Ch. 1 - Keeping Food Safe

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FDA- food and drug administration is

an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service

People with compromised immune systems

- certain medical conditions and medications can weaken a person's immune system- the body's defense system against illness. -cancer or chemotherapy - HIV/Aids - transplants, medications to prevent the body from rejecting the new organ or bone marrow

Important prevention measures for keeping food safe are:

- controlling time and temperature. - preventing cross-contamination. - practicing good personal hygiene. - purchasing from approved reputable suppliers - cleaning and sanitizing items correctly.

All of the following are considered potentially hazardous food, except? cranberry juice, ground beef, raw oysters, garlic-and-oil dressing

- cranberry juice

Which of the following is not considered a potentially hazards food? dried parsley, soy burger, cooked rice, beans

- dried parsley

As a foodservice manager, your responsible for your:

- operation, your staff, and your guests. - the best way to meet your obligations is to keep the food you serve safe. - you must know what foodborne illnesses are and whom they most affect. The cost of a foodborne-illness outbreak can be devastating.

How food becomes unsafe? -if food handlers do not handle food correctly. It can become unsafe. - these are 5 most common food-handling mistakes, or risk factors, that can cause foodborne illness:

1) Purchasing food from unsafe sources. 2) Falling to cook food correctly. 3) Holding food at incorrect temperatures. 4) Using contaminated equipment. 5) Practicing poor personal hygiene.

Food Safety face many challenges: time, language and culture

1) TIME: pressure to work quickly can make it hard to take the time to follow food safety practices. 2) LANGUAGE & CULTURE: some staff may speak different languages from yours. This can create communication barriers and how staff view food safety as well.

FDA- food and drug administration: 9. Food handlers are monitored to make sure TCS food is cooled rapidly.

10. Consumer advisories are posted notifying guests of the risk of ordering raw or partially cooked food. 11. Cleaning and sanitizing procedures are monitored to make sure that sanitizer solutions are at the correct temperature and concentration and remain in contact with items for correct amount of time.

Which type of contaminate is responsible for the majority of food borne illnesses?


When raw meat juices drip onto cooked tor ready-to-eat food, it can make food unsafe in what way?


Which employee attribute is an examples of a challenge to food safety an operation might face?


Which is a potential negative result of a food borne illness to an operation?

Increase insurance premium

Lawsuits and legal fees

Is a potential cost that a food borne illness brings to an operation

The 5 most common food handling mistake include purchasing food from unsafe sources, falling to cook food correctly, holding food at incorrect temperatures, using contaminated equipment and

Practicing poor personal hygiene

Which is the manager of an operation responsible for monitoring?

Staff handwashing practices

One responsibility of an operation manager is to post consumer advisories notifying customer of

The risk of ordering raw or partially cooked food

3-Types of contaminants threaten food safety

They are: biological, chemical, and physical. Of these pathogens, which are biological contaminants, pose the greatest danger.

Why are preschool-aged children at high risk for foodborne illness?

They have not yet built up strong immune systems.


When 2 or more people display the same symptoms of illness after eating the food, is considered to be a outbreak.

Three friends who ate a sausage pizza together fell ill with yersiniosis. It was later determined that the sausage had been time-temperature abused. This is an example of

a food borne illness outbreak

Why are the elderly at a higher risk for getting foodborne illness?

as people age, there are changes in their organs. For example, stomach-acid production decreases as people get older. This allow more pathogens to enter the intestinal tract also allows the body to store food for a longer periods. This givens toxins more time to forms.

Elderly people

as you age, changes occur in their organs; - stomach acid production decreases, this allows more pathogens to enter the intestines. - a change in the stomach and intestinal tract also allow the body to store food for longer periods and give toxins more time to form

Which type of contaminants is responsible for the majority of foodborne illness?


What are the three major types of contaminants?

biological, chemical, physical

Which of the following is not considered a potentially hazardous food? sliced watermelon, alfalfa sprouts, baked pears, chopped celery

chopped celery

Physical hazards contaminants include:

foreign objects such as metal shavings, staples, bandages, glass, and dirt. Naturally occurring objects, such as fish bones in fillets, are another example.

Which is a potential negative result of a foodborne-illness to an operation?

increased insurance premiums


is a disease transmitted to people by food and is considered an outbreak when 2 or more people have the same symptoms after eating the same food.

