Called to Believe Semester 1 Review

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What are the possible attributes or areas in which man was created in God's image?

1) Morality 2) Intelligence 3) Relational 4) immortality

On an account of scripture's teaching about the essential unity of humanity the Christian faith makes no allowance for distinctions that ascribe lesser worth to particular groups of human beings. Therefore there is no support in Scripture for: (There are 4)

1) Racism 2) Favoritism 3) Abortion 4) Euthanasia

Denial of creation negatively affects which Christian doctrines? (There are 4)

1) The Inspiration of Sin 2) The Nature of Sin 3) Death and New Life 4) Creation and Christian Life

As a result of the Fall, humanity suffered: (There are 3)

1) The Loss of Innocence 2) The Loss of God's Own Image 3) The Loss of Life Itself

Natural Knowledge does all of the following... (There are 3)

1. Allows humans to conclude there is a personal, eternal, omnipotent Divine Being 2. Reveals that God is holy and just, demanding what is good & punishing evil 3. Results in a guilty conscience, a fear of death, condemnation, and complete hopelessness

What are the three ways in which God makes Himself known to humanity?

1. Natural Knowledge 2. Revealed Knowledge 3. Jesus Christ

Which of the following is an acceptable source of theological information? (There are 4)

1. Scripture 2. Reason 3. Human Authority 4. Experience

What are the cautions of studying Theology Mueller discusses in the chapter? (There are 3)

1. Treating Theology as only an academic discipline 2. Agreeing with false doctrines when examining other beliefs 3. Expecting all others to have the same passion and zeal for this subject

This heresy attacks the Trinity by reducing the deity of Christ, i.e., Jesus was an exceptional man, but not God.


Systematic Theology

Arranging the content of Scripture into an organized whole; an orderly presentation of biblical doctrine is by topics

The theory that dismisses the possibility of God acting in, with, or through what are deemed wholly natural processes is known as:

Atheistic Evolution

What two parts do humans exist as a unity between?

Body and Soul

Which testament maintained that the mechanism by which God initially created was none other than his word?

Both Testaments

The study of the universe and its origins is known as:


Creation ex nihilo means:

Creation from Nothing

What title is man given in the hierarchy of God's creation?

Crown of Creation

The theory that suggests the days of creation be understood as lengthy ages or epochs is known as:

Day-age Theory

God is not limited by time.


All sins are transgressions of the law of God, but not all are sins against the Lord himself. (T/F)


Although, there are three distinct persons of the Trinity, only the Father is eternal. (T/F)


As a result of the Fall, humanity now suffers from "original sin", but not hereditary sin." (T/F)


Christ's humiliation is a symptom for his incarnation. This term simply means that Christ was a humble person. (T/F)


Christianity rightly describes the soul as "imprisoned" within the body. (T/F)


Christians should accept all forms of Gnosticism, which holds that the material world is essentially evil and therefore to be shunned. (T/F)


Fulfillment of the Law is judged by our best effort. (T/F)


God chooses to be gracious to us, because of who we are and what we do. (T/F)


If we never actively sinned, we would not be sinners. (T/F)


Law & Gospel are the same in context, power and purpose because both are God's word. (T/F)


Man and woman do not stand on equal terms in their relationship with God. (T/F)


The comfort of the Gospel is that we can be saved if we simply try hard enough. (T/F)


Using scripture and specifically the genealogies are a good way to determine the age of the world. (T/F)


When reading scripture, it's important to note what issues Jesus did and did not specifically address. Therefore, if Jesus never directly condemned things like homosexuality, then it must not be wrong for anyone today. (T/F)


The theory that suggests that there was an extended period of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 is known as:

Gap Theory

Heresy that denigrates all matters sinful and corrupt. This often describes the soul as "imprisoned" within the body.


What is special and unique regarding God's method of creating man, as compared to God's creation of the world?

God breathed into man the breath of life.

Possible Limitation of Theology?

God may not reveal everything I want to know

Which doctrine is only revealed through God's special revelation, covers guilt, and give life to the repentant person.


This attribute states that God gives us not what we deserve, but what Christ has earned.


This attribute states that God is absolutely perfect.


Revealed Knowledge of God

Information that is revealed directly from God's direct communication & ultimately in Scripture

Natural Knowledge

Information that is revealed throuhg God's "fingerprints" in creation


Issues that are not directly addressed, commanded, or forbidden in scripture.

