CAPM Chapter 9: Project Communications Management

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What is the formula for the number of communication channels a project should have?

( n ( n - 1) ) / 2 where n = the number of stakeholders communicating

Describe how political awareness is relevant to managing communications

It is a tool/technique that assists the project manager in engaging stakeholders appropriately to maintain their support throughout the project by taking into account power structures and political affiliations.

Describe how PMIS is relevant to managing communications

It is a tool/technique that can ensure that stakeholders can easily retrieve the information they need in a timely way.

Describe how the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix is relevant to monitoring communications

It is a tool/technique that can provide information about the effectiveness of the communications activities. This is achieved by reviewing changes between desired and current engagement and adjusting communications as necessary.

Describe how active listening is relevant to managing communications

It is a tool/technique that involves acknowledging, clarifying and confirming, understanding, and removing barriers that adversely affect comprehension

Describe how the PMIS is relevant to monitoring communications

It is a tool/technique that provides a set of standard tools for the project manager to capture, store, and distribute information to internal and external stakeholders with the information they need according the communications plan

Describe how the quality report is related to managing communications

It is an input that includes quality issues, project and product improvements, and process improvements. This information is forwarded to those who can take corrective actions in order to achieve the project quality expectations.

Define communication

An exchange of information among persons and groups by using an effectively common system of signs, symbols, and behavior.

In sender-receiver models, state the responsibilities of the sender and the receiver

Sender - ensure that the information is clear and complete. - confirm that the information is received and properly understood. Receiver - ensure that the information is received in its entirety. - ensure that the information is correctly understood

Match each item with one or more roles in the context of its role in communication management. Item A. Work performance data B. Work performance information C. Work performance reports D. Project communications Role 1. Input to Monitor and Control Project Work 2. Output of Monitor Communication 3. Output of Monitor and Control Project Work 4. Output of Direct and Manage Project Work 5. Input to Monitor Communication 6. Input to Manage Communication 7. Output of Manage Communication

1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A, D 6. C 7. D Remember: - The Direct and Manage Work process creates work performance data - monitoring and controlling processes take work performance data and turn them into work performance information - the Monitor and Control Project Work process takes work performance information and turns it into work performance reports - Work performance reports then go as inputs to the Managing Communications process to be communicated among stakeholders.

Match each term with the action: Term A. Message B. Medium C. Encode D. Noise E. Receiver F. Feedback Action 1. While developing the schedule, Saira realized that there was a risk involved in the project. So, she put her thoughts into a note that she wrote on her computer. 2. She sent the note to the project sponsor. 3. She used e-mail to send the message. 4. The sponsor received the message. 5. The sponsor could not understand some of the acronyms and terms in the e-mail message, such as variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR, central dogma of molecular biology). 6. The sponsor responded to Saira, expressing his concern that he could not exactly understand her concerns.

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. D 6. F

What are the main tool/techniques used in planning communications?

1. Communication Requirements Analysis 2. Communication Technology Determination 3. Communication Model Determination 4. Communication Method Determination

Misunderstandings can be reduced but not eliminated through using the 5Cs of written communications. State the 5 Cs of communication:

1. Correct grammar and spelling. 2. Concise expression and elimination of excess words. 3. Clear purpose and expression directed to the needs of the reader. 4. Coherent logical flow of ideas. 5. Controlling flow of words and ideas.

What are the three processes to successful project communication?

1. Developing an appropriate communication strategy based on both the needs of the project and the project's stakeholders. 2. Effective project communications, which are the products of the planning process that defines the collection, creation, dissemination, storage, retrieval, management, tracking, and disposal of communications. 3. The monitoring of the effects of project communications and applying adjustments to ensure better communications.

State the two purposes of monitoring communication

1. Ensure that the right information is being distributed to the right stakeholders at the right time by using the right methods. 2. Evaluate the project, e.g., gaining the expected project support from stakeholders or that communications are flowing smoothly - if not, generate change requests in the communication plan and management

State the 3 Main Processes of Project Communications Management

1. Plan Communications The process of determining the information needs and accordingly developing the project communication plan to meet those needs. 2. Manage Communications The process of managing the distribution of the right information to the right stakeholders at the right time using the right methods. - this managing of information covers the creating, collecting, storing, retrieving, and distributing of needed project information. 3. Monitor Communications The process that oversees communication to make sure that the information needs of stakeholders are being adequately met throughout the project as planned, and that this communication is producing the desired impact.

Define communications management plan + it is an output of which process?

