Cardiovascular system

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1. The lining of the inner walls of the heart's chambers is termed the: a. visceral pericardium b. serous pericardium c. epicardium d. myocardium e. endocardium


_____ diastole is when the atria contract and another 20% of blood flows. This function is important during times of increased activity when the diastolic filling time is _______.

Late decreased

38. In a normal ECG/EKG, atrial depolarization occurs during the: a. P wave b. QRS complex c. T wave d. P-Q interval e. S-T segment

P wave

2. The outermost layer of the heart's serous pericardium is termed the: a. visceral pericardium b. parietal pericardium c. epicardium d. myocardium e. endocardium

Parietal pericardium

4. The heart's electrical conduction network found within the ventricular myocardium is termed the: a. sinoatrial node b. atrioventricular node c. bundle of His/atrioventricular bundle d. left and right bundle branches e. Purkinje fibers

Purkinje fibers

30. On a normal ECG/EKG, atrial repolarization occurs during the: a. P wave b. QRS complex c. T wave d. P-Q interval e. S-T segment

QRS complex

31. On a normal ECG/EKG, ventricular depolarization occurs during the: a. P wave b. QRS complex c. T wave d. P-Q interval e. S-T segment

QRS complex

3. The heart's natural pacemaker is termed the: a. sinoatrial node b. atrioventricular node c. bundle of His/atrioventricular bundle d. left and right bundle branches e. Purkinje fibers

Sinoatrial node

39. On a normal ECG/EKG, ventricular repolarization occurs during the: a. P wave b. QRS complex c. T wave d. P-Q interval e. S-T segment

T wave

What are the four phases of the cardiac cycle?

The filling phase, isovolemic contraction, ejection phase and isovolumic relaxation.

53. A heart rate of 90 bpm (beats per minute) means the duration of one cardiac cycle is about _____ seconds. a. 0.67 b. 1.0 c. 1.5 d. there is not enough data given to determine an answer


70% of blood flows during the first ____ of systole, which is the period of _______. The remaining 30% of blood flows during the next _____, which is called the period of _____ ejection.

1/3rd rapid ejection 2/3rd slow

43. What is the pulse pressure of a person who has an arterial blood pressure of 160/100 mmHg: a. 160 b. 100 c. 130 d. 60


47.Sympathetic stimulation to the heart's natural pacemaker normally results in: a. a faster heart rate b. a greater force of myocardial contraction c. both choices (a) and (b) are correct d. the heart's natural pacemaker is not influenced by sympathetic stimulation

a faster heart rate

49. Following a motor vehicle accident, a large loss of blood will initially cause: a. a lowered BP due to a decreased cardiac output b. a higher BP due to an increased stroke volume c. no change in BP but a slower heart rate d. no change in BP but an increased respiration rate

a lowered BP due to a decreased cardiac output

18. Which of the following statements about the movement of materials at the 'systemic' capillary level is CORRECT? a. oxygen is actively transported up its concentration gradient b. waste products such as CO2 follow the same general pathway as O2 c. CO2 moves from its site of production into the interstitial fluid d. if capillary blood osmotic pressure is much greater than interstitial fluid osmotic pressure, tissue edema will likely result

CO2 moves from its site of production into the interstitial fluid

8. Which of the following statements best describes arteries? a. all arteries carry oxygenated blood towards the heart b. all arteries contain valves to prevent the back-flow of blood c. all arteries carry blood away from the heart d. only large arteries are lined with endothelium

all arteries carry blood away from the heart

44.Where in the body does blood flow travel the fastest? a. capillaries b. cerebral arteries c. coronary arteries d. aorta


56. Which blood vessel receives blood from the left ventricle during systole? a. superior vena cava b. pulmonary trunk c. aorta d. pulmonary veins


