CFI Ground Final

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What are the 6 laws of learning?

*P*rimacy *I*ntensity *E*xercise *R*eadiness *R*ecency *E*ffect

What are the characteristics of learning?

*P*urposeful *E*xperience *M*ultifaceted *A*ctive process

List at least four of the additional responsibilities of a flight instructor. Additional four are extra credit, at 1 point each.

1. Evaluate student piloting ability 2. Pilot supervision 3. Practical test recommendations 4. Flight instructor endorsements 6. Pilot proficiency 7. See & Avoid responsibilities 8. Student's pre-solo flight thought process

List at least three responsibilities of all aviation instructors. Additional two are extra credit, at 1 point each.

1. Helping students learn 2. Providing adequate instruction 3. Demanding adequate standards of performance 4. Emphasizing the positive 5. Ensuring aviation safety

Write out two questions you could ask a student to prompt them to think about trouble-shooting related to engine starting procedures and malfunctions?

1. What happens to the engine when we move the mixture to rich while the starter is engaged? 2. When the engine actually starts, what should we immediately do with the throttle?

A temporary certificate is issued for up to_______ days. A temporary certificate expires_______________.

120 days; upon receipt of the permanent certificate

To be eligible for a commercial pilot certificate, a person must be at least ________ years of age?


To be eligible for a flight instructor certificate, a person must be at least _____ years of age.


Pilots flying over a national wildlife refuge are requested to fly no lower than:

2000 AGL

To receive a Part 141 pilot school certificate, a school must have held a provisional certificate for at least ____ calendar months.


In any consecutive ____ -hour period, a flight instructor may not conduct more than ____ hours of flight training.

24; 8

Temperature is not forecast for winds aloft when the surface is within __________ ft. of the wind level.


Under FAR 61.189 a flight instructor must maintain his/her records required by that section for a period of ____ years.


According the FARs, one must have ______ minutes of fuel remaining at their destination during a day cross-country.


The standard weight of Aviation gasoline is:

6.02 lbs

What code would you squawk if you were hijacked?


The first-solo flight master endorsement that a student receives is valid for:

90 Days

Name one type of instructional aid that can be used during private pilot training.

A gyro to demonstrate gyroscopic precession

I am signing off my student for a practical test to add her multi-engine rating to her commercial pilot certificate in a Cessna Citation II. (twin-jet aircraft) This practical test will also add the C550 type rating. Using AC 61-65H, which endorsement is appropriate? USE OF 61.65H IS REQUIRED FOR THIS QUESTION


The hemispherical altitude rule for cruising on cross-country flights begins at what height?

Above 3000 AGL

An authorized instructor may log pilot-in-command time for ________ flight time while acting as an authorized instructor.


Which Aircraft Has The Right of Way?

An aircraft in distress

What entries are required to be made in a pilot's logbook?

Any training toward a certification or endorsement and any currency such as night landings or flight reviews.

Explain autokinesis, its dangers, and how to avoid it.

Autokinesis is a night illusion where while staring at a stationary light, it appears to move. This is dangerous because you may think you're avoiding traffic but really you're just turning away from a stationary light. Or it could be traffic coming directly at you and you turn the wrong way to avoid it. Avoid this by using peripheral vision and side viewing and not staring at light.

To be eligible for a private pilot certificate, an applicant must:

Be at least 16 years of age for a rating in an aircraft other than a glider or a balloon. and Be able to read, speak, and write the English language.

A good scenario based training question should:

Be interactive Engage all three learning domains Not be a test

While learning to be a good listener, it is most important to: Correct!

Be ready to listen

When Do You NOT Need a Mode C Transponder?

Below Class C Airspace

You are flying and notice that the airspeed indicator is stuck at 60 knots. What is the most likely cause of the error?

Both pitot tube/mast and static ports are blocked

Which of the following is NOT one of the Characteristics of learning?


For a given volume of air, which of the following is true?

Cold air is more dense Warm air is less dense

Choose one of the three oxygen system types. (Continuous Flow, Diluter Demand, Pressure Demand) Explain the limitations and the use of this type of oxygen system.

Continuous Flow: this oxygen delivery system uses either an oronasal or a nasal cannula mask connected to an oxygen tank filled with ABO. While the system is turned on, oxygen is flowing the entire time and it delivers 2.5 L per hour. With an cannula mask, it is effective up to FL180. It's typically used in smaller aircraft due to the cost efficiencies and less often use. Oronasal is effective up to FL250

The first step in the decision making process is:

Define the problem


Degree to which a test distinguishes between students


Degree to which a test measures the overall objectives


Degree to which test results are consistent with repeated measurements

Refusal by a holder of a certificate issued under Part 61 to take a drug test is grounds for:

Denial of an application for any certificate, rating, or authorization issued under Part 61 or a period of up to 1 year after the date of such refusal. Suspension or revocation of any certificate, rating or authorization issued under Part 61.