A component of the project management plan that describes the communication expectations and needs, as well as the plans for how these needs will be met It is an output of planning communications management

Q1. Knowing the Manage Communication process, how do you think the following documents would be updated? - communications management plan - stakeholder engagement plan - stakeholder register - project schedule - risk register - issues log - lessons learned register Q2. Why do you need the project stakeholder engagement plan for performing the manage communication process?

A1. - Communications management plan would be updated due to change in communication approach - Stakeholder engagement plan due to changes in communication strategies or requirements. - stakeholder information may change for the stakeholder register - Accommodating communication activities may change the project schedule. - Arising communication issues and risks will generate the need to update issues log and risk register. - You will also be updating the lessons learned register with lessons learned from performing this process to subsequently use it to perform this process more effectively and efficiently. A2. Because the project stakeholder engagement plan describes how to use stakeholder communication strategies to engage the stakeholder with the project.

Knowing the Plan Communication Management process, answer the following: Q1. Describe which EEFs can influence this process. Q2. Describe which OPAs can influence this process. Q3. Describe how the documents listed will be updated: - stakeholder engagement plan - project schedule - stakeholder register

A1. Examples of enterprise environmental factors that will influence this process include: - geographical distribution of facilities and resources - communication channels and tools; - external local culture and trends; - organizational cultures, structure, political environment, personnel policy, and risk threshold. A2. Examples of organizational process assets include: - the organizational policies and procedures about medial, ethics, security, risk, communications, change data management, etc.; - guidelines to develop, store, retrieve, and distribute information. - the lessons learned database and historical information are especially useful. A3. The components of the project management plan can be updated with communication planning-related changes, such as the communication management plan and stakeholder engagement plan. Communication activities may result in changes in project schedule, and changes in communication planning may result in the need to make changes in stakeholder register; e.g.; requirements of a stakeholder have changed.

Describe how stakeholder engagement assessment matrix is relevant to planning communications management

It is a data representation tool/technique that displays gaps between current and desired engagement levels of individual stakeholders, it can be further analyzed in this process to identify additional communication requirements (beyond the regular reports) as a method to close any engagement level gaps.

Define communication models determination Define the following terms associated with communication models: - sender - message - encode - decode - medium - feedback message - receiver - noise What are the 3 types of communication models? + is it a tool/technique used for which process?

An analysis of which communication models to use for communicating with project stakeholders. Communication Models Models that represent the communication process in different forms, from its most basic linear form (sender and receiver) to a more interactive form that encompasses the additional element of feedback (sender, receiver, and feedback), to an even more complex interactive model. - example shown in image Communication model terms: Sender The individual that initiates the communication by sending the original message. Message An encoded piece of information that travels from one individual to another. Encode To convert thoughts into a format that can be sent as a message to the receiver Decode To convert the encoded message back into thoughts and ideas upon which one could act. Medium The means of communication used to send and receive the message. - E-mail, telephone, and face-to-face conversation are some examples of media Feedback Message The response sent by the receiver to the sender. - It may be a simple acknowledgment, or it may be a full message that may require a response. Receiver The individual that receives the original message sent by the sender Noise While the message travels through the medium, it can be interrupted and modified by some interfering entity called noise. - Anything that interferes with the transmission and understanding of the message is called noise. - Some examples are distance, lack of background information or context in which the message is composed, and unfamiliar technology being used. 3 types of communication models: Basic Sender/Receiver Model In this model, message can be sent, but it does not ensure that the message was understood by the receiver because there is no feedback. Basic Interactive Model To the basic sender/receiver model, add the feedback message and noise consideration due to physical sources, such as technology or infrastructure. It can be used to send a message with some assurance that the message is understood. Complex Interaction Model To the basic interactive model, add human factors such as culture differences to the sources of noise. It can be used to send a message with assurance that the message is understood It is a tool/technique used in planning communications

Define communication methods determination Describe the following main categories of communication methods: 1. Interactive Communication 2. One-way communication Describe the following types of communication methods: - Asynchronous communication - Synchronous communication - pull communication - push communication + it is a tool/technique used for which process?

