Cardiovascular drugs

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Category: Anticoagulant For: MI: prevents future clots ADE: extension of effect, hemorrhage, DIC Notes: Very dangerous, Rapid acting IV or SC, evaluate PTT, dont combine NSAIDs reversal drug: protoamine sulfate


Category: B1 blocker For: decreases conduction ADE: too much affect, brady, respiratory, drowsy Notes:

Diltiazem and verapamil

Category: Ca Channel Blocker For: anti-dysrhythmia ADE: bradycardia/dysrhythmia Notes: monitor (lung sounds, electrolytes, drug levels, tissue perfusion)-lots of monitoring Vitals and panels

enoxaparin sodium (lovenox)

Category: Heparin Derivative (low molecular weight heparin) For: less dangerous heparin ADE: less common but still risk Notes: doseing 1-2x a day reversal: protomine sulfate

Lidocaine, quinidine

Category: Na channel Blocker For: decreases conduction/HR to stop dysrhythmia ADE: extension of affect, drowsiness 1st sign of toxicity, hypo, seizures Notes: High Alert Drug, gets own IV pump


Category: Nitrates For: acute/long term anti-anginals ADE: HA, Hypotension, flushing Notes: Maintence(PO, Patch) PRN(SL, Nasal Spray)


Category: Potassium channel blocker For: Treats difficult, not responsive to lidocaine ADE: extension of affect Notes: HL 2 months


Category: TPA (alteplase) For: non hemorrhage stroke ADE: intracranial bleed Notes:


Category: anti-platelet drug For: Primary Prophylaxis of MI/CVA; no aggregation of platelets-prevents formation of thrombi ADE: increase risk of bleeding Notes: aspirin only recommended for those w/history of heart attack of high risk

TXA (tranexamic acid)

Category: new drug to treat hemorrhage For: helps blood clot, bleeding emergencies ADE: hypotension Notes: doses given slowly to prevent hypotension

clopidogrel (plarix)

Category: new oral anti-platelet For: prophylaxis of 2nd MI or stroke ADE: bleeding, GI Notes: slightly more effective than aspirin

Warafin (Coumadin)

Category: oral anticoagulant For: long term prophylaxis of thrombi ADE: toxicity Notes: PT and INR measured Antidote: Vitamin K (aquaMephyton)


Category: positive inotropic, Neg chrono/dromotropic For: increase CO w/out Increase O2 demand ADE: Toxicity:GI, CV, HA, dizzy, sedation, eye color vision-affects electrolytes, dehydration Notes: Narrow TI 0.8-2 ng/mL reversal: Digoxin immune FAB (Digibind)


Category: thrombolytics For: break up thrombi already formed ADE: bleeding, hypotension, allergic response Notes: Fast onset

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