This attribute states that God is perfectly consistent and fair in how he applies his will.


Which doctrine breaks the pride and selfish will of sinful men and causes sorrow, guilt, and despair?


Which doctrine offers life and a right relationship with God?

Law and Gospel

Civil-political Law

Laws which govern the outward actions of a nation's citizens.

This denies the existence of the spiritual.


This attribute states that God does not give a person what is deserved.


This heresy accepts the names and roles of the three persons, but denies their distinctness. It says there is only one God who takes on different roles.


God is all-powerful.


God is not limited by space or matter.


There are no limits on God's knowledge.


The belief that everything is God and God is everything is called:


"Magisterial" Use of Reason

Places reason above scripture

"Ministerial" Use of Reason

Places scripture above reason

The cause of sin is: (There are 3)

Satan, the World, and the Flesh

This sees human beings as caretakers of God's good gifts.


This heresy does not accept the fill deity of Christ or his equality with the Father. Jesus was a lesser God.


Formal Principle

The AUTHORITATIVE source of information in a belief system

If the opening chapters of Genesis are dismissed, it follows that large portions of other biblical books must be rejected. This statement affects which doctrine?

The Inspiration of Scripture

Rejecting the notion that the world was created perfect affects which doctrine?

The Nature of Sin

Ontological Argument

The argument that God's existence is demonstrated by the facts that there is the notion of God, a "higher intelligence and power" in our thoughts and existence

Cosmological Argument

The argument that looks to the existence, beauty, and wonder of creation for evidence

Material Principle

The core belief or most important teaching in a belief system

Exegetical Theology

The direct study of the biblical text; reading and interpreting the Word

Historical Theology

The examination of different theological movements, churches, groups, and people of the past and their relevance for today

What is the definition of Gnosticism?

The material world is essentially evil and therefore should be shunned.


The study of God (Words about God)

Verbal Inspiration

The teaching that all the words of scripture are inspired (not just the basic ideas)

The theory that believes evolution occurred, but that it was directed by God rather than by random and purposeless forces of nature is known as:

Theistic Evolution


This function of the Law exposes sinful people to God's reality; through the Law, we see ourselves as God sees us.


This function of the Law restrains the outward manifestation of sin and evil.


This function of the Law serves as a guide or standard of life for the believer.


This heresy eliminates any distinction between Jesus' divine nature and human nature.


This heresy emphasizes the distincitiveness of Christ's two natures to an extreme degree.


This heresy states that Jesus only appeared to be human, but that he did not actually become flesh and blood.


This heresy teaches that Jesus is a lesser god than the Father.

Moral Law

This law is a description of those standards expected by God of all human beings.

The primary goal of Christian Theology is:

To faithfully proclaim the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ

Both Law & Gospel are spoken to sinners because God loves them. (T/F)


Grace is freely given to humanity, but it is not free to God. (T/F)


It is entirely possible to be guilty even though on e does not feel guilty. (T/F)


It is evident from Scripture that God created humanity with the ability to sin. (T/F)


It was absolutely necessary for our Savior to be both God and man. (T/F)


Jesus' "I Am" statements affirm his deity. (T/F)


Our distinctly human nature was retained in the fall; but this nature, though no less human, is now corrupted. (T/F)


Rightly distinguishing the Law and the Gospel is the most difficult and the highest art of Christians in general and of theologians in particular. (T/F)


Sin is not simply an action; it is also a condition.


Since Christ is God, he is the creator. Since he is human, he is a part of creation. (T/F)


The Gospel makes no demands on people whatsoever. (T/F)


The Question of whether all sins are equal can only be answered with both a "yes" and a "no". (T/F)


The Scriptural teaching of "human depravity" not only highlights our inability to do what is good; it also points to the fact that we are inevitable to do what is evil. (T/F)


The Trinity is revealed in both the Old and the New Testament (T/F)


The incarceration affirmed that the spiritual and the physical are not opposed to each other. (T/F)


The words "image" and "likeness" are used synonymously in Genesis 1. (T/F)


There is parallelism between the first three days of creation and the second three days of creation. (T/F)


To say that scripture is effacious mans that it has the power to produce an effect. (T/F)


When properly understood, the Law leads to despair in people who look to their own works to obtain a right relationship with God. (T/F)


This heresy denies God's three-ness while holding to his unity.


Agnostics are...

unwilling or unable to acknowledge or deny the existence of a god

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