23. Closing of the _______ normally prevents backflow of blood into the left ventricle: a. tricuspid atrioventricular valve b. bicuspid/mitral atrioventricular valve c. ileocecal valve d. pulmonary semilunar valve e. aortic semilunar valve

aortic semilunar valve

32. Chordae tendineae: a. arise from papillary muscles in the ventricles b. attach to the undersurface of the semilunar valves c. get pulled taught immediately prior to ventricular systole d. remain slack to allow the normal retrograde flow of coronary blood

arise from papillary muscles in the ventricles

37. These structures are the major determinants of vascular resistance (where resistance to blood flow is greatest): a. arteries b. arterioles c. capillaries d. venules e. veins


62.Which of the following statements about heart valves is CORRECT? a. the bicuspid/mitral valve is intermediate to the right atrium and right ventricle b. the tricuspid valve separates the left atrium from the left ventricle c. semilunar valves regulate the flow of blood into the heart d. atrioventricular valves are anchored by chordae tendineae to help prevent retrograde movement into the atria during ventricular systole

atrioventricular valves are anchored by chordae tendineae to help prevent retrograde movement into the atria during ventricular systole

21. Blood leaving the left atrium normally immediately flows through the: a. tricuspid atrioventricular valve b. bicuspid/mitral atrioventricular valve c. ileocecal valve d. pulmonary semilunar valve e. aortic semilunar valve

bicuspid/mitral atrioventricular valve

7. The exchange of gases and nutrients between blood and tissues is a major function of: a. arterioles b. arteries c. capillaries d. veins


9. Immediately following strenuous and vigorous exercise, which of the following is most likely to occur? a. blood will be rapidly diverted to the digestive organs b. the skin will be cold and clammy c. capillaries of the active muscles will be engorged with blood

capillaries of the active muscles will be engorged with blood

12. The pulmonary veins: a. carry oxygenated blood away from the heart b. carry oxygenated blood towards the heart c. carry deoxygenated blood away from the heart d. carry deoxygenated blood towards the heart

carry oxygenated blood towards the heart

Diastolic filling decrease could be caused by an increase in heart rate or heart disease. The ventricles are now full. All the valves are _____.


During isovolumic relaxation, all the valves are _____


During the period of isovolumic relaxation, all of the valves are _____ and the ventricles start _____.

closed relaxing

48. The normal heart sounds (lub and dup) are produced by which of the following events? a. sympathetic stimulation of the sinoatrial node b. closure of the atrioventricular and semilunar valves c. friction of blood flowing against the chamber walls d. ventricular systole

closure of the atrioventricular and semilunar valves

40. Papillary muscles of the heart: a. contract to pull the atrioventricular valves shut just prior to systole b. contract to pull the atrioventricular valves open during diastole c. contract to hold the atrioventricular valves shut during systole d. contract to hold the atrioventricular valves open during systole

contract to hold the atrioventricular valves shut during systole

50.The left ventricle's myocardium is thicker than the right ventricle's myocardium in order to: a. accommodate a greater volume of blood b. increase the size of the thoracic cavity during diastole c. contract with a greater pressure d. force blood through a smaller semilunar valve

contract with a greater pressure

66. The coronary vessel external to the heart that empties blood into the right atrium is the: a. superior vena cava b. inferior vena cava c. coronary sinus d. all of the above choices (a, b and c) are correct

coronary sinus

69. An excessively shortened PR-interval can have this effect on cardiac output (CO): a. decrease CO because it reduces ventricular contraction time b. decrease CO because it reduces ventricular fill time c. increase CO because it increases force of ventricular contraction d. increase CO because it increases end-diastolic volume

decrease CO because it reduces ventricular fill time

70. Increase in afterload in the aorta can have what affect on cardiac output (CO): a. increase CO because of increased blood pressure and blood volume b. increase CO because of increased elastic recoil of the aorta c. decrease CO because of increased backpressure opposing ventricular ejection of blood d. decrease CO because of increased hydrostatic pressure and increased stroke volume

decrease CO because of increased backpressure opposing ventricular ejection of blood

