Ch .1 COMM 320

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Support groups

exist to help members understand and address personal issues and problems. Support groups may be called therapy or personal growth groups.

Small Group Communication

focuses on the verbal and non-verbal interaction among group members. As members create, perceive, interpret, and respond to messages from one another, they are engaging in small group communication.

Primary groups

form to meet the first two types of needs, inclusion and openness. The may accomplish work but that is not their primary objective. Loving, caring, avoiding feelings of loneliness, sharing, feeling cared about- these are the motives for which we willingly give up some freedom as individuals to be members of a group.

In task-oriented groups, ____________________ refers to dreading participation in a group.


marvin, shaw an early group theorist defined a group as ______________________.

interact in a way in which each person influences and is influenced by the other.

Quality Control Circles

is a generic name for small groups of company employees who volunteer to tackle any issue that may affect job performance.

standing committe

is a permanent committee.


is a type of secondary group that performs a specific service for an organization and is usually three types: standing, ad hoc, and conference.

communications in a group

is about knowing what produces tensions within a group.


is the transactional process in which people simultaneously create, interpret, and negotiate shared meaning through their interaction.

Teleconferencing and applications such as Skype allow members to _______________________

meet at the same time although they are widely spread geographically.

in the context of ethical communication, which of the following is true of bad group members?

members who are unable or unwilling to commit.

Secondary Groups _______________.

or 'task groups' exist mainly to meet control needs,: solving all sorts of problems


someone who is a regular member of a group and at the same time, actively observes the group and adapts to its processes and procedures (23)

Self-managed work teams

sometimes called autonomous work groups or modules, self=managed work teams are groups of peers who manage their own work schedules, and procedures within certain limits. Members are highly trained and cross-trained - each is able to perform several tasks for the team. A self-managed work teak elects its own leader, who is a coworker, not a supervisor or a a manager. (20)


are the rules or standard for right conduct or practice. (21)

In the context of small groups, ____________ do not form networks or leadership hierarchies if one member leaves, they cease to exist.



Communication between members is the essential feature of a group, regardless of the groups size, or purpose. Communication is the transactional process in which peoples simultaneous create, interpret and negotiate shared meaning through their interaction. Members simultaneously send and received verbal messages - words, facial expressions and so forth.

Which of the following is the difference between a small group communication and a public speaking situation?

In public situations, the speaker's role is clearly differentiated from the audiences role. whereas, in a small group, the roles are interchangeable. Public speakers plan their remarks, but small group participants respond relatively spontaneously.

shutz 3 major forces that motivate human interaction are

Inclusion, openness, and control

________________ groups exist to help members understand or control events in their lives and the world around them.

Learning groups

Geographically distributed multinational groups _______________________.

always meet virtually.

ad hoc groups

are created to perform one special assignment,and than go out of existence.

Beebe and Masterson

believe that groups are more highly structured.

In a five person group, what makes small group communication complex?

verbal feedback is delayed during a speech., but in a small group, it is immediate, although non-verbal feedback is instantaneous in both contexts. In inter-personal situations, such as in a dyad, only one interpersonal relationship is possible, but in a five-person group, 10 unique interpersonal relationships exist., making small group communication more complex. Interpersonal communication, the communication that occurs within an individual (such as thinking and self-talk) is always present no matter the context, including small groups.

Small groups

we define small not by numbers but in terms of psychological perception: a small groups refers to a group in numbers in which individual members perceive each other and are aware of each other as individuals when they interact. usually between 3-7 people....

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