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Which statement about the Indians of North America is not true? a. Indians were very diverse. b. The idea of private property was foreign to Indians. c. Many Indian societies were matrilineal. d. Indians did not covet wealth and material goods as the Europeans did. e. Indians lacked genuine religion.

Indians lacked genuine religion

Which of the following is TRUE of the Virginia PLan

It proposed a two-house legislature, with population determining representation in each house.

Which statement about Thomas paine's "Common Sense" is NOT TRUE? a. It argued that America would become the home of freedom and "an asylum for mankind." b. It called for a democratic system based on frequent elections and a written constitution. c. It tied the economic hopes of the new nation to the idea of commercial freedom. d. It dramatically expanded the public sphere. e. It was breathtakingly original in its ideas.

It was breathtakingly original in its ideas.

The Naturalization At of 1790 allowed

only free white persons to become citizens.

To entice settlers to Virgina, the Virgina Company established the headright system, which

provided land to settlers who paid their own and others' passage.

Slave resistance in the 18th century included..

rebellions in both northern and southern colonies that led to the deaths of several of those involved in planning the conspiracies.

Deists shared the ideas of 18th-century European Enlightenment thinkers, namely that..

science could uncover God's laws that governed the natural order.

Which of the following groups tended to be Anti-Federalist during the ratification debates? a. wealthier citizens b. rural residents closely tied to the commercial marketplace c. merchants engaged in foreign commerce d. state politicians fearful of a strong central government e. urban artisans, laborers, and sailors

state politicians fearful of a strong central government.

The Kentucky resolution original stated that

states could nullify laws of Congres.

Virtual representation was the idea:

that each member of Britain's House of Commons represented the entire empire, not just his own district.

When England took over the Dutch colony that became New York

the English ended the Dutch tradition of allowing married women to conduct business in their own names.

According to the economic theory known mercantilism

the government should regulate economic activity so as to promote national power.

What was the primary purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?

to bring stability to colonial frontier.

TRUE OR FALSE: The New Jersey Plan was meant to aid states with smaller populations.


In early seventeenth-century Massachusetts, freeman status was granted to adult males who

were landowning church members.

The "Daughters of Liberty" was the name given to

women who spun and wove to create their own clothing rather than buy British goods.

How did Richard Hakluyt explain his claim that these was a connection between freedom and colonization?

English colonization would save the New World from Spanish tyranny.

The Black Legned described

English pirates along the African coast

TRUE OR FALSE: English women enjoyed much more freedom that Native American women in terms of being independent of male authority and being able to represent themselves in their communities.


TRUE OR FALSE: The Glorious Revolution in England was tragically bloody and led to the restoration of the absolute rule of British monarchs.


TRUE OR FALSE: Anglicization meant that the colonial elites rejected all things British


TRUE OR FALSE: Bacon's Rebellion was caused by a conflict between black and white dover religious liberty in Virginia.


TRUE OR FALSE: John Dickinson's "Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer" shows us that the movement for independence in the colonies had the complete support of American colonists from Pennsylvania.


TRUE OR FALSE: The Revolutionary War might best be described as an unbroken series of American victories that eventually managed to expel the British from North America, even threatening the British Isles with an American invasion to prior Britain's surrender.


TRUE OR FALSE: In New Netherland the Dutch were intolerant of diverse religious practices and issued an edict that all had to convert to the Dutch Reformed Church.


TRUE OR FALSE: The assumption among ordinary people that wealth, education, and social prominence entitled eaters to public office was called "salutary neglect."


What did Lord Dunmore do that horrified many southern colonists?

He promised freedom to slaves who joined the British cause.

After becoming president, how dis Thomas Jefferson deal with the Federalist?

He tried to roll back almost everything they had done by cutting taxes and the size of the government.

Which of the following is TRUE of the Constitution of 1878 and slavery? a. Despite protests from southern delegates, the document permanently freed runaway slaves who made it to the "free air" of the North. b. The Constitution declared that all territories of the United States would be "free soil" where slavery would not be permitted. c. The Constitution explicitly protected the security of property in slaves in any state of the Union, so that a slave owner could move permanently with his slaves from South to North. d. The Constitution provided for half of a state's slave population to be counted in determining its membership in the House of Representatives. e. Although never using the word "slavery," the document protected several aspects of the institution.

Although never using the word "slavery" the document protected several aspects of the institution.

Maryland was establishes as a refuge for which group?


Which of the following is NOT TURE of the Great Awakening? a. Its quiet, restrained style of preaching appealed to a wider audience than the older style employed by groups such as the Puritans. b. It was due in part to concerns among ministers that religious devotion was in decline due to economic growth. c. It involved several denominations, not just Congregationalists. d. It increased social tensions because ministers criticized certain aspects of colonial society such as commercialism and slavery. e. It was a transatlantic movement and not just an American one.

Its quiet, restrained style of preaching appealed to a wider audience than the older style employed by groups such as the Puritans.

What did English settlers in North American believe was the basis of liberty?


