Cervical Plexus

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Phrenic nerve

- Contains mainly motor fibers for the diaphragm (sensory fibers on small areas of pleura, pericardium, peritoneum) - It runs at the anterior surface of scalenius anterior m. and behind the subclavian vein - LATERAL NECK REGION - within the thorax descends in anterior mediastinum - infront of the pulmonary root - betweenn the fibrous pericardium and mediastinal pleura to the diaphragm. - accompanies by the pericardiacophrenic vessels.

Regions of the Abdomen

- Epigastric and left and right hypochondriac regions - Umbilical and right and left lateral abdominal regions - Pubic and right and left inguinal regions(right/left grion)

Cervical plexus - Formation & Branches

- Formed by the anterior rami of cervical nerves C1 - C4 - Contains: MUSCULAR BRANCHES and CUTANEOUS BRANCHES

Motor Braches

- Inferior root of ansa cervicalis - Phrenic nerve - Muscular branches for prevertebral and lateral vertebral muscles

Cutaneous cervical branches

- Lesser occipital n. - Greater auricular n. - Transverse n. of the neck - Supraclavicular nerves: medial,intermediate, lateral

Regions of the Thorax

- Presternal region - Infraclavicular region and CLavipectoral triangle - Pectoral region, mammary and inflammatory region - Axillary region

Cutaneous - sensory branches

- Visible in the posterior triangleas they pass outward from the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in "punctum nervorum". 1. Lesser occipital nerve: (ascends along the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and distributes to the skin of the neck and scalp posterior to the ear) 2. Greater auricular nerve: (ascends across the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the base of the ear, supplying the skin of the parotid region, the ear, and the mastoid area) 3. Transverse cervical nerve (transverse nerve of the cervical) - passes around the midpart of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and continues horizontally across the muscle to supply the lateral and anterior parts of the neck. 4. Supraclavicular nerves (they descend and supply the skin over the clavicle and shoulder as far inferiorly as rib II)

Regions of the Neck

ANTERIOR: Submandibular triangle Digastric Carotid triangle Laryngeal region LATERAL - STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID Omoclavicular triangle = greater supraclavicular fossa Suprascapular region POSTERIOR NECK REGION

Regions of the head

CRANIUM: Frontal region Parital region Temporal region Occipital region FACE: Nasal Oral Mental Orbital Infraorbital and zygomatic Buccal

Right and Left Phrenic nerve

Right: passes through the central tendon of the diaphragm or the caval aperture Left: passes through the muscular part of the diaphragm anterior to the central tendon.

Inferior root of Ansa Cervicalis (Hypoglossal ansa) Muscular branches

connects with the superior root from the hypoglossal nerve to form ansa cervicalis. Gives off the motor fibers for the infrahyoid muscle. muscular branches: - supply prevertebral and lateral vertebral muscles, including the rectus capitis lateralis, longus colli, and longus capitis.

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