Describes the singleness of scoring a test

Explain the two types of pressure controllers, and how they control pressure inside the cabin.

Differential: maintains a pressure difference between the outer pressure of the air and the cabin pressure Isobaric: cabin pressure is set to a specific altitude, usually 8,000 feet

The purpose of the lesson plan is to:

Eliminate unimportant details Give the inexperienced instructor confidence Provide an outline of the teaching procedure to be used

An overhead question is one that is directed to a/an:

Entire group


Extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to

What altitude does Class A airspace extend to?


A VFR flight plan is automatically closed when you land at an airport with an operating control tower.


A commercial pilot may not fly at night for compensation or hire without an instrument rating.


The cones are responsible for night vision and are not sensitive to color.


The following endorsement is the only endorsement required for a student pilot to take the Private Pilot Practical test: I certify that Rex A. Ginder has received the required training in accordance with 61.107 and 61.109. I have determined that he is prepared for the Private pilot airplane single engine land practical test.


There are two types of weather briefings available to students.


Under the "Area of Operation" in the CFI PTS titled "Operation of Systems", select one of the sub-areas and demonstrate instructional knowledge of that sub-area in writing.

Fuel: 0ur aircraft uses a fuel injected system which means it needs a pump to get the fuel from the tanks to the engine. In addition to the sumps and fuel selector you see each preflight, there are filters to ensure the fuel has no contaminants. We have 2 pumps, engine driven and electric, for redundancy and safety. There is a fuel flow transducer to maintain fuel flow to the cylinders and a regulator to control the fuel to air ratio. Then the fuel/air mixture goes to a distributor where it gets divided and sent to each cylinder. Oil: Cools the engine, lubricates moving parts, cleans by moving debris Hydraulics: Our brakes use hydraulic fluid. When you push down on the brake pedals, hydraulic fluid moves from a reservoir through the lines and puts pressure on the brake pads, squeezing them and actuating the brakes.

For a student pilot, what distance is considered cross country flight?

Greater than 25 nm

Applicants are not required to show evidence of completed training to take which of the following exams:

Ground Instructor knowledge exams Flight Instructor knowledge exams

Each airport listed for use by aircraft (airplanes) by a 141 school must have at least one runway or takeoff area that allows training aircraft to make a normal takeoff or landing under the following conditions at the aircraft's maximum certificated takeoff gross weight:

If applicable, with the power-plant operation, and landing gear and flap operation recommended by the manufacturer. Under wind conditions of not more than 5 miles per hour. At temperatures in the operating area equal to the mean high temperature for the hottest month of the year.

List below the items found on the I.M.S.A.F.E. checklist.

Illness Medication Stress Alcohol Fatigue Emotion

What are some abnormal reactions to stress?

Inappropriate laughter or singing Rapid changes in emotions Marked changes in mood on different lessons Anger directed toward the instructor and others

CAS is airspeed corrected for position and ________________error.


Use of resources is important part of both CRM and SRM. Name two examples of an internal resource and two examples of an external resource:

Internal: passengers, checklists External: ATC, Flight Service Station

A flight instructor certificate:

Is effective only while the holder has a current commercial pilot certificate and Expires 24 calendar months after it was issued

Why is it important that students gain an in-depth knowledge of their aircraft's systems?

It helps them to understand the reason behind why we do certain things in the plane, for example turning the fuel pump on/off or turning on carb heat in a carbureted engine. It also gives a strong base of knowledge to aid in dealing with emergencies.

How long is the Airworthiness Certificate valid for? Where must it be displayed?

It's valid as long as the aircraft is in an air worthy condition. Must be displayed in view of passengers and crew.

In a fuel injected aircraft, fuel is introduced into the induction system:

Just prior to the intake valve on each cylinder

When using a drag curve chart, it can be noted that the point where the induced and parasite drag curves cross is frequently:

L/D Max and Vg

A ______________________ is an organized outline for a single instructional period

Lesson Plan

List all Certificates and Documents that must be on the aircraft.

MEL (if applicable) Manuals (supplemental) Airworthiness Cert Registration Radio License (international flight) Operating Limitations (POH) Weight and Balance

What is the dominant force which governs progress and the ability to learn?


When calculating weight and balance, an item located forward of the datum would have a _________ value.


As a non-instrument rated private pilot in an airplane, can you request an SVFR clearance to land at an airport after sunset?


Does wind affect endurance, airspeed and rate of climb?


With reference to the communication barrier known as "Interference", what is one type of interference that can affect training?

Noise and Vibration

If a pilot needs to get night current, when can he begin his flight?

