CDC Volume 1. Air Force Emergency Management Program

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b. Emergencies and major disasters.

1. (001) What two incident levels were established by the Stafford Act?

c. Provide support to civil and host-nation authorities.

10. (006) Which action is not part of the primary mission of the Air Force Emergency Management Program?

b. Save lives, protect property, and mitigate the effects of an incident.

11. (006) What essential elements are contained in the response mission area of the Air Force Emergency Management Program?

a. Natural hazard.

12. (007) Diseases that impact humans or animals are classified as which hazard category?

c. Appointing an installation emergency manager.

13. (008) Which action is one of the first steps an installation commander takes in establishing a single, installation-wide emergency management program?

d. Recovering.

14. (009) Which action is not a major element of the installation emergency management program?

a. The installation's mission and the hazards it may face.

15. (009) What factors determine the type and amount of equipment needed for the emergency management program on your installation?

d. Department of Homeland Security.

2.(001) Which department's primary mission includes preventing terrorist attacks within the United States; reducing the vulnerability of the United States to terrorism; and minimizing the damage and assisting in the recovery from terrorist attacks that occur within the United States?

d. Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5, Management of Domestic Incidents.

3.(001) What directive required the federal government to establish a single, comprehensive approach to domestic incident management?

d. National Incident Management System. (NIMS)

4.(001) What presidential directive provides a nationwide template that enables federal, state, local, tribal governments, and private-sector and non-governmental organizations to work together effectively and efficiently to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents regardless of cause, size, or complexity?

c. DOD 3150.8-M, Nuclear Weapon Accident Response Procedures.

5.(002) Which Department of Defense (DOD) publication provides a concept of operations as well as functional information necessary to execute a comprehensive and unified response to a nuclear weapon accident?

a. Department of State.

6.(003) What department has primary responsibility to protect United States citizens and interests abroad?

b. Doctrine.

7. (004) Which term is defined as "our codified practices on how best to employ air and space power"?

b. Offensive operations.

8. (004) Which operation is not one of the five operational pillars of C-CBRN operations?

b. MTTPs are not directive in nature.

9. (005) When using Multi-service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (MTTP) what factor must you remember?

Established policies to strengthen the preparedness of the United States to prevent and respond to threatened or actual domestic terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies by requiring a national domestic all-hazards preparedness goal, establishing mechanisms for improved delivery of federal preparedness assistance to state and local governments, and outlining actions to strengthen preparedness capabilities of federal, state, and local entities.

HSPD-8 was issued as a companion to HSPD-5 and established what?

The Air Force views the execution of FP as an integrated application of offensive and defensive actions that deter, detect, preempt, mitigate, or negate threats against Air Force air and space operations and assets, based on an acceptable level of risk.

How does the Air Force view the execution of Force Protection?

Into two main elements; a strategic planning and management staff and a disaster response force (DRF) to manage or conduct emergency response operations.

How is the installation EM program organized?

Semiannually; the MAJCOM/A7C (civil engineer).

How often does the MAJCOM EMGW meet and who chairs the MAJCOM EMWG if it is not combined with another working group?


How often does the installation EMWG meet?

Eight combating WMD missions: offensive operations, elimination, interdiction, active defense, passive defense, consequence management, security cooperation and partner activities, and threat reduction cooperation.

Name the eight DOD combating WMD missions.

Mission requirements and threats.

Required members of the installation EMWG will vary from installation to installation based on what factors?

•Incident Command System (ICS). •Multiagency Coordination System (MCS). •Unified commands. •Training, qualifications, and certification. •Resource identification and management, including systems for classifying types of resources. •Incident information collecting, tracking, and reporting. •Incident resources collecting, tracking, and reporting.

The NIMS provides a core set of concepts, principles, terminology, and technologies. What isincluded in this core set?

DOD 3150.8-M, Nuclear Weapon Accident Response Procedures

What DOD manual provides a concept of operations as well as functional information necessary to execute a comprehensive and unified response to a nuclear weapon accident?

(1) Proliferation prevention. (2) Counterforce. (3) Active defense. (4) Passive defense. (5) Consequence management.

What are the Air Force interlinked operational pillars of C-CBRN operations?

(1) Prevention. (2) Protection. (3) Response. (4) Recovery. (5) Mitigation.