34. A long-term hypertensive person, whose BP is 200/120 mm Hg, is in risk of developing all of the following changes, EXCEPT: a. increased workload of the left ventricle b. increased risk of coronary artery disease c. increased risk of damage to the blood vessel's endothelium d. decreased size of the myocardium

decreased size of the myocardium

The filling phase occurs during _____. The AV are _____ and blood fills the ventricle

diastole open

During _______, there is a period of rapid filling, which occurs during the 1st 1/3 of diastole.

early-mid diastole

36. What is most responsible for propelling blood in the arterial system during cardiac diastole? a. skeletal muscle contraction and breathing b. hydrostatic blood pressure arising from ventricular contraction c. elastic recoil of conducting (elastic) arteries d. venous return of blood

elastic recoil of conducting (elastic) arteries

_____ occurs during diastole. The _____ are open and blood fills the ventricle. The AV valve open of course when the pressure in the _____ is ______ than the pressure ventricle

filling phase occurs AV atrium higher

54. A person whose heart rate is 70 bpm (beats per minute) and whose cardiac output is 4.9 L/min. (liters per minute): a. has abnormal values b. has a stroke volume of 7.0 ml. per beat c. has a stroke volume of 7.0 liters per beat d. has a stroke volume of 0.07 liters per beat

has a stroke volume of 0.07 liters per beat

22. Deoxygenated blood is normally found only: a. in the heart's atria b. in the heart's ventricles c. in the right side of the heart d. in the left side of the heart

in the right side of the heart

17. Peripheral resistance of blood vessels: a. decreases as the length of the blood vessel increases b. increases as the diameter of the blood vessel increases c. increases as the viscosity of blood increases d. does not play a major role in affecting one's blood pressure

increases as the viscosity of blood increases

63. If an abnormally increased amount of connective tissue were to form connecting together the serous visceral and parietal pericardium, which of the following events would most likely result? a. strengthening of the frail pericardial layers with an improvement of cardiac function b. decreased fluid production in the pericardial cavity since it is no longer necessary c. interference with the heart's normal mechanical activity d. decreased friction between the visceral and parietal pericardial layers

interference with the heart's normal mechanical activity

25. The influence of a blood vessel's diameter on peripheral resistance is: a. minimal since the diameter of a blood vessel's lumen only has a minor affect on peripheral resistance b. very large since peripheral resistance is directly influenced by the diameter of a blood vessel's lumen c. very small since the diameter of the lumen of a blood vessel does not vary d. very large since the greater the diameter of the lumen of a blood vessel, the greater amount of peripheral resistance will be present 7. When evaluating the dynamics of capillary blood flow, capillary blood hydrostatic pressure: a. does not play a role b. is generally greater at the arterial end of a capillary than its venous end c. forces fluid from the interstitial spaces into the capillary d. is usually equal to and canceled out by capillary blood osmotic pressure

is generally greater at the arterial end of a capillary than its venous end

26. When evaluating the dynamics of capillary blood flow, capillary blood hydrostatic pressure: a. does not play a role b. is generally greater at the arterial end of a capillary than its venous end c. forces fluid from the interstitial spaces into the capillary d. is usually equal to and canceled out by capillary blood osmotic pressure

is generally greater at the arterial end of a capillary than its venous end

11. Blood in the pulmonary arteries: a. enters the heart's right ventricle b. is heading towards the lungs c. leaves the left ventricle to enter the aorta d. flows from the lungs towards the heart's left atrium

is heading towards the lungs

15. Blood in the pulmonary arteries: a. enters the heart's right ventricle b. is heading towards the lungs c. leaves the left ventricle to enter the aorta d. flows from the lungs towards the heart's left atrium

is heading towards the lungs

The cardiac cycle ___

is the events that take place within a single heart beat

46. Excessively high heart rate (>180) can reduce cardiac output because: a. blood is moving too fast through the lungs to pick up enough oxygen b. it tires out the heart muscles and so they pump slower c. it reduces the time for ventricular filling which reduces stroke volume d. the PR-interval increases which leads to longer ventricular diastole and shorter ventricular systole

it reduces the time for ventricular filling which reduces stroke volume

28. Which of the following structures are directly involved in the "systemic circuit"? a. superior vena cava, right ventricle and left ventricle b. right ventricle, pulmonary arteries and left atrium c. left ventricle, aorta and inferior vena cava d. right atrium, pulmonary trunk and left ventricle

left ventricle, aorta and inferior vena cava

67. The left ventricle is serviced by all of the following coronary vessels, EXCEPT the: a. left coronary artery b. anterior interventricular artery, (also known as left anterior descending artery) c. marginal artery d. circumflex artery

marginal artery

During the _____ 1/3rd, a small amount of blood flows.