An analysis of which methods of communication to use to share information among project stakeholders. 2 main categories of communication methods, along with the kinds of communications that fall under the categories: 1. Interactive Communication In this type of communication, the receiver receives the message and sends a response to it. This way, the communicating entities keep switching the roles of sender and receiver. There are two kinds of interactive communication: a. Asynchronous Communication A communication in which the two communicating entities do not have to be present at each end of the communication line at the same time. - E-mail is an example of asynchronous communication because when the sender of the e-mail pushes the Send button, the intended recipient of the e-mail message does not have to be logged on to the e-mail server. - The recipient can log on later, retrieve the message, and read it b. Synchronous Communication A communication in which the two communicating entities have to be present at each end of the communication line at the same time. It's a live, real-time communication— if you are not present when the sender is sending the message, you miss the message. - Speaking with someone face-to-face and conversing with someone on the phone are two examples of synchronous communication. 2. One-way Communication There are two kinds of one-way communication: a. Pull Communication In this kind of communication, the receiver pulls the information from a pool of information. - Pull communication is used when it's up to the receivers to determine if and when they need the information - Downloading from websites is an example of this type of communication b. Push Communication The sender broadcasts the information to a set of entities without waiting for the request of information and without the need to confirm that the information reached its destination. - Marketing e-mails and letters are examples of push communication. Status reports are another example of push communication. It is a tool/technique used for planning communications

Define communication requirements analysis + main tool/technique used for which process

An analysis technique that will generate the communication needs of the project stakeholders. These requirements are defined by combining the type and format of information needed with an analysis of the value of that information - For example, a communication requirement may specify the type of information needed and the format in which this information should be delivered. The analysis of this requirement will estimate its value - for example, fulfilment of this requirement will significantly contribute to the success of the project, or the lack of it will result in the failure of the project or one of its components. It is the main tool/technique used for planning communications management

After gathering inputs, complete the following steps to perform monitoring communications Analyze ___ and Its Impact To do this, perform the following: 1. Review records of stakeholder's engagement issues from ___ including open and resolved issues. 2. Review the lessons learned data from ___. It may suggest communication-related changes. 3. Evaluate the stakeholder and their current atitudes towards communications through customer or satisfaction ___. 4. Review the ___ and compare the current engagements of stakeholders with the desired ones. This would indicate how effective the current communication is. 5. Use tools provided by ___ on communication data, including stakeholder surveys, stakeholders' engagement assessment matrix, issues log, etc. to assess the effectiveness and impact of communication. 6. You can use your interpersonal and team skills such as observation and conversation to work with team to accomplish tasks such as: - determine more efficient and effective ways to update performance information and distribute it - determine what changes should be made to ___ plan and ___ plan to make communication more effective 7. All these reviews, from steps 1 to 6, can contribute to generating ___ and ___, the main outputs of this process.

Analyze Communication and Its Impact To do this, perform the following: 1. Review records of stakeholder's engagement issues from issues log including open and resolved issues. 2. Review the lessons learned data from lessons learned register. It may suggest communication-related changes. 3. Evaluate the stakeholder and their current atitudes towards communications through customer or satisfaction surveys. 4. Review the stakeholders' engagement assessment matrix and compare the current engagements of stakeholders with the desired ones. This would indicate how effective the current communication is. 5. Use tools provided by PMIS on communication data, including stakeholder surveys, stakeholders' engagement assessment matrix, issues log, etc. to assess the effectiveness and impact of communication. 6. You can use your interpersonal and team skills such as observation and conversation to work with team to accomplish tasks such as: - determine more efficient and effective ways to update performance information and distribute it - determine what changes should be made to communication management plan and stakeholder engagement plan to make communication more effective 7. All these reviews, from steps 1 to 6, can contribute to generating work performance information and change requests, the main outputs of this process.

Define communication technology determination + a tool/technique used in which process?

Analyzing the types of communication technology needed for communicating with stakeholders, depending on the communication needs and the nature of the information. Factors that can affect the choice of communication technology include: - urgency of the need for information - availability and reliability of technology - ease of use - project environment (e.g. face-to-face, virtual, multiple languages, etc.) - sensitivity and confidentiality of information It is a tool/technique used in planning communications management

What are the sequence of steps in the following communication models: Basic sender/receiver model Interactive communication model Complex communication model

Basic sender/receiver model 1. Encode The message is coded into symbols, such as text, sound or some other medium for transmission (sending). 2. Transmit message The message is sent via a communication channel. 3. Decode The data received is translated by the receiver back into a form useful to the receiver. Interactive communication model - adding onto the basic sender/receiver model. There are two additional steps: 4. Acknowledge Upon receipt of a message, the receiver may signal (acknowledge) receipt of the message. - This does not necessarily mean agreement with or comprehension of the message—merely that it has been received 5. Feedback/response When the received message has been decoded and understood, the receiver encodes thoughts and ideas into a message and then transmits this message to the original sender Complex communication model Exanding on the interactive communication model, this model takes into account noise, such as the sender and receiver's cultural backgrounds, current emotional states, knowledge, personality, etc. to ensure that noise is reduced and messages are understood clearly.

