Cambridge Vocabulary For IELTS Unit 6, Effective communication

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Evolve (v)

(v.) to develop gradually; to rise to a higher level

conclude (v)

(v.) to finish; to bring something to an end; to decide after careful thought

Pronounce (v)

1. to make the sound of a word or letter in a particular way 2. to say or give something formally, officially, or publicly

Accuracy (n)

A description of how close a measurement is to the true value of the quantity measured.

Recall (v)

A measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learned earlier, as on a fill-in-the-blank test.

comprehend (v)

Understand; find meaning

Dialect (n)

a form of language spoken by people in a particular region or group dialect syn.: accent idiom dialect n. لهجة محلية, لغة محلية, لغة متفرعة من لغة أم, لغة بلد ما, لهجة, اللهجة المميزة لإقليم أو جماعة a regional dialect The poem is written in northern dialect.

vocabulary (n)

a language user's knowledge of words

gesture (v)

a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning.

gesture (n)

a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning. gesture syn.: motion movement sign signal gesture n. إشارة, إيماء, إيماءة v. ومأ, لوح ( إلى أو لـ )

linguist (n)

a person skilled in foreign languages linguist n. عالم لغوي, ملم بلغات عديدة

concept (n)

an idea concept syn.: idea notion opinion thought concept n. فكرة, مفهوم, بنت الفكر, معنى

means of communication (n)

ways of communication

Suggest (v)

Propose a solution, hypothesis or other possible answer.

pronunciation (n)

Saying words correctly

Signify (v)

To be a sign of; to mean.

illustrate (v)

to explain or make clear using examples, charts, or graphs

converse (v)

to have a conversation with somebody

Stutter (v)

to have difficulty speaking because you cannot stop yourself from repeating the first sound of some words several times

Imply (v)

to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated

clarify (v)

to make clear or easier to understand

Refer (v)

to mention

State (v)

An area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government with control over its internal and foreign affairs.

inherent (adj)

Existing as a natural part

explain (v)

Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

you can say that again (idiom)

I completely agree with you: "It's hot!" "You can say that again."

define (v)

to say or explain what the meaning of a word or phrase is

conjecture (n)

an opinion or idea that is not based on definite knowledge and is formed by guessing conjecture syn.: guess suppose conjecture n. حدس v. حدس, حزر تَخْمِين, حَدْس, خَمْن - حَزَرَ, خَمَّنَ, حَدَسَ (the forming of) a guess about something based on how it seems and not on proof There's been a lot of conjecture in the papers recently about the royal marriage. conjecture verb to guess, based on the appearance of a situation and not on proof We'll never know exactly how she died; we can only conjecture. He conjectured that the company would soon be in financial difficulties.

language barrier

any type of interference that inhibits the communication process and is related to languages spoken by the people attempting to communicate language barrier حاجز اللغة n. barrier to communication resulting from speaking different languages Zhao wasn't able to enjoy himself in Germany because of the language barrier

have a say (idiom)

be involved in making a decision

sophisticated (adj)

complex or intricate

express (v)

convey (a thought or feeling) in words or by gestures and conduct.

having said that (idiom)

despite what has just been said

spontaneous (adj)

having no external cause, acting on impulse

that is to say (idiom)

in other words

incoherent (adj)

lacking cohesion or connection

mother tongue (n)

native language

to say the leas (idiom)

to say the minimum

needless to say (idiom)

obviously, of course, undoubtedly

language (n)

our spoken, written, or signed words and the ways we combine them to communicate meaning

Translate (v)

restate from one language into another language

when all is said and done (idiom)

said before you tell someone the most important fact in a situation

there is something to be said for (idiom)

said to mean that something has advantages - There's a lot to be said for living alone.

communicate (v)

share or exchange information, news, or ideas

sign language (n)

sign language (n) لغة الإشارة communication by means of manual signs and gestures. sign language n. language expressed by visible hand gestures sign-language adj. used of the language of the deaf

fluency (n)

smoothness of speech; ADJ. fluent

native speaker (n)

someone who speaks a language as their first language

confirm (v)

state or prove the truth of; substantiate; verify

linguistics (n)

study of language linguistics n. علم اللغة, علم اللغات, لسانية linguistic adj. لغوي, ملم بلغات عديدة

distinguish (v)

tell apart; differentiate; recognize

hesitation (n)

the act of being slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous

Communication (n)

the act of talking with someone and discussing something together

Indicate (v)

to be a sign of something, to show that something is true or exists

Emerge (v)

to come into view

demonstrate (v)

to show

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