Cessna 152 V-Speeds
How is the "cautionary range" depicted on the ASI?
The yellow arc
How is Vno depicted on the ASI?
Bottom of the yellow arc/top of the green. (c152 Vno = 111, picture is incorrect)
How is the "normal operating range" depicted on the ASI?
The green arc.
How is Vne (never exceed speed) depicted on the ASI?
The red line
State where the different V speeds are depicted on the airspeed indicator.
(Some labels on this picture are incorrect for the C152, but the colors and placement are correct.)
Vfe = 85 klas Vfe is maximum FLAP EXTENSION speed. Extending flaps above Vfe could cause damage to the flap system.
How is the flap operating range depicted on the ASI?
A white arc.
Va = 93 - 104 kias Va is called MANEUVERING SPEED. 104 kias at 1670 lbs & 93 kias at 1350 lbs. Fly at or below maneuvering speed while experiencing turbulence. This allows you to make a full & abrupt deflection of a control surface without causing structural damage to the aircraft. The plane will stall before being damaged.
Vg = 60 kias. Vg is the best GLIDE speed. If you have an engine failure, 60 kias will allow you to glide your maximum distance.
Vne = 149 kias Vne is NEVER EXCEED speed (red line). Flight at or above Vne will cause structural damage to the aircraft. (Wings could fall off...)
Vno = 111 kias Vno is the maximum structural cruising speed. Do not exceed this speed unless you are in SMOOTH air, and then only with caution.
Vr = 50 kias. Vr is the ROTATE speed. The speed at which you begin your climb during takeoff.
Vs = 40 kias. Vs is the stall speed in the clean configuration (flaps 0*).
Vso = 35 kias. Vso is the stall speed in the landing configuration with flaps 30*.
Vx = 54 kias. Vx is "best ANGLE of climb". This speed gives you the most altitude gain over a specific DISTANCE. Example: I need gain the most altitude possible when I reach the end of the runway. Fly at Vx.
Vy = 67 kias. Vy is "best RATE of climb". This speed gives you the most altitude gain over a specific TIME. Example: I need to gain the most altitude possible in the next 5 minutes. Fly at Vy.