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1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Key text: The Lord will descend, the dead in Christ shall rise, and living Christians will meet them in the air.


Like a dancer responding to the lead, "Conversion is our willing response to the gospel call, in which we sincerely repent of sins and place our trust (believe) in Christ for salvation." (Grudem, ST, 709) It is a work of God and a work of man. Consists of both repentance and faith

Matthew 16:18

You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail.

What is repentance (what is it not)

it is heartfelt sorrow for sin, a renouncing of it and a commitment to walk in obedience to Christ - Not the uncomforable feeling of shame after getting caught in sin. Nor is it easy. We must make hard decisions in face temptation metanoia= A change of mind epistrepho= a total change of behavior


pistis=faith pisteuein= to believe These terms appear over 240 times in NT. sometimes to describe the entire christian religion. More often, it is something personal and individual. Biblical descriptions: Coming to Christ, Eating and drinking, Abiding in Him

Benefits of adoption

1) We are no longer children of wrath but children of God. 2.We have the privilege to approach the Throne of Grace. 3. We enjoy the blessings of God's protection and care. 4.We have the rights and blessings of sons. 5.We will experience Fatherly discipline.

Perseverance: Important notes

- Its all about grace! - It is based on God's calling -This calling was to eternal glory -it is He himself who is accomplishing this. -He will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish us. -These terms obviously imply that we too will be "doing something" as part of the process

Scripture teachings of Perseverance

- John 10:28 - "I give [my sheep] eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand." -Philippians 1:6 - "Being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ." - Romans 8:35, 38-39 - "Who will separate us from the love of Christ? . . . For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Arminianism and Calvinism

- The Protestant Reformation spread to the Netherlands, where the Calvinist viewpoint came to be accepted. -The Dutch wrote the Belgic Confession (1561) and the Heidelberg Catechism (1563) as expressions of their "Reformed" (Calvinist) theology. -Some theologians reacted negatively. Arminius' followers presented a "Remonstrance" (protest) to Dutch church authorities in 1610. The Calvinists held a Synod in the city of Dort in 1618-19. Five key points were articulated in response, which repudiated Arminianism.

Reasons for believing in Eternal security

- The words of Jesus Himself -The words of the apostles -The character of the triune God In other words, we can never sin our way out of salvation


-Adoption is that act of God whereby the believer is received into relationship with Him. - We are made God's own; we are showered with His tender care. -The believer, who has been alienated from God is now given the status of a legitimate child. -Adoption is a benefit and blessing of our justification and redemption in Christ.

The Spirit's work in relation to people

-All people: a ministry of restraint of sin. -Believers in God: Empowerment for service (Civil administrators, prophets, judges, kinds, craftsmen)

Arminian/Wesleyan view of Perseverance

-Final apostasy and loss of salvation I possible for the true Christian. -The believer may "make a shipwreck of faith..that he may fall, not only foully, but finally, so as to perish forever. -Hebrews 6:4-6; Matthew 13:20-21

Facts about Election

-Grounded in God's own being -an election of individuals -Not base on foreknowledge -Established before the foundation of the world -Not the only necessary condition for salvation -Purposeful, not capricious

The Spirits deity: Biblical proof

-He is included within the trinity. (mt 28:19) -He is included with the father individually (1 Cor 6:11) - He is included with the Son individually (Acts 16:7) - He possesses the titles of Deity -And the attributes of deity -He does the work of Deity: In creation, Inspiration of scripture, Agent of Christ's birth, and regeneration.

Glorification: key characteristics

-Instantaneous -Complete: Moral and spiritual perfection, Fullness of knowledge, and glorification of the body. -Final

Justification, sanctification, and glorification in terms of time.

-Justification: is salvation past. It occurs at a point in time (conversion) -Sanctification: is salvation present. It is occurring over our lifetime. -Glorification: is salvation future. It will occur in the future at Christ's return.

Why do we sometimes lack assurance of salvation?

-Lack of knowledge or confidence in the Word. -Trials and sorrows -Sin -Improper focus

The Importance of Justification

-Martin Luther: Said that this doctrine was the article upon which the church stands or falls -John Calvin: The doctrine of Justification by faith is "The main huge on which (True) religion turns"

The Holy Spirit in the OT

-Ruach (hb wind, breath, spirit) appears about 380 times in the OT. -Approximately 100 those instances refers to the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit's work in relation to people: The nature of the Spirit's ministry in the OT

-Selective: Not all were empowered -Temporary: People were empowered for a time, but sometimes had the Spirit removed (Samson) -National: Empowerment focused on the needs of the people of Israel.

