CCMA True/False

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Breast implants have been available since 1978, but it was not until 1990 that they were regulated by the FDA as medical devices

False; 1976 and 1992

There are 34 pairs of spinal nerves, which originate from the spinal cord

False; 31 pairs

Louis Pasteur, an English surgeon, discovered that carbolic acid killed germs.

False; Joseph Lister

Pasteurization, a heat process for killing bacteria in milk, is named for Joseph Lister who discovered that many diseases are caused by bacteria.

False; Louis Pasteur

To promote efficient use of the physician's time, the MA provides expert medical advice to patients when they call and request to speak to the doctor.

False; MA doesn't

An RN has more training an NP, but both can write prescriptions

False; NP has more training, RN can't write prescriptions

A laceration is an open wound in which the outer layer of skin is scraped away.

False; an abrasion; underlying tissue is torn in laceration

A concussion is more severe than a contusion

False; contusion is more severe

Cardiac arrest and heart attack have exactly the same symptoms from onset to death

False; different

A vasodilator dilates vessels to control arterial spasms but has no effect on angina.

False; do have effect

To perform a sterile pour, you should place the rim of the solution bottle on the container the solution is being transferred to in order to prevent droplets from splashing onto the sterile field.

False; do not touch the rim

Thrombolytics dissolve existing blood clots but do not restore blood flow.

False; do restore

EMS technicians provide on-the-scene intervention and treatment but do not transfer patients

False; do transfer

Charting is the documentation only of the vitals taken during a patient's visit.

False; documentation of entire visit

Dietary fiber is a carbohydrate that takes the longest to digest, making a person feel full longer

False; does not digest, promotes intestinal health & helps prevent intestinal disease

Hyperglycemia is a life-threatening disorder in which skin appears cool and moist.

False; dry skin

The term intraoperative means "before surgery"

False; during surgery

Complex carbohydrates are sugars found in natural sources such as fruit and honey

False; found in fruits, potatoes, and grains

Hypoglycemia is known as insulin shock and can cause a diabetic coma

False; hyperglycemia

Structures of the integumentary system include nails, hair, and sweats glands but not nerves or sebaceous glands.

False; includes all of those

Symptoms of shingles include headache, loss of unilateral nerve and muscle function, speech difficulties and confusion, and possible loss of consciousness

False; intense pain and small blisters

Each child grows at his or her own individual speed, according to family genetics, so measurements are not important and not done at each visit

False; measurements need to be taken

You should not move a victim or help a victim move after a fall or sudden stop, such as a car accident, unless the victim is conscious.

False; never move, unless dangerous situation (train coming, etc.)

Children are too young to understand medical procedures, so it is best to lie to them and tell them "it won't hurt" so that they don't try to wiggle away from you

False; never tell them that, unless it actually won't hurt

AED can be used on children 1 year old or younger as long as the rescuer has pediatric-size pads

False; no AED under 1 yrs old

The inferior rectus muscles causes the eye to look up, and the superior rectus muscle causes the eye to look down

False; opposite

Elevation of blood calcium levels is a reaction to excessive secretion from the thyroid gland.

False; parathyroid

The term preoperative refers to the period during a surgery.

False; period before surgery

The hypothalamus is often referred to as the "master gland".

False; pituitary

The first step in any emergency is to check if the victim is alert

False; survey the scene

"Infant" is the term used for a baby from birth to 4 weeks old

False; that's a newborn, infant = 4 weeks to 1 year

A psychologist can prescribe medications for patients

False; they do not

A laxative is considered a gastrointestinal drug.


A psychologist has a doctorate in psychology


As an MA, you will need to be aware of and trained in general and medical safety procedures


Benjamin Rush, who is considered the first U.S. psychiatrist, opening the first psychiatric hospital in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1769


Biopsies, cryosurgery, and lesion removal can all be performed in a dermatology office.


Both CT scans and MRIs involve surrounding the patient with a circular camera.


Cotton is a common material that can be used to make a cast


Decreased levels of consciousness are not a life-threatening condition


During their lifetime, 12% of women will receive a diagnosis of breast cancer


Emergency surgery is performed when there is an immediate need


Encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain, is usually caused by a virus or may be a sequela of a viral infection


Fibrocystic disease, mastitis, and cancer are all breast disorders


Flat-plate or plain film can be used to view KUB.


For your safety, you should avoid loose and baggy clothing that could get caught in equipment.


HDLs transport fats from body cells to the liver for disposal


Hashimoto's disease is a form of hypothyroidism and can occur as an autoimmune reaction.


Heat can be used to speed up the localized formation of pus


Hemostatic drugs are used to control bleeding and hemorrhage.


Hospitals must have written protocols about informing families of the option to donate organs and the option to decline


Hypoglycemia is a condition in which blood glucose is below normal


If a child is choking on an object but can still move air past the object, a sharp, quick blow to the back between the shoulder blades may help move the item out of the airway


Ignaz Semmelweis discovered a connection between hand washing and reduced risk of infection, yet he died from an infection contracted during the performance of surgery.