One hour after sunset

The [blank1] is responsible for determining the aircraft is in an airworthy condition


A person who holds a flight instructor certificate that has not expired may renew that certificate by:

Passing a practical test for an additional instructor rating or Presenting to the FAA a record of training students, showing that during during the preceding 24 calendar months he/she has endorsed at least 5 candidates for a practical test for a certificate or rating, and at least 80 percent of those applicants passed on the first attempt.

What are 3 levels of Maslowe's Hierarchy of Needs?

Physiological Safety Self-Actualization

Explain the importance of professionalism in aviation and specifically flight training. Use as many of the FAA desired qualities as you can as well as your own thoughts.

Professionalism is extremely important since a flight instructor will have a huge impact in how their students fly and behave throughout their careers. Showing commitment to your students will emphasize the seriousness of their flight training and hopefully inspire commitment back from them. Communicating effectively both in and out of the plane leads to increased safety and better relationships with students which means better instruction. I would want my students to remember me for being more than a fun or nice instructor, I'd want them to remember how much they learned from me, the safe decisions we made together and that I helped train them to make, and hopefully how I inspired them to be grow and evolve while pursuing their goals.

Write a short scenario based training event for teaching your student through an emergency situation in flight.

Pulling the throttle back on a cross country flight, going through the checklist and talking about good choices for an emergency landing

List two of the six types of questions to avoid:

Puzzle Trick


Refers to the functionality of tests

What is airspace established by Part 71 of the FAR?


Which of the following are characteristics of an effective question?

Requires one correct answer Applies to subject matter Concise in nature Appropriate to student's experience Challenges the student Uses proper grammar

Describe how using role playing during flight instruction can improve communication:

Role playing a maneuver in a pre-brief helps ensure the student is clear on all points before going out and performing it in a plane filled with distractions

What are the 4 levels of learning?

Rote Understanding Application Correlation

Explain 2 types of memory discussed in class and how they affect learning

Sensory: Involving more than one sense while learning something aids in retention Short Term: Learning a fact without any sort of reinforcement to retain it, like rote memorization for a test

Pilot refresher course, flight instructor refresher courses, and test pilot courses are examples of ______ courses.

Special Preparation

What is airspace established by Part 73 of the FAR?

Special Use

Explain the difference between Anxiety and Stress.

Stress is a reaction to a threat. Anxiety is a response to stress characterized by worry, unease, etc.

Computation of Density Altitude involves consideration of _______________ & ______________

Temperature and Pressure

Define Airworthiness

The aircraft conforms to its type designs and is in a condition for safe operation

A private pilot may, for compensation or hire, act as pilot in command of an aircraft in connection with their own business or employment if:

The aircraft does not carry passengers or property for compensation or hire not incidental with that business or the flight is only incidental to that business or employment

91.103 requires us to become familiar with all available information prior to flight. Correct!


A critique provides the student with something to build on for continued progress


A negative self concept inhibits the perceptual process by introducing psychological barriers.


A new student pilot certificate issued on the physical plastic card does not have an expiration date.


A pilot school that holds examining authority may recommend a person who graduated from its course for the appropriate certificate or rating without taking the FAA practical test.


A recreational pilot can carry only one (1) passenger.


Accurate record keeping through lesson plans and training syllabi is necessary to keep student and instructor informed on the status of training.


An important part of managing workload is recognizing a work overload situation.


Any certificate or rating held by an applicant may be suspended or revoked if the administrator finds that person has cheated on a knowledge test.


Compensation disguises an undesirable quality by emphasizing a more positive one.


FAR 91.213 deals with Inoperative Instruments & Equipment.


In some cases, you may exercise the priviliges of a CFI certificate without holding a valid FAA medical.


It is possible that a lack of common core of experience could be a barrier to communication.


Pressure altitude is the aircraft's height above the standard datum plane.


The applicant is the PIC during an FAA practical examination.


The night blind spot is in the center of the eye and should be counteracted by using our peripheral vision.


The three primary methods of cross-country navigation are pilotage, dead-reckoning, and radio navigation?


The two main types of objectives are Performance based and Decision based objectives.


To be eligible for a flight instructor certificate a person must have an instrument rating or privileges on their commercial pilot certificate.


Using the lecture method, a presenter has the opportunity to present a large amount of information in a small amount of time.


Your flight instructor certificate authorizes you, (within the limits of your certificate), to give ground, (briefing/classroom), training. Correct!


To use a lesson plan properly one should:

Use the lesson plan as a guide. Revise the lesson plan periodically. Be familiar with the lesson plan.

Basic empty weight does NOT include:

Useable fuel

Which of the following could be considered a method to evaluate students?

Written Performance Testing Oral Quizzing

Name 2 parts of the "DECIDE" model:

detect choose

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