The personality of the spirit

-The Holy Spirit has the elements of a personal nature. (intellect, emotions and will) -The Holy Spirit has individual identity: self-awareness, Self-determination -The Holy Spirit activities indicate personhood: He teaches, he convicts, and he intercedes -The Holy Spirit relates interpersonally: To the father, to Christ, and to humans.

NT Teachings of Justification: Romans 3:21-28 (Also Galatians 2:15-16)

-The ROOTS of justification are in the OT - The APPROPRIATION of justification is by faith alone -The NECESSITY of justification is based on the universality of sin. -The BASIS of justification is Christ's atoning work -The LEGITIMACY of justification is based on God's character - The SUMMARY of justification: it is by faith, not works

The Spirit's work in the life of Christ

-The spirit is the agent in the virginal conception. -The Holy Spirit anointed Jesus at his baptism. -The spirit ministered to Jesus during his earthly ministry. -Jesus' miracles were trinitarian -The spirit was active during the crucifixion and the resurrection -The entire trinity was involved in this climax of Christ

"Eternal security of the Believer"

-The work of God that guarantees that the gift of salvation, once received, is forever and cannot be lost. -This term rightly emphasizes security as God's own work. -"For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." Phil 2:13

"Once saved, always saved"

-This expression might imply that one can make a mere profession without ever 'following through' on it and yet still be eternally saved. -It is therefore not the best way to refer to this doctrine.

Glorification: Key texts

1 John 3:2-3 Romans 8:30 1 Corinthians 15

1 Corinthians 3:10-15 and 2 Corinthians 5:10

Describes the Bema Seat Judgment and rewards or loss of rewards for believers.

Ephesians 5:26-27

Describes the Church as the Bride of Christ.

Revelation 19-22

Describes the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the Return of Christ, Armageddon, the Millennium, the Great White Throne, and the Eternal State.

Romans 6:3-4

Describes the meaning of Christian baptism.

1 corinthians 11:23-34

Describes the origins and celebration of the Lord's Supper.

The Effectual Call

Effectual Call is the "act of God, speaking through the human proclamation of the gospel, in which He summons people to Himself in such a way that they respond in saving faith." (Grudem, ST , 693) In other words, while there is a universal call to all humanity in the message of the Gospel, it will be effectual only for some: those whom God has elected to eternal life.

Berkof definition of Election

Election is: "that eternal act of God whereby He, in His sovereign good pleasure, and on account of no foreseen merit in them, chooses a certain number of [persons] to be the recipients of special grace and eternal salvation."

Imputation: The Term

GK logizomai "To reckon, calculate" -A LEGAL term which signifies holding guilt to innocence against someone -An ECONOMIC term, which signifies crediting a sum to an account

OT background to justification

Genesis 15:6 "Then (Abraham) believed in the Lord and He reckoned it to him as righteousness. Deut 25:1

Glorification: Final stage of salvation

Glorification is the final stage in the process of our salvation. The glorified saint is fully sanctified, conformed to the image of Christ, and given an immortal, resurrected body like Christ's glorified body.

The Necessity of Salvation

God and man are separated Humans are: lost, perishing, helpless, Enemies of God, Dead in Sin, Futile minded, Hard Hearted (Ephesians 2:1-10)

What is election

God's intentional choice to seek out some from among the lost. Not a choice of our own, not an elitist clique or a club for the super holy, not true of everyone (universalism), Not based on future good deeds that God forces in us, and Not a whimsical decision on the part of God.

Biblical terminology of Justification

HB tsadaq "To make righteous" GK dikaioo "To declare righteous" the term "to justify" does not have the idea of actually making someone righteous, but rather of declaring someone to be righteous. It is a legal term in which a person is considered, reckoned, or credited as righteous.

Who is the spirit?

He is the fully-divine third person of the trinity. -He is not a "person" exactly like us nor is he a impersonal cosmic "force" The Holy Spirit is fully God, the third person of the trinity, coequal with God the father and God the Son.

