Ch. 10 Sound Waves (Finals)

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An increase of __dB makes the loudness of the sound ten times louder.


A 340Hz sound wave travels at 340m/s in air with a wavelength of


Humans can hear until


The range of human hearing is from about


The amplitude of a particular wave is 1m. The top to bottom distance of the disturbance is


If you see a flash of lightening and hear thunder 11 seconds later, your distance from the lightening flash is about

3850 meters

formula for speed

Speed = Distance times Time

What does waves have in common?

They both carry energy

Sound waves can interfere with one another so that no sound results. (True or False)



a point at which lines or pathways intersect or branch; a central or connecting point.

All musical sounds have

a regular wave pattern

Sound cannot travel in

a vacuum

A standing wave occurs when

a wave reflects upon itself

Hearing damage can be caused by exposure to sound levels

above 90dB

The Doppler effect is characteristic of __ waves?

all (water, sound, light)

Some of a wave's energy dissipates as heat. In time, this will reduce the wave's


The vibrations of a transverse wave move in a direction

at right angles to the direction of wave travel

For light, a red shift indicated the light source moves

away from you

The human ear is most sensitive to sounds with frequencies of

between 2000 and 4000

constructive interference

builds the wave

destructive interference

cancels both waves

Wind instruments produce sound by

causing a column of air to vibrate

Sound travels slower in air if the air is



collided wave

As sound waves move through a medium, the particles of the medium are alternately __ and expanded.


As we become older, the frequency range of human hearing


In perceiving its environment, a dolphin makes use of

echoes, the Doppler effect, ultrasound (all of the above)

The __ affects its intensity and amplitude.


A bow wave is produced when a wave source moves

faster than the wave it produces

All waves has a particular


If the compression of one wave arrives at the same time as the rarefaction of another wave, a decrease in __ results.


If the source of a sound is moving away from you, the __ of the waves reaching your ear will decrease.


The pitch of a sound wave depends of its


high pitched sounds have a higher


When a string vibrates along its whole length, the musical tone produced is called its


sound travels slowest through


An observer on the ground hears a sonic boom which is created by an airplane flying at a speed

greater than the speed of sound


highest Hertz humans to hear

In which one of these does sound travel fastest


The vibrations of a longitudinal wave move in a direction

in the same direction

incident waves

incoming waves

As a frequency decreases, the wavelength


As air temperature increases, sound speed


The amount of energy carries by a sound wave determines the __ of the sound.


White reflects


A sound wave is a __ wave


Compressions and rarefaction are characteristics of __ waves?


The sound produced by a long guitar vibrating SLOWLY has a

low pitch


lowest Hertz for humans to hear

An explosion occurs 34km away. Knowing that sounds travels at 340m/s, the time it takes for sound to reach you is

more than 20s

Sound waves travels

much faster than water waves

We are best hearing (infrasonic sound, ultrasonic sound, both, or none?)



number of waves per second

A jet raveling at 1500km/h passes between two observers, A and B, as shown in the figure. In a short time, a sonic boom will be hear by

observers A and B only (not the pilot)

contructive inference

occurs when compressions of different waves concede (meet to intersect).

A sound source of high frequency emits a high


The property of sound that describes the way a sound is hear is a



prolongation of a sound; resonance.

Which doesn't belong to the same family? 1. Infrasonic 2. ultrasonic 3. radio waves 4. shock waves 5. longitudinal waves

radio waves

Caruso is said to have made a crystal chandelier shatter with his wave. This demonstrates


The vibration of a violin at the same frequency as the vibration of the violin strings is an example of


An echo is an example of __.


You dip your finger repeatedly into water and make waves. If you dip your finger more frequently, the wavelength of the waves


Reverberation is a phenomenon you would most likely hear if you sing in the


sound travels faster in a


Sound travels faster in

solid (steel)

Which of the following is not a transverse wave?


An object traveling at the speed of sound creates a

sound barrier (not a sonic boom because that only happens once you travel faster than the speed of sound)

Music is created by using specific pitches, __, and a regular pattern.

sound quality

Sound doesn't travel through


The frequency of sound waves depends on the

speed of vibration

An aircraft that flies faster than the speed of sound is said to be


The apparent change in pitch of the sound of an automobile horn as a car passes you is an example of

the Doppler Effect

In a longitudinal wave, the compressions and rarefactions travel in

the same direction

A Doppler effect occurs when a source of sound moves

toward and away from you

The __ of the sound wave is affected by the temperature of the medium it passes through.


If the frequency of a wave decreases and its wavelength remains the same, the __ of the wave will decrease.

velocity (because the smaller the frequency the smaller the velocity: wavelength=velocity/frequency)

The source of all sounds is something that is


The source of all wave motion is a

vibrating object

Sound travels faster in air if the air is



wave bending

formula for wavelength

wavelength= velocity/frequency

Write out the equation for wavelength



when light waves are reflected


when molecules are close

standing wave

when waves with the same wavelength and frequency moves in opposite directions meet, they combine.

Black light absorbs

white light

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