Purchasing food from unsafe sources can be a big problem. So, purchasing food from approved, reputable supplier is critical.

keep in mind that food prepared in a private home is also considered to be from an unsafe source and must be avoided.

What is a potential cost that a foodborne illness brings to an operation?

lawsuits and legal fees

Biological contaminants include:

pathogens are the greatest threat to food safety. They include certain bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. Some plants, mushrooms, and seafood that carry harmful toxins -poisons- are included in this group.

Poor cleaning and sanitizing

pathogens can be spread to food if equipment has not been cleaned and sanitized correctly between uses. - equipment and utensils are not washed, rinsed, and sanitized between users. - food contact surfaces are wiped clean rather than being washed, rinsed, and sanitized. - wiping cloths are not stored in a sanitizer solution between uses. - sanitizing solutions are not at the required levels to sanitize objects

TCF and ready to eat food are the most likely food to become unsafe.

pathogens grow well in the these items need time and temperature control to limit pathogen growth. For this reason, this food is called TCS food-food requiring time and temperature control safety.

Food handlers who do not follow correct procedures can also threaten the safety of food.

they can do this when they fail to cook food enough and when they hold it at incorrect temperatures. Food handlers can also cause an illness when they use contaminated equipment and when they practice poor personal hygiene.

Whey are preschool-age children at a higher risk for foodborne illnesses?

they have not built up strong immune systems.

Raw chicken breast are left out at room temperature on a prep table. What is the main risk that could cause a foodborne illness?

time-temperature abuse.

Pathogens grow well in TCF food

to prevent this growth, this food needs time and temperature control.

What is an example of a physical contaminant?


Preschool-age children

very young children have not yet built up strong immune systems

What is a foodborne-illness breaks?

when two or more people report the same illness from eating the same food.

High-risk populations are comprised of preschool age children, elderly people and people

with compromised immune systems

Which type of food would be the most likely to cause a foodborne illness? baked potatoes, frozen corn, sliced cucumbers, instant soup mix.

- baked potatoes

Food has been time-temperature abuse when:

- food is not held or stored at the correct temperature. - food is not cooked or reheated enough to kill pathogens. Food is not cooled correctly. - it has stayed too long at temperatures that are good for the growth of pathogens. Pathogens can be transferred from one surface or food to another. This is called cross-contamination. Pathogens can be spread to food if equipment has not been cleaned and sanitized correctly between uses.

What are the potential costs associated with foodborne-illness outbreaks?

- loss of guests/customer, sales, and reputation. - negative media exposure. - lawsuits and legal fees - increased insurance premiums - lowered staff morale, absenteeism and retraining. - closure of the operation - human costs, such as lost work, medical costs, long-term disability, and death


- pathogen can be transferred from one surface or food to another. This is called cross contamination. It causes foodborne illness in many ways: - contaminated ingredients are added to food that receives no further cooking. - ready to eat food touches contaminated surfaces - contaminated food touches drips fluids onto cooked or ready to eat food - a food handler touches contaminated food and then touches ready to eat food. - contaminated cleaning cloths touch food contact surfaces.

Which is a TCF food?

- sprouts and sprout seeds /milk, and dairy products - meat: beef, pork, and lamb, fish, poultry, shellfish and crustaceans./tofu or other soy protein- synthetic ingredients, such as textured soy protein meat alternative. - shell eggs- except those treated to eliminate nontyphoidal Salmonella - heat-treated plant food, such as cooked rice, beans, and veggies/ baked potatoes - sliced melons, cut tomatoes, cut leafy greens -untreated garlic and- oil mixtures.

Some groups are at a higher risk of getting sick from unsafe food are:

- the elderly - preschool-age children - people with compromised immune systems, cancer or on chemotherapy - people with HIV/AIDS transplant recipients. - people on certain medication.

How foodborne illnesses occur?

- unsafe food is usually the result of contamination, which is the presence of harmful substances in food. - to prevent foodborne illnesses, you must recognize the contaminants that can make food unsafe. - these contaminants include: pathogens, chemicals, and physical objects. It can also be caused by certain unsafe practices in your operations,

Foodborne illness is

-is a disease transmitted to people by food. -an illness is considered a foodborne-illness outbreak when 2 or more people have the same symptoms after eating the same food. However, this requires an investigation by a regulatory authority as well as confirmation by a laboratory.