The Roman Catholic concept of justification

Justification is an infusion of grace which results in a change of nature such that a person can merit God's favor

What is justification? (Anthony Hoekema version)

Justification may be defined as that gracious and judicial act of God whereby he declares believing sinners righteous on the basis of the righteousness of Christ which is credited to them.

Justification: A summary

Justification presupposes a recognition of the reality of God's wrath. Justification is a declarative or judicial act of God, not a process. Justification is received by faith alone, and is not in any way merited by our good works. Justification is based on the substitutionary work of Christ for us. Justification involves the imputation of Christ's righteousness to us. In justification, God's mercy and justice come together. Justification can never be separated from sanctification; BUT these are distinct aspects of our salvation!

The five points of Calvinism

(T.U.L.I.P) 1). Total depravity - Fallen man is unable to respond ravingly to the Gospel. Our will are in bondage. 2) Unconditional election -God's eternal choice to elect some to salvation is based solely on his will 3) Limited Atonement -Christ's work on the cross was intended to save only the elect, and did so. 4) Irresistible Grace - The spirit extends an "effectual call" to which the elect will inevitably respond 5) Perseverance of the saints - The elect will be kept secure in their salvation by God's power

Definition of Salvation

- A Gracious act of God - Deliverance from sin - Relationship Restored

Repentance aspects

- Intellectual: a recognition of what sin is, what it does to us and what it means before God. -Emotional: heartfelt sorrow for sin; remorse and grief for sins consequences and its offense to God -Volitional: A turning from the practice of sin, and a turning to obedience of God.

"Perseverance of the Saints"

- It is the saints who do the perseverance we make effort. -"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling" Phil 2:12

Three Imputations

1) Adams sin imputed to us. Romans 5:12 2) Our sins imputed to Christ. 2 Peter 2:24 3) Christ Righteousness imputed to us. Romans 4:24

What is the Gospel call

1) An expiation of the Gospel - The facts of human sin -The penalty for sin is death -Christ died and rose again 2) Invitation to Faith and Repentance 3) Promise of forgiveness and Eternal Life - Salvation is freely and sincerely offered to all.

Arminianism points of theology

1) Free will & Human Ability (BC of grace) - Fallen man cannot do goos or achieve saving faith without God's power in the Holy Spirit 2) Conditional Election -Election (Or reprobation) is based on foreseen faith (Or unbelief) 3) General atonement -Christ died for all, but only believers enjoy his forgiveness 4)Resistible Grace - Grace is the beginning ,continuation and the end of all good works, but is not irresistible 5) Falling from Grace (loss of salvation) -Grace can preserve the faithful but it might also be lost

Three elements of Faith

1) Knowledge of the truth: Notitia - It is necessary to begin with knowledge of Christ: who he is and what he has done. 2) Assent to the truth - Simply knowing "the facts" bout Christ is insufficient. Knowing the "meaning" of the facts is likewise insufficient. We must believe that the facts are true. We must accept their truth. We must give mental assent. 3) Trust or commitment - Mere knowledge and mental assent are still not enough. we must the truth our own

Acts 2:42-47

A charter verse on the ministries of the church.

The Greco- Roman background

Adoption conferred the legal rights and privileges of a legitimate heir. - Adoption was irrevocable

What is Perseverance? (& what is it not)

All believers will, by God's enabling power preserve to the end Not: That if we just strive hard enough, we will keep our salvation. Nor is it that since we are saved, we can just 'float along'

Ephesians 1:22-23

Christ is the head of the body

Contrasting the Holy Spirit's work in the OT & NT

In the OT, the spirit came and went. In The NT the spirit permanently indwells and seals.

The effectual call

It depends upon the will of God It depends upon the work of the Holy Spirit It depends upon the witness of the preached Gospel

What is regeneration? (What is it not)

It is God's gift of new life to those who were spiritually dead. GK palingenesis from Palin= Again + genesis= Birth Not fixing something slightly broken and it is not something that occurs in the physical realm.

What is sanctification?

It is a work of the Holy Spirit within us, in which we participate as well. It is not following a set of legalistic rules that superficially define what is "bad" nor is it something in which we are passive. It requires vigorous effort on our part.