What are the five mission areas of the Air Force EM Program?

(1) Air Force Doctrine Volume 4, Operations Annex 3-27, Homeland Operations. (2) AFDD 3-10, Force Protection. (3) AFDD 3-27, Homeland Operations. (4) AFDD 3-40, Counter-Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Operations. (5) AFDD 3-72, Nuclear Operations.

What are the five primary Air Force doctrine documents that directly impact the EM mission?

(1) Natural. (2) Human-caused (man-made). (3) Technological.

What are the three main hazard categories?


What codifies how the Air Force will best employ air and space power?

Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The primary mission of the DHS includes preventing terrorist attacks within the United States; reducing the vulnerability of the United States to terrorism; and minimizing the damage, and assisting in the recovery, from terrorist attacks that occur within the United States.

What department was created when t e Homeland Security Act of 2002 was signed into law and what was this department's mission?

Air Force force protection.

What does AFDD 3-10 provide guidance on for the Air Force?

AFDD 3-27 provides guidance for organizing and employing air and space forces at the operational level in the conduct of military operations within the homeland. This includes the full spectrum of potential military operations, to include civil support prior to a terrorist incident, civil support to contend with the consequences of an event, and extraordinary homeland defense or civil support operations.

What does AFDD 3-27 provide guidance on for the Air Force?

AFDD 3-40 provides guidance for the Air Force to conduct C-CBRN operations to detect, deter, disrupt, deny, or destroy an adversary's CBRN capabilities and to minimize the effects of an enemy's CBRN attack.

What does AFDD 3-40 provide guidance on for the Air Force?

AFDD 3-27 provides guidance for organizing and employing air and space forces at the operational level in the conduct of military operations within the homeland. This includes the full spectrum of potential military operations, to include civil support prior to a terrorist incident, civil support to contend with the consequences of an event, and extraordinary homeland defense or civil support operations.

What does AFDD 3-72 provide guidance on for the Air Force?

The NIMS provides a nationwide template that enables federal, state, local, tribal governments, private-sector, and non-governmental organizations to work together effectively and efficiently to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents regardless of cause, size, or complexity.

What does the NIMS provide?

The NRF requires an incident command system (ICS) designed to enable effective and efficient domestic incident management by integrating a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure.

What does the NRF require to enable effective and efficient domestic incident management?

Regardless of your specialty, every Airman is a sensor. This requires everyone in the Air Force to be vigilant in protecting the force. The Air Force EM Program is an important part in the overall FP program.

What does the force protection program consider every Airman to be regardless of his or her specialty?

Office of Emergency Management, unit EM representatives, EMWG, and the wing inspection team.

What entities comprise the EM planning and management structure at the installation level?

1.Sense--The ability to provide continuous information about the CBRN situation. 2.Shape--The ability to characterize CBRN hazards to understand the current situation and predict future events. 3.Shield--The abil1ity to protect from the hazard. 4.Sustain--The ability to continue to operate in a contaminated environment.

What four key capabilities is the DOD passive defense operations organized around?. Define each of them.

AFI 10-2604 provides guidance for installations to develop a comprehensive disease containment plan(DCP) and supports the Air Force Counter-Biological Warfare Concept of Operations. It incorporates existing DOD guidance from the Smallpox Response Plan, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS) Medical Preparation and Response Guidance, and the Pandemic Influenza (PI) Preparation and Response Planning into a single document for disease containment planning.

What guidance does AFI 10-2604 provide the Air Force?

MAJCOM's focus is on the installations that it is responsible for as well as championing MAJCOM and/or installation requirements to the HAF.

What is a MAJCOM's focus regarding the Air Force EM Program?

Appointing, in writing, an installation emergency manager.

What is one of the first steps an installation commander takes in establishing a single, installation-wide emergency management program?

The National Preparedness Goal (NPG) is a secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk.

What is the National Preparedness Goal?

To support homeland defense and civil support operations and to provide support to civil and host nation authorities.

What is the ancillary mission of the Air Force EM Program?

The focus of the Air Force role in nuclear operations is to maintain effective forces with sufficient capability to hold at risk a broad range of targets, while placing great emphasis on safety and security.

What is the focus of the Air Force role in nuclear operations?

