CH 10 Monitoring Computers

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Latest Report

After using a Data Collector Set to gather information and then stopping the Data Collector Set, you can view a summary by right-clicking the Data Collector Set and then choosing ______.

logman start "<Data Collector Set>"

Although you can create data collector sets using the Logman tool, creating them using the Data Collector Sets console is easier. You can then run the data collector set by using the following command:

winrm quickconfig

At a command prompt with administrative privileges, run the following command to configure the Windows Remote Management service on the forwarding computer:

http://computername:5985 (or https://computername:5986 if you are using HTTPS)

Because the forwarding computer must have HTTP and possibly HTTPS available, you can attempt to connect to it from the collecting computer by using Windows Internet Explorer—just type ______ in the Address bar.


Check the Applications And Services Logs\Microsoft\Windows\Eventlog-ForwardingPlugin\Operational event log and verify that the subscription was created successfully. Event ID 100 indicates a new subscription whereas Event ID ______ indicates a subscription has been unsubscribed.


Computers that have no errors and no new software installations are considered stable and can achieve the maximum system stability index of ______.

multiple logs

Custom views are filters that can display events from ______.

5985 and 5986

Event forwarding uses HTTP or HTTPS to send events from a forwarding computer to a collecting computer. Instead of using the standard TCP ports 80 and 443, HTTP and HTTPS use ports ______, respectively.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

Event forwarding uses ______ or ______ to send events from a forwarding computer to a collecting computer.

Attach Task To This Event

Find an example of the event in Event Viewer. Then, right-click the event and click ______. A wizard will guide you through the process.

SCHTASKS /Create /TN EventLog /TR respond.exe /SC ONEVENT /EC System /MO *[System/EventID=177]

For example, to run a file named Respond.exe whenever event 177 is published in the System event log, run the following command:

When A Specific Event Is Logged

In Task Scheduler, click Create Basic Task in the actions pane. On the Trigger page of the wizard, select ______. Then, specify the Log, Source, and Event ID.


In Win Srvr 2008 and Win Srvr 2008 R2, you can also simply select the ______ node in the console tree of Event Viewer to confiture the collecting computer.

System Diagnostics

Logs all the info included in the System Performance Data Collector Set, plus detailed system information. Use the ______ Data Collector Set when troubleshooting reliability problems such as problematic hardware, driver failures, or Stop errors (also known as blue screens).

System Performance

Logs processor, disk, memory, and network performance counters and kernel tracing. Use the ______ Data Collector Set when troubleshooting a slow computer or intermittent performance problems.

Network Monitor

Microsoft provides ______, a powerful protocol analyzer, as a free download.

network adapter

Network Monitor can capture only traffic that the ______ receives.

■ Start A Program ■ Send An E-mail ■ Display A Message

One of the most useful ways to use Task Scheduler is to launch a task in response to a specific event type that appears in Event Viewer. You can respond to events in three ways:

Active Directory Diagnostics

Present only on DCs, the ______ Data Collector Set logs kernel trace data, AD trace data, performance counters, and AD registry configuration.

Wireless Diagnostics

Present only on computers with wireless capabilities, the ______ Data Collector Set logs the same info as the LAN Diagnostics Data Collector Set, plus info relevant to troubleshooting wireless network connections.

winrm get winrm/config

The Minimize Bandwidth and Minimize Latency options of Event Subscriptions, both batch a default number of items at a time. You can determine the value of this default by typing the following command at a command prompt:


The Reliability Monitor displays data gathered by the Reliability Analysis Component (RAC), which is implemented using ______ command.

Windows Logs and Applications And Services Logs.

The log files are contained in two subnodes:

ss, wecutil ss <subscription_name> /cm:custom wecutil ss <subscription_name> /hi:<milliseconds_delay>

The wecutil ______ parameter defines subscription configuration. To specify a custom interval for a subscription, run the following commands: ______.


The wecutil ______ parameter deletes a subscription.


The wecutil ______ parameter displays the status of subscriptions.


The wecutil ______ parameter performs the initial configuration required to collect events. If a subscription already exists, the necessary configuration must have already been performed.