Which one of the following is true of Spanish emigrants to the New World? a. Many of the early arrivals came with the intention of directing Native American labor. b. From the beginning, they arrived as families. c. They were all at the bottom of the social hierarchy. d. They soon outnumbered Native Americans. e. Only the residents of the Malaga province migrated.

Many of the early arrivals came with the intention of directing Native American Labor

What qualifications fig the Constitutions, ratified in 1787, impose for voting?

None; it left voting rules to the states.

Pennsylvania's treatment of Native Americans was unique in what way?

Pennsylvania purchased Indian land that was then resold to colonists and offered refuge to tribes driven out of their colonies.

Far more important to most Indian societies than freedom as personal independence were all of the following except a. kinship ties. b. secure rights to owning land. c. the ability to follow one's spiritual values. d. the well- being of one's community. e. the security of one's community.

Secure rights to owning land

What was Virginia's "gold", which ensured its survival and prosperity?


Which major event first led the British government ro seek ways to make the colonies bear part of the cost of the empire?

The 7 years War

Which International partner did Alexander Hamilton think most important for the survival and prosperity of the U.S.?

The British

What was the significance of the case of 'Marbury v. Madison?'

The Supreme Court asserted the power of judicial review.

Which one of the following states is NOT TRUE of the the slave trade in the 18th-century Atlantic World? a. Slaves were bought and sold in the Atlantic world as part of a series of trading routes that also involved British manufactured goods and colonial products such as tobacco and sugar. b. The Atlantic slave trade was a vital part of world commerce in the eighteenth century. c. Even those in areas where slavery was only a minor institution, such as Massachusetts and Rhode Island, profited from the slave trade. d. The majority of slaves taken from Africa were brought to the southern colonies in British North America, such as the Carolinas and Georgia. e. Many slaves died of diseases on board slave ships during the Middle Passage.

The majority of slaves taken from Africa were brought to the southern colonies in British North America, such as the Carolinas and Georgia.

Why was slavery less prevalent in th northern colonies?

The small farms of the northern colonies did not need slaves.

Which one of the following is true of indentured servants? a. They could not be sold by their masters. b. Their masters could determine whether they could marry. c. Pregnant women received their freedom early. d. They could not be physically punished because, unlike slaves, they had rights as English citizens. e. all of the above are true

Their masters could determine whether they could marry.

As slave society consolidated in the Chespeake region, what happened to free blacks?

They lost many of their rights

What motivated the Portuguese to being exploration to find an all-water route to India, Chance and the East Indies

To eliminate the Muslim "middlemen" in the luxury goods trade.

TRUE OR FALSE: The 12th Amendment required electors to cast separate votes for president and vice president.


TRUE OR FLASE: The climate and the choice of a rice cultivation economy lef to South Carolina developing a black majority population.


All of the following contributed to the English social crisis of the late sixteenth century except a. a lower birth rate, which made it difficult to find workers for new industries. b. the enclosure movement, which forced thousands of peasants from farms. c. increased prices buoyed by the influx of gold and silver from Latin America. d. decreased wages in the cities. e. the invasion of the cities by vagrants, who wandered the roads in search of work.

a lower birth rate, which made it difficult to find workers for new industries.

With regard to slavery, the Northwest Ordinance of 1878

banned slavery in the area north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River

Roger Williams argues that

church and state must be totally separated.

Which of the following fits the description of a person most likely to have been accused of witchcraft in colonial England? a. a single young woman whose attractiveness meant that some saw her as a threat to Puritan values b. a married woman who normally was subservient to her husband and the community, which made her behavior seem all the more bizarre c. a widow who presumably was too lonely or too dependent on the community to be taken seriously, but who had to be tried and convicted to keep others from thinking similarly d. a married woman who had just lost a child e. a woman beyond childbearing age who was outspoken, economically in dependent, or estranged from her husband

e. A woman beyond childbearing age who was outspoken, economically in dependent, or estranged from her husband.

Judith Sergeant Murrary argues that women's apparent mental inferiority to men simply reflected the fact that women had been denied

education opportunities.

The Constitution explicitly granted Congress the power to do all of the following except a. pass tariffs. b. coin money. c. regulate interstate commerce. d. issue patents. e. emancipate slaves.

emancipate slaves.

New France was characterized by

more peaceful European-Indian relations than existed in New Spain.

Which of the following DOES NOT describe those who attend the Constitutional Convention

most had earned their wealth after rising from humble origins.

In its decisions in the case of Fletcher v. Peck, the U.S. Supreme Court

exercise the authority to overturn a state law that the Court considered in violation of the U.S. Constitution

TRUE OR FALSE: Jay's Treaty abandoned any American alliance with Britain by positioning the U.S. close to France


Before the arrival of Columbus, Native North Americans

had elaborate trade networks

What did it mean when the Virginia House of Burgesses decreed that religious conversion didn't release a slave from bondage

it meant that, under Virginia Law, Christians could own other Christians.

The Stamp Act created such a massive stir in the colonies because:

it was the first direct tax Parliament imposed on the colonies.

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