68. Increased end-systolic volume results in: a. more blood ejected from the ventricle per beat b. higher cardiac output c. more blood remaining in the ventricle after contraction d. higher end-diastolic volume

more blood remaining in the ventricle after contraction

61. Select the CORRECT statement regarding the structure of the heart wall: a. the fibrous skeleton forms the majority of the heart's wall b. connective tissue in the heart's wall aids in the conduction of an action potential c. the heart's inner chambers are lined with endomysium d. myocardium is the layer of the heart's wall that actually contracts

myocardium is the layer of the heart's wall that actually contracts

59. You are viewing a heart dissected on a mid-frontal plane. All of the vessels leading into and away from the heart have been removed. The easiest way to determine the right and left sides is to: a. find the opening of the coronary sinus b. notice the difference in thickness of the ventricle walls c. locate the pulmonary semilunar valves d. trace the pattern of the serous visceral pericardium

notice the difference in thickness of the ventricle walls

64. Stenosis of the bicuspid/mitral atrioventricular valve may initially cause an increase of pressure in the: a. superior and inferior venae cavae b. left ventricle c. pulmonary circuit d. coronary circuit

pulmonary circuit

20.Normally, blood leaving the right ventricle immediately flows through the: a. tricuspid atrioventricular valve b. bicuspid/mitral atrioventricular valve c. ileocecal valve d. pulmonary semilunar valve e. aortic semilunar valve

pulmonary semilunar valve

24. Closing of the _______ normally prevents backflow of blood into the right ventricle: a. tricuspid atrioventricular valve b. bicuspid/mitral atrioventricular valve c. ileocecal valve d. pulmonary semilunar valve e. aortic semilunar valve

pulmonary semilunar valve

55. Which blood vessel receives blood from the right ventricle during systole? a. superior vena cava b. pulmonary trunk c. aorta d. pulmonary veins

pulmonary trunk

10. Blood returning to the heart from the inferior vena cava would enter the: a. left atrium b. right atrium c. left ventricle d. right ventricle

right atrium

52. A thrombus in the first branch off the aortic arch would affect the flow of blood to the: a. left side of the head and neck, and left upper arm b. myocardium c. left upper arm d. right side of the head and neck, and right upper arm

right side of the head and neck, and right upper arm

27. Which of the following structures are directly involved in the "pulmonary circuit"? a. superior vena cava, right atrium and left ventricle b. right ventricle, pulmonary arteries and left atrium c. left ventricle, aorta and inferior vena cava d. right atrium, aorta and left ventricle

right ventricle, pulmonary arteries and left atrium

The left ventricle pressure rises about 80mm, (pressure in the ventricles is now higher than in the aorta) and the _________ open, and blood flows into the aorta

semilunar valves

45. What is most responsible for propelling blood in the venous system? a. skeletal muscle contraction and breathing b. hydrostatic blood pressure arising from ventricular contraction c. elastic recoil of large veins d. increased capillary resistance at the venous end

skeletal muscle contraction and breathing

65. Which of the following statements about cardiac output is CORRECT? a. stroke volume can increase when the end diastolic volume decreases b. if a semilunar valve was partially obstructed, then the end systolic volume in the affected ventricle would decrease c. a decreased venous return will cause an increased end diastolic volume d. a decreased heart rate will cause an increased end diastolic volume

stroke volume can increase when the end diastolic volume decreases

During cardiac cycle each chamber goes through _____ and _______.

