Ch. 1 Reformation World History

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the human beings who make it up

Christian Humanists believe that in order to change society, they must first change _______________.


Declare a marriage invalid


Release from all or part of the punishment for sin


Rites and rituals that, according to the Catholic Church, are necessary to gain acceptance into heaven (ex. Baptism, Eucharist, etc.)

I, II, and III

The Anabaptists believed that I. government should keep out of the realm of religion. II. government did not have authority over real Christians. III. Anabaptists should not hold political office or serve in the army.

kicked him out of the church

The Catholic Church excommunicated Luther, meaning they ________________.

court or special body that enforced moral discipline

The Consistory, set up by John Calvin in Geneva, was a ________________.

had a special vow of obedience to the Pope

The Jesuits were a monastic order which _________________.

states could decide if they would be Lutheran or Catholic

The Peace of Augsburg was an agreement between the Catholic and Lutheran forces of the Holy Roman Empire that said ________________.

corrupt policies of the Pope

The Reform Commission in 1537 blamed the Church's problems on the ________________.

95 Thesis

The attack Luther wrote denouncing the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church was called ________________.


The belief that God had determined in advance who would be saved and who would be damned


Who did Luther side with in the peasant revolt in the Holy Roman Empire?

close to the Catholic teachings

During the reign of Henry VIII, the doctrine of the Anglican church was _______________.

have faith in God and faith alone

Luther believed that in order to receive salvation a person needed to ______________.


Martin Luther believed the only place you could find religious truth was in the ______________.


Which of the following religious groups believed only in adult baptism (they do not baptize infants)?


While the leaders of the Church were failing to meet their responsibilities, ordinary people desired meaningful religious expression and assurance of their ________________, or acceptance into Heaven.

Henry 8th

Who was married to Catherine of Aragon and wanted an annulment due to the couple's inability to have a male child?


A waiting room for heaven (where sins would be burned out of the flesh)

Had very little impact

What impact did the Protestant Reformation have on women?


Acceptance into heaven


According to church practice at the time, through veneration of a relic, a person could gain an ______________, release from all or part of the punishment for sin.

Christian Humanism

Believed in the ability of human beings to reason and improve themselves, major goal was to reform the Catholic Church

relics were abolished

In Zurich, Ulrich Zwingli introduced religious reforms such as ______________.

Sacraments were not necessary, according to the Bible

In studying the seven sacraments of Catholicism, Luther found that ________________.


John Calvin believed that God had determined in advance who would be saved and who would be damned, a belief known as _______________.


True or False? The Council of Trent decided that the Catholic church had been right, all along, about its teachings on salvation (faith and good deeds were needed for salvation).

Martin Luther split with the Catholic Church because Martin Luther disagreed with the teachings of the Catholic Church, especially the sale of indulgences. He voiced his opinion by writing the "95 Theses" and posting it on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. Luther viewed the sacraments as not necessary, according to the Bible. Luther's theory of salvation was different from the Catholic church because he believed that faith alone in God, and not good works, brings salvation. However, the Catholic Church said that both faith and good works were needed to receive salvation. Luther found religious truth in the Bible alone.

Why did Martin Luther split with the Catholic Church and how were his beliefs different from those of the Church? In your essay please explain how Luther's theory of salvation was different from the Catholic church's, what Luther thought about the sacraments, how Luther voiced his opinion initially (at the beginning, the paper he wrote), and where Luther found religious truth.

Gave the church a clear doctrine to unify under

Why was the Council of Trent important?

95 Thesis

Work written by Martin Luther, is an attack on the abuses in the sale of indulgences

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