Immunology and allergy treatment are combined into one practice


In 1822, James Hall was the first African American to receive a medical degree


In 1950, OSHA was created by Congress establish safety and health standards and regulations in the workplace.


Infectious conditions of the CNS include encephalitis, meningitis, and brain abscess


It is important for a patient to know how to manage pain safely and effectively.


LDLs transport fats manufactured in the liver to body cells


Lipoproteins contain cholesterol


Medical assisting is a fairly new profession in the health-care delivery system and did not receive professional recognition until the 1960's


Most endocrine disorders are the results of hyposecretion & hypersecretion.


Neurotransmitters are chemicals that aid in the transmission of electrical impulses from one neuron to the next


People's lifestyles are based on their personal attitudes, experiences, and role models.


Peripheral nervous system disorders include Bell's palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, and shingles


Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a cyclic form of depression


Since its introduction in 1968, the 911 emergency access number has been so successful that it is used in every single U.S. state


Slides prepared during a Pap smear should be labeled with the patient's identification and the letters "V" (for vaginal), "C" (cervical), or "E" (external) to indicate where the smear specimen was obtained


Surgical intervention is not necessary for compound, avulsed, or displaced fractures


Taste perception is one of many tests for neurological function


The cerebellum is located on the posterior aspect of the brain


The cerebral hemispheres control all the body's voluntary, and some unvoluntary, activities


The correction of a fracture is called "reduction"


The exposure control plan classifies each employee according to the likelihood of exposure to blood and other infectious materials.


The iris is responsible for regulating the amount of light that enters the eye


The lungs are in a sealed system with only one opening.


The medical assistant can have a role in physically restraining a child


The onset of PTSD is always delayed


The pancreas is both an endocrine and an exocrine gland.


The pelvic examination consists of visual inspection of the external genitalia, bimanual pelvic and rectal-vaginal examinations, and the Pap test


The postoperative period follows a surgery.


The spinal nerves carry impulses to and from the brain


There are 2 categories of visits to a pediatrician's office: well child or sick child


Thermotherapy includes both moist and dry applications


Tolerance, dependence, and addiction are often the end results of substance abuse


Tumors of the brain arise from abnormal cell development and are benign or malignant


Typical symptoms of dementia are loss of intellectual faculties, memory lapses, and personality changes


Understanding the basics of asepsis and infection control is essential to preventing or reducing the spread of disease.


When using equipment, you are required to follow OSHA and CLIA guidelines.

false; FDA, EPA, & OSHA

Mammograms are generally prescribed yearly after the age of 50

false; age 40 (can vary based on pt med history, symptoms & family history)

Quality control before testing means only checking that the patient has used the appropriate container for collection.

false; make sure they also followed correct preparation & the container is labeled correctly

All cancerous tumors are affected by safe doses of radiation

false; not ALL

Tumor markers are always an indication of cancer cell or tumor activity

false; not ALWAYS

Cancer, or malignancy, is caused by the slow and controllable development and reproduction of abnormal cells

false; rapid and uncontrollable

Hormone therapy has not proven to be effective in hormone-dependent cancers such as breast cancer and prostate cancer

false; they have

A high-complexity test is so named because it takes longer to perform than a moderate or low-complexity test

sometimes true; but mostly because it's harder to do and the risk on the patient is even greater if inaccurate results

Benign tumor recurrence is common after surgical excision


Blood chemistries and urine cultures are categorized as moderate-complexity tests.


Blood glucose and urine pregnancy tests have been approved by the FDA for patients to use at home.


Each cancer vaccine contains entire or partial cells or antigens and works to increase the immune response against cancer cells in the body


Oncology is the study of malignancies or cancerous growths, including carcinomas, sarcomas, lymphomas, luekemias, and melanomas


PSA exam and tests are usually prescribed for males annually after the age of 50


Tumor markers, or cancer markers, are proteins, hormones, and other substances produced by rumors and released into the blood


UNOS is the agency that provides financing options for the family of the decedent making an organ donation.

False; UNOS is for organ transplant needs/donations

Antigens are substances capable of producing a hypersensitive allergic reaction.

False; allergens

Microorganisms that require oxygen are anaerobes.

False; anaerobes don't require oxygen, aerobes do

Allergens are foreign substances, usually proteins.

False; antigens

Physical flexibility and strength are not required if you plan to work only in the administrative section of the medical office

False; are required

Skin cells originate in the basal layer of the dermis, above the epidermis

False; basal layer of epidermis

The diaphragm is located in the chest cavity, above the pleural cavity.

False; below the lungs

Fluid in the chest cavity can be detected during palpation.

False; cannot

Microorganisms are organisms that can be seen by the naked eye.

False; cannot

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation and can be seen with the naked eye.