What is the difference between communication (singular) and communications (plural)?

Communication The act of communicating, such as conducting a meeting or sending an e-mail Communications The artifacts of communication, such as meeting minutes, memos, e-mails, and progress reports.

State the document that may follow this format: • Communication requirements of the project stakeholders • Information to be communicated: content, format, and level of detail • Who will communicate the information, who will receive it, and why • The person responsible for authorizing the release of confidential information • Methods of communication that will be used, such as e-mail, presentation, and press release • The frequency of communication, such as daily or weekly • The method and procedure for escalating those issues that cannot be resolved at a lower staff level, such as project level • A glossary of common communication terminology • Methods and procedures for updating and refining the communication management plan if needed as the program progresses • Communication constraints

Communications management plan

Plan Communications State the: - Definition - Knowledge Area - Process Group - When it is performed - Major Outputs

Definition The process of determining the information needs and accordingly developing the project communication plan to meet those needs. Knowledge Area Communications management Process Group Planning When it is performed Throughout the project Major Outputs 1. Communication management plan

Manage Communications State the: - Definition - Knowledge Area - Process Group - When it is performed - Major Outputs

Definition The process of managing the distribution of relevant information to the right stakeholders at the right time using the right methods. - this managing of information covers the creating, collecting, storing, retrieving, and distributing of needed project information. Knowledge Area Communications management Process Group Executing When it is performed Throughout the project Major Outputs 1. Project communications

Monitor Communications State the: - Definition - Knowledge Area - Process Group - When it is performed - Major Outputs

Definition The process that oversees communication to make sure that the information needs of stakeholders are being adequately met throughout the project as planned, and that this communication is producing the desired impact. Knowledge Area Communications management Process Group Monitoring and Controlling When it is performed Throughout the project Major Outputs 1. Work performance information 2. Change requests

After gathering the inputs, complete the following steps in performing planning communications management Determine the stakeholders' communication needs by performing the ___ on the information or on raw data collected. Determine the ___ to use to store and deliver the information Determine the ___ to communicate with. Determine the interpersonal and team skills and ___ techniques to be used in communication Document all these determinations and "how-to's" in the ___.

Determine the stakeholders' communication needs by performing the communication requirement analysis on the information or on raw data collected. Determine the communication technology to use to store and deliver the information Determine the communication methods and models to communicate with. Determine the interpersonal and team skills and data-presentation techniques to be used in communication Document all these determinations and "how-to's" in the communications management plan.

True or False: All performance indicators are considered equal. For example, a performance deviation within a performance indicator such as quality should be treated the same as a performance deviation with a performance indicator such as cost.

False All performance indicators are not equal. You must evaluate the impact and implications of each deviation. For example, a performance deviation or other issues with key performance indicators, such as actual versus planned schedule, cost, and quality, may trigger an immediate alarm, while others may not.

True or False: The success of information distribution depends on only the sender, not the receiver.

False The success of information distribution depends on both the sender and the receiver.

Complete the following inputs for monitoring communications From the ___, fetch current information about project organization in terms of roles and responsibilities; project organization charts will be useful. From the ___, learn about current plan for generating/collecting, storing, and distributing information. Also, this plan would provide guidance on running the Monitor Communication process. You can find out the communication strategies from the ___. ___ from project execution includes information about the type and quantity of information that was distributed. Also, you can find out which communication items or artifacts were distributed (presentations, reports, charts, graphs, etc.) from ___.

From the resource management plan, fetch current information about project organization in terms of roles and responsibilities; project organization charts will be useful. From the communication management plan, learn about current plan for generating/collecting, storing, and distributing information. Also, this plan would provide guidance on running the Monitor Communication process. You can find out the communication strategies from the stakeholder engagement plan. Work performance data from project execution includes information about the type and quantity of information that was distributed. Also, you can find out which communication items or artifacts were distributed (presentations, reports, charts, graphs, etc.) from project communications

Complete the following inputs to planning communications: From the ___, get relevant "how-to" information about resources, such as team members, other stakeholders, and communication resources, and how they are categorized, allocated, managed, and released. - This info may help in determining stakeholder communication needs and how to fulfill them. From the ___, learn about the stakeholder engagement strategies, which would need communication to be implemented. Find out about stakeholders from the ___ and ___, which identify the key stakeholders and possibly their responsibilities. Fetch stakeholders' communication requirements from ___, if any.