systole and diastole

60.The deflection waves of an ECG/EKG include: a. the P-wave, which is only present in a person who had a heart attack b. the Q-T interval, which indicates the time of atrial contraction c. the PQRS complex, which immediately follows ventricular contraction d. the T-wave, which indicates ventricular repolarization

the T-wave, which indicates ventricular repolarization

33. When aortic pressure is greater than the ventricular pressure: a. the tricuspid atrioventricular valve opens b. the bicuspid/mitral atrioventricular valve closes c. the aortic semilunar valve closes d. the pulmonary semilunar valve opens

the aortic semilunar valve closes

41. When aortic pressure is less than ventricular pressure, this causes: a. the tricuspid atrioventricular valve to open b. the bicuspid/mitral atrioventricular valve to close c. the aortic semilunar valve to open d. the pulmonary semilunar valve to close

the aortic semilunar valve to open

16. Which of the following statements about veins is CORRECT? a. venous valves are an extension of the tunica media b. up to one third of the total blood volume is stored in the venous circulation at any given time c. veins have a small lumen in relation to the thickness of its wall d. the flow of venous blood is not a major result of one's blood pressure

the flow of venous blood is not a major result of one's blood pressure

14. Fetal blood would bypass the pulmonary circuit by flowing through this structure located in the fetal interatrial wall: a. the tricuspid atrioventricular valve b. the ductus arteriosus c. the foramen ovale d. the pulmonary semilunar valve e. the aortic semilunar valve

the foramen ovale

57. As the heart approaches the end of atrial diastole: a. the atrial myocardium contracts thereby opening the semilunar valves b. the ventricular myocardium contracts thereby opening the atrioventricular valves c. the majority of atrial blood has entered the ventricles via gravity and elastic recoil d. all of the heart's valves must remain opened in order for normal blood flow

the majority of atrial blood has entered the ventricles via gravity and elastic recoil

5. If the heart's natural pacemaker fails to fire, then: a. no blood would enter the atria b. no blood would enter the ventricles c. the node on the floor of the right atrium would act as a secondary pacemaker d. the node on the floor of the left ventricle would act as a secondary pacemaker e. the person would die within minutes

the node on the floor of the right atrium would act as a secondary pacemaker

35. The lowest venous blood pressure is found within: a. venules b. medium-sized veins c. large-sized veins d. the venae cavae

the venae cavae

42. Which of the following is generally true of veins compared to arteries: a. veins tend to have smaller diameter lumens than arteries b. veins tend to run deeper than arteries, closer to bones c. there tends to be more veins draining blood from a region than arteries supplying blood to that region d. there tends to be less blood located in the veins than in the arteries when the body is at rest

there tends to be more veins draining blood from a region than arteries supplying blood to that region

19. Which arterial tunic modification is most responsible for maintaining blood pressure? a. a thin tunica interna/intima b. a thick tunica media c. a thin tunica externa d. a thick tunica adventitia

thick tunica media

13. Located between the right atrium and right ventricle is the: a. tricuspid atrioventricular valve b. bicuspid/mitral atrioventricular valve c. fossa ovalis d. pulmonary semilunar valve e. aortic semilunar valve

tricuspid atrioventricular valve

29. Histologically, the _____ is simple squamous epithelium surrounded by a sparse connective tissue layer: a. tunica interna/intima b. tunica media c. tunica externa d. tunica adventitia

tunica interna/intima

6. Which tunic of an artery contains endothelium? a. tunica interna/intima b. tunica media c. tunica externa d. tunica adventitia

tunica interna/intima

The ______ are contracting but no emptying is taking place. Blood volume remains the same. This period is called _________ _______, which takes place in early ____. The period of ejection takes place in late systole.

ventricles isovolumic contraction systole

51. Which of the following is NOT generally considered part of the Circle of Willis? a. anterior cerebral artery b. posterior cerebral artery c. anterior communicating artery d. posterior communicating artery e. vertebral artery

vertebral artery

58. The tricuspid valve is normally closed: a. while the ventricles are in diastole b. while the ventricles are in systole c. while the atria are in systole d. during the movement of blood from the atria into the ventricles

while the ventricles are in systole

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