This Windows log contains auditing events that Windows adds when a user accesses or attempts to access a resource that has been configured for auditing.


This Windows log contains core system events. Other system events are contained with Applications And Services Logs.

Forwarded Events

This Windows log contains events forwarded to this computer from other computers.


This Windows log contains events generated by applications.


This Windows log contains events generated while installing and updating Windows.


This captures all traffic on all network interfaces and saves it to a file named Filename.cap. When you are finished capturing, press ______.

NMCap /network * /capture /file filename.cap

To capture network traffic from a command prompt, switch to the Network Monitor installation folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Network Monitor 3 by default) and run the following command:

winrm quickconfig -transport:https

To configure Event Forwarding to use HTTPS, create a Windows Firewall exception for TCP port 5986 and run the following command:

wecutil qc

To configure a computer running Vista, Win 7, Win Srvr 2008, or Win Srvr 2008 R2 to collect events, open a command prompt with administrative privileges. Then, run the following command to configure the Windows Event Collector service:

Right-click Data Collector Sets\User Defined, choose New, and then choose Data Collector Set. The Create New Data Collector Set Wizard appears.

To create a custom Data Collector Set, follow these steps:

Diagnostics\Performance\Monitoring Tools

To open Reliability Monitor, right-click the ______ node in Server Manager and then click View System Reliability.

■ Find an example of the event in Event Viewer. ■ In Task Scheduler, click Create Basic Task in the actions pane. ■ Use the Schtasks command-line tool from a command prompt or a script.

To trigger a task when an event occurs, follow one of these three procedures:


To use a Data Collector Set, right-click it, and then choose ______.

NMCap /network * /capture "DNS" /file filename.cap

To use a filter capture, type the filter capture in quotation marks after the /capture parameter. For example, the following command captures only DNS traffic:

winrm enumerate winrm/config/Listener

To verify that the forwarding computer has the Windows Remote Management listener properly configured, from an elevated command prompt, run the following command:

■ Windows Remote Management ■ Windows Event Collector

Using event forwarding requires you to configure both the forwarding and collecting computers. First, you must start the following services on both the forwarding and collecting computer:

wecutil qc

What command should you run to configure a collecting computer?

winrm quickconfig

What command should you run to configure a forwarding computer?

Custom Views

When you create a custom view, Event Viewer saves it within the ______ node so that you can quickly view the same set of events.

■ Application ■ Security ■ Setup ■ System ■ Forwarded Events

Windows Logs contains five subnodes:

■ Active Directory Diagnostics ■ System Performance ■ System Diagnostics ■ Wireless Diagnostics

Windows Server 2008 R2 includes several built-in Data Collector Sets located at Data Collector Sets\System:

Collector initiated

With ______ subscriptions, the collecting computer contacts the source computers to retrieve events.

Source computer initiated

With ______ subscriptions, the forwarding computers contact the collecting computer.

event forwarding

With ______, you can send events that match specific criteria to an administrative computer, allowing you to centralize event management.

Vista, Win 7, Win Server 2003 R2, Win Server 2008, and Win Server 2008 R2

With event forwarding, only these Windows versions can act as collecting computers:

Win XP SP2, Win Srvr 2003 SP1 or 2, Win Srvr 2003 R2, Vista, Win 7, Win Srvr 2008, and Win Srvr 2008 R2

With event forwarding, only these Windows versions can act as forwarding computers:

NMCap /InputCapture "Capture1.cap" /capture "HTTP" /file "HttpOnlyCapture.cap"

You can also use the /inputcapture parameter of NMCap to process an existing capture file. For example, to read an existing capture file named Capture1.cap and write a new capture file containing only HTTP packets, you would run the following command:

■ Collector initiated ■ Source computer initiated

You can create two types of subscriptions:

Server Manager

You can open Event Viewer from within ______ by selecting the Diagnostics\Event Viewer node.

Data Collector Sets

______ gather system information, including configuration settings and performance data, and store it in a data file.

Performance Monitor

______ graphically shows real-time performance data, including processor utilization, network bandwidth usage, and thousands of other statistics.

Reliability Monitor

______ tracks a computer's stability.

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