Calculation operators in formulas
addition (arithmetic)
reference operators
combine ranges of cells for calculations
connects, or concatenates two values to produce one continuous value
division (arithmetic)
equal to (comparison)
exponentiation (arithmetic)
greater than (comparison)
greater than or equal to (comparison)
less than (comparison)
less than or equal to (comparison)
multiplication (arithmetic)
not equal to (comparison)
percent (arithmetic)
range operator, produces one reference to all the cells between two references (reference)
subtraction/negation (arithmetic)
comparison operators
to compare two values; the result is a logical value; either TRUE or FALSE
arithmetic operator
to perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction or multiplication; to combine numbers
union operator, combines multiple references into one reference (reference)
text concatenation operator
use the ampersand (&) to join, or concatenate one or more text strings to produce a single piece of text