From the resource management plan, get relevant "how-to" information about resources, such as team members, other stakeholders, and communication resources, and how they are categorized, allocated, managed, and released. - This info may help in determining stakeholder communication needs and how to fulfill them. From the stakeholder engagement plan, learn about the stakeholder engagement strategies, which would need communication to be implemented. Find out about stakeholders from the stakeholder register and project charter, which identify the key stakeholders and possibly their responsibilities. Fetch stakeholders' communication requirements from requirement documentation, if any.

Describe the following communication dimensions: Internal External Formal Informal Hierarchical focus + what are the four components of this? Official Unofficial Written and oral

Internal Focus on stakeholders within the project and within the organization External Focus on external stakeholders such as customers, vendors, other projects, organizations, government, the public, and environmental advocates Formal Reports, formal meetings (both regular and ad hoc), meeting agendas and minutes, stakeholder briefings, and presentations. Informal General communications activities using emails, social media, websites, and informal ad hoc discussions. Hierarchical focus The position of the stakeholder or group with respect to the project team will affect the format and content of the message, in the following ways: - Upward: Senior management stakeholders. - Downward: The team and others who will contribute to the work of the project. - Horizontal: Peers of the project manager or team - Outward: external stakeholders, such as end users, suppliers, government regulators. Official Annual reports; reports to regulators or government bodies Unofficial Communications that focus on establishing and maintaining the profile and recognition of the project and building strong relationships between the project team and its stakeholders using flexible and often informal means Written and oral Verbal (words and voice inflections) and nonverbal (body language and actions), social media and websites, media releases

Describe how nonverbal skills is relevant to managing communications

It is a communication skill tool/technique that includes appropriate body language to transmit meaning through gestures, tone of voice, and facial expressions. Mirroring and eye contact are also important techniques. The team members should be aware of how they are expressing themselves both through what they say and what they don't say

Describe how communication competence is relevant to managing communications

It is a communication skill tool/technique that refers to an overall ability to communicate, including components such as the clear delivery of the key message, awareness of purpose, creating relationship with receivers, and exhibiting leadership.

Describe how feedback skills is relevant to managing communications

It is a communication skill tool/technique. Feedback is information about reactions to communications, a deliverable, or a situation. Feedback supports interactive communication between the project manager, team and all other project stakeholders. Examples include coaching, mentoring, and negotiating

Describe how networking is relevant to managing communications

It is a tool/technique that refers to interacting with others to exchange information and develop contacts. Networks provide project managers and their teams with access to informal organizations to solve problems, influence actions of their stakeholders, and increase stakeholder support for the work and outcomes of the project, thus improving performance

Describe how meeting management is relevant to managing communications

It is a tool/technique that refers to taking steps to ensure meetings meet their intended objectives effectively and efficiently. Good meeting management can ensure meetings are effective at communicating information to stakeholders. - proper planning of meeting - ensuring meeting time and agenda is communicated and understood - effective communication during meeting - meeting minutes

Describe how presentations are relevant to managing communications

It is a tool/technique that refers to the formal delivery of information and/or documentation. Presentations of information that takes into account content and delivery are effective in communicating with stakeholders.

Describe how communication methods determination are relevant to planning communications management

It is a tool/technique to determine which communication method(s) should be used for communicating with project stakeholders: Interactive communication - asynchronous - synchronous One-way communication - push - pull

Describe how communication models determination is related to planning communications

It is a tool/technique used communications models are chosen for communicating with stakeholders. - basic sender/receiver model - interactive communication model - complex communication model

Describe how communication technology determination is related to planning communications

It is a tool/technique used where the choice of communication technology is determined. Common methods used for information exchange and collaboration include conversations, meetings, written documents, databases, social media, and websites.

Describe how communication methods are related to managing communications

It is a tool/technique where choice of communication methods are made depending on various factors. The choice of communication methods should allow flexibility in the event that the membership of the stakeholder community changes or their needs and expectations change

Describe how communication technology is related to managing communications

It is a tool/technique where choice of technology used to communicate with stakeholders is determined by many factors, such as: - whether the team is colocated - the confidentiality of the information - resources available - organizational culture

Describe how communication requirements analysis is related to planning communications

It is a tool/technique, in which an analysis of communication requirements determines the information needs of the project stakeholders. - These requirements are defined by combining the type and format of information needed with an analysis of the value of that information

Describe how the resource management plan is relevant to planning communications management

It is an input that . Provides guidance on how team resources will be categorized, allocated, managed, and released. Team members and groups may have communication requirements that should be identified in the communications management plan

Describe how the lessons learned register is relevant to monitoring communications

It is an input that can be applied to later phases in the project to improve communication effectiveness.

