CECS Quiz 5

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numsList: 2, 8, 1 ListRemove(numsList, list tail) numsList:

2, 8

A remove operation for a list ADT will remove the specified item. Given a list with contents: 2, 20, 30, what is the list contents after the following operation? Remove(list, item 2)

20, 30

numsList: 23, 17, 8 ListInsertAfter (numsList, node 23, node 5) numsList:

23 5 17 8

Given a doubly-linked list with nodes 8, 12, 7, 3, node 7's next pointer points to node


numsList: 91, 80, 77, 60, 75 ListRemoveAfter(numsList, node 60) ListRemoveAfter(numsList, node 77) ListRemoveAfter(numsList, null) numsList:

80, 77

numsList: 9, 4, 11, 7 ListRemoveAfter(numsList, node 11) numsList:

9, 4, 11

Inserting an item at the end of a 999-item array requires how many items to be shifted?


Items stored in an array can be accessed using a positional index


ListTraverse can be used to traverse a doubly-linked list.


Removing an element from the beginning of the list is simple.

public void removeFirst() { head = head.next; }

A list ADT's underlying data structure has no impact on the program's execution.


numsList: 3, 57, 28, 40 ListRemoveAfter(numsList, null) numsList:

57, 28, 40

Accessing elements: Doubly Linked List


Accessing elements: Singly Linked List


Removing from back: Singly Linked List


Insert an item at the beginning of a 999-item array requires how many items to be shifted?


Insert an item at the beginning of a 999-item linked list requires how many items to be shifted?


Insert an item at the end of a 999-item linked list requires how many items to be shifted?


numsList: 1 ListInsertAfter(numsList, node 1, node 6) ListInsertAfter(numsList, node 1, node 4) numsList:

1 4 6

numsList: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 ListRemoveAfter(numsList, node 40) ListRemoveAfter(numsList, node 20) numsList:

10, 20, 40, 60

Starting with an empty list, what is the list contents after the following operations? Append(list, 11) Append(list, 4) Append(list, 7)

11, 4, 7

numsList: 2, 5, 9 ListRemoveAfter(numsList, node 5) numsList:

2, 5

Given a doubly-linked list with nodes 4, 7, 5, 1, node 7's previous pointer points to node


Given numList is: 5, 8, 2, 1. ListTraverse(numsList) visits _____ node(s).


numsList: 5, 9 ListInsertAfter(numsList, node 9, node 4) numsList:

5 9 4

numsList: 70, 82, 41, 120, 357, 66 ListRemove(numsList, node 82) ListRemove(numsList, node 357) ListRemove(numsList, node 66) numsList:

70, 41, 120

numsList: 71, 29, 54 ListRemove(numsList, node 29) numsList:

71, 54

numsList: 77 ListInsertAfter(numsList, node 77, node 32) ListInsertAfter(numsList, node 32, node 50) ListInsertAfter(numsList, node 32, node 46) numsList:

77 32 46 50


Adding a node to the last position requires finding the last element.

A linked list has what key advantage over a sequential storage approach like an array or ArrayList?

An item can be inserted somewhere in the middle of the list without having to shift all subsequent items.

A programmer must know the underlying implementation of the list ADT in order to use a list.


ListTraverseReverse can be used to traverse a singly-linked list.


ListTraverseReverse visits which node second?

Node 13

Accessing elements: Any Linked list with size attribute


Adding to back: Doubly Linked List


Adding to back: Singly Linked List


Adding to front: Doubly Linked List


Adding to front: Singly Linked List


Removing from back: Doubly Liked List


Removing from front: Doubly Linked List


Removing from front: Singly Linked List


What is the purpose of a list's head node?

Provides a reference to the first item's node in the list, if such an item exists.

A linked lists stores items in a unspecified order.


A list node's data can store a record with multiple subitems.


A node in binary tree can have zero, one, or two children.



add an element to the beginning of the list


encapsulates a data (typically declared as Object) and a pointer next to another Node

Given a doubly-linked list with nodes 20, 67, 11, node 20 is the



is a basic unit(class) of data structure, such as linked list.

singly linked list

is a data structure for implementing a list ADT, where each node has data and a pointer to the next node

Doubly linked list

is a data structure for implementing a list ADT, where each node has data, a pointer to the next node, and a pointer to the previous node.


is a data structure for representing connections among items, and consists of vertices connected by edges.

Binary Tree

is a data structure in which each node stores data and has up to two children, known as a left child and a right child.

Linked List

is a data structure that stores an ordered list of items in nodes, where each node stores data and has a pointer to the next node.


is a data structure that stores an ordered list of items, with each item is directly accessible by a positional index

Hash Table

is a data structure that stores unordered items by mapping (or hashing) each item to a location in an array.

Max Heap

is a tree that maintains the simple property that a node's key is greater than or equal to the node's childrens' keys.

Min Heap

is a tree that maintains the simple property that a node's key is less than or equal to the node's childrens' keys.


is the data structure that stores subitems, with a name associated with each subitem.

Prepend Code

public void addToFirst(Object o) { Node n = new Node(o); n.next = head; head = n; }

Append Code

public void addToLast(Object o) { Node current = head; Node n = new Node(o); if (current != null) { while (current != null) { current = current.next; } current.next = n; } else { head = n; } }

Displaying all the elements code

public void printLinkedList( ) { Node current = head; while (current != null) { System.out.println(current.data); current = current.next;} }

Removing an element from the end is more challenging as it requires finding the element before the last

public void removeLast() { Node current = head;if (current == null) { System.out.println("Nothing to remove"); } else if (current.next == null) { head = null; } else { while (current.next.next != null) { current = current.next; } current.next = null; } }


represents a connection between two vertices in a graph.


represents an item in a graph.

Displaying all the elements of the linked list:

requires iterating over each node

ListTraverse begins with

the list's head node

Each node in a doubly-linked list contains data and _____ pointer(s).


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