Calculus II Final Exam

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derivative of sinu


derivative of cosu


derivative of cotu

-csc^2u du/dx

derivative of cscu

-cscucotu du/dx

Root test

-everything raised to the kth power -if p is between 0 and 1, the limit converges if p is greater than 1 the limit diverges if p is one, the test is inconclusive -determine ak first

Trig Integrals

-find a way to simplify what's given -reduction formulas given on exam

integral of tanx

-ln|(cosx)| or ln|(secx)|

integral of cscx


Ratio Test

-take ratio of ak+1 over ak as limit approaches infinity -if r is between 0 and 1, the limit converges if r is greater than 1 the limit diverges if r is one, the test is inconclusive -use with factorials, k raised to a power

derivative of inverse tanu


derivative of inverse sec


derivative of inverse sinu


Derivative of loga(u)

1/ulna * u'

Telescoping Series

A series whose partial sums eventually only have a fixed number of terms after cancellation -find what cancels and find a pattern for what's left over, take limit of that

Comparison test

Find Bn>An if it converges then An converges. Find Bn<An if it diverges An diverges.

Squeeze Theorem

If f(x) ≤ g(x) ≤ h(x) for all x ̸= a and limx→a f(x) = limx→a h(x) = L, then limx→a g(x) = L

Integration by parts

Integral of udv = uv - integral of vdu L-log I-inverse trig A-algebra (x) T-trig E-exponential u—>dv

On what conditions on R does R^n converge for a geometric sequence

R=|R|<1 R=1 converges |R|>1 diverges

Explicit Formula for Sequence

Relates any term in a sequence to only the first term and the common ratio. a(n)=f(n)

sum of an infinite geometric series

S=a/1-r a=first term r=common ratio

Recurrence Relation


Derivative of a^u


integral of a^u

a^u/lna + C

quotient rule

d/dx (g(x)/ h(x)) = [(h(x) g'(x) - g(x) h'(x))]/ h(x)^2

chain rule

d/dx f(g(x)) = f'(g(x)) g'(x)

Derivative of e^u

e^u du

Infinite series

if goes to a #-converges if goes to infinity-diverges

Integral test

if integral converges, series converges -same convergence behavior

limit comparison test

if lim as n approaches ∞ of ratio of comparison series/general term is positive and finite, then series behaves like comparison series if the limit is 0 and the comparison series converges, then the original series converges if the limit is infinity and the comparison series diverges, then the original series diverges


if m is odd and positive, split off sinx and rewrite the resulting power of sinx in terms of cosx(1-cos^2x=sinx), then use u=cosx if n is odd and positive, split off cosx and rewrite the resulting even power of cosx in terms of sinx then use u=sinx if m and n are both even, use half-angle formulas to transform the integrand into a polynomial in cos2x and apply preceding strategies once again to powers of cos2x greater than one

Partial Fractions

integral(P(x)/Q(x))dx P,Q are polynomials P/Q is a rational function (degree of P less than Q) case 1-(x) is a product of n linear factors (no irreducible quadratics) integral(3x+5)/(x^2-4x-5) =A/(x-5)+B/(x+1) =find A and B case 2-Q(x) has repeated linear factors integral(3/x(x+1)^2)=A/x+B/(x+1)+C/(x+1)^2 solve for coefficients, plug in and integrate case 3-irreducible quadratic factor integral (x-10)/x(x^2+25) x-10=A/x+(Bx+C)/(x^2+25) find coefficients, plug in and integrate

Alternating Series Test

lim as n approaches zero of general term = 0 and terms decrease, series converges

Divergence test

lim_(k->infinity) [a_k] doesn't equal zero, then the series Σa_k must diverge -however if the limit does equal 0, the series could converge or diverge

Improper integrals

limit as b --> infinity; don't plug infinity into the integral if limit goes to infinity-function diverges if limit goes to a number-function converges integral 1/x^p p>1=limit converges 1/1-p p≤1=limit goes to infinity

integral of du/u

ln |u| + C

integral of secx


integral of cotx


inverse tangent of infinity


derivative of tanu

sec^2u du

derivative of secu

secutanu du/dx

integrals involving a^2-x^2

substitute x=asinθ a^2-x^2=a^2-a^2sin^2θ =a^2(1-sin^2θ) =a^2cos^2θ

derivative of lnu


product rule

uv' + vu'

integrals involving x^2-a^2

x=asecθ x^2-a^2=a^2secθ-a^2 =a^2(secθ-1) =a^2tan^2θ

integrals involving x^2+a^2

x=atanθ x^2+a^2=a^2tanθ+a^2 =a^2(tan^2θ+1) =a^2sec^2θ

exponential growth/decay over time

y(t)= y°ekt y'(t)=(y°e^kt)k y'(t)/y(t)=k k>0-growth k<0-decay y°=y(0)

remained in alternating series


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