CA Electrical Code Article 100 - definitions

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In sight from-within sight of another equipment, the specified equipment it to be visible and not more than ______ distance from the other. (100)

50 feet

Branch-circuit overcurrent protective devices are provided with interrupting ratings appropriate for the intended use but not less than _______. (100)

5000 amperes

Grounding Electrode Conductor - Section 250.50 is usually in Service and Transformers

Rod, Cold Water, Ring, Plate, Building Structure

A conductor having no covering or electrical insulation whatsoever. (100)

bare conductor

Connected to establish electrical continuity and conductivity. (100)

bonded (Bonding)

A reliable conductor to ensure the required electrical conductivity between metal parts required to be electrically connected. (100)

bonding conductor or jumper

The circuit conductors between the final overcurrent device protecting the circuit and the outlet(s). (100)

branch circuit

A unit of an electrical system that carries or controls electric energy as its principal function. (100)


The connection between two or more portions of the equipment grounding conductor. (100)

equipment bonding jumper

The maximum current, in amperes, that a conductor can carry continuously under the conditions of use without exceeding its temperature rating. (100)


All circuit conductors between the service equipment, the source of a separately derived system, or other power supply source and the final branch-circuit overcurrent device. (100)


Equipment Grounding Conductor

green wire inside the Feeder or Branch Circuit

A device intended for the protection of personnel that functions to de-energize a circuit or portion thereof within an established period of time when a current to ground exceeds the values established for a Class A device. (100)

ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)

A branch circuit that supplies only one utilization equipment. (100)

individual branch circuit

The connection between the grounded circuit conductor and the equipment grounding conductor at the service. (100)

main bonding jumper

An enclosed channel of metal or nonmetallic materials designed expressly for holding wires, cables, or busbars, with additional functions as permitted in this Code. (100)


Any electrical circuit that controls any other circuit through a relay or an equivalent device. (100)

remote-control circuit

The conductors from the service point to the service disconnection means is ______. (100)

service conductors

The overhead conductors between the utility electric supply system and the service point. (100)

service drop

The underground conductors between the utility electric supply system and the service drop is _______. (100)

service lateral

The point of connection between the utility electric supply system & the premises wiring. (100)

service point

The connection between the grounded circuit conductor and the supply-side bonding jumper, or the equipment grounding conductor, or both, at a separately derived system. (100)

system bonding jumper

A branch circuit that supplies energy to one or more outlets to which appliances are to be connected and that has no permanently connected luminaires that are not a part of an appliance. (100)

appliance branch circuits

A device intended to provide protection from effects of arc faults by recognizing characteristics unique to arcing and by functioning to de-energize the unit when and arc fault is detected. (100)

arc-fault circuit interrupter (AFCI)

A device designed to open and close a circuit by nonautomatic means and to open the circuit automatically on a predetermined overcurrent without damage to itself when properly applied within its rating. (100)

circuit breaker

A load where the maximum current is expected to continue for 3 hours or more. (100)

continuous load

Locations protected from weather and not subject to saturation with water and other liquids but subject to moderate degrees of moisture is _______. (100)

damp location - under canopies, marquees, roofed open porches, etc.

A branch circuit that supplies two or more receptacles or outlets for lighting and appliances. (100)

general-purpose branch circuit

An unintentional, electrically conducting connection between and ungrounded conductor of an electrical circuit and the normally non-current-carrying conductors, metallic enclosures, metallic raceways, metallic equipment, or earth. (100)

ground fault

A conducting object through which a direct connection to earth is established. (100)

grounding electrode

A conductor used to connect the system grounded conductor or the equipment to a grounding electrode or to a point on the grounding electrode system. (100)

grounding electrode conductor

A conductor encased within material of composition and thickness that is RECOGNIZED by this code as electrical insulation. (100)

insulated conductor

A device that provides a means for connection bonding conductors for communications systems to the grounding electrode system is _______. (100 chapter 8 250.4.94)

inter-system bonding termination

An enclosed assembly that may include receptacles, circuit breakers, fuseholders, fused switches, buses....;intended to supply and control power or to serve as a means for distributing power required to operate mobile of temp. installed equipment is ______. (100)

power outlet

A branch circuit that consists of two or more ungrounded conductors that have a voltage between them, and grounded conductor that has equal voltage between it and each ungrounded conductor of the circuit and that is connected to the neutral or grounded conductor of the system. (100)

multiwire branch circuit

Grounded Conductors.

neutral (white)

A load where the wave shape of the steady-state current does not follow the wave shape of the applied voltage is ______. (100)

nonlinear load- (example electronic equipment, electronic/electric-discharge lighting, adjustable-speed drive systems).

A point on the wiring system at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment is ______ . (100)


Any current in excess of the rated current of equipment or the ampacity of a conductor. It may result from overload, short circuit, or ground fault is ______. (100)


A single panel or group of panel units designed for assembly in the form of a single panel, including buses & automatic overcurrent devices.....and accessible only from the front is ______. (100)


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