Describe how the resource management plan is relevant to monitoring communications

It is an input that can be used to understand the actual project organization and any changes through understanding of roles and responsibilities and the project organization charts.

Describe how requirements documentation is relevant to planning communications management

It is an input that can describe stakeholder communications as part of project requirements.

Describe how the work performance data is relevant to monitoring communications

It is an input that contains data on the types and quantities of communications that have actually been distributed

Describe how the communications management plan is relevant to monitoring communications

It is an input that contains the current plan for collecting, creating, and distributing information in a timely manner. It identifies the team members, stakeholders, and the work involved in the communication process

Describe how the communications management plan is related to managing communications

It is an input that describes how project communications will be planned, structured, monitored, and controlled.

Describe how the stakeholder engagement plan is related to managing communications

It is an input that describes how stakeholders will be engaged through appropriate communication strategies.

Describe how the resource management plan is related to managing communications

It is an input that describes the communications that are needed for management of team or physical resources.

Describe how the stakeholder engagement plan is relevant to monitoring communications

It is an input that identifies the communication strategies that are planned to engage stakeholders

Describe how the stakeholder register is related to managing communications

It is an input that identifies the individuals, groups, or organizations that will need various types of information.

Describe how the project charter is relevant to planning communications management

It is an input that identifies the key stakeholder list. It may also contain information about the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders.

Describe how the stakeholder engagement plan is relevant to planning communications management

It is an input that identifies the management strategies required to effectively engage stakeholders. - These strategies are often fulfilled via communications.

Describe how the work performance reports are related to managing communications

It is an input that is circulated to project stakeholders to keep them up-to-date on status and progress of the project. - status reports and progress reports are examples of work performance reports They can be presented through many data representation techniques to create awareness and to generate decisions and actions.

Describe how the change log is related to managing communications

It is an input that is used to communicate changes and approved, deferred, and rejected change requests to the impacted stakeholders

Describe how the issue log is related to managing communications

It is an input that is used to communicate information about issues to impacted stakeholders.

Describe how the risk report is related to managing communications

It is an input that presents information on sources of overall project risk, together with summary information on identified individual project risks. This information is communicated to risk owners and other impacted stakeholders.

Describe how the project communications is relevant to monitoring communications

It is an input that provides information about communications that have been distributed.

Describe how the issue log is relevant to monitoring communications

It is an input that provides the project's history, a record of stakeholder engagement issues, and how they were resolved

Describe how stakeholder register is relevant to planning communications management

It is an input that shows a list of all stakeholders and therefore is used to plan communications activities with stakeholders.

Describe how the lessons learned register is related to managing communications

It is an input where lessons learned earlier in the project can be applied to later phases in the project to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of communications and the communication process

Describe how communication-styles assessment is related to planning communications

It is an interpersonal and team skill tool/technique that refers to identifying proper content presentation and format and preferred delivery method for a planned communication activity. This is often used for unsupportive stakeholders to fill the gap between their current support position and the desired one, as recorded in the stakeholders' engagement assignment matrix

Describe how cultural awareness is related to planning communications

It is an interpersonal and team skill tool/technique used to determine the proper communication approaches and strategies to operate within the framework of cultural differences and sensitivity.

Describe how political awareness is related to planning communications

It is an interpersonal and team skill tool/technique used to determine the proper communication approaches and strategies to operate within the power structure by integrating political awareness into the project environment.

Describe how the work performance information is relevant to monitoring communications

It is an output that includes information on how project communication is performing by comparing the communications that were implemented compared to those that were planned. It also considers feedback on communications, such as survey results on communication effectiveness

Describe how the change requests are relevant to monitoring communications

It is an output, where monitoring communications and their impact often results s in the need for adjustment, action, and intervention on communications activities defined in the communications management plan. Change requests are processed through the Perform Integrated Change Control process These change requests may result in: - Revision of stakeholder communication requirements - New procedures to eliminate bottlenecks.

Describe how project communications is related to managing communications

It is the main output that refers to artifacts of project communication, such as performance reports, presentations, e-mails, memos, deliverables' status, incurred costs and earned value graphs, and schedule progress.