Terms of regeneration

It is completely a work of God (John 1:12-13) It is instantaneous and below our consciousness - We are not aware of regeneration: it is "mysterious" It is a supernatural change: we are "new creatures" - We have a new nature, self, mind, heart, will etc. 2 Cor 5:17

What is justification

It is the legal declaration that is Christ God has wiped our slates clean for us. Not having a "clean slate" from never having committed sin. Nor is it not being given the strength to wipe our own slates clean of sin.

What does it mean to be a person?

Its not necessarily the same as being human... -Personality involves: The pattern of collective traits of an individual-- Mental, emotional, and behavioral -Intellect, emotions and will

John 14:1-3

Jesus has gone to prepare a place in his Father's house, and will come again for his Bride.

Aspects of Sanctification

Positional: We are already clean (Holy) Final: We will be perfect. Experiential: We are becoming holy.

1 Timothy 3

Qualifications of elders and deacons


Saints = "set apart ones" from GK hagios, holy Sanctify= to set apart, to make holy The concept is twofold: to be set apart from sin, and set apart to God.

The Doctrine of Salvation

Soteriology: Greek soter = Savior "Salvation is the gracious work of God whereby He delivers gospel- believing sinners from the guilt, penalty, and ruin of their sins and from bondage to their spiritual enemies and their works; brings them into a right, vital relationship with Himself; and bestows upon them the abundant benefits of His grace." (Barackman, PCT , 329)

An Illustration of Imputation

The Book of Philemon. Paul tells his disciple Philemon to charge any debt accrued by his runway slave "to my account"

Calling: The Gospel call Anthony A. Hoekema definition

The Gospel Call is "the offering of salvation in Christ to people, together with an invitation to accept Christ in repentance and faith, in order that they may receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life." (Anthony A. Hoekema, Saved by Grace , p. 68).

The Spirit's work in Creation

The Spirit was active in the overall design. The Spirit was active in ordering creation. The Spirit was active in creating the stars. The Spirit was active in creating animals. The Sprit was active in creating Man. The Spirit is active in preserving creation.

Daniel 9

The Tribuation

What is God's ruach?

The beginning of a progressive revelation that will eventually be explained as the trinity. It is not a literal truth; yet not a meaningless figure of speech. Nor is it a not yet recognizable third person of the trinity.

Acts 2:1-13

The church was formed by the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.

Assurance of salvation

The divinely given confidence-the personal, subjective, and experiential certainty-based on the knowledge of the Word of God with respect to God's grace and promises, that one is indeed, a child of God and is saved. Assurance of salvation is a feeling that may come or go. Salvation is not based on the feeling, but the fact of christ's atoning work.

The Spirit's deity: Historical background

The doctrine of the trinity was established at the council of Nicaea, AD 325. The deity of the spirit was fully expressed in the "Nicene Creed" of 381.

Primary issue between Roman Catholics and Protestant reformation

The primary issue in the protestant reformation was a dispute with the Roman Catholic Church over justification.

Did the OT writers understand the concept?

The question arises, "Did the inspired writers understand God's ruach as the Third Person of the Trinity, or simply as an aspect of God's power?" Some have argued they made a distinction between the Spirit of God and God Himself, and perhaps even understood the concept of a separate Person. Still, what the OT writers understood is less important than what God intended to reveal about Himself. But in any case, they had a less developed understanding.

What is the gender of the spirit?

The spirit is neither male nor female, but genderless. He is revealed in the metaphor of masculinity. The Greek word pneuma is neuter. But scripture uses masculine pronouns. -Some feminists today suggest the spirit is female. But this is based on the fact that the Hebrew noun for spirit (ruach) is feminine. This is poor exegesis.

Definition of Perseverance

They whom God hath accepted in His Beloved, effectually called and sanctified by His Spirit, can neither totally nor finally fall away from the state of grace [i.e., justification and positional sanctification]; but they shall certainly persevere therein to the end, and be eternally saved." Westminster Confession of Faith , XVII, 1 Perseverance is "that continuous operation of the Holy Spirit in the believer, by which the work of divine grace that was begun in the heart, is continued and brought to completion." Berkof, ST, 546

The Order of salvation

Try not to think of in terms of time, but rather of divine movement and human response

Sanctification: A formal defintion

We may define sanctification as that gracious operation of the Holy Spirit, involving our responsible participation, by which he delivers us from the pollution of sin, renews our entire nature according to the image of God, and enables us to live lives pleasing to Him."

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