False; cannot

The mucous membrane covering the eyeball and lining the eyelid is conjunctivitis.

False; conjunctiva

Pain is manifested only in physical complaints and does not affect mental ability.

False; does affect mental ability

All risk factors can be changed regardless of genetic predisposition.

False; genetic risk factors cannot be changed

Drugs with potential for abuse are identified by the DEA, which is controlled by the CSA.

False; identified by CSA, enforced by DEA

If a patient is having a non-routine procedure, an informed consent is not needed.

False; is needed

Your patient is on medication to control chronic pain. He had a particularly rough weekend and took an additional dose of medication. You may go ahead and refill the next prescription one day early to compensate for the change.

False; may not refill early

Elective surgery is not medically necessary and is only done when the patient requests it.

False; medically necessary but not immediate

All types of stress have a negative impact on overall health

False; not all

Surgical asepsis is used at all times during noninvasive procedures and when skin integrity is or will be broken.

False; not all times

If a patient is slow in conveying a message, it is appropriate to guess what the patient is trying to say by finishing sentences for him or her.

False; not appropriate

To assist stroke patients who are having difficulty speaking, it is appropriate to finish sentences for them.

False; not appropriate

Defense mechanisms protect a person's self-esteem and effectively deal with conflict.

False; not effective

Optional surgery is medically necessary but can be done when it is most convenient for the patient.

False; not medically necessary

The eyes are examined with an otoscope.

False; ophthalmoscope

CT scans specialize in smaller images, whereas MRI images are larger.

False; opposite

The ophthalmoscope is used to examine the ear.

False; otoscope

When a living will is signed advising the physician of a person's wish to die naturally rather than be kept alive when death is inevitable, the patient loses the right to receive any medication, including pain control.

False; patient does not lose rights

Arthrography is an invasive examination of the blood vessels

False; radiographic exam of joint

The PCP and gatekeeper function as two separate practitioners in general medicine

False; same

A scrub assistant is also known as a float or "clean" assistant.

False; scrub is different from float/circulating

Challenging your mind frequently leads to additional stress and should be avoided in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

False; should be done

Glycosides are administered to quicken the heart rate of patients with congestive heart failure.

False; slow and strengthen heartbeat

The elderly are not considered a special-needs category for patient care.

False; they are

If the decedent, prior to the time of death, indicated refusal to make an organ donation, the institution or health-care provider can choose not to honor that decision if the decedent had previously signed an organ donation card.

False; they must honor it

Schedule I drugs include Ritalin, narcotics, barbiturates, and other drugs with a high potential for abuse.

False; those are Schedule II

The superior rectus muscle moves the eye to look down.

False; upwards

Communicating by telephone requires less care because the caller cannot see you and you don't have to worry about your personal appearance or posture.

False; you still do

A circulating assistant can obtain supplies and sterile equipment for the "sterile team".


A common mistake made by people who work with the elderly is to speak in babyish, patronizing tones.


A person who is leaning toward you is interested in what you are saying.


A scrub assistant may be responsible for setting up the sterile field and assisting the physician in sterile procedures.


A tonometer is used to test the pressure within the eye.


All lymphocytes are formed in the bone marrow.


An excessive urinary output may be caused by a diminished release of vasopressin.


Anti infective agents are used to prevent infections caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.


Anti-inflammatory drugs may be corticosteroids or NSAIDs.


As an MA, you will be held responsible for providing a clean, safe environment in the examination room and treatment areas.


Coughing, sneezing, and the acidity of body fluids such as urine and gastric juices are all types of barriers to bacterial and viral infections and foreign bodies


Door handles may be covered with microorganisms from ill patients.


Due to advances in modern medicine and technology, many terminally ill patients are now cared for in hospitals, where multiple attempts are often made to extend their lives.


Hypopituitarism in children results in a condition called dwarfism.


Hypopituitarism is a reduction in the excretion of a single pituitary hormone.


If a physician signs the Rx line "Substitute Generic Medication" the patient can still state he or she would like brand-name medications only.


Most complete physical examinations begin at the head and proceed downward.


OSHA's Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Standards are designed to reduce employee risk of infectious diseases.


Standard equipment in an exam room may include several types of lighting.


Suture removal and dressing application may be the responsibility of the medical assistant.


Temperature if the measurement of body heat produced and lost during metabolism, respiration, elimination, and environmental fluctuation.


The right lung has more lobes than the left lung.


The skin is observed for color, warmth, moisture, and turgor


The skin synthesizes vitamin D from sunlight.


The trachea branches into several different branches like a tree.


The upper airway includes the pharynx and the nasal, oral, and laryngeal cavities.


To place sterile contents correctly onto a sterile field, you must drop them or use sterile transfer forceps.


Wellness is the ongoing process of practicing a healthy lifestyle.


Whether documenting an initial visit, patient history, or clinical visit, accuracy and attention to detail are a major responsibility in the medical office.


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