Cargo Loading and Offloading
Load Team Brief
Each aircraft has its own standards and requirements. At a minimum you will give your load team an Introduction, Brief them on safety precautions, assign observers, brief any drivers, and go over evacuation procedures
Coordinated Task Briefings
If two or more boom operators are on the aircraft, they will coordinate individual tasks and specific checklist items that each will accomplish during a given mission
10 Feet, 10 Feet
Loaders must stop at least this far from the aircraft for preliminary alignments, and all major adjustments will be performed this far form the aircraft
4 to 8 Inches
Loaders will maintain approximately this much clearance between the bumpers and the aircraft
Cargo Door Barrier
Must be installed after opening the Cargo Door.
Professional Equipment
Passport, Shot Record, Drivers License, ID Tags, Flashlight, Reflective Belt, Line Badge, Gloves, Headset/Helmet, Military ID card, Gun Card, Holster, Current Publications, Calculator
Crew Briefing
The aircraft commander coordinates with the crew on the profile for the days mission. This can include destinations, flying time, weather, en route threats, and a review of emergency procedures
Hazardous Materials Briefings
This briefing will be given to you as part of your ATOC briefing. You will be notified of any hazardous materials that will be loaded aboard your aircraft. You will be required to sign a copy of the cargo manifest to indicate that you have received this briefing
Aircraft Commander Briefing
When the aircraft commander arrives at the aircraft, you need to brief them on the aircraft stays. At that point they will update you on any mission changes. You must also brief the AC on any HAZMAT you have on board prior to engine start, this includes type, quantity, and location
Prior to Engine Start
When you must inform the Aircraft Commander that you have HAZMAT onboard
ATOC Briefing (Air Terminal Operations Center)
You will be advised of the cargo you will be carrying on a specific mission. This can include number and weights of pallet/vehicles, destinations, number of passengers, and nature of hazardous material