To educate and equip the senior leader with the guidance and tools necessary to effectively implement the installation's emergency management program at their level.

What is the objective of a senior leader's installation emergency management program immersion Briefing?

Is to ensure that all levels of government can effectively and efficiently work together using a national approach to domestic incidents.

What is the objective of the US government through HSPD-5?

To save lives, maintain and restore operational capability, and minimize the loss or degradation of resources in an all-hazards environment at Air Force installations worldwide.

What is the primary mission of the Air Force EM Program?


What is the primary working group that supports the Air Force EM Program through the development of MAJCOM guidance and strategic plans?

To ensure the installation has the capability to respond and recover from incidents and enable mission execution.

What is the purpose of the installation EMWG?

The installation's mission and the hazards the installation may face.

What is the type and amount of equipment needed for an installation based on?

A rapid and effective notification and warning system.

What must every Air Force installation have to quickly disseminate emergency information such watches, warning, evacuation routes, and protective actions?

National Military Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction

What policy provides the DOD with guidance and a strategic framework for combating WMD?

Stafford Act, constitutes the statutory authority for most federal disaster response activities especially as they pertain to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and its programs. The Stafford Act was recently amended by the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013, Public Law 113-2, due to lessons learned from the response to Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

What principal piece of legislation governs how the federal government will respond to disasters within the US?

(1) AFPD 10-25, Emergency Management. (2) AFPD 10-26, Counter-Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Operations.

What two AFPDs have a direct impact on the EM program?

The Act also establishes two incident levels--emergencies and major disasters.

What two incident levels does the Stafford Act establish?

The Air Force Civil Engineer (AF/A7C); the AF Emergency Management Working Group (EMWG); the AF Counter-CBRN (C-CBRN) Council; the AF C-CBRN Policy Working Group; the AF C-CBRN Modernization Working Group; the AF C-CBRN Education, Training, Exercise Working Group; the Mission Assurance Committee and the Mission Assurance Steering Group.

What working groups support the EM planning and management structure at the HAF level?

When the installation capability is organized, manned, trained, equipped, exercised, evaluated, maintained, and sustained.

When does an installation have the capability to respond and recover from incidents?

When the Air Force unit is located on another service's installation.

When will installations integrate into a host service's EM program or equivalent?

AFMAN 10-2503, Operations in a CBRNE Environment.

Which AFMAN integrates operational approaches to conventional and irregular warfare passive defense and consequence management operations using CBRNE materials?

AFMAN 10-2502, AFIMS Standards and Procedures.

Which AFMAN provides the Air Force with the AFIMS coordinating structures, processes, and protocols required to integrate its specific authorities into the collective framework of federal departments and agencies for action to include mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery activities?

AFPD 10-25, Emergency Management.

Which AFPD establishes a single, integrated EM program to address physical risks, threats, and passive defense measures?

AFPD 10-26, Counter-Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Operations.

Which AFPD outlines policy to ensure the Air Force plans, organizes, trains, and equips personnel to conduct C-CBRN operations across the operation spectrum?

AFTTP 3-2.44, CBRN Reconnaissance & Surveillance.

Which AFTTP is the primary MTTP used for conducting CBRN reconnaissance operations?

AFTTP 3-2.56, CBRN Contamination Avoidance.

Which AFTTP is used for plotting operations?

AFTTP 3-2.55, Potential Military Chemical/Biological (CB) Agents & Compounds.

Which AFTTP provides background information and properties of chemical warfare agents, military chemical compounds, biological agents, and toxic industrial chemicals?

AFTTP 3-2.42, CBRN Operations.

Which AFTTP serves as a foundation for developing multiservice and service-specific manuals, standard operating procedures, and response standards and for refining existing training support packages, mission training plans, training center and unit exercises, and service school curricula?

The Economy Act of 1932, as amended, authorizes the DOD to provide direct support to other federal agencies on a reimbursable basis. It does not authorize the provision of any direct support to state or local entities.

Which Act authorizes the DOD to provide direct support to other federal agencies on a reimbursable basis?

Homeland Security Act of 2002

Which Act specifically authorized the president to use the armed forces to help restore public order but states that the Office of Homeland Security cannot engage in war fighting, the military defense of the US, or other military activities?

