies," or "promotions" may be useful for separating conflicts into groups. Dividing the causes of conflict into groups helps a company to see which areas of its business are most problematic, or leading to the most grievances and complaints.

Describe the advantages of workplace diversity.

earn higher profits, foster more innovation, enjoy a better reputation, secure higher employee retention, and expand a customer base more than other companies, brings multiple perspectives to the organization, which can improve both how it understands customer needs and how it is perceived in the business community. Diversity brings unique backgrounds and experiences to the table in order to pave the way for more innovative business ideas and greater flexibility in changing marketplaces.

Employee Privacy

employee's freedom from unauthorized intrusion by employers


employer and employee perspectives regarding work/life balance should be aligned. These parties should work together to figure out what is important in the work/family relationship and how goals can be achieved. An employer may be able to offer flex time, such as 7-4, 8-5, or 9-6 schedules, or may offer integrative services like childcare at work, in order to demonstrate concern for a healthy work/life balance.

Explain HR's roles in the promotion process.

handle the internal promotion process by providing career coaching, defining selection criteria, establishing policies for posting open positions, crafting promotion announcements, and dealing positively with internal candidates not selected for the job. Further, help successful candidates smoothly transition to their new job and make sure that they have enough support to succeed in their new responsibilities.

What are valid reasons for using assessments?

help decide whether to hire a job applicant. These tests try to determine whether an applicant has the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) to perform the tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) given in the job description and job specification. Tests can also confirm something on an application or resume. Selection tests attempt to get at "difficult-to-measure" attributes like personality, motivation, or integrity.

Describe the elements of an ethics program.

honesty, integrity, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, insider info, gifts, Personal Use of Company Assets, Workplace Privacy, fairness

Explain "person/job" fit.

how the applicant fits with the job he's applying for. In other words, does this person like the activities of the job? Is he enthusiastic about it? Is he going to get bored or feel that he's overqualified?

Explain "person/organization" fit.

how the applicant fits within the entire company. Will he enjoy working with other employees? Does the interviewer believe that he will stay for a significant amount of time?

What is senior management's role in managing diversity?

make diversity visible in the workforce. They do this by making diversity a regular topic in meetings and by ensuring that their workforce is actually diverse. Next, organizations should hold managers accountable for fostering inclusion. Companies can require training for managers on how to handle and encourage diversity. They may also encourage managers to help recruit individuals from all backgrounds and experiences. Finally, senior management should support diverse development in the workforce.


measure of how consistent tests results are A single person taking the same test twice will have similar scores

Define the following metrics related to workplace disputes and complaints: Average close time

measures how efficient the conflict resolution process is. Companies should track how many days it takes to resolve a dispute after the grievance is filed. Let's suppose that 7 grievances were field at a particular company last year. If those grievances were open for a total of 50 days, then the average close time for those 7 grievances would be 7.14 days. In other words, it took this company an average of about a week to resolve each problem.

What are conflict resolution methods included in the framework?

mediated outcome, where the parties involved in a complaint speak to an independent mediator to help them arrive at their own agreement. Organizations may also use an arbitrated outcome, where an independent arbitrator determines how the dispute is to be resolved and issues a binding decision.

What's HR's role in workplace monitoring and employee privacy

must know current employee privacy laws. private information, like addresses, social security numbers, and criminal backgrounds, is usually held by HR personnel. HR personnel must create a culture in which it is important to protect this data.


one who combines work and family. They are opposite from separators. Their families may visit the office, and they often bring work home or on vacation. Coworkers may know the family members of quite well.


one who makes a conscious effort to keep work and family separate. usually avoid discussing their family life while at work and vice-versa. They usually don't bring work home, choosing to finish it at the office. These individuals create clear boundaries between work and life.


organizations should enact policies that reflect changes in the external environment. They should also attempt to build a culture that values employees who spend time with their families and realize a healthy work/life balance. Policies for managing work and family lives can be established for certain individuals or may be more systematic, for all employees


organizations that operate with a global footprint should be aware of different cultural values placed on family. In some areas of the world, individuals may be more or less accustomed to working or spending time with family. Cultural competence is valuable here.

What information can be tracked with HR information systems?

present job category or current position; skills, including areas of knowledge and experience; educational level, including degrees and certificates; geographical location and geographical preference (if the corporation is geographically decentralized); length of service; retirement plans; time in present position; potential for development and interest in promotion; wage and salary history; performance rating and supervisory evaluations; attendance record; disciplinary actions.

What items can lead to discrimination if included on a job application? (list as many as you can)

protected statuses such as race, gender, sex, religion, disability, national origin, and even dates of college graduation. Questions about prior salary, age, citizenship, social security numbers, and driver's license information can also be inappropriate.

Describe the Team techniques and their benefits:

the hiring organization may have three or even more people conduct an interview. Multiple interviewers, often coming from different departments, may be able to more accurately evaluate a candidate. A team interview may also give the applicant a more accurate idea of a corporate culture, since he is able to meet and interact with multiple employees. The obvious downside to a team interview is that it may be difficult to coordinate so many schedules, and team interviews take a lot of time away from employees and their normal duties. Candidates may also feel uncomfortable being interviewed by multiple people, having to impress and answer questions from more than one person.

Describe the Situational techniques and their benefits:

uses hypothetical situations to ask what candidates would do or how they would act in certain circumstances. This type of question is useful for a few reasons. First, it asks the candidate to think "on his feet" about a scenario that could occur in the position for which he is applying. Beyond critical thinking, It may pinpoint any number of other skills or abilities. Further, it provides the candidate with information about the job, showing part of a realistic job preview as employers ask questions about what may occur.

negligent reference

you have a legal obligation to give an accurate representation of the person being evaluated

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