FDA must prove product to be harmful
How can a supplement be removed from the market?
True or false: DSHEA allows manufacturers to make curative claims about their supplements
True or false: Safety/efficacy studies are not required before supplements hit the market
True or false: Supplement labels must list a recommended dose and list all ingredients
True or false: The "USP Verified" mark certifies safety and efficacy
Alternative medicine
Using herbals instead of chemo an example of what?
Integrity tests, purity tests, dissolution tests, good manufacturing practices
What 4 things does the "USP Verified" mark assure?
Inquire about herbal/supplement use, educate about regulatory issues, and evaluate the supplement using Natural Medicines Database
What are 3 steps you should take when advising patients about herbal/supplement use?
Natural products, deep breathing, meditation, massage, chiropractic
What are some examples of commonly used CAM therapies?
Medical systems, practices, or products not thought of as standard care
What is CAM?
Used in place of standard medical care
What is alternative medicine?
Used together with standard medical care
What is complementary medicine?
What kind of test assures that the product contains the ingredients in the amounts stated on the label?
What kind of test assures there are not harmful levels of contaminants in the product?
Which age group is more likely to use CAM, 20-49 or 50-69?
Complementary medicine
Acupuncture to help with chemo side effects is an example of what?