The other food handling mistakes are related to 4 main practices:

1) time-temperature abuse. 2) cross contamination. 3) poor personal hygiene, 4) poor cleaning and sanitizing

Practices related to foodborne illness

1. Time-temperature abuse 2. Cross-contamination 3. Poor personal hygiene 4. Poor cleaning and sanitizing

FDA- food and drug administration; standards recommend that regulatory authorities hold the person in charge of a foodservice operation responsible for ensuring the standards are met:

1. food is not prepared in a private home or in a room where people live or sleep 2. people other than food handlers are restricted from prep, storage and dishwashing area. Steps are taking to protect food, utensils, and equipment from contamination for any one allowed.

FDA- food and drug administration -cont-

12. Guest are notified that they must use clean tableware when returning to a self service area. 13. Staff are handling ready- to- eat food with utensils or single use gloves. 14. Staff are trained in food safety, including allergy awareness.

FDA- food and drug administration

15. Staff, including conditionals staff, are reporting illness and symptoms of illnesses that can be transmitted through food. 16. Food safety procedures are written down. Implemented, and maintained where required by regulatory authority.

Food Safety face many challenges: pathogens, unapproved suppliers, and staff turnover.

3) PATHOGENS: illness-causing pathogens are now found on food that was once considered safe. For examples, nontyphoidal Salmonella now appears on produce more often than in the past. 4) UNAPPROVED SUPPLIERS: food might be received from suppliers that are not practicing food safety. This can cause a foodborne-illness outbreak. 5) STAFF TURNOVER: training new staff, as shown at left, leaves less time for food safety training.

FDA- food and drug administration; 3. Maintenance and deliveries workers follow food safety practices while in the operation.

4. Staff handwashing is monitored in the operation. 6. The inspection of deliveries is monitored to ensure that food is received from an approved source, at the correct temperature, and has not been contaminated.

FDA- food and drug administration; standards-

7. Food delivered after-hours is monitored to make sure it is received from an approved source, stored in the correct location, protected from contamination, and accurately presented. 8. Food handlers are monitored to make sure TCF food is cooked to required temperatures. Temperatures are checked using calibrated thermometers.

Each of these 3 contaminants is a danger to food safety: biological, chemical, physical.

But biological contaminants are responsible for most foodborne illness.

If plant food is heat-treated

It is considered potentially hazardous food

Which type of food carries the highest risk of causing a foodborne illness?

Milk and dairy products

Why does staff turnover challenge the ability to follow food safety rules?

More time has to be spent in job training, so there is less available for food safety.

Millions of people contract a foodborne illness each year.

Most cases go unreported and do not occur at restaurant or foodservice operations. Those that are reported and investigated help the industry learn about the causes of foodborne illnesses and what can be done to prevent them.

Why is TCS food likely to become unsafe?

Pathogens grow well in it

Poor personal hygiene

food handlers can cause a foodborne illness if they: - fail to wash their hands correctly after using the restroom - cough or sneeze on food - touch or scratch wounds then touch food - work while sick

What is TCF food?

food requiring time and temperature control for safety

Ready-to-eat food: also needs careful handling to prevent contamination.

food that can be eaten without further preparation, washing, or cooking. - cooked food - washed fruits and veggies- whole and cuts - deli meat - sugar, spices, and seasoning

Chemical contaminants include:

foodservice chemicals such as cleaners, sanitizers and polishes, if they are used incorrectly.

When two or more people display the same symptoms of illness after eating the same food, it is considered to be a


A server cleans a dining table with a wiping cloth and then puts the wiping cloth in an apron pocket. What is the risk that could cause a foodborne illness?

poor cleaning and sanitizing.

The five most common food-handling mistakes include purchasing food from unsafe sources, failing to cook food correctly, holding food at incorrect temperatures, using contaminated equipment and

practicing poor personal hygiene

What is an important measure for preventing foodborne illness?

preventing cross-contamination.

The 5 common risk factors that can lead to foodborne illness are failing to cook food adequately, holding food at incorrect temperatures, using contaminated equipment, practicing poor personal hygiene, and

purchasing food from unsafe sources.

TCS food is food

requiring time and temperature control for safety.

One responsibility of an operation's manager is to post consumer advisories notifying customers of

the risk of ordering raw or partially cooked food.

What is cross- contamination?

the transfer of microorganisms from one food or surface to another

Operations face many challenges to food safety

these include time pressure and potentially unsafe supplies, including food formerly considered safe from pathogens, such as produce. Operations also face an increase in high-risk populations and challenges related to staff.

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