State the process, knowledge area, and process group Inputs 1. Project Management Plan: • Communication management plan • Stakeholder engagement plan • Resource management plan 2. Project documents: • Stakeholder register • Quality report • Risk report • Issues log • Change log • Lessons learned register 3. Work performance reports 4. Enterprise environmental factors 5. Organizational project assets Tools/Techniques 1. Communication technology 2. Communication methods 3. Communication skills: • Feedback • Presentation • Nonverbal • Communication competence 4. Project reporting 5. Interpersonal and team skills: • Conflict management • Meeting management • Networking • Active listening • Cultural and political awareness 6. Information management systems 7. Meetings Outputs 1. Project communications 2. Project management updates: • Communication management plan • Stakeholder engagement plan 3. Project document updates: • Stakeholder register • Project schedule • Risk register • Issues log • Lessons learned register 4. Organizational project assets update

Managing Communications - communications management - executing

State the process, knowledge area, and process group Inputs 1. Project Management Plan: • Communication management plan • Stakeholder engagement plan • Resource management plan 2. Project documents: • Project communications • Issues log • Lessons learned register 3. Work performance data 4. Enterprise environmental factors 5. Organizational project assets Tools/Techniques 1. Data reorientation: • Stakeholders' engagement assessment matrix 2. Interpersonal and team skills: • Observation/ conversation 3. Information management systems 4. Expert judgment 5. Meetings Outputs 1. Work performance information 2. Change requests 3. Project management updates: • Communication management plan • Stakeholder engagement plan 4. Project document updates: • Stakeholder register • Lessons learned register • Issues log

Monitor Communications - communications management - monitor and control

Monitoring communications results in updates to documents. Because project communication is performed according to the ___ and the communication strategies found in the ___, these documents may be modified as a result of the acceptance or implementation of communication changes

Monitoring communications results in updates to documents. Because project communication is performed according to the communications management plan and the communication strategies found in the stakeholder engagement plan, these documents may be modified as a result of the acceptance or implementation of communication changes

Complete the following inputs to managing communications Overall, this process is run according to the ___. You get information about stakeholders, such as their identity and communication needs, from the ___. Find out from the ___ what communication is needed for the management of team and physical resources Learn communication strategies from the ___ to keep stakeholders engaged in the project. Quality-related information, such as quality issues and improvements made in project processes, is collected from the ___, an output of the Manage Quality process. Risk-related information, such as project-level and individual risks and their summaries, can be fetched from the ___, an output of the Identify Risks process. ___ are an output of the Monitor and Control Project Work process. Status reports and progress reports are two common examples of these types of reports.

Overall, this process is run according to the communication management plan. You get information about stakeholders, such as their identity and communication needs, from the stakeholder register. Find out from the resource management plan what communication is needed for the management of team and physical resources Learn communication strategies from the stakeholder engagement plan to keep stakeholders engaged in the project. Quality-related information, such as quality issues and improvements made in project processes, is collected from the quality report, an output of the Manage Quality process. Risk-related information, such as project-level and individual risks and their summaries, can be fetched from the risk report, an output of the Identify Risks process. Work performance reports are an output of the Monitor and Control Project Work process. Status reports and progress reports are two common examples of these types of reports.

___ is the process of determining the information needs of the project stakeholders, which in general will be different for different stakeholders, and accordingly designing the communication approach within the constraints of the available organizational assets at your disposal to meet those needs.

Plan Communication is the process of determining the information needs of the project stakeholders, which in general will be different for different stakeholders, and accordingly designing the communication approach within the constraints of the available organizational assets at your disposal to meet those needs.

State the process, knowledge area, and process group: Inputs 1. Project charter 2. Project Management Plan: • Resource management plan • Stakeholder engagement plan 3. Project documents: • Requirement documentation • Stakeholder register 4. Enterprise environmental factors 5. Organizational project assets Tools/Techniques 1. Communication requirement analysis 2. Communication technology determination 3. Communication methods and models determination 4. Interpersonal and team skills: • Communication style assessment • Cultural and political awareness 5. Data representation: • Stakeholders' engagement assignment matrix 6. Expert judgment 7. Meetings Outputs 1. Communications management plan 2. Project management updates: • Stakeholder engagement plan 3. Project document updates: • Project schedule • Stakeholder register

Plan Communications Management - communications management - planning

___ is the process of determining the information needs of each project stakeholder and accordingly the communication approach

Planning communication is the process of determining the information needs of each project stakeholder and accordingly the communication approach

State the primary inputs and primary outputs of monitoring communications

Primary Inputs 1. Get "How-to" Information - from the communication management plan, learn how to monitor communications. Also find the current plan for generating/collecting, storing, and distributing information - from the resource management plan, fetch current information about project organization in terms of roles and responsibilities - from the stakeholder engagement plan, find communication strategies 2. Get the Project Execution Data and Results on Communication - the work performance data from executing processes includes information about the type of quantity of information that was distributed - you can look at project communications to find out which communication items or artifacts were distributed. Primary Outputs 1. Work performance information 2. Change requests

What are the primary inputs and primary outputs of planning communications?

