Calling Script

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Handling Objections 2

"Awesome, I just friended you on Facebook, just reach out to me there and get enrolled by noon tomorrow and I will hold those savings for you until then." If they can decide in 24 hours, or the next day, we just set a specific TIME and DAY they need to enroll by to get the incentive price. "I have no money...." "Okay..."(Silence) "We understand that finances can be a challenge, and we always do our best to work with people in this scenario." "Let me ask you this, is this something you really want to do? Because if it's not a good fit, that is okay, too." ("Oh no, I want to do it.") "So how can we make this happen for you?" "I can't afford it..." "Tell me more about that." (Let them tell you.) "OK, so you shared with me throughout the call that this is exactly what you need to do to move forward. So tell me, how is it that you are going to afford to continue without it?" ("I can't.") "So how can we make this a reality for you?" "I don't have the money." "Isn't that why you came on the call to begin with!?"

Handling Objections 1

"How much time do I have to decide?" "How much time do you need to decide?" "Is there something in particular you need to think about that we can discuss right now?" Flesh that out and talk about it. It will likely lead to: "I need time to find the money and look over my finances." "I just don't make decisions on the spot" "I need to check with partner or spouse." "Okay great. When specifically will you be talking with your partner or spouse?", or "When will you be looking over your finances", or "When will you be sitting down to think about it?" "Perfect. So you will have spoken with your spouse/partner (or looked over your finances) by noon eastern tomorrow...

Handling Objections 5

"I've been in other programs like this and still haven't gotten the results I wanted." "There's somebody you don't trust and it's either me or you. Which do you think it is and let's discuss that." "What SPECIFIC outcomes would you need to see to make this TOTALLY worth the investment of time and resources? What would make this a complete NO BRAINER for you?" "That's exactly what we will be addressing" "Do you have a guarantee?" "Absolutely. We guarantee that if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll get the same results. So that's our guarantee. "Now with that said, we also guarantee that our system works. But if you're looking for an out before you begin, then we're probably not a good fit for you because that's really not the energy that will serve you or us. "It's all good either way. Let's just be clear that you should either commit to this with the attitude that this is going to work for you fully and completely or you decide that it's not right for you at this time. If it's not a good fit, that's totally ok. "But I can assure you this, people who are looking for a reason for something not to work, usually find it."

Handling Objections 4

"It's not a good time." "Do you mind if I ask you a question about that? "When WILL it be a good time for you to start putting the things you said are most important to you into your life?" Or... "How will you know when it's time to start doing and having the things in your life that you just told me where so important? Objection: "I need to check with partner or spouse." "Yes, I totally understand. That is very important. So let me clarify here. Are you saying you are in, and you just need to get a 'signoff' from your spouse/partner, and then we are moving forward? Or is there something else?" If yes, say, "Okay great. When specifically will you guys be able to talk?" "Perfect. So you will have spoken with your spouse by noon eastern tomorrow..." "Awesome, I just friended you on Facebook, just reach out to me there and get enrolled by noon tomorrow and I will hold those savings for you until then." If they can decide in 24 hours, or the next day, we just set a specific TIME and DAY they need to enroll by to get the incentive price. Note: OFFER to get on the phone with the spouse and discuss, too. It works really well when you do. Just be sure when if they do come on the phone that you don't start blabbing about you. Start the conversation by asking "Great,what questions do you have about us helping your husband/wife....(grow their business, lose weight, balance their hormones...etc)?" and address their concerns and questions only.

Handling Objections 3

"Once I make some money then I want to work with you." "So tell me how that would work?" (Let them tell you whatever.) "Okay, so let me see if I've got this right? What you are saying is that you are going to continue to do what you have told me is building your business slowly, and isn't even paying your bills. And you are going to continue to do what's not working long enough to someday build up a SURPLUS of cash to invest in what will work? "Is that an accurate statement?" (Well, that sounds silly, I know.) "So how can we make this work for you?" "I need some time to think it over" "I get that... and I encourage that. We want this to be a great fit for everyone." "Can I ask you this? What haven't we discussed that you still need to think about? That's why I take the time on these calls. I'm here right now to help you make an empowered decision. While you still have me on the phone here, what questions or concerns do you still have that are unanswered?" (Discuss those.) If they can decide in 24 hours, or the next day, we just set a specific TIME and DAY they need to enroll by to get the incentive price.

Pre Call Prep

5 minutes before the call make sure you do all of the following: * Make sure that you are in a quiet room with no interruptions * Use your phone with headphones so that your hands are free for taking notes and expressing * Make sure that you are recording the phone call * Print out the survey questions and have them in front of you * Have a pen and notepad in front of you * Don't have a screen in front of you, dim your screen or close your laptop * Release all attachment to the "YES" and put all attachment onto "Accurate Diagnosis" * Loose all the emotional baggage from the day or previous calls, be tranquil and focussed * Have the number ready to dial and make sure you dial the very moment the clock hits the minute

What We Will Not Accept

Any words that do not mean YES or NO. This decision is BINARY not a grey area.

