Ch 1 Smartbook

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True or false: Physiology focuses on the molecular or cellular level to gain an understanding of how organ systems work.


Which examines how nerve impulses are propagated throughout the nervous system?


Define regional anatomy

An examination of the structures in a particular region.

Match the word with its correct description of how body temperature stimulates a negative feedback mechanism when body temperature rises above normal. Stimulus Receptor Control center Effector Homeostasis

Stimulus - vigorous exercise raises body temperature Receptor - organs in the skin detect heat Control center - hypothalamus of brain sets body temperature Effector - blood vessels dilate, sweat glands secrete sweat Homeostasis - body temperature returns to normal

True or false: Sometimes a homeostatic imbalance occurs when a variable normally controlled by negative feedback is instead controlled by positive feedback.

True; like a heart attack

Which are examples of a positive feedback loop?

blood clotting childbirth breast feeding

Control centers are generally portions of the ______.

brain spinal cord thyroid gland (part of endocrine sys)

Gross anatomy investigates structures that ______ be seen with the unaided eye.


Most body cells divide by a process called ______.


Physiology is the study of ______ of the body parts.


Which of the following body structures can serve as effectors?

insulin secreting cells of pancreas smooth muscles of bronchioles

Which of the following are characteristics of all living things? Metabolism, growth & dev, organization, organ systems, tissues

metabolism growth and development organization

In a negative feedback process, the resulting action will always be in the ______ direction of the stimulus.


When a stimulus is reinforced to continue in the same direction until a climactic event occurs, it is best as described as ______.

positive feedback

The component of homeostasis, called the ______, is the sensory nerve body structure that detects changes in a variable, which is either the substance or process that is regulated.


A receptor typically consists of ______.

sensory neurons

______ investigates the relationships among internal structures that may be visualized by specific scanning procedures.

Radiographic anatomy

Physiology is the study of ______ of body parts.


Define surface anatomy

A focus on the internal body structures that relate to the skin covering them.

Define embroyology

A study of the developmental changes occurring from conception to birth.

Rank the following terms from simplest to most complex. Cells, organism, tissues, organ sys, organs

Cells -> tissues -> organs -> organ sys --> organism

Define systemic anatomy

Choice, A study of each body system. A study of each body system.

______ may explore how the lower limb differs between humans and chimps.

Comparative anatomy

In a homeostatic control mechanism, the _____ _______ is the structure that interprets input from the receptor and initiates changes through the effector.

Control center

What is each organ system responsible for: Endocrine sys Cardiovascular sys Lymphatic sys Respiratory sys Urinary sys

Endocrine - secretes hormones to regulate growth and chemical levels in the blood Cardiovascular - moves blood containing hormones, nutrients and gases Lymphatic - participates in immune response Respiratory - responsible for exchange of gases Urinary - filters the blood and removes waste from the blood

What is the body's ability to maintain a consistent internal environment called?


_____ examines anatomic changes resulting from disease.

Pathologic anatomy

Match the homeostatic control mechanism with its correct description. Receptor Control Center Effector

Receptor - perceives a stimulus Control center - integrates input and initiates change Effector - brings about a change in response to the stimulus

Match the homeostatic control mechanism with its correct description. Receptor Control center Effector

Receptor - perceives a stimulus Control center - integrates input and initiates change Effector - brings about a change in response to the stimulus

If one is studying the axillary (armpit) area of the body and its nerves, blood vessels, lymph nodes, musculature, connective tissue, and skin, ______ is the type of anatomy that is being studied.

Regional anatomy

Negative feedback mechanisms work by maintaining the variable within a normal level or what is called a

Set point

True or false: Most homeostatic variables aren't constant over time but fluctuate around a set point.


True or false: Most processes in the body are controlled by negative feedback.


The study of structure and form is called


The smallest units of matter having the chemical properties of the element are called


The sum of all chemical reactions that occur within the body is called


The production of sex cells that, under the right conditions, have the ability to develop into a new living organism is ______.


A stimulus to the skin of the hand causes someone to withdraw their hand from the stimulus to prevent damage; this is an example of ______.


Histology refers to ______.

study of tissues

The word anatomy is derived from the Greek word anatome, which could be described by which of the following? Select all that apply.

to dissect to cut apart

Choose all that are examples of negative feedback regulation?

withdrawal reflex from stepping on glass regulating heart rate regulating blood pressure

Define comparative anatomy

An examination of the differences in the anatomy of different species. An examination of the differences in the anatomy of different species.

The anatomy that is also called macroscopic anatomy is _____ anatomy


Match the organ system on the left with its description on the right. integumentary system skeletal system muscular system nervous system

Integumentary system - provides protection, regulates body temperature, and prevents water loss skeletal system - provides support and protection, site of hemopoiesis muscular system - produces body movement and heat nervous system - controls body movement and conducts impulses for internal communication

Which are examples of negative feedback regulation?

changes in blood pressure when exercising changing breathing rate in response to an increase of CO2

The chemical level of an organization is ______.

composed of atoms and molecules the simplest level of organization

The component of homeostasis, called the __________ , is the sensory nerve body structure that detects changes in a variable, which is either the substance or process that is regulated.


Which of the following statements correctly apply to homeostasis as a physiologic process?

The control center is generally the nervous system or endocrine system. These processes are dynamic. When homeostasis fails disease or even death occurs. Negative feedback typically keeps these processes in check.

The structure that brings about the change to alter the stimulus is called a(n)


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