Primary Inputs 1. Get Information on Who you are communicating with - get this from the stakeholder register and the project charter 2. Get Information to help with determining stakeholder communication needs - get this from the resource management plan, stakeholder engagement plan, and requirements documentation Primary Outputs 1. Communications management plan

What are the primary inputs and primary outputs of managing communications?

Primary Inputs 1. Obtain "how-to" information - look at the communications management plan to know how to manage communications - look at the resource management plan to find what communication is needed for the management of team and physical resources - look at the stakeholder engagement plan to keep stakeholder engaged in the project 2. Obtain Information about stakeholders - get info such as their identities and communication needs from the stakeholder register 3. Obtain sources of information that you will communicate to stakeholders - look at the quality reports for quality-related information - look at risk reports for risk-related information - look at work performance reports, such as status and progress reports, for performance reporting to stakeholders Primary Outputs 1. Project communications

What process can trigger reruns of the Plan Communication Management and Manage Communication processes to improve the results of communication?

The Monitor Communication process

The ___ process makes sure that the information needs of the project stakeholders are met throughout the entire project lifecycle as planned in the communications management plan and stakeholder engagement plan.

The Monitor Communication process makes sure that the information needs of the project stakeholders are met throughout the entire project lifecycle as planned in the communications management plan and stakeholder engagement plan.

Define project reporting + it is a tool/technique used in which process?

The act of collecting and distributing project information. The information could be in various formats, from an informal chat to a formal report, have various levels of detail, be at different project levels, and come with different frequencies, from periodically to "on an exceptional basis." It is a tool/technique used in managing communications

The area of ___ management is intimately connected with communications management.

The area of stakeholder management is intimately connected with communications management. - most of the communications that project managers engage in are with project stakeholders.

The change requests generated by the Monitor Communication process, or by any other process, must be processed through the ___ process.

The change requests generated by the Monitor Communication process, or by any other process, must be processed through the Perform Integrated Change Control process.

The core task of the managing communications process is to distribute the right ___ to the right ___ at the right ___, using the right ___.

The core task of the managing communications process is to distribute the right information to the right stakeholder at the right time, using the right methods.

The main output of the Manage Communication process is ___.

The main output of the Manage Communication process is project communications.

The major goal of communications management is toi deliver the ___ to the ___ at the ___ using the ___ to produce the desired impact

The major goal of communications management is to deliver the right information to the right stakeholders at the right time using the right methods to produce the desired impact

The major output of communication planning is the ___.

The major output of communication planning is the communications management plan

The ___ process involves continually distributing the relevant information to the right stakeholders at the right time by using appropriate methods. It includes creating, collecting, storing, retrieving, and, at the end, disposing of project information

The managing communications process involves continually distributing the relevant information to the right stakeholders at the right time by using appropriate methods. It includes creating, collecting, storing, retrieving, and, at the end, disposing of project information

Define communication approaches

The setting or environment in which the information flows: Interpersonal communication - face-to-face conversation Small group communication - many-to-many, e.g. a meeting Public communication - one-to-many, e.g. a speaker addressing a gathering Mass communication - one-to-many, e.g. broadcast or press release Network computing technology - e.g. online social networking sites

Define work performance information for monitoring communications

This document contains information about how project communication is performing and about communication impact on the stakeholders. This is obtained by comparing communication as it actually happened with as it was planned.

___, a main output of the Monitor Communication process, is put into the Monitor and Control Project Work process to create a ___, which in turn would be communicated using the ___ process

Work performance information, a main output of the Monitor Communication process, is put into the Monitor and Control Project Work process to create a work performance report, which in turn would be communicated using the Manage Communication process

Planning Communications determines the following: • The ___ and ___ needs of each project stakeholder—individual or group • The few Ws: ___ information is needed and ___ it will be stored, ___ it is needed, ___ needs it, ___ will deliver it, ___ can access it, and so on • How the information will be ___—for example, by e-mail, phone call, or presentation • Gap factors: time zone differences, language barriers, and cross-cultural barriers

• The communication and information needs of each project stakeholder—individual or group - communication needs: preferred methods of communications, such as verbal, online portal, email, informal, formal, etc. - information needs: what information the stakeholder requires, such as status reports, performance data, etc. • The few Ws: what information is needed and where it will be stored, when it is needed, who needs it, and who will deliver it, who can access it, and so on • How the information will be delivered—for example, by e-mail, phone call, or presentation • Gap factors: time zone differences, language barriers, and cross-cultural barriers

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