DODD 3150.08, DOD Response to Nuclear and Radiological Incidents

Which directive establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the DOD consequence management response to US nuclear weapon incidents and other nuclear or radiological incidents involving materials in DOD custody in accordance with the guidance in National Security Presidential Directive 28, the NRF, and the NIMS?

Department of Defense Directive (DODD) 3025.18, Defense Assistance to Civil Authorities (DSCA).

Which directive gives federal military commanders, heads of DOD components, and/or responsible DOD civilian officials immediate response authority?

Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5, Management of Domestic Incidents

Which directive required the federal government to establish a single, comprehensive approach to domestic incident management?

Education and training.

Which element of the installation EM program provides individuals and teams the requisite knowledge and skills to efficiently and effectively prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural and man-made hazards?

The R&EM Flight on the host installation.

Which flight will act as the installation office of emergency management and will be the OPR for the installation's EM program?

Installation EMWG.

Which group determines which specialized teams are required to support the installation EM program and what the composition of each team will be?

Human-Caused (man-made) Hazards.

Which hazard category would a HAZMAT spill or release fall under?

Technologically-caused hazards.

Which hazard category would an outage of energy, power, or utilities fall under?

Natural Hazards.

Which hazard category would an outbreak of smallpox fall under?

AFI 10-208, Air Force Continuity of Operations Program (COOP).

Which instruction provides guidance for ensuring the continuity of essential operations of the Air Force across a wide range of potential emergencies?


Which mission area of the Air Force EM Program comprises the capabilities necessary to reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters?


Which mission area of the Air Force EM Program includes the capabilities necessary to protect the installation against terrorism and man-made or natural disasters?

Air Force Policy to 29 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 1910.120, Occupation Safety and Health Standards, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response.

Which policy requires the Air Force to conduct emergency hazardous materials (HAZMAT)operations without regard to location; perform post emergency operations, site cleanup and remediation; and comply with training and certification requirements?

AFMAN 32-1007.

Which publication describes the responsibilities and processes of the Air Force R&EM flight?

AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management Program (COOP).

Which publication outlines the Air Force EM Program roles and responsibilities; explains the program structures; provides a framework for planning and preparedness; outlines the risk management process and elements of the installation emergency management plan; logistical requirements; emergency response actions; and personnel education and training?

AFTTP 3-2.82, Installation Emergency Management.

Which publication outlines the minimum responsibilities of the EMWG?

Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (MTTP).

Which publications provide standardized references that have been coordinated and approved by all branches of service for service commanders at the tactical level?

All hazards response planning team.

Which subgroup of the EMWG reviews and refines incident response protocols to develop the IEMP 10-2?

Installation commander.

Who approves the installation EMWG's charter?

Readiness and Emergency Management Flight Chief, Emergency Management Superintendent, or the most senior Emergency Management Technician.

Who does the installation commander appoint as the installation emergency manager?

A host nation government has primary responsibility for responding to, managing, and mitigating the effects of a foreign CBRNE incident.

Who has primary responsibility for responding to, managing, and mitigating the effects of a foreign CBRNE incident?

The Department of State (DOS) has primary responsibility to protect US citizens and interests abroad.

Who has primary responsibility to protect US citizens and interests abroad?


Who is responsible for determining which host installation will support GSUs and provides guidance to train and equip its units in compliance with the EM program?

The Air Force civil engineer.

Who is responsible for ensuring that the Air Force has established a single EM program to mitigate the effects of natural, technological, and man-made hazards have on Air Force personnel, resources, and operations?

The installation emergency manager.

Who is responsible for the day-to-day management and execution of the installation EM program and has many responsibilities to ensure the program's success?

The installation Office of Emergency Management, which is the R&EM Flight in the Civil Engineer Squadron.

Who is the installation commander's office of primary responsibility for the Air Force EM Program?

The DOS is the lead federal agency for all US support to a host nation.

Who is the lead federal agency for all US support to a host nation?

The DOS Bureau of Political-Military Affairs is the principal link between the DOS and DOD.

Who is the principal link between the DOS and DOD?

Each Air Force unit.

Who must participate in the Air Force EM program?

The mission support group commander.

Who normally chairs the installation EMWG?

The host Air Force installation.

Who provides support to all assigned, attached, and tenant units, including AFRC and ANG units, located on and off the installation?

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