Ch. 10

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What does Washington do to create his new government, and who does he put into the new positions?

He established the cabinet. This included Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, and Secretary of War Henry Knox.

What are the terms of Jay's Treaty? How is this treated looked upon in the United States?

The treaty included a British promise to evacuate outpost on U.S. soil and pay damages for seized American vessels, in exchange for which Jay bound the United States to repay pre-Revolutionary war debts into abide by Britain's restrictive trading policies towards France. Jeffersonians in particular viewed Jay as a trader.

In what ways does the French Revolution affect the United States?

The two parties became more weary of each other as they heard how the French were turning on one another. They feared that the new 2 party system would result in another revolution involving France and England.

What were some key differences between Federalists and Democratic Republicans?

Federal advocated for a strong central government led by the best people. They want the government to protect the lives and estates of the wealthy and promote foreign trade. Democratic Republicans have a stronger appeal to the middle class and the underprivileged because they insisted that there should be no special treatment for classes and that government should be for all people. They wanted a weaker central government and argued that the best type of government was the one that governed least. They wanted the power to remain in the states.

Why does Washington believe that getting involved in the war between France and Great Britain in 1793 has to be avoided at all costs?

He felt as though the country was not strong enough to be a part of another War, even though they were laying out the foundation for a populous and powerful country.

What did Little Turtle do?

He gave notice to the Miami Confederacy regarding the Ohio River as the United States northwestern and as their own southeastern border. He then lead the tribes to defeating an American army.

{Hamilton's Financial plan} What does Hamilton promise Jefferson if he gets enough votes in Congress for Hamilton's assumption plan?

He promises Virginia would have the federal District of Potomac.

What was Hamilton's vision for the National Bank?

He proposed a powerful private institution of which the government would have major stock holds and in which the federal Treasury would deposit its surplus monies. The bank would print urgently needed money and thus provide a stable currency.

How did John Adams try to avoid conflict with France?

He tried to reach an agreement with a French sent a commission of three men including John Marshall.

Describe the Citizen Genet incident.

He was a representative of the French Republic who undertook to fit out privateers and otherwise take advantage of the existing Franco-American Alliance. He felt like the neutrality proclamation do not reflect the true intention of Americans and therefore broke the terms of their alliance by recruiting Spanish and British armies.

What was the issue with the Sedition Act?

It directly opposed the Constitution as it conflicted with the ideas of freedom of speech.

According to Anti-Federalists, what was missing from the Constitution?

It failed to provide guarantees of individual rights such as freedom of religion and trial by jury.

Describe the Alien Laws and Sedition Act. What is the purpose of these laws?

It raised the residency requirement for citizenship to 14 years and granted the president the power to deport dangerous foreigners in times of peace and was aimed Approach Jeffersonian whose party had a large number of immigrants.

What are the terms of the Treaty of Greenville?

It stated the natives give up their vast tracts in the old Northwest, including much of present-day Indiana and Ohio, and in exchange the Indians received a lump-sum payment of $20,000 and the right to hunt the land and recognition as their own sovereign status.

Explain the "compact theory" set forth by Jefferson and Madison in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions.

It was a popular theory among the English political philosophers that when applied to America, meant that the 13 sovereign states, in creating the federal government had entered into a "compact" regarding its jurisdiction and national government was consequently the agent of the states. The individual states were the final judges of whether their agent had broken the compact by overstepping their authority.

What is the Convention of 1800, and what is it significance?

It was agreement to formally dissolve the United States's treaty with France. The US agreed to pay for the damage caused by American shippers. This explains future American entanglements with foreign powers as they weren't tied to just one country.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion, and why is the way it ended significant?

It was an uprising against the excise tax which bore harshly on the homespun pioneer folk. Washington Center militia to put down the rebels. This resulted in the strengthened government commanding a new type of respect.

What gains does the United States get with Pinckney's Treaty with Spain?

It's granted the Americans virtually everything they demanded including free navigation of the Mississippi, the right to deposit at New Orleans, and large disputed territory of Western Florida.

{Hamilton's Financial plan} Describe the debate between Hamilton and Jefferson on the issue of the Bank of the United States. Who wins the debate?

Jefferson thought that the bank was unconstitutional, saying that the states only had power to do this. Hamilton believed that what the Constitution did not forbid was permitted, and argue that a National Bank was a necessity. Hamilton won the debate and the Bank of the United States was established.

Who wins the Election of 1796? Who gets the vice-presidency?

John Adams became president and Thomas Jefferson became vice president.

{Hamilton's Financial plan} What ways does Hamilton come up with to pay for the nation's interest on its debt and to run the government? (2ways)

One way would be through tariffs (which depended on foreign trade) and the second would be through excise tax (which was a tax on domestic items)

How do people react to Hamilton's plan?

Resentment was building because they felt that the federal government was overshadowing the state's power.

{Hamilton's Financial plan} Why were funding at the federal government debt at par and assumption of state debts important pieces of Hamilton's economic plan?

States burdened with heavy debts like Massachusetts were delighted. This would hopefully strengthen the central government.

How are the British antagonizing the Americans on the Northern Frontier?

The British maintained their post in the northern Frontier. They also use native as a buffer to contain the Americans and openly sold firearms to them to use against the Americans. Another thing they did was capture Americans in British vessels.

What is the significance of the Judiciary Act of 1789?

The act organized the Supreme Court with a chief justice and five Associates as well as federal district and circuit courts, and established the office of attorney General.

Describe the growth and expansion of America's population in the beginning years of the United States.

The population was doubling about every 25 years and about 90% of the population was rural.

What precedent does Washington start when he leaves the office of the president? What words of caution does he have about alliances in his Farewell Address?

The two-term tradition was established. He warns the American people about permanent alliances and further states that he believes in temporary alliances or extraordinary emergencies.

Why did political parties develop during George Washington's presidency?

There were groups organized to oppose the government, which spread the spirit of national Unity. They were formed when Jefferson and Madison first organized their opposition to Hamilton's program. This was actually good as it insured that politics never drifted too far out of the other groups wishes.

How did America respond to the XYZ Affair?

They War preparations and expanded their Navy so that Bloodshed was confined to the sea, mainly near the West Indies.

How to the American citizens feel about President Washington?

They all loved him he was the only president to be unanimously elected. He commanded his followers by the strength of his character rather than the art of politics.

How did Jeffersonian democratic-republicans feel about the French Revolution?

They felt as though is their obligation to help their new friend France against their old foe England. They argued that their debt would be paid off and doing so.

What conclusion was made regarding the Alien and Sedition Acts?

They were deemed unconstitutional and became nullified.

How do the French respond to Jay's Treaty? How do the Jeffersonians?

They were infuriated by the treaty. They saw it as a step towards allegiance with Britain. French warships in retaliation began to seize defenseless American Merchant vessels. They refuse to visit with America's new envoy. The Jeffersonians despised the treaty and they viewed it as traitorous to be associating and making deals with England.

What is the XYZ affair, and how do the Americans respond to this treatment by the French?

When American envoys went to France and demanded and an uneutral loan of 32 million florins. Jeffersonians were disappointed with France but the rest of the coirty was happy to see that they rejected the French's offer.

What is the significance of Washington's Neutrality Proclamation?

Who was America's first formal declaration of aloofness and proved to be a major prop of the spreading isolationist tradition.

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