Part 1 - Small Chat for 2-3 Mins

Hey John, how's your week going? Where are you calling from today? Alright, well we can dive right in and get started with this call if you want?

Part 5 - Gather Essential Data and Cause Self Inflicted Pain

How are you currently getting customers? Do you know how much it's costing you to get a new customer? Do you have a process in place to get customers at will? Are you comfortable relying on this style of operating your business? How much money are you making per month with this business right now? You must get a specific dollar figure per month before moving forward. This is essential to making the sale close and the prospect associating you and your service to their income.

The Magic Question

If they are on the fence.... The Magic Question... "Look, the REAL decision you are making isn't whether or not to coach with me or anyone else out there. That's really irrelevant.... The REAL decision you have to make is whether, or not, you are ready to commit to (having the things they said they wanted to have in their business and/or life), or whether, or not, you want to continue... (having all the problems and challenges they just told you they had). THAT'S the REAL DECISION you are going to be faced with, until you are ready to change. THIS is a magical. It makes the decision about gaining what they want in life, not about coaching with you. REMEMBER: They are not making a DECISION to work with you, coach with you, or "buy your service", they are making a DECISION on whether or not they want to stay stuck where they are, or move forward and gain the things in life they really want.

Part 7 - Releasing Control and Self Admission

OK John, so you're currently making $10,000 /month and you want to get to $50,000 /month. Tell me what's stopping you from achieving that on your own? Listen for those 3 magic statements before moving forward: Inability to do it on their own, wanting to do it faster or wanting to follow a proven system and have guidance by somebody who has actually done it.

Part 8 - Gaining In Commitment and Wrapping in Emotion

OK John, so you're currently making $10,000 /month why not just stay where you are? OK and is not having this affecting any other areas of your life? OK and when are you wanting to fix this? OK and I know that you are wanting to fix this now but how committed are you to make this happen? (The responses to these questions always bring in the emotional drivers. Things like being a single mother, recently going through a divorce etc. There is always a POWERFUL reason behind why somebody wants to make more money and go through change).

Part 9 - Acknowledge the Gap and Permission to Share

OK John, well I can definitely help with that. Would you like me to tell you about what I do?

Part 6 - Figure Out What They Want

OK John, where do you want to grow this business to in the next 12 months? You must get an answer to this question, hear them out and then get a specific dollar figure per month before moving forward. OK and what is your motivation for getting to $XX ? How would things be different for your business if you got to $XX ? Would getting to $XX have an impact on other areas of your life? Tell me about that... In this part support them in their vision and make sure that you spend some time defining it and exploring it with them. If they are aiming too low help them aim higher and widen what's possible for them beyond what they might see for themselves. In this point you can use case studies or stories of people your have helped to help them see a bigger vision.

Part 4 - Understand Their Current Situation

OK so what are you selling? OK and how are you pricing that? Who is your ideal customer? Why do people buy your product or service? What's the big promise? What problem are people facing in their business or personal lives to motivate them to buy? What is the sales process from stranger to paying client with you? If selling multiple products and services what is making up most of the sales volume?

Part 2 - State the Agenda and Take Lead

OK well how this call will go is I will start of by asking you some questions about your business and your application which you sent through. Then if it sounds like I can help and if it sounds like we're a good fit I'll explain what I have to offer and how that works and everything. Then at the end you can make a decision whether you want to be a part of it or not. (Wait for the ok awesome then move forward).

Part 3 - Figure Out Why They Are Here

So John, tell me what motivated you to take the time out of your day and schedule a call with me? If you get the gold awesome, If you need to dig a little deeper here's some probing questions: What do you mean by.......? Tell me more about that.......? Why do you think this problem exists? What else have you tried to do to fix this? How long have you been dealing with this?

Part 11 - Stating Your Offer and How It Works

The next step when you do this correctly is that your prospect will ask you how they can work with you or what you have to offer when they ask you need to present what you have in a clear way that does NOT SOLVE their issues. Here you state what you do and how it works. You MUST talk about it at a high level and keep it vague. Don't talk about the processes or the features or anything like that because you will trigger the wrong "feature brain" in your prospect and you want to keep their brain fixated on the OUTCOME. This area of your script you will have to write out yourself because everybody's service and offer is different. Write it out, practice saying it in the mirror and get the delivery to be perfect. Your description of how your thing works should be no more than 2 minutes and should NOT TALK ABOUT PRICE.

Part 12 - Stating Offer With Incentive Pricing


Part 10 - State What You Are An Expert At

Well my area of expertise is helping ______ to ______ by ________

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