ceara enviroA climax community is one that

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What is the probability of getting tails 4 times in a row when you flip a coin?

1 in 16

The doubling time for a population with an annual growth rate of 0.07 is

1000 years.

What implication(s) does the second law of thermodynamics have for biological systems?

A constant supply of energy is necessary for maintenance of biological systems.

The damage to an ecosystem caused by a hurricane or flood can be referred to as

A disturbance

The highest rate of forest loss occurs in


Which of the following is not a molecule?


Organisms that live in deep sea ocean vents use chemicals rather than sunlight to drive the energy producing reactions. These organisms undergo what process?


Individual species will continually evolve as a result of:

Convergent evolution.

Which of the following is not an example of how statistics are used?

Correct determining the context of how data was gathered

_______________________ are characteristics of an entire system that are greater than the sum of its parts.

Emergent properties

_________ habitat specialist found exclusively in one specific type of habitat.

Endemic species

Why is world hunger an environmental issue?

Food production is global but the resources are unequally distributed.

The study of human population characteristics, such as age structure, demographic transition, total fertility, human population and environmental relationships, death-rate factors, and standard of living is know as

Human Demography

Which of the following is true?

Humans may have been causing extinctions thousands of years ago, but our impact has recently increased.

What is unique about the Mediterranean climate area biome?

It contains a high number of unique species.

In the real world, many factors determine the numbers of organisms in any one population. Yet, a SUPERFLY with unlimited food and no mortality would show what type of growth?

J-shaped curve

Methods in environmental science include all of the following, except

Qualitative Reasoning

_________ is the development of a new species.


Which of the following was key to the recovery of the Apo Island's reef fish population?

The establishment of a small marine sanctuary

Which biogeochemical cycle lacks an atmospheric component?

The phosphorous cycle.

Which country listed below would you expect to have the highest ecological footprint?


Which of the following is a pronatalist pressure?

all of these are sources of pronatalist pressure

Which of the following does not contribute to limits on population growth?

an increase in the total rainfall in a normally dry environment

One biome type that has not been as badly threatened as other biomes is

arctic tundra.

Old-growth forests are notable for containing species that

are highly adapted to their special environment.

As ecological development proceeds, a biological community

becomes more diverse.

Natural selection will ultimately make a species

better adapted to its environment.

A population would have zero population growth if

births + immigration = deaths + emmigration

You have just been beamed into a biome that has relatively stable temperatures and abundant rainfall. Along with your laser gun, your compass, and rain poncho, you have a graph of precipitation and temperature similar to the one above. Which letter marks the area you are in?


Famines are most often serious when there is

drought and war together.

Monetary inputs to local economies due to the presence of parks and reserves is


tThe giant panda is considered to be a _________________ species.


Utilitarian conservationists, including Gifford Pinchot and Theodore Roosevelt, supported forest conservation in order to provide

homes, jobs, and recreation for people.

High responder crops of the green revolution produce tremendous yields

in response to fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation

The causes of deforestation include the following factors, except

indigenous people

Goiter is a common disease resulting from a shortage of dietary


A climax community is one that

is relatively stable and long lasting

Economically, monoculture forestry is advantageous for the loggers because

it produces large quantities of a single type of tree for a particular use, such as building timber or paper pulp

The motion of a rock rolling downhill is known as __________ energy.


Knowing that there are many endangered species found in the old growth forests of the United States, what might you expect remains today of all the old growth forests that stood in the United States before European settlement?

less than 10 percent

Which of the following are pioneer species?


Symbiosis means

living together

In reading a claim by an atmospheric scientist that ozone depletion is not an actual environmental problem, a critical thinker would

look for evidence and background of the source's reliability.

Desert biomes would fall in the area marked by the letter

low precipitation, high heat a

Temperate forest biomes would fall in the area marked by the letter

moderate precipitation moderate temp b

In general, funding for recovery programs is given to species that are

most well known

One of the _________ effective ways to stabilize populations is to _________.

most; decrease child mortality

In developed countries, the most recent increases in agricultural productivity have come from

new crop varieties and intensified farming.

Economist Julian Simon believed that people are the "ultimate resource" and that increases in population growth would result in

new resources

Water supplies contaminated with algae that produce toxins making the water unfit to drink is a result of the human impact to the

nitrogen cycle

Primary succession occurs when a community develops ____________ while secondary succession occurs when one ________.

on unoccupied ground; biological community replaces another

A dieback, or population crash, often occurs after a species ________ its environmental carrying capacity.


All are common modern agricultural methods, except

plowing fields

World population growth increased rapidly due to all of the following factors except?

political unrest

Photosynthesis is the process of converting __________ into __________ energy.

solar energy; chemical bond

Potential energy is _______ energy.


In the partnership of a lichen, the fungus provides _________ and the relationship is best described as _______.

structure and moisture-holding ability; mutualism

Regular lawn mowing selects for dandelions with short heads rather than dandelions with tall heads because

tall flowers cannot reproduce

What biome is characterized by moderate temperatures and abundant precipitation?

temperate rainforest

What is the theoretical basis of the statement that we could feed more people if we would eat grain rather than feeding it to livestock?

the Second Law of Thermodynamics

The first symptom of range overgrazing is usually

the disappearance of palatable herbs.

If you were to remove the top predator in a food web or food chain

the producer population will be depleted because there are more primary consumers or herbivores.

The concept that a resource that is degraded by the increasing populations that utilize the resource without any regulation of that resource is referred to as

the tragedy of the commons.

Although most of the world's forests are shrinking, biologists are especially concerned about tropical forest loss because

they contain such high biodiversity

Which of the following is not generally true of k-selected species compared to r-selected species?

they have shorter generation times

Living plants and the ocean are known as "carbon sinks" because

they store carbon.

Seasonal migration allows grazing livestock to

use marginal lands year after year with modest environmental damage.

The main reason that there are relatively few invertebrates categorized as endangered species is because

we consider other groups, such as mammals, to be more interesting and desirable

The point of critical thinking is to learn to

weigh all the evidence and draw your own conclusions.

The three crops that humans rely on for the majority of nutrients and